## ## Copyright (c) 2006-2014 Red Hat, Inc. ## This file is part of GlusterFS. ## ## This file is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser ## General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3 or ## later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2), in all ## cases as published by the Free Software Foundation. ## import sys from ctypes import * dl = CDLL("",RTLD_GLOBAL) class call_frame_t (Structure): pass class dev_t (Structure): pass class dict_t (Structure): pass class gf_dirent_t (Structure): pass class iobref_t (Structure): pass class iovec_t (Structure): pass class list_head (Structure): pass list_head._fields_ = [ ("next", POINTER(list_head)), ("prev", POINTER(list_head)) ] class rwxperm_t (Structure): _fields_ = [ ("read", c_uint8, 1), ("write", c_uint8, 1), ("execn", c_uint8, 1) ] class statvfs_t (Structure): pass class xlator_t (Structure): pass class ia_prot_t (Structure): _fields_ = [ ("suid", c_uint8, 1), ("sgid", c_uint8, 1), ("sticky", c_uint8, 1), ("owner", rwxperm_t), ("group", rwxperm_t), ("other", rwxperm_t) ] # For checking file type. (IA_INVAL, IA_IFREG, IA_IFDIR, IA_IFLNK, IA_IFBLK, IA_IFCHR, IA_IFIFO, IA_IFSOCK) = xrange(8) class iatt_t (Structure): _fields_ = [ ("ia_no", c_uint64), ("ia_gfid", c_ubyte * 16), ("ia_dev", c_uint64), ("ia_type", c_uint), ("ia_prot", ia_prot_t), ("ia_nlink", c_uint32), ("ia_uid", c_uint32), ("ia_gid", c_uint32), ("ia_rdev", c_uint64), ("ia_size", c_uint64), ("ia_blksize", c_uint32), ("ia_blocks", c_uint64), ("ia_atime", c_uint32 ), ("ia_atime_nsec", c_uint32), ("ia_mtime", c_uint32), ("ia_mtime_nsec", c_uint32), ("ia_ctime", c_uint32), ("ia_ctime_nsec", c_uint32) ] class mem_pool (Structure): _fields_ = [ ("list", list_head), ("hot_count", c_int), ("cold_count", c_int), ("lock", c_void_p), ("padded_sizeof_type", c_ulong), ("pool", c_void_p), ("pool_end", c_void_p), ("real_sizeof_type", c_int), ("alloc_count", c_uint64), ("pool_misses", c_uint64), ("max_alloc", c_int), ("curr_stdalloc", c_int), ("max_stdalloc", c_int), ("name", c_char_p), ("global_list", list_head) ] class U_ctx_key_inode (Union): _fields_ = [ ("key", c_uint64), ("xl_key", POINTER(xlator_t)) ] class U_ctx_value1 (Union): _fields_ = [ ("value1", c_uint64), ("ptr1", c_void_p) ] class U_ctx_value2 (Union): _fields_ = [ ("value2", c_uint64), ("ptr2", c_void_p) ] class inode_ctx (Structure): _anonymous_ = ("u_key","u_value1","u_value2",) _fields_ = [ ("u_key", U_ctx_key_inode), ("u_value1", U_ctx_value1), ("u_value2", U_ctx_value2) ] class inode_t (Structure): pass class inode_table_t (Structure): _fields_ = [ ("lock", c_void_p), ("hashsize", c_size_t), ("name", c_char_p), ("root", POINTER(inode_t)), ("xl", POINTER(xlator_t)), ("lru_limit", c_uint32), ("inode_hash", POINTER(list_head)), ("name_hash", POINTER(list_head)), ("active", list_head), ("active_size", c_uint32), ("lru", list_head), ("lru_size", c_uint32), ("purge", list_head), ("purge_size", c_uint32), ("inode_pool", POINTER(mem_pool)), ("dentry_pool", POINTER(mem_pool)), ("fd_mem_pool", POINTER(mem_pool)) ] inode_t._fields_ = [ ("table", POINTER(inode_table_t)), ("gfid", c_ubyte * 16), ("lock", c_void_p), ("nlookup", c_uint64), ("fd_count", c_uint32), ("ref", c_uint32), ("ia_type", c_uint), ("fd_list", list_head), ("dentry_list", list_head), ("hashv", list_head), ("listv", list_head), ("ctx", POINTER(inode_ctx)) ] class U_ctx_key_fd (Union): _fields_ = [ ("key", c_uint64), ("xl_key", c_void_p) ] class fd_lk_ctx (Structure): _fields_ = [ ("lk_list", list_head), ("ref", c_int), ("lock", c_void_p) ] class fd_ctx (Structure): _anonymous_ = ("u_key","u_value1") _fields_ = [ ("u_key", U_ctx_key_fd), ("u_value1", U_ctx_value1) ] class fd_t (Structure): _fields_ = [ ("pid", c_uint64), ("flags", c_int32), ("refcount", c_int32), ("inode_list", list_head), ("inode", POINTER(inode_t)), ("lock", c_void_p), ("ctx", POINTER(fd_ctx)), ("xl_count", c_int), ("lk_ctx", POINTER(fd_lk_ctx)), ("anonymous", c_uint) ] class loc_t (Structure): _fields_ = [ ("path", c_char_p), ("name", c_char_p), ("inode", POINTER(inode_t)), ("parent", POINTER(inode_t)), ("gfid", c_ubyte * 16), ("pargfid", c_ubyte * 16), ] def _init_op (a_class, fop, cbk, wind, unwind): # Decorators, used by translators. We could pass the signatures as # parameters, but it's actually kind of nice to keep them around for # inspection. a_class.fop_type = apply(CFUNCTYPE,a_class.fop_sig) a_class.cbk_type = apply(CFUNCTYPE,a_class.cbk_sig) # Dispatch-function registration. fop.restype = None fop.argtypes = [ c_long, a_class.fop_type ] # Callback-function registration. cbk.restype = None cbk.argtypes = [ c_long, a_class.cbk_type ] # STACK_WIND function. wind.restype = None wind.argtypes = list(a_class.fop_sig[1:]) # STACK_UNWIND function. unwind.restype = None unwind.argtypes = list(a_class.cbk_sig[1:]) class OpLookup: fop_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), POINTER(xlator_t), POINTER(loc_t), POINTER(dict_t)) cbk_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), c_long, POINTER(xlator_t), c_int, c_int, POINTER(inode_t), POINTER(iatt_t), POINTER(dict_t), POINTER(iatt_t)) _init_op (OpLookup, dl.set_lookup_fop, dl.set_lookup_cbk, dl.wind_lookup, dl.unwind_lookup) class OpCreate: fop_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), POINTER(xlator_t), POINTER(loc_t), c_int, c_uint, c_uint, POINTER(fd_t), POINTER(dict_t)) cbk_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), c_long, POINTER(xlator_t), c_int, c_int, POINTER(fd_t), POINTER(inode_t), POINTER(iatt_t), POINTER(iatt_t), POINTER(iatt_t), POINTER(dict_t)) _init_op (OpCreate, dl.set_create_fop, dl.set_create_cbk, dl.wind_create, dl.unwind_create) class OpOpen: fop_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), POINTER(xlator_t), POINTER(loc_t), c_int, POINTER(fd_t), POINTER(dict_t)) cbk_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), c_long, POINTER(xlator_t), c_int, c_int, POINTER(fd_t), POINTER(dict_t)) _init_op (OpOpen, dl.set_open_fop, dl.set_open_cbk, dl.wind_open, dl.unwind_open) class OpReadv: fop_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), POINTER(xlator_t), POINTER(fd_t), c_size_t, c_long, c_uint32, POINTER(dict_t)) cbk_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), c_long, POINTER(xlator_t), c_int, c_int, POINTER(iovec_t), c_int, POINTER(iatt_t), POINTER(iobref_t), POINTER(dict_t)) _init_op (OpReadv, dl.set_readv_fop, dl.set_readv_cbk, dl.wind_readv, dl.unwind_readv) class OpWritev: fop_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), POINTER(xlator_t), POINTER(fd_t), POINTER(iovec_t), c_int, c_long, c_uint32, POINTER(iobref_t), POINTER(dict_t)) cbk_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), c_long, POINTER(xlator_t), c_int, c_int, POINTER(iatt_t), POINTER(iatt_t), POINTER(dict_t)) _init_op (OpWritev, dl.set_writev_fop, dl.set_writev_cbk, dl.wind_writev, dl.unwind_writev) class OpOpendir: fop_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), POINTER(xlator_t), POINTER(loc_t), POINTER(fd_t) ,POINTER(dict_t)) cbk_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), c_long, POINTER(xlator_t), c_int, c_int, POINTER(fd_t), POINTER(dict_t)) _init_op (OpOpendir, dl.set_opendir_fop, dl.set_opendir_cbk, dl.wind_opendir, dl.unwind_opendir) class OpReaddir: fop_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), POINTER(xlator_t), POINTER(fd_t), c_size_t, c_long, POINTER(dict_t)) cbk_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), c_long, POINTER(xlator_t), c_int, c_int, POINTER(gf_dirent_t), POINTER(dict_t)) _init_op (OpReaddir, dl.set_readdir_fop, dl.set_readdir_cbk, dl.wind_readdir, dl.unwind_readdir) class OpReaddirp: fop_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), POINTER(xlator_t), POINTER(fd_t), c_size_t, c_long, POINTER(dict_t)) cbk_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), c_long, POINTER(xlator_t), c_int, c_int, POINTER(gf_dirent_t), POINTER(dict_t)) _init_op (OpReaddirp, dl.set_readdirp_fop, dl.set_readdirp_cbk, dl.wind_readdirp, dl.unwind_readdirp) class OpStat: fop_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), POINTER(xlator_t), POINTER(loc_t), POINTER(dict_t)) cbk_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), c_long, POINTER(xlator_t), c_int, c_int, POINTER(iatt_t), POINTER(dict_t)) _init_op (OpStat, dl.set_stat_fop, dl.set_stat_cbk, dl.wind_stat, dl.unwind_stat) class OpFstat: fop_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), POINTER(xlator_t), POINTER(fd_t), POINTER(dict_t)) cbk_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), c_long, POINTER(xlator_t), c_int, c_int, POINTER(iatt_t), POINTER(dict_t)) _init_op (OpFstat, dl.set_fstat_fop, dl.set_fstat_cbk, dl.wind_fstat, dl.unwind_fstat) class OpStatfs: fop_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), POINTER(xlator_t), POINTER(loc_t), POINTER(dict_t)) cbk_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), c_long, POINTER(xlator_t), c_int, c_int, POINTER(statvfs_t), POINTER(dict_t)) _init_op (OpStatfs, dl.set_statfs_fop, dl.set_statfs_cbk, dl.wind_statfs, dl.unwind_statfs) class OpSetxattr: fop_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), POINTER(xlator_t), POINTER(loc_t), POINTER(dict_t), c_int32, POINTER (dict_t)) cbk_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), c_long, POINTER(xlator_t), c_int, c_int, POINTER(dict_t)) _init_op (OpSetxattr, dl.set_setxattr_fop, dl.set_setxattr_cbk, dl.wind_setxattr, dl.unwind_setxattr) class OpGetxattr: fop_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), POINTER(xlator_t), POINTER(loc_t), c_char_p, POINTER (dict_t)) cbk_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), c_long, POINTER(xlator_t), c_int, c_int, POINTER(dict_t), POINTER(dict_t)) _init_op (OpGetxattr, dl.set_getxattr_fop, dl.set_getxattr_cbk, dl.wind_getxattr, dl.unwind_getxattr) class OpFsetxattr: fop_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), POINTER(xlator_t), POINTER(fd_t), POINTER(dict_t), c_int32, POINTER (dict_t)) cbk_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), c_long, POINTER(xlator_t), c_int, c_int, POINTER(dict_t)) _init_op (OpFsetxattr, dl.set_fsetxattr_fop, dl.set_fsetxattr_cbk, dl.wind_fsetxattr, dl.unwind_fsetxattr) class OpFgetxattr: fop_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), POINTER(xlator_t), POINTER(fd_t), c_char_p, POINTER (dict_t)) cbk_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), c_long, POINTER(xlator_t), c_int, c_int, POINTER(dict_t), POINTER(dict_t)) _init_op (OpFgetxattr, dl.set_fgetxattr_fop, dl.set_fgetxattr_cbk, dl.wind_fgetxattr, dl.unwind_fgetxattr) class OpRemovexattr: fop_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), POINTER(xlator_t), POINTER(loc_t), c_char_p, POINTER(dict_t)) cbk_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), c_long, POINTER(xlator_t), c_int, c_int, POINTER(dict_t)) _init_op (OpRemovexattr, dl.set_removexattr_fop, dl.set_removexattr_cbk, dl.wind_removexattr, dl.unwind_removexattr) class OpFremovexattr: fop_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), POINTER(xlator_t), POINTER(fd_t), c_char_p, POINTER(dict_t)) cbk_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), c_long, POINTER(xlator_t), c_int, c_int, POINTER(dict_t)) _init_op (OpFremovexattr, dl.set_fremovexattr_fop, dl.set_fremovexattr_cbk, dl.wind_fremovexattr, dl.unwind_fremovexattr) class OpLink: fop_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), POINTER(xlator_t), POINTER(loc_t), POINTER(loc_t), POINTER(dict_t)) cbk_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), c_long, POINTER(xlator_t), c_int, c_int, POINTER(inode_t), POINTER(iatt_t), POINTER(iatt_t), POINTER(iatt_t), POINTER(dict_t)) _init_op (OpLink, dl.set_link_fop, dl.set_link_cbk, dl.wind_link, dl.unwind_link) class OpSymlink: fop_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), POINTER(xlator_t), c_char_p, POINTER(loc_t), c_uint, POINTER(dict_t)) cbk_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), c_long, POINTER(xlator_t), c_int, c_int, POINTER(inode_t), POINTER(iatt_t), POINTER(iatt_t), POINTER(iatt_t), POINTER(dict_t)) _init_op (OpSymlink, dl.set_symlink_fop, dl.set_symlink_cbk, dl.wind_symlink, dl.unwind_symlink) class OpUnlink: fop_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), POINTER(xlator_t), POINTER(loc_t), c_int, POINTER(dict_t)) cbk_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), c_long, POINTER(xlator_t), c_int, c_int, POINTER(iatt_t), POINTER(iatt_t), POINTER(dict_t)) _init_op (OpUnlink, dl.set_unlink_fop, dl.set_unlink_cbk, dl.wind_unlink, dl.unwind_unlink) class OpReadlink: fop_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), POINTER(xlator_t), POINTER(loc_t), c_size_t, POINTER(dict_t)) cbk_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), c_long, POINTER(xlator_t), c_int, c_int, c_char_p, POINTER(iatt_t), POINTER(dict_t)) _init_op (OpReadlink, dl.set_readlink_fop, dl.set_readlink_cbk, dl.wind_readlink, dl.unwind_readlink) class OpMkdir: fop_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), POINTER(xlator_t), POINTER(loc_t), c_uint, c_uint, POINTER(dict_t)) cbk_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), c_long, POINTER(xlator_t), c_int, c_int, POINTER(inode_t), POINTER(iatt_t), POINTER(iatt_t), POINTER(iatt_t), POINTER(dict_t)) _init_op (OpMkdir, dl.set_mkdir_fop, dl.set_mkdir_cbk, dl.wind_mkdir, dl.unwind_mkdir) class OpRmdir: fop_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), POINTER(xlator_t), POINTER(loc_t), c_int, POINTER(dict_t)) cbk_sig = (c_int, POINTER(call_frame_t), c_long, POINTER(xlator_t), c_int, c_int, POINTER(iatt_t), POINTER(iatt_t), POINTER(dict_t)) _init_op (OpRmdir, dl.set_rmdir_fop, dl.set_rmdir_cbk, dl.wind_rmdir, dl.unwind_rmdir) class Translator: def __init__ (self, c_this): # This is only here to keep references to the stubs we create, # because ctypes doesn't and glupy.so can't because it doesn't # get a pointer to the actual Python object. It's a dictionary # instead of a list in case we ever allow changing fops/cbks # after initialization and need to look them up. self.stub_refs = {} funcs = dir(self.__class__) if "lookup_fop" in funcs: @OpLookup.fop_type def stub (frame, this, loc, xdata, s=self): return s.lookup_fop (frame, this, loc, xdata) self.stub_refs["lookup_fop"] = stub dl.set_lookup_fop(c_this,stub) if "lookup_cbk" in funcs: @OpLookup.cbk_type def stub (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, inode, buf, xdata, postparent, s=self): return s.lookup_cbk(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, inode, buf, xdata, postparent) self.stub_refs["lookup_cbk"] = stub dl.set_lookup_cbk(c_this,stub) if "create_fop" in funcs: @OpCreate.fop_type def stub (frame, this, loc, flags, mode, umask, fd, xdata, s=self): return s.create_fop (frame, this, loc, flags, mode, umask, fd, xdata) self.stub_refs["create_fop"] = stub dl.set_create_fop(c_this,stub) if "create_cbk" in funcs: @OpCreate.cbk_type def stub (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, fd, inode, buf, preparent, postparent, xdata, s=self): return s.create_cbk (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, fd, inode, buf, preparent, postparent, xdata) self.stub_refs["create_cbk"] = stub dl.set_create_cbk(c_this,stub) if "open_fop" in funcs: @OpOpen.fop_type def stub (frame, this, loc, flags, fd, xdata, s=self): return s.open_fop (frame, this, loc, flags, fd, xdata) self.stub_refs["open_fop"] = stub dl.set_open_fop(c_this,stub) if "open_cbk" in funcs: @OpOpen.cbk_type def stub (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, fd, xdata, s=self): return s.open_cbk (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, fd, xdata) self.stub_refs["open_cbk"] = stub dl.set_open_cbk(c_this,stub) if "readv_fop" in funcs: @OpReadv.fop_type def stub (frame, this, fd, size, offset, flags, xdata, s=self): return s.readv_fop (frame, this, fd, size, offset, flags, xdata) self.stub_refs["readv_fop"] = stub dl.set_readv_fop(c_this,stub) if "readv_cbk" in funcs: @OpReadv.cbk_type def stub (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, vector, count, stbuf, iobref, xdata, s=self): return s.readv_cbk (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, vector, count, stbuf, iobref, xdata) self.stub_refs["readv_cbk"] = stub dl.set_readv_cbk(c_this,stub) if "writev_fop" in funcs: @OpWritev.fop_type def stub (frame, this, fd, vector, count, offset, flags, iobref, xdata, s=self): return s.writev_fop (frame, this, fd, vector, count, offset, flags, iobref, xdata) self.stub_refs["writev_fop"] = stub dl.set_writev_fop(c_this,stub) if "writev_cbk" in funcs: @OpWritev.cbk_type def stub (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, prebuf, postbuf, xdata, s=self): return s.writev_cbk (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, prebuf, postbuf, xdata) self.stub_refs["writev_cbk"] = stub dl.set_writev_cbk(c_this,stub) if "opendir_fop" in funcs: @OpOpendir.fop_type def stub (frame, this, loc, fd, xdata, s=self): return s.opendir_fop (frame, this, loc, fd, xdata) self.stub_refs["opendir_fop"] = stub dl.set_opendir_fop(c_this,stub) if "opendir_cbk" in funcs: @OpOpendir.cbk_type def stub (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, fd, xdata, s=self): return s.opendir_cbk(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, fd, xdata) self.stub_refs["opendir_cbk"] = stub dl.set_opendir_cbk(c_this,stub) if "readdir_fop" in funcs: @OpReaddir.fop_type def stub (frame, this, fd, size, offset, xdata, s=self): return s.readdir_fop (frame, this, fd, size, offset, xdata) self.stub_refs["readdir_fop"] = stub dl.set_readdir_fop(c_this,stub) if "readdir_cbk" in funcs: @OpReaddir.cbk_type def stub (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, entries, xdata, s=self): return s.readdir_cbk(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, entries, xdata) self.stub_refs["readdir_cbk"] = stub dl.set_readdir_cbk(c_this,stub) if "readdirp_fop" in funcs: @OpReaddirp.fop_type def stub (frame, this, fd, size, offset, xdata, s=self): return s.readdirp_fop (frame, this, fd, size, offset, xdata) self.stub_refs["readdirp_fop"] = stub dl.set_readdirp_fop(c_this,stub) if "readdirp_cbk" in funcs: @OpReaddirp.cbk_type def stub (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, entries, xdata, s=self): return s.readdirp_cbk (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, entries, xdata) self.stub_refs["readdirp_cbk"] = stub dl.set_readdirp_cbk(c_this,stub) if "stat_fop" in funcs: @OpStat.fop_type def stub (frame, this, loc, xdata, s=self): return s.stat_fop (frame, this, loc, xdata) self.stub_refs["stat_fop"] = stub dl.set_stat_fop(c_this,stub) if "stat_cbk" in funcs: @OpStat.cbk_type def stub (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, buf, xdata, s=self): return s.stat_cbk(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, buf, xdata) self.stub_refs["stat_cbk"] = stub dl.set_stat_cbk(c_this,stub) if "fstat_fop" in funcs: @OpFstat.fop_type def stub (frame, this, fd, xdata, s=self): return s.fstat_fop (frame, this, fd, xdata) self.stub_refs["fstat_fop"] = stub dl.set_fstat_fop(c_this,stub) if "fstat_cbk" in funcs: @OpFstat.cbk_type def stub (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, buf, xdata, s=self): return s.fstat_cbk(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, buf, xdata) self.stub_refs["fstat_cbk"] = stub dl.set_fstat_cbk(c_this,stub) if "statfs_fop" in funcs: @OpStatfs.fop_type def stub (frame, this, loc, xdata, s=self): return s.statfs_fop (frame, this, loc, xdata) self.stub_refs["statfs_fop"] = stub dl.set_statfs_fop(c_this,stub) if "statfs_cbk" in funcs: @OpStatfs.cbk_type def stub (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, buf, xdata, s=self): return s.statfs_cbk (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, buf, xdata) self.stub_refs["statfs_cbk"] = stub dl.set_statfs_cbk(c_this,stub) if "setxattr_fop" in funcs: @OpSetxattr.fop_type def stub (frame, this, loc, dictionary, flags, xdata, s=self): return s.setxattr_fop (frame, this, loc, dictionary, flags, xdata) self.stub_refs["setxattr_fop"] = stub dl.set_setxattr_fop(c_this,stub) if "setxattr_cbk" in funcs: @OpSetxattr.cbk_type def stub (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, xdata, s=self): return s.setxattr_cbk(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, xdata) self.stub_refs["setxattr_cbk"] = stub dl.set_setxattr_cbk(c_this,stub) if "getxattr_fop" in funcs: @OpGetxattr.fop_type def stub (frame, this, loc, name, xdata, s=self): return s.getxattr_fop (frame, this, loc, name, xdata) self.stub_refs["getxattr_fop"] = stub dl.set_getxattr_fop(c_this,stub) if "getxattr_cbk" in funcs: @OpGetxattr.cbk_type def stub (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, dictionary, xdata, s=self): return s.getxattr_cbk(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, dictionary, xdata) self.stub_refs["getxattr_cbk"] = stub dl.set_getxattr_cbk(c_this,stub) if "fsetxattr_fop" in funcs: @OpFsetxattr.fop_type def stub (frame, this, fd, dictionary, flags, xdata, s=self): return s.fsetxattr_fop (frame, this, fd, dictionary, flags, xdata) self.stub_refs["fsetxattr_fop"] = stub dl.set_fsetxattr_fop(c_this,stub) if "fsetxattr_cbk" in funcs: @OpFsetxattr.cbk_type def stub (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, xdata, s=self): return s.fsetxattr_cbk(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, xdata) self.stub_refs["fsetxattr_cbk"] = stub dl.set_fsetxattr_cbk(c_this,stub) if "fgetxattr_fop" in funcs: @OpFgetxattr.fop_type def stub (frame, this, fd, name, xdata, s=self): return s.fgetxattr_fop (frame, this, fd, name, xdata) self.stub_refs["fgetxattr_fop"] = stub dl.set_fgetxattr_fop(c_this,stub) if "fgetxattr_cbk" in funcs: @OpFgetxattr.cbk_type def stub (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, dictionary, xdata, s=self): return s.fgetxattr_cbk(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, dictionary, xdata) self.stub_refs["fgetxattr_cbk"] = stub dl.set_fgetxattr_cbk(c_this,stub) if "removexattr_fop" in funcs: @OpRemovexattr.fop_type def stub (frame, this, loc, name, xdata, s=self): return s.removexattr_fop (frame, this, loc, name, xdata) self.stub_refs["removexattr_fop"] = stub dl.set_removexattr_fop(c_this,stub) if "removexattr_cbk" in funcs: @OpRemovexattr.cbk_type def stub (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, xdata, s=self): return s.removexattr_cbk(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, xdata) self.stub_refs["removexattr_cbk"] = stub dl.set_removexattr_cbk(c_this,stub) if "fremovexattr_fop" in funcs: @OpFremovexattr.fop_type def stub (frame, this, fd, name, xdata, s=self): return s.fremovexattr_fop (frame, this, fd, name, xdata) self.stub_refs["fremovexattr_fop"] = stub dl.set_fremovexattr_fop(c_this,stub) if "fremovexattr_cbk" in funcs: @OpFremovexattr.cbk_type def stub (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, xdata, s=self): return s.fremovexattr_cbk(frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, xdata) self.stub_refs["fremovexattr_cbk"] = stub dl.set_fremovexattr_cbk(c_this,stub) if "link_fop" in funcs: @OpLink.fop_type def stub (frame, this, oldloc, newloc, xdata, s=self): return s.link_fop (frame, this, oldloc, newloc, xdata) self.stub_refs["link_fop"] = stub dl.set_link_fop(c_this,stub) if "link_cbk" in funcs: @OpLink.cbk_type def stub (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, inode, buf, preparent, postparent, xdata, s=self): return s.link_cbk (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, inode, buf, preparent, postparent, xdata) self.stub_refs["link_cbk"] = stub dl.set_link_cbk(c_this,stub) if "symlink_fop" in funcs: @OpSymlink.fop_type def stub (frame, this, linkname, loc, umask, xdata, s=self): return s.symlink_fop (frame, this, linkname, loc, umask, xdata) self.stub_refs["symlink_fop"] = stub dl.set_symlink_fop(c_this,stub) if "symlink_cbk" in funcs: @OpSymlink.cbk_type def stub (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, inode, buf, preparent, postparent, xdata, s=self): return s.symlink_cbk (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, inode, buf, preparent, postparent, xdata) self.stub_refs["symlink_cbk"] = stub dl.set_symlink_cbk(c_this,stub) if "unlink_fop" in funcs: @OpUnlink.fop_type def stub (frame, this, loc, xflags, xdata, s=self): return s.unlink_fop (frame, this, loc, xflags, xdata) self.stub_refs["unlink_fop"] = stub dl.set_unlink_fop(c_this,stub) if "unlink_cbk" in funcs: @OpUnlink.cbk_type def stub (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, preparent, postparent, xdata, s=self): return s.unlink_cbk (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, preparent, postparent, xdata) self.stub_refs["unlink_cbk"] = stub dl.set_unlink_cbk(c_this,stub) if "readlink_fop" in funcs: @OpReadlink.fop_type def stub (frame, this, loc, size, xdata, s=self): return s.readlink_fop (frame, this, loc, size, xdata) self.stub_refs["readlink_fop"] = stub dl.set_readlink_fop(c_this,stub) if "readlink_cbk" in funcs: @OpReadlink.cbk_type def stub (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, path, buf, xdata, s=self): return s.readlink_cbk (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, path, buf, xdata) self.stub_refs["readlink_cbk"] = stub dl.set_readlink_cbk(c_this,stub) if "mkdir_fop" in funcs: @OpMkdir.fop_type def stub (frame, this, loc, mode, umask, xdata, s=self): return s.mkdir_fop (frame, this, loc, mode, umask, xdata) self.stub_refs["mkdir_fop"] = stub dl.set_mkdir_fop(c_this,stub) if "mkdir_cbk" in funcs: @OpMkdir.cbk_type def stub (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, inode, buf, preparent, postparent, xdata, s=self): return s.mkdir_cbk (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, inode, buf, preparent, postparent, xdata) self.stub_refs["mkdir_cbk"] = stub dl.set_mkdir_cbk(c_this,stub) if "rmdir_fop" in funcs: @OpRmdir.fop_type def stub (frame, this, loc, xflags, xdata, s=self): return s.rmdir_fop (frame, this, loc, xflags, xdata) self.stub_refs["rmdir_fop"] = stub dl.set_rmdir_fop(c_this,stub) if "rmdir_cbk" in funcs: @OpRmdir.cbk_type def stub (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, preparent, postparent, xdata, s=self): return s.rmdir_cbk (frame, cookie, this, op_ret, op_errno, preparent, postparent, xdata) self.stub_refs["rmdir_cbk"] = stub dl.set_rmdir_cbk(c_this,stub)