/* Copyright (c) 2006-2012 Red Hat, Inc. This file is part of GlusterFS. This file is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3 or later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2), in all cases as published by the Free Software Foundation. */ #ifndef _CONFIG_H #define _CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include "globals.h" #include "glusterfs.h" #include "compat.h" #include "dict.h" #include "xlator.h" #include "logging.h" #include "timer.h" #include "defaults.h" #include "compat.h" #include "run.h" #include "compat-errno.h" #include "statedump.h" #include "syscall.h" #include "glusterd-mem-types.h" #include "glusterd.h" #include "glusterd-op-sm.h" #include "glusterd-sm.h" #include "glusterd-utils.h" #include "glusterd-store.h" #include "glusterd-volgen.h" #include "glusterd-pmap.h" #include "xdr-generic.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef GF_LINUX_HOST_OS #include #endif #ifdef GF_SOLARIS_HOST_OS #include #endif #define NFS_PROGRAM 100003 #define NFSV3_VERSION 3 #define MOUNT_PROGRAM 100005 #define MOUNTV3_VERSION 3 #define MOUNTV1_VERSION 1 #define NLM_PROGRAM 100021 #define NLMV4_VERSION 4 #define NLMV1_VERSION 1 #define CEILING_POS(X) (((X)-(int)(X)) > 0 ? (int)((X)+1) : (int)(X)) static glusterd_lock_t lock; static void md5_wrapper(const unsigned char *data, size_t len, char *md5) { unsigned short i = 0; unsigned short lim = MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH*2+1; unsigned char scratch[MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH] = {0,}; MD5(data, len, scratch); for (; i < MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH; i++) snprintf(md5 + i * 2, lim-i*2, "%02x", scratch[i]); } int32_t glusterd_get_lock_owner (uuid_t *uuid) { uuid_copy (*uuid, lock.owner) ; return 0; } static int32_t glusterd_set_lock_owner (uuid_t owner) { uuid_copy (lock.owner, owner); //TODO: set timestamp return 0; } static int32_t glusterd_unset_lock_owner (uuid_t owner) { uuid_clear (lock.owner); //TODO: set timestamp return 0; } gf_boolean_t glusterd_is_fuse_available () { int fd = 0; fd = open ("/dev/fuse", O_RDWR); if (fd > -1 && !close (fd)) return _gf_true; else return _gf_false; } gf_boolean_t glusterd_is_loopback_localhost (const struct sockaddr *sa, char *hostname) { GF_ASSERT (sa); gf_boolean_t is_local = _gf_false; const struct in_addr *addr4 = NULL; const struct in6_addr *addr6 = NULL; uint8_t *ap = NULL; struct in6_addr loopbackaddr6 = IN6ADDR_LOOPBACK_INIT; switch (sa->sa_family) { case AF_INET: addr4 = &(((struct sockaddr_in *)sa)->sin_addr); ap = (uint8_t*)&addr4->s_addr; if (ap[0] == 127) is_local = _gf_true; break; case AF_INET6: addr6 = &(((struct sockaddr_in6 *)sa)->sin6_addr); if (memcmp (addr6, &loopbackaddr6, sizeof (loopbackaddr6)) == 0) is_local = _gf_true; break; default: if (hostname) gf_log ("glusterd", GF_LOG_ERROR, "unknown address family %d for %s", sa->sa_family, hostname); break; } return is_local; } char * get_ip_from_addrinfo (struct addrinfo *addr, char **ip) { char buf[64]; void *in_addr = NULL; struct sockaddr_in *s4 = NULL; struct sockaddr_in6 *s6 = NULL; switch (addr->ai_family) { case AF_INET: s4 = (struct sockaddr_in *)addr->ai_addr; in_addr = &s4->sin_addr; break; case AF_INET6: s6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)addr->ai_addr; in_addr = &s6->sin6_addr; break; default: gf_log ("glusterd", GF_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid family"); return NULL; } if (!inet_ntop(addr->ai_family, in_addr, buf, sizeof(buf))) { gf_log ("glusterd", GF_LOG_ERROR, "String conversion failed"); return NULL; } *ip = strdup (buf); return *ip; } gf_boolean_t glusterd_interface_search (char *ip) { int32_t ret = -1; gf_boolean_t found = _gf_false; struct ifaddrs *ifaddr, *ifa; int family; char host[NI_MAXHOST]; xlator_t *this = NULL; char *pct = NULL; this = THIS; ret = getifaddrs (&ifaddr); if (ret != 0) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "getifaddrs() failed: %s\n", gai_strerror(ret)); goto out; } for (ifa = ifaddr; ifa != NULL; ifa = ifa->ifa_next) { if (!ifa->ifa_addr) { /* * This seemingly happens if an interface hasn't * been bound to a particular protocol (seen with * TUN devices). */ continue; } family = ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family; if (family != AF_INET && family != AF_INET6) continue; ret = getnameinfo (ifa->ifa_addr, (family == AF_INET) ? sizeof(struct sockaddr_in) : sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6), host, NI_MAXHOST, NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST); if (ret != 0) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "getnameinfo() failed: %s\n", gai_strerror(ret)); goto out; } /* * Sometimes the address comes back as addr%eth0 or * similar. Since % is an invalid character, we can * strip it out with confidence that doing so won't * harm anything. */ pct = index(host,'%'); if (pct) { *pct = '\0'; } if (strncmp (ip, host, NI_MAXHOST) == 0) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_DEBUG, "%s is local address at interface %s", ip, ifa->ifa_name); found = _gf_true; goto out; } } out: if(ifaddr) freeifaddrs (ifaddr); return found; } gf_boolean_t glusterd_is_local_addr (char *hostname) { int32_t ret = -1; struct addrinfo *result = NULL; struct addrinfo *res = NULL; gf_boolean_t found = _gf_false; char *ip = NULL; xlator_t *this = NULL; this = THIS; ret = getaddrinfo (hostname, NULL, NULL, &result); if (ret != 0) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "error in getaddrinfo: %s\n", gai_strerror(ret)); goto out; } for (res = result; res != NULL; res = res->ai_next) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_DEBUG, "%s ", get_ip_from_addrinfo (res, &ip)); found = glusterd_is_loopback_localhost (res->ai_addr, hostname) || glusterd_interface_search (ip); if (found) goto out; } out: if (result) freeaddrinfo (result); if (!found) gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_DEBUG, "%s is not local", hostname); return found; } int32_t glusterd_lock (uuid_t uuid) { uuid_t owner; char new_owner_str[50]; char owner_str[50]; int ret = -1; xlator_t *this = NULL; this = THIS; GF_ASSERT (this); GF_ASSERT (uuid); glusterd_get_lock_owner (&owner); if (!uuid_is_null (owner)) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to get lock" " for uuid: %s, lock held by: %s", uuid_utoa_r (uuid, new_owner_str), uuid_utoa_r (owner, owner_str)); goto out; } ret = glusterd_set_lock_owner (uuid); if (!ret) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Cluster lock held by" " %s", uuid_utoa (uuid)); } out: return ret; } int32_t glusterd_unlock (uuid_t uuid) { uuid_t owner; char new_owner_str[50]; char owner_str[50]; int32_t ret = -1; xlator_t *this = NULL; this = THIS; GF_ASSERT (this); GF_ASSERT (uuid); glusterd_get_lock_owner (&owner); if (uuid_is_null (owner)) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "Cluster lock not held!"); goto out; } ret = uuid_compare (uuid, owner); if (ret) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "Cluster lock held by %s ," "unlock req from %s!", uuid_utoa_r (owner ,owner_str) , uuid_utoa_r (uuid, new_owner_str)); goto out; } ret = glusterd_unset_lock_owner (uuid); if (ret) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to clear cluster " "lock"); goto out; } ret = 0; out: return ret; } int glusterd_get_uuid (uuid_t *uuid) { glusterd_conf_t *priv = NULL; priv = THIS->private; GF_ASSERT (priv); uuid_copy (*uuid, MY_UUID); return 0; } int glusterd_submit_request (struct rpc_clnt *rpc, void *req, call_frame_t *frame, rpc_clnt_prog_t *prog, int procnum, struct iobref *iobref, xlator_t *this, fop_cbk_fn_t cbkfn, xdrproc_t xdrproc) { int ret = -1; struct iobuf *iobuf = NULL; int count = 0; char new_iobref = 0, start_ping = 0; struct iovec iov = {0, }; ssize_t req_size = 0; GF_ASSERT (rpc); GF_ASSERT (this); if (req) { req_size = xdr_sizeof (xdrproc, req); iobuf = iobuf_get2 (this->ctx->iobuf_pool, req_size); if (!iobuf) { goto out; }; if (!iobref) { iobref = iobref_new (); if (!iobref) { goto out; } new_iobref = 1; } iobref_add (iobref, iobuf); iov.iov_base = iobuf->ptr; iov.iov_len = iobuf_pagesize (iobuf); /* Create the xdr payload */ ret = xdr_serialize_generic (iov, req, xdrproc); if (ret == -1) { goto out; } iov.iov_len = ret; count = 1; } /* Send the msg */ ret = rpc_clnt_submit (rpc, prog, procnum, cbkfn, &iov, count, NULL, 0, iobref, frame, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL); if (ret == 0) { pthread_mutex_lock (&rpc->conn.lock); { if (!rpc->conn.ping_started) { start_ping = 1; } } pthread_mutex_unlock (&rpc->conn.lock); } if (start_ping) //client_start_ping ((void *) this); ret = 0; out: if (new_iobref) { iobref_unref (iobref); } iobuf_unref (iobuf); return ret; } struct iobuf * glusterd_serialize_reply (rpcsvc_request_t *req, void *arg, struct iovec *outmsg, xdrproc_t xdrproc) { struct iobuf *iob = NULL; ssize_t retlen = -1; ssize_t rsp_size = 0; /* First, get the io buffer into which the reply in arg will * be serialized. */ rsp_size = xdr_sizeof (xdrproc, arg); iob = iobuf_get2 (req->svc->ctx->iobuf_pool, rsp_size); if (!iob) { gf_log ("", GF_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get iobuf"); goto ret; } iobuf_to_iovec (iob, outmsg); /* Use the given serializer to translate the give C structure in arg * to XDR format which will be written into the buffer in outmsg. */ /* retlen is used to received the error since size_t is unsigned and we * need -1 for error notification during encoding. */ retlen = xdr_serialize_generic (*outmsg, arg, xdrproc); if (retlen == -1) { gf_log ("", GF_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to encode message"); goto ret; } outmsg->iov_len = retlen; ret: if (retlen == -1) { iobuf_unref (iob); iob = NULL; } return iob; } int glusterd_submit_reply (rpcsvc_request_t *req, void *arg, struct iovec *payload, int payloadcount, struct iobref *iobref, xdrproc_t xdrproc) { struct iobuf *iob = NULL; int ret = -1; struct iovec rsp = {0,}; char new_iobref = 0; if (!req) { GF_ASSERT (req); goto out; } if (!iobref) { iobref = iobref_new (); if (!iobref) { gf_log ("", GF_LOG_ERROR, "out of memory"); goto out; } new_iobref = 1; } iob = glusterd_serialize_reply (req, arg, &rsp, xdrproc); if (!iob) { gf_log ("", GF_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to serialize reply"); } else { iobref_add (iobref, iob); } ret = rpcsvc_submit_generic (req, &rsp, 1, payload, payloadcount, iobref); /* Now that we've done our job of handing the message to the RPC layer * we can safely unref the iob in the hope that RPC layer must have * ref'ed the iob on receiving into the txlist. */ if (ret == -1) { gf_log ("", GF_LOG_ERROR, "Reply submission failed"); goto out; } ret = 0; out: if (new_iobref) { iobref_unref (iobref); } if (iob) iobuf_unref (iob); return ret; } gf_boolean_t glusterd_check_volume_exists (char *volname) { char pathname[1024] = {0,}; struct stat stbuf = {0,}; int32_t ret = -1; glusterd_conf_t *priv = NULL; priv = THIS->private; snprintf (pathname, 1024, "%s/vols/%s", priv->workdir, volname); ret = stat (pathname, &stbuf); if (ret) { gf_log ("", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Volume %s does not exist." "stat failed with errno : %d on path: %s", volname, errno, pathname); return _gf_false; } return _gf_true; } int32_t glusterd_volinfo_new (glusterd_volinfo_t **volinfo) { glusterd_volinfo_t *new_volinfo = NULL; int32_t ret = -1; GF_ASSERT (volinfo); new_volinfo = GF_CALLOC (1, sizeof(*new_volinfo), gf_gld_mt_glusterd_volinfo_t); if (!new_volinfo) goto out; INIT_LIST_HEAD (&new_volinfo->vol_list); INIT_LIST_HEAD (&new_volinfo->bricks); new_volinfo->dict = dict_new (); if (!new_volinfo->dict) { GF_FREE (new_volinfo); goto out; } new_volinfo->gsync_slaves = dict_new (); if (!new_volinfo->gsync_slaves) { GF_FREE (new_volinfo); goto out; } new_volinfo->xl = THIS; *volinfo = new_volinfo; ret = 0; out: gf_log ("", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Returning %d", ret); return ret; } void glusterd_auth_cleanup (glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo) { GF_ASSERT (volinfo); GF_FREE (volinfo->auth.username); GF_FREE (volinfo->auth.password); } char * glusterd_auth_get_username (glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo) { GF_ASSERT (volinfo); return volinfo->auth.username; } char * glusterd_auth_get_password (glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo) { GF_ASSERT (volinfo); return volinfo->auth.password; } int32_t glusterd_auth_set_username (glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo, char *username) { GF_ASSERT (volinfo); GF_ASSERT (username); volinfo->auth.username = gf_strdup (username); return 0; } int32_t glusterd_auth_set_password (glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo, char *password) { GF_ASSERT (volinfo); GF_ASSERT (password); volinfo->auth.password = gf_strdup (password); return 0; } int32_t glusterd_brickinfo_delete (glusterd_brickinfo_t *brickinfo) { int32_t ret = -1; GF_ASSERT (brickinfo); list_del_init (&brickinfo->brick_list); GF_FREE (brickinfo->logfile); GF_FREE (brickinfo); ret = 0; return ret; } int32_t glusterd_volume_brickinfos_delete (glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo) { glusterd_brickinfo_t *brickinfo = NULL; glusterd_brickinfo_t *tmp = NULL; int32_t ret = 0; GF_ASSERT (volinfo); list_for_each_entry_safe (brickinfo, tmp, &volinfo->bricks, brick_list) { ret = glusterd_brickinfo_delete (brickinfo); if (ret) goto out; } out: gf_log ("", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Returning %d", ret); return ret; } int32_t glusterd_volinfo_delete (glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo) { int32_t ret = -1; GF_ASSERT (volinfo); list_del_init (&volinfo->vol_list); ret = glusterd_volume_brickinfos_delete (volinfo); if (ret) goto out; if (volinfo->dict) dict_unref (volinfo->dict); if (volinfo->gsync_slaves) dict_unref (volinfo->gsync_slaves); GF_FREE (volinfo->logdir); glusterd_auth_cleanup (volinfo); GF_FREE (volinfo); ret = 0; out: gf_log ("", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Returning %d", ret); return ret; } int32_t glusterd_brickinfo_new (glusterd_brickinfo_t **brickinfo) { glusterd_brickinfo_t *new_brickinfo = NULL; int32_t ret = -1; GF_ASSERT (brickinfo); new_brickinfo = GF_CALLOC (1, sizeof(*new_brickinfo), gf_gld_mt_glusterd_brickinfo_t); if (!new_brickinfo) goto out; INIT_LIST_HEAD (&new_brickinfo->brick_list); *brickinfo = new_brickinfo; ret = 0; out: gf_log ("", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Returning %d", ret); return ret; } int32_t glusterd_resolve_brick (glusterd_brickinfo_t *brickinfo) { int32_t ret = -1; xlator_t *this = NULL; this = THIS; GF_ASSERT (this); GF_ASSERT (brickinfo); ret = glusterd_hostname_to_uuid (brickinfo->hostname, brickinfo->uuid); gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Returning %d", ret); return ret; } int32_t glusterd_brickinfo_new_from_brick (char *brick, glusterd_brickinfo_t **brickinfo) { int32_t ret = -1; glusterd_brickinfo_t *new_brickinfo = NULL; char *hostname = NULL; char *path = NULL; char *tmp_host = NULL; char *tmp_path = NULL; GF_ASSERT (brick); GF_ASSERT (brickinfo); tmp_host = gf_strdup (brick); if (tmp_host && !get_host_name (tmp_host, &hostname)) goto out; tmp_path = gf_strdup (brick); if (tmp_path && !get_path_name (tmp_path, &path)) goto out; GF_ASSERT (hostname); GF_ASSERT (path); ret = glusterd_brickinfo_new (&new_brickinfo); if (ret) goto out; ret = gf_canonicalize_path (path); if (ret) goto out; strncpy (new_brickinfo->hostname, hostname, 1024); strncpy (new_brickinfo->path, path, 1024); *brickinfo = new_brickinfo; ret = 0; out: GF_FREE (tmp_host); if (tmp_host) GF_FREE (tmp_path); gf_log ("", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Returning %d", ret); return ret; } static gf_boolean_t _is_prefix (char *str1, char *str2) { GF_ASSERT (str1); GF_ASSERT (str2); int i = 0; int len1 = 0; int len2 = 0; int small_len = 0; char *bigger = NULL; gf_boolean_t prefix = _gf_true; len1 = strlen (str1); len2 = strlen (str2); small_len = min (len1, len2); for (i = 0; i < small_len; i++) { if (str1[i] != str2[i]) { prefix = _gf_false; break; } } if (len1 < len2) bigger = str2; else if (len1 > len2) bigger = str1; else return prefix; if (bigger[small_len] != '/') prefix = _gf_false; return prefix; } /* Checks if @path is available in the peer identified by @uuid * 'availability' is determined by querying current state of volumes * in the cluster. */ gf_boolean_t glusterd_is_brickpath_available (uuid_t uuid, char *path) { glusterd_brickinfo_t *brickinfo = NULL; glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo = NULL; glusterd_conf_t *priv = NULL; gf_boolean_t available = _gf_false; char tmp_path[PATH_MAX+1] = {0}; char tmp_brickpath[PATH_MAX+1] = {0}; priv = THIS->private; strncpy (tmp_path, path, PATH_MAX); /* path may not yet exist */ if (!realpath (path, tmp_path)) { if (errno != ENOENT) { goto out; } /* When realpath(3) fails, tmp_path is undefined. */ strncpy(tmp_path,path,PATH_MAX); } list_for_each_entry (volinfo, &priv->volumes, vol_list) { list_for_each_entry (brickinfo, &volinfo->bricks, brick_list) { if (uuid_compare (uuid, brickinfo->uuid)) continue; if (!realpath (brickinfo->path, tmp_brickpath)) { if (errno == ENOENT) strncpy (tmp_brickpath, brickinfo->path, PATH_MAX); else goto out; } if (_is_prefix (tmp_brickpath, tmp_path)) goto out; } } available = _gf_true; out: return available; } int32_t glusterd_volume_brickinfo_get (uuid_t uuid, char *hostname, char *path, glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo, glusterd_brickinfo_t **brickinfo) { glusterd_brickinfo_t *brickiter = NULL; uuid_t peer_uuid = {0}; int32_t ret = -1; if (uuid) { uuid_copy (peer_uuid, uuid); } else { ret = glusterd_hostname_to_uuid (hostname, peer_uuid); if (ret) goto out; } ret = -1; list_for_each_entry (brickiter, &volinfo->bricks, brick_list) { if ((uuid_is_null (brickiter->uuid)) && (glusterd_resolve_brick (brickiter) != 0)) goto out; if (uuid_compare (peer_uuid, brickiter->uuid)) continue; if (strcmp (brickiter->path, path) == 0) { gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_INFO, "Found brick"); ret = 0; if (brickinfo) *brickinfo = brickiter; break; } } out: gf_log ("", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Returning %d", ret); return ret; } int32_t glusterd_volume_brickinfo_get_by_brick (char *brick, glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo, glusterd_brickinfo_t **brickinfo) { int32_t ret = -1; glusterd_brickinfo_t *tmp_brickinfo = NULL; GF_ASSERT (brick); GF_ASSERT (volinfo); ret = glusterd_brickinfo_new_from_brick (brick, &tmp_brickinfo); if (ret) goto out; ret = glusterd_volume_brickinfo_get (NULL, tmp_brickinfo->hostname, tmp_brickinfo->path, volinfo, brickinfo); (void) glusterd_brickinfo_delete (tmp_brickinfo); out: gf_log ("", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Returning %d", ret); return ret; } gf_boolean_t glusterd_is_brick_decommissioned (glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo, char *hostname, char *path) { gf_boolean_t decommissioned = _gf_false; glusterd_brickinfo_t *brickinfo = NULL; int ret = -1; ret = glusterd_volume_brickinfo_get (NULL, hostname, path, volinfo, &brickinfo); if (ret) goto out; decommissioned = brickinfo->decommissioned; out: return decommissioned; } int32_t glusterd_friend_cleanup (glusterd_peerinfo_t *peerinfo) { GF_ASSERT (peerinfo); glusterd_peerctx_t *peerctx = NULL; gf_boolean_t quorum_action = _gf_false; if (peerinfo->quorum_contrib != QUORUM_NONE) quorum_action = _gf_true; if (peerinfo->rpc) { /* cleanup the saved-frames before last unref */ rpc_clnt_connection_cleanup (&peerinfo->rpc->conn); peerctx = peerinfo->rpc->mydata; peerinfo->rpc->mydata = NULL; peerinfo->rpc = rpc_clnt_unref (peerinfo->rpc); peerinfo->rpc = NULL; if (peerctx) { GF_FREE (peerctx->errstr); GF_FREE (peerctx); } } glusterd_peer_destroy (peerinfo); if (quorum_action) glusterd_do_quorum_action (); return 0; } int32_t glusterd_volinfo_find (char *volname, glusterd_volinfo_t **volinfo) { glusterd_volinfo_t *tmp_volinfo = NULL; int32_t ret = -1; xlator_t *this = NULL; glusterd_conf_t *priv = NULL; GF_ASSERT (volname); this = THIS; GF_ASSERT (this); priv = this->private; GF_ASSERT (priv); list_for_each_entry (tmp_volinfo, &priv->volumes, vol_list) { if (!strcmp (tmp_volinfo->volname, volname)) { gf_log ("", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Volume %s found", volname); ret = 0; *volinfo = tmp_volinfo; break; } } gf_log ("", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Returning %d", ret); return ret; } int32_t glusterd_service_stop (const char *service, char *pidfile, int sig, gf_boolean_t force_kill) { int32_t ret = -1; pid_t pid = -1; FILE *file = NULL; gf_boolean_t is_locked = _gf_false; xlator_t *this = NULL; this = THIS; GF_ASSERT (this); file = fopen (pidfile, "r+"); if (!file) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to open pidfile: %s", pidfile); if (errno == ENOENT) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_TRACE, "%s may not be " "running", service); ret = 0; goto out; } ret = -1; goto out; } ret = lockf (fileno (file), F_TLOCK, 0); if (!ret) { is_locked = _gf_true; ret = unlink (pidfile); if (ret && (ENOENT != errno)) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to " "unlink stale pidfile: %s", pidfile); } else if (ret && (ENOENT == errno)){ ret = 0; gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Brick already " "stopped"); } goto out; } ret = fscanf (file, "%d", &pid); if (ret <= 0) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to read pidfile: %s", pidfile); ret = -1; goto out; } fclose (file); file = NULL; gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Stopping gluster %s running in pid: " "%d", service, pid); ret = kill (pid, sig); if (force_kill) { sleep (1); file = fopen (pidfile, "r+"); if (!file) { ret = 0; goto out; } ret = lockf (fileno (file), F_TLOCK, 0); if (ret && ((EAGAIN == errno) || (EACCES == errno))) { ret = kill (pid, SIGKILL); if (ret) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to " "kill pid %d reason: %s", pid, strerror(errno)); goto out; } } else if (0 == ret){ is_locked = _gf_true; } ret = unlink (pidfile); if (ret && (ENOENT != errno)) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to " "unlink pidfile: %s", pidfile); goto out; } } ret = 0; out: if (is_locked && file) if (lockf (fileno (file), F_ULOCK, 0) < 0) gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_WARNING, "Cannot unlock " "pidfile: %s reason: %s", pidfile, strerror(errno)); if (file) fclose (file); return ret; } void glusterd_set_socket_filepath (char *sock_filepath, char *sockpath, size_t len) { char md5_sum[MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH*2+1] = {0,}; md5_wrapper ((unsigned char *) sock_filepath, strlen(sock_filepath), md5_sum); snprintf (sockpath, len, "%s/%s.socket", GLUSTERD_SOCK_DIR, md5_sum); } void glusterd_set_brick_socket_filepath (glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo, glusterd_brickinfo_t *brickinfo, char *sockpath, size_t len) { char export_path[PATH_MAX] = {0,}; char sock_filepath[PATH_MAX] = {0,}; char volume_dir[PATH_MAX] = {0,}; xlator_t *this = NULL; glusterd_conf_t *priv = NULL; int expected_file_len = 0; expected_file_len = strlen (GLUSTERD_SOCK_DIR) + strlen ("/") + MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH*2 + strlen (".socket") + 1; GF_ASSERT (len >= expected_file_len); this = THIS; GF_ASSERT (this); priv = this->private; GLUSTERD_GET_VOLUME_DIR (volume_dir, volinfo, priv); GLUSTERD_REMOVE_SLASH_FROM_PATH (brickinfo->path, export_path); snprintf (sock_filepath, PATH_MAX, "%s/run/%s-%s", volume_dir, brickinfo->hostname, export_path); glusterd_set_socket_filepath (sock_filepath, sockpath, len); } /* connection happens only if it is not aleady connected, * reconnections are taken care by rpc-layer */ int32_t glusterd_brick_connect (glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo, glusterd_brickinfo_t *brickinfo) { int ret = 0; char socketpath[PATH_MAX] = {0}; dict_t *options = NULL; struct rpc_clnt *rpc = NULL; GF_ASSERT (volinfo); GF_ASSERT (brickinfo); if (brickinfo->rpc == NULL) { glusterd_set_brick_socket_filepath (volinfo, brickinfo, socketpath, sizeof (socketpath)); /* Setting frame-timeout to 10mins (600seconds). * Unix domain sockets ensures that the connection is reliable. * The default timeout of 30mins used for unreliable network * connections is too long for unix domain socket connections. */ ret = rpc_clnt_transport_unix_options_build (&options, socketpath, 600); if (ret) goto out; ret = glusterd_rpc_create (&rpc, options, glusterd_brick_rpc_notify, brickinfo); if (ret) goto out; brickinfo->rpc = rpc; } out: gf_log ("", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Returning %d", ret); return ret; } int32_t glusterd_volume_start_glusterfs (glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo, glusterd_brickinfo_t *brickinfo, gf_boolean_t wait) { int32_t ret = -1; xlator_t *this = NULL; glusterd_conf_t *priv = NULL; char pidfile[PATH_MAX] = {0,}; char volfile[PATH_MAX] = {0,}; char path[PATH_MAX] = {0,}; runner_t runner = {0,}; char rundir[PATH_MAX] = {0,}; char exp_path[PATH_MAX] = {0,}; char logfile[PATH_MAX] = {0,}; int port = 0; int rdma_port = 0; FILE *file = NULL; gf_boolean_t is_locked = _gf_false; char socketpath[PATH_MAX] = {0}; char glusterd_uuid[1024] = {0,}; #ifdef DEBUG char valgrind_logfile[PATH_MAX] = {0}; #endif GF_ASSERT (volinfo); GF_ASSERT (brickinfo); this = THIS; GF_ASSERT (this); priv = this->private; GF_ASSERT (priv); GLUSTERD_GET_VOLUME_DIR (path, volinfo, priv); snprintf (rundir, PATH_MAX, "%s/run", path); ret = mkdir (rundir, 0777); if ((ret == -1) && (EEXIST != errno)) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to create rundir %s." "Reason : %s", rundir, strerror (errno)); goto out; } glusterd_set_brick_socket_filepath (volinfo, brickinfo, socketpath, sizeof (socketpath)); GLUSTERD_GET_BRICK_PIDFILE (pidfile, path, brickinfo->hostname, brickinfo->path); file = fopen (pidfile, "r+"); if (file) { ret = lockf (fileno (file), F_TLOCK, 0); if (ret && ((EAGAIN == errno) || (EACCES == errno))) { ret = 0; gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_DEBUG, "brick %s:%s " "already started", brickinfo->hostname, brickinfo->path); goto connect; } } ret = pmap_registry_search (this, brickinfo->path, GF_PMAP_PORT_BRICKSERVER); if (ret) { ret = 0; file = fopen (pidfile, "r+"); if (file) { ret = lockf (fileno (file), F_TLOCK, 0); if (ret && ((EAGAIN == errno) || (EACCES == errno))) { ret = 0; gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_DEBUG, "brick %s:%s " "already started", brickinfo->hostname, brickinfo->path); goto connect; } else if (0 == ret) { is_locked = _gf_true; } } /* This means, pmap has the entry, remove it */ ret = pmap_registry_remove (this, 0, brickinfo->path, GF_PMAP_PORT_BRICKSERVER, NULL); } unlink (pidfile); gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_DEBUG, "About to start glusterfs" " for brick %s:%s", brickinfo->hostname, brickinfo->path); GLUSTERD_REMOVE_SLASH_FROM_PATH (brickinfo->path, exp_path); snprintf (volfile, PATH_MAX, "%s.%s.%s", volinfo->volname, brickinfo->hostname, exp_path); if (!brickinfo->logfile && volinfo->logdir) { snprintf (logfile, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s.log", volinfo->logdir, exp_path); brickinfo->logfile = gf_strdup (logfile); } else if (!brickinfo->logfile) { snprintf (logfile, PATH_MAX, "%s/bricks/%s.log", DEFAULT_LOG_FILE_DIRECTORY, exp_path); brickinfo->logfile = gf_strdup (logfile); } port = brickinfo->port; if (!port) port = pmap_registry_alloc (THIS); runinit (&runner); #ifdef DEBUG if (priv->valgrind) { if (volinfo->logdir) { snprintf (valgrind_logfile, PATH_MAX, "%s/valgrind-%s-%s.log", volinfo->logdir, volinfo->volname, exp_path); } else { snprintf (valgrind_logfile, PATH_MAX, "%s/bricks/valgrind-%s-%s.log", DEFAULT_LOG_FILE_DIRECTORY, volinfo->volname, exp_path); } /* Run bricks with valgrind */ runner_add_args (&runner, "valgrind", "--leak-check=full", "--trace-children=yes", NULL); runner_argprintf (&runner, "--log-file=%s", valgrind_logfile); } #endif (void) snprintf (glusterd_uuid, 1024, "*-posix.glusterd-uuid=%s", uuid_utoa (MY_UUID)); runner_add_args (&runner, SBIN_DIR"/glusterfsd", "-s", "localhost", "--volfile-id", volfile, "-p", pidfile, "-S", socketpath, "--brick-name", brickinfo->path, "-l", brickinfo->logfile, "--xlator-option", glusterd_uuid, NULL); runner_add_arg (&runner, "--brick-port"); if (volinfo->transport_type != GF_TRANSPORT_BOTH_TCP_RDMA) { runner_argprintf (&runner, "%d", port); } else { rdma_port = brickinfo->rdma_port; if (!rdma_port) rdma_port = pmap_registry_alloc (THIS); runner_argprintf (&runner, "%d,%d", port, rdma_port); runner_add_arg (&runner, "--xlator-option"); runner_argprintf (&runner, "%s-server.transport.rdma.listen-port=%d", volinfo->volname, rdma_port); } runner_add_arg (&runner, "--xlator-option"); runner_argprintf (&runner, "%s-server.listen-port=%d", volinfo->volname, port); if (volinfo->memory_accounting) runner_add_arg (&runner, "--mem-accounting"); runner_log (&runner, "", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Starting GlusterFS"); if (wait) ret = runner_run (&runner); else ret = runner_run_nowait (&runner); if (ret) goto out; //pmap_registry_bind (THIS, port, brickinfo->path); brickinfo->port = port; brickinfo->rdma_port = rdma_port; connect: ret = glusterd_brick_connect (volinfo, brickinfo); if (ret) goto out; out: if (is_locked && file) if (lockf (fileno (file), F_ULOCK, 0) < 0) gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_WARNING, "Cannot unlock " "pidfile: %s reason: %s", pidfile, strerror(errno)); if (file) fclose (file); return ret; } int32_t glusterd_brick_unlink_socket_file (glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo, glusterd_brickinfo_t *brickinfo) { char path[PATH_MAX] = {0,}; char socketpath[PATH_MAX] = {0}; xlator_t *this = NULL; glusterd_conf_t *priv = NULL; int ret = 0; GF_ASSERT (volinfo); GF_ASSERT (brickinfo); this = THIS; GF_ASSERT (this); priv = this->private; GLUSTERD_GET_VOLUME_DIR (path, volinfo, priv); glusterd_set_brick_socket_filepath (volinfo, brickinfo, socketpath, sizeof (socketpath)); ret = unlink (socketpath); if (ret && (ENOENT == errno)) { ret = 0; } else { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to remove %s" " error: %s", socketpath, strerror (errno)); } return ret; } int32_t glusterd_brick_disconnect (glusterd_brickinfo_t *brickinfo) { GF_ASSERT (brickinfo); if (brickinfo->rpc) { /* cleanup the saved-frames before last unref */ rpc_clnt_connection_cleanup (&brickinfo->rpc->conn); rpc_clnt_unref (brickinfo->rpc); brickinfo->rpc = NULL; } return 0; } int32_t glusterd_volume_stop_glusterfs (glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo, glusterd_brickinfo_t *brickinfo, gf_boolean_t del_brick) { xlator_t *this = NULL; glusterd_conf_t *priv = NULL; char pidfile[PATH_MAX] = {0,}; char path[PATH_MAX] = {0,}; int ret = 0; GF_ASSERT (volinfo); GF_ASSERT (brickinfo); this = THIS; GF_ASSERT (this); priv = this->private; if (del_brick) list_del_init (&brickinfo->brick_list); if (GLUSTERD_STATUS_STARTED == volinfo->status) { (void) glusterd_brick_disconnect (brickinfo); GLUSTERD_GET_VOLUME_DIR (path, volinfo, priv); GLUSTERD_GET_BRICK_PIDFILE (pidfile, path, brickinfo->hostname, brickinfo->path); ret = glusterd_service_stop ("brick", pidfile, SIGTERM, _gf_false); if (ret == 0) { glusterd_set_brick_status (brickinfo, GF_BRICK_STOPPED); (void) glusterd_brick_unlink_socket_file (volinfo, brickinfo); } } if (del_brick) glusterd_delete_brick (volinfo, brickinfo); return ret; } int32_t glusterd_peer_hostname_new (char *hostname, glusterd_peer_hostname_t **name) { glusterd_peer_hostname_t *peer_hostname = NULL; int32_t ret = -1; GF_ASSERT (hostname); GF_ASSERT (name); peer_hostname = GF_CALLOC (1, sizeof (*peer_hostname), gf_gld_mt_peer_hostname_t); if (!peer_hostname) goto out; peer_hostname->hostname = gf_strdup (hostname); INIT_LIST_HEAD (&peer_hostname->hostname_list); *name = peer_hostname; ret = 0; out: gf_log ("", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Returning %d", ret); return ret; } /* Free LINE[0..N-1] and then the LINE buffer. */ static void free_lines (char **line, size_t n) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) GF_FREE (line[i]); GF_FREE (line); } char ** glusterd_readin_file (const char *filepath, int *line_count) { int ret = -1; int n = 8; int counter = 0; char buffer[PATH_MAX + 256] = {0}; char **lines = NULL; FILE *fp = NULL; void *p; fp = fopen (filepath, "r"); if (!fp) goto out; lines = GF_CALLOC (1, n * sizeof (*lines), gf_gld_mt_charptr); if (!lines) goto out; for (counter = 0; fgets (buffer, sizeof (buffer), fp); counter++) { if (counter == n-1) { n *= 2; p = GF_REALLOC (lines, n * sizeof (char *)); if (!p) { free_lines (lines, n/2); lines = NULL; goto out; } lines = p; } lines[counter] = gf_strdup (buffer); } lines[counter] = NULL; /* Reduce allocation to minimal size. */ p = GF_REALLOC (lines, (counter + 1) * sizeof (char *)); if (!p) { free_lines (lines, counter); lines = NULL; goto out; } lines = p; *line_count = counter; ret = 0; out: if (ret) gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "%s", strerror (errno)); if (fp) fclose (fp); return lines; } int glusterd_compare_lines (const void *a, const void *b) { return strcmp(* (char * const *) a, * (char * const *) b); } int glusterd_sort_and_redirect (const char *src_filepath, int dest_fd) { int ret = -1; int line_count = 0; int counter = 0; char **lines = NULL; if (!src_filepath || dest_fd < 0) goto out; lines = glusterd_readin_file (src_filepath, &line_count); if (!lines) goto out; qsort (lines, line_count, sizeof (*lines), glusterd_compare_lines); for (counter = 0; lines[counter]; counter++) { ret = write (dest_fd, lines[counter], strlen (lines[counter])); if (ret < 0) goto out; GF_FREE (lines[counter]); } ret = 0; out: GF_FREE (lines); return ret; } int glusterd_volume_compute_cksum (glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo) { int32_t ret = -1; glusterd_conf_t *priv = NULL; char path[PATH_MAX] = {0,}; char cksum_path[PATH_MAX] = {0,}; char filepath[PATH_MAX] = {0,}; int fd = -1; uint32_t cksum = 0; char buf[4096] = {0,}; char sort_filepath[PATH_MAX] = {0}; gf_boolean_t unlink_sortfile = _gf_false; int sort_fd = 0; xlator_t *this = NULL; GF_ASSERT (volinfo); this = THIS; priv = THIS->private; GF_ASSERT (priv); GLUSTERD_GET_VOLUME_DIR (path, volinfo, priv); snprintf (cksum_path, sizeof (cksum_path), "%s/%s", path, GLUSTERD_CKSUM_FILE); fd = open (cksum_path, O_RDWR | O_APPEND | O_CREAT| O_TRUNC, 0600); if (-1 == fd) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to open %s, errno: %d", cksum_path, errno); ret = -1; goto out; } snprintf (filepath, sizeof (filepath), "%s/%s", path, GLUSTERD_VOLUME_INFO_FILE); snprintf (sort_filepath, sizeof (sort_filepath), "/tmp/%s.XXXXXX", volinfo->volname); sort_fd = mkstemp (sort_filepath); if (sort_fd < 0) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "Could not generate temp file, " "reason: %s for volume: %s", strerror (errno), volinfo->volname); goto out; } else { unlink_sortfile = _gf_true; } /* sort the info file, result in sort_filepath */ ret = glusterd_sort_and_redirect (filepath, sort_fd); if (ret) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "sorting info file failed"); goto out; } ret = close (sort_fd); if (ret) goto out; ret = get_checksum_for_path (sort_filepath, &cksum); if (ret) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to get checksum" " for path: %s", sort_filepath); goto out; } snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%s=%u\n", "info", cksum); ret = write (fd, buf, strlen (buf)); if (ret <= 0) { ret = -1; goto out; } ret = get_checksum_for_file (fd, &cksum); if (ret) goto out; volinfo->cksum = cksum; out: if (fd > 0) close (fd); if (unlink_sortfile) unlink (sort_filepath); gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Returning with %d", ret); return ret; } int _add_dict_to_prdict (dict_t *this, char *key, data_t *value, void *data) { glusterd_dict_ctx_t *ctx = NULL; char optkey[512] = {0,}; int ret = -1; ctx = data; snprintf (optkey, sizeof (optkey), "%s.%s%d", ctx->prefix, ctx->key_name, ctx->opt_count); ret = dict_set_str (ctx->dict, optkey, key); if (ret) gf_log ("", GF_LOG_ERROR, "option add for %s%d %s", ctx->key_name, ctx->opt_count, key); snprintf (optkey, sizeof (optkey), "%s.%s%d", ctx->prefix, ctx->val_name, ctx->opt_count); ret = dict_set_str (ctx->dict, optkey, value->data); if (ret) gf_log ("", GF_LOG_ERROR, "option add for %s%d %s", ctx->val_name, ctx->opt_count, value->data); ctx->opt_count++; return ret; } int32_t glusterd_add_bricks_hname_path_to_dict (dict_t *dict, glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo) { glusterd_brickinfo_t *brickinfo = NULL; int ret = 0; char key[256] = {0}; int index = 0; list_for_each_entry (brickinfo, &volinfo->bricks, brick_list) { snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "%d-hostname", index); ret = dict_set_str (dict, key, brickinfo->hostname); if (ret) goto out; snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "%d-path", index); ret = dict_set_str (dict, key, brickinfo->path); if (ret) goto out; index++; } out: return ret; } int32_t glusterd_add_volume_to_dict (glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo, dict_t *dict, int32_t count) { int32_t ret = -1; char prefix[512] = {0,}; char key[512] = {0,}; glusterd_brickinfo_t *brickinfo = NULL; int32_t i = 1; char *volume_id_str = NULL; char *src_brick = NULL; char *dst_brick = NULL; char *str = NULL; glusterd_dict_ctx_t ctx = {0}; char *rebalance_id_str = NULL; char *rb_id_str = NULL; GF_ASSERT (dict); GF_ASSERT (volinfo); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "volume%d.name", count); ret = dict_set_str (dict, key, volinfo->volname); if (ret) goto out; memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "volume%d.type", count); ret = dict_set_int32 (dict, key, volinfo->type); if (ret) goto out; memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "volume%d.brick_count", count); ret = dict_set_int32 (dict, key, volinfo->brick_count); if (ret) goto out; memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "volume%d.version", count); ret = dict_set_int32 (dict, key, volinfo->version); if (ret) goto out; memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "volume%d.status", count); ret = dict_set_int32 (dict, key, volinfo->status); if (ret) goto out; memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "volume%d.sub_count", count); ret = dict_set_int32 (dict, key, volinfo->sub_count); if (ret) goto out; memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "volume%d.stripe_count", count); ret = dict_set_int32 (dict, key, volinfo->stripe_count); if (ret) goto out; memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "volume%d.replica_count", count); ret = dict_set_int32 (dict, key, volinfo->replica_count); if (ret) goto out; memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "volume%d.dist_count", count); ret = dict_set_int32 (dict, key, volinfo->dist_leaf_count); if (ret) goto out; memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "volume%d.ckusm", count); ret = dict_set_int64 (dict, key, volinfo->cksum); if (ret) goto out; memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "volume%d.transport_type", count); ret = dict_set_uint32 (dict, key, volinfo->transport_type); if (ret) goto out; volume_id_str = gf_strdup (uuid_utoa (volinfo->volume_id)); if (!volume_id_str) { ret = -1; goto out; } memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "volume%d.volume_id", count); ret = dict_set_dynstr (dict, key, volume_id_str); if (ret) goto out; volume_id_str = NULL; memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "volume%d.username", count); str = glusterd_auth_get_username (volinfo); if (str) { ret = dict_set_dynstr (dict, key, gf_strdup (str)); if (ret) goto out; } memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "volume%d.password", count); str = glusterd_auth_get_password (volinfo); if (str) { ret = dict_set_dynstr (dict, key, gf_strdup (str)); if (ret) goto out; } memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, 256, "volume%d.rebalance", count); ret = dict_set_int32 (dict, key, volinfo->rebal.defrag_cmd); if (ret) goto out; if (volinfo->rebal.defrag_cmd) { rebalance_id_str = gf_strdup (uuid_utoa (volinfo->rebal.rebalance_id)); if (!rebalance_id_str) { ret = -1; goto out; } memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, 256, "volume%d.rebalance-id", count); ret = dict_set_dynstr (dict, key, rebalance_id_str); if (ret) goto out; rebalance_id_str = NULL; } memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "volume%d.rebalance-op", count); ret = dict_set_uint32 (dict, key, volinfo->rebal.op); if (ret) goto out; memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, 256, "volume%d."GLUSTERD_STORE_KEY_RB_STATUS, count); ret = dict_set_int32 (dict, key, volinfo->rep_brick.rb_status); if (ret) goto out; if (volinfo->rep_brick.rb_status > GF_RB_STATUS_NONE) { memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, 256, "volume%d."GLUSTERD_STORE_KEY_RB_SRC_BRICK, count); gf_asprintf (&src_brick, "%s:%s", volinfo->rep_brick.src_brick->hostname, volinfo->rep_brick.src_brick->path); ret = dict_set_dynstr (dict, key, src_brick); if (ret) goto out; memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, 256, "volume%d."GLUSTERD_STORE_KEY_RB_DST_BRICK, count); gf_asprintf (&dst_brick, "%s:%s", volinfo->rep_brick.dst_brick->hostname, volinfo->rep_brick.dst_brick->path); ret = dict_set_dynstr (dict, key, dst_brick); if (ret) goto out; rb_id_str = gf_strdup (uuid_utoa (volinfo->rep_brick.rb_id)); if (!rb_id_str) { ret = -1; goto out; } memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "volume%d.rb_id", count); ret = dict_set_dynstr (dict, key, rb_id_str); if (ret) goto out; rb_id_str = NULL; } snprintf (prefix, sizeof (prefix), "volume%d", count); ctx.dict = dict; ctx.prefix = prefix; ctx.opt_count = 1; ctx.key_name = "key"; ctx.val_name = "value"; GF_ASSERT (volinfo->dict); dict_foreach (volinfo->dict, _add_dict_to_prdict, &ctx); ctx.opt_count--; memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "volume%d.opt-count", count); ret = dict_set_int32 (dict, key, ctx.opt_count); if (ret) goto out; ctx.dict = dict; ctx.prefix = prefix; ctx.opt_count = 1; ctx.key_name = "slave-num"; ctx.val_name = "slave-val"; GF_ASSERT (volinfo->gsync_slaves); dict_foreach (volinfo->gsync_slaves, _add_dict_to_prdict, &ctx); ctx.opt_count--; memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "volume%d.gsync-count", count); ret = dict_set_int32 (dict, key, ctx.opt_count); if (ret) goto out; list_for_each_entry (brickinfo, &volinfo->bricks, brick_list) { memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "volume%d.brick%d.hostname", count, i); ret = dict_set_str (dict, key, brickinfo->hostname); if (ret) goto out; memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "volume%d.brick%d.path", count, i); ret = dict_set_str (dict, key, brickinfo->path); if (ret) goto out; i++; } out: GF_FREE (volume_id_str); GF_FREE (rebalance_id_str); GF_FREE (rb_id_str); gf_log ("", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Returning with %d", ret); return ret; } int32_t glusterd_build_volume_dict (dict_t **vols) { int32_t ret = -1; dict_t *dict = NULL; glusterd_conf_t *priv = NULL; glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo = NULL; int32_t count = 0; glusterd_dict_ctx_t ctx = {0}; priv = THIS->private; dict = dict_new (); if (!dict) goto out; list_for_each_entry (volinfo, &priv->volumes, vol_list) { count++; ret = glusterd_add_volume_to_dict (volinfo, dict, count); if (ret) goto out; } ret = dict_set_int32 (dict, "count", count); if (ret) goto out; ctx.dict = dict; ctx.prefix = "global"; ctx.opt_count = 1; ctx.key_name = "key"; ctx.val_name = "val"; dict_foreach (priv->opts, _add_dict_to_prdict, &ctx); ctx.opt_count--; ret = dict_set_int32 (dict, "global-opt-count", ctx.opt_count); if (ret) goto out; *vols = dict; out: gf_log ("", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Returning with %d", ret); if (ret) dict_unref (dict); return ret; } int32_t glusterd_compare_friend_volume (dict_t *vols, int32_t count, int32_t *status) { int32_t ret = -1; char key[512] = {0,}; glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo = NULL; char *volname = NULL; uint32_t cksum = 0; int32_t version = 0; GF_ASSERT (vols); GF_ASSERT (status); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "volume%d.name", count); ret = dict_get_str (vols, key, &volname); if (ret) goto out; ret = glusterd_volinfo_find (volname, &volinfo); if (ret) { *status = GLUSTERD_VOL_COMP_UPDATE_REQ; ret = 0; goto out; } memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "volume%d.version", count); ret = dict_get_int32 (vols, key, &version); if (ret) goto out; if (version > volinfo->version) { //Mismatch detected ret = 0; gf_log ("", GF_LOG_ERROR, "Version of volume %s differ." "local version = %d, remote version = %d", volinfo->volname, volinfo->version, version); *status = GLUSTERD_VOL_COMP_UPDATE_REQ; goto out; } else if (version < volinfo->version) { *status = GLUSTERD_VOL_COMP_SCS; goto out; } //Now, versions are same, compare cksums. // memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "volume%d.ckusm", count); ret = dict_get_uint32 (vols, key, &cksum); if (ret) goto out; if (cksum != volinfo->cksum) { ret = 0; gf_log ("", GF_LOG_ERROR, "Cksums of volume %s differ." " local cksum = %d, remote cksum = %d", volinfo->volname, volinfo->cksum, cksum); *status = GLUSTERD_VOL_COMP_RJT; goto out; } *status = GLUSTERD_VOL_COMP_SCS; out: gf_log ("", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Returning with ret: %d, status: %d", ret, *status); return ret; } static int32_t import_prdict_dict (dict_t *vols, dict_t *dst_dict, char *key_prefix, char *value_prefix, int opt_count, char *prefix) { char key[512] = {0,}; int32_t ret = 0; int i = 1; char *opt_key = NULL; char *opt_val = NULL; char *dup_opt_val = NULL; char msg[2048] = {0}; while (i <= opt_count) { memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "%s.%s%d", prefix, key_prefix, i); ret = dict_get_str (vols, key, &opt_key); if (ret) { snprintf (msg, sizeof (msg), "Volume dict key not " "specified"); goto out; } memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "%s.%s%d", prefix, value_prefix, i); ret = dict_get_str (vols, key, &opt_val); if (ret) { snprintf (msg, sizeof (msg), "Volume dict value not " "specified"); goto out; } dup_opt_val = gf_strdup (opt_val); if (!dup_opt_val) { ret = -1; goto out; } ret = dict_set_dynstr (dst_dict, opt_key, dup_opt_val); if (ret) { snprintf (msg, sizeof (msg), "Volume set %s %s " "unsuccessful", opt_key, dup_opt_val); goto out; } i++; } out: if (msg[0]) gf_log ("glusterd", GF_LOG_ERROR, "%s", msg); gf_log ("", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Returning with %d", ret); return ret; } gf_boolean_t glusterd_is_quorum_option (char *option) { gf_boolean_t res = _gf_false; int i = 0; char *keys[] = {GLUSTERD_QUORUM_TYPE_KEY, GLUSTERD_QUORUM_RATIO_KEY, NULL}; for (i = 0; keys[i]; i++) { if (strcmp (option, keys[i]) == 0) { res = _gf_true; break; } } return res; } gf_boolean_t glusterd_is_quorum_changed (dict_t *options, char *option, char *value) { int ret = 0; gf_boolean_t reconfigured = _gf_false; gf_boolean_t all = _gf_false; char *oldquorum = NULL; char *newquorum = NULL; char *oldratio = NULL; char *newratio = NULL; if ((strcmp ("all", option) != 0) && !glusterd_is_quorum_option (option)) goto out; if (strcmp ("all", option) == 0) all = _gf_true; if (all || (strcmp (GLUSTERD_QUORUM_TYPE_KEY, option) == 0)) { newquorum = value; ret = dict_get_str (options, GLUSTERD_QUORUM_TYPE_KEY, &oldquorum); } if (all || (strcmp (GLUSTERD_QUORUM_RATIO_KEY, option) == 0)) { newratio = value; ret = dict_get_str (options, GLUSTERD_QUORUM_RATIO_KEY, &oldratio); } reconfigured = _gf_true; if (oldquorum && newquorum && (strcmp (oldquorum, newquorum) == 0)) reconfigured = _gf_false; if (oldratio && newratio && (strcmp (oldratio, newratio) == 0)) reconfigured = _gf_false; if ((oldratio == NULL) && (newratio == NULL) && (oldquorum == NULL) && (newquorum == NULL)) reconfigured = _gf_false; out: return reconfigured; } static inline gf_boolean_t _is_contributing_to_quorum (gd_quorum_contrib_t contrib) { if ((contrib == QUORUM_UP) || (contrib == QUORUM_DOWN)) return _gf_true; return _gf_false; } static inline gf_boolean_t _does_quorum_meet (int active_count, int quorum_count) { return (active_count >= quorum_count); } int glusterd_get_quorum_cluster_counts (xlator_t *this, int *active_count, int *quorum_count) { glusterd_peerinfo_t *peerinfo = NULL; glusterd_conf_t *conf = NULL; int ret = -1; int inquorum_count = 0; char *val = NULL; double quorum_percentage = 0.0; gf_boolean_t ratio = _gf_false; int count = 0; conf = this->private; //Start with counting self inquorum_count = 1; if (active_count) *active_count = 1; list_for_each_entry (peerinfo, &conf->peers, uuid_list) { if (peerinfo->quorum_contrib == QUORUM_WAITING) goto out; if (_is_contributing_to_quorum (peerinfo->quorum_contrib)) inquorum_count = inquorum_count + 1; if (active_count && (peerinfo->quorum_contrib == QUORUM_UP)) *active_count = *active_count + 1; } ret = dict_get_str (conf->opts, GLUSTERD_QUORUM_RATIO_KEY, &val); if (ret == 0) { ratio = _gf_true; ret = gf_string2percent (val, &quorum_percentage); if (!ret) ratio = _gf_true; } if (ratio) count = CEILING_POS (inquorum_count * quorum_percentage / 100.0); else count = (inquorum_count * 50 / 100) + 1; *quorum_count = count; ret = 0; out: return ret; } gf_boolean_t glusterd_is_volume_in_server_quorum (glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo) { gf_boolean_t res = _gf_false; char *quorum_type = NULL; int ret = 0; ret = dict_get_str (volinfo->dict, GLUSTERD_QUORUM_TYPE_KEY, &quorum_type); if (ret) goto out; if (strcmp (quorum_type, GLUSTERD_SERVER_QUORUM) == 0) res = _gf_true; out: return res; } gf_boolean_t glusterd_is_any_volume_in_server_quorum (xlator_t *this) { glusterd_conf_t *conf = NULL; glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo = NULL; conf = this->private; list_for_each_entry (volinfo, &conf->volumes, vol_list) { if (glusterd_is_volume_in_server_quorum (volinfo)) { return _gf_true; } } return _gf_false; } gf_boolean_t does_gd_meet_server_quorum (xlator_t *this) { int quorum_count = 0; int active_count = 0; gf_boolean_t in = _gf_false; glusterd_conf_t *conf = NULL; int ret = -1; conf = this->private; ret = glusterd_get_quorum_cluster_counts (this, &active_count, &quorum_count); if (ret) goto out; if (!_does_quorum_meet (active_count, quorum_count)) { goto out; } in = _gf_true; out: return in; } void glusterd_do_volume_quorum_action (xlator_t *this, glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo, gf_boolean_t meets_quorum) { glusterd_brickinfo_t *brickinfo = NULL; glusterd_conf_t *conf = NULL; conf = this->private; if (volinfo->status != GLUSTERD_STATUS_STARTED) goto out; if (!glusterd_is_volume_in_server_quorum (volinfo)) meets_quorum = _gf_true; list_for_each_entry (brickinfo, &volinfo->bricks, brick_list) { if (!glusterd_is_local_brick (this, volinfo, brickinfo)) continue; if (meets_quorum) glusterd_brick_start (volinfo, brickinfo, _gf_false); else glusterd_brick_stop (volinfo, brickinfo, _gf_false); } out: return; } int glusterd_do_quorum_action () { xlator_t *this = NULL; glusterd_conf_t *conf = NULL; glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo = NULL; int ret = 0; int active_count = 0; int quorum_count = 0; gf_boolean_t meets = _gf_false; this = THIS; conf = this->private; conf->pending_quorum_action = _gf_true; ret = glusterd_lock (conf->uuid); if (ret) goto out; { ret = glusterd_get_quorum_cluster_counts (this, &active_count, &quorum_count); if (ret) goto unlock; if (_does_quorum_meet (active_count, quorum_count)) meets = _gf_true; list_for_each_entry (volinfo, &conf->volumes, vol_list) { glusterd_do_volume_quorum_action (this, volinfo, meets); } } unlock: (void)glusterd_unlock (conf->uuid); conf->pending_quorum_action = _gf_false; out: return ret; } int32_t glusterd_import_friend_volume_opts (dict_t *vols, int count, glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo) { char key[512] = {0,}; int32_t ret = -1; int opt_count = 0; char msg[2048] = {0}; char volume_prefix[1024] = {0}; memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "volume%d.opt-count", count); ret = dict_get_int32 (vols, key, &opt_count); if (ret) { snprintf (msg, sizeof (msg), "Volume option count not " "specified for %s", volinfo->volname); goto out; } snprintf (volume_prefix, sizeof (volume_prefix), "volume%d", count); ret = import_prdict_dict (vols, volinfo->dict, "key", "value", opt_count, volume_prefix); if (ret) { snprintf (msg, sizeof (msg), "Unable to import options dict " "specified for %s", volinfo->volname); goto out; } memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "volume%d.gsync-count", count); ret = dict_get_int32 (vols, key, &opt_count); if (ret) { snprintf (msg, sizeof (msg), "Gsync count not " "specified for %s", volinfo->volname); goto out; } ret = import_prdict_dict (vols, volinfo->gsync_slaves, "slave-num", "slave-val", opt_count, volume_prefix); if (ret) { snprintf (msg, sizeof (msg), "Unable to import gsync sessions " "specified for %s", volinfo->volname); goto out; } out: if (msg[0]) gf_log ("glusterd", GF_LOG_ERROR, "%s", msg); gf_log ("", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Returning with %d", ret); return ret; } int32_t glusterd_import_new_brick (dict_t *vols, int32_t vol_count, int32_t brick_count, glusterd_brickinfo_t **brickinfo) { char key[512] = {0,}; int ret = -1; char *hostname = NULL; char *path = NULL; glusterd_brickinfo_t *new_brickinfo = NULL; char msg[2048] = {0}; GF_ASSERT (vols); GF_ASSERT (vol_count >= 0); GF_ASSERT (brickinfo); memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "volume%d.brick%d.hostname", vol_count, brick_count); ret = dict_get_str (vols, key, &hostname); if (ret) { snprintf (msg, sizeof (msg), "%s missing in payload", key); goto out; } memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "volume%d.brick%d.path", vol_count, brick_count); ret = dict_get_str (vols, key, &path); if (ret) { snprintf (msg, sizeof (msg), "%s missing in payload", key); goto out; } ret = glusterd_brickinfo_new (&new_brickinfo); if (ret) goto out; strcpy (new_brickinfo->path, path); strcpy (new_brickinfo->hostname, hostname); //peerinfo might not be added yet (void) glusterd_resolve_brick (new_brickinfo); ret = 0; *brickinfo = new_brickinfo; out: if (msg[0]) gf_log ("glusterd", GF_LOG_ERROR, "%s", msg); gf_log ("", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Returning with %d", ret); return ret; } int32_t glusterd_import_bricks (dict_t *vols, int32_t vol_count, glusterd_volinfo_t *new_volinfo) { int ret = -1; int brick_count = 1; glusterd_brickinfo_t *new_brickinfo = NULL; GF_ASSERT (vols); GF_ASSERT (vol_count >= 0); GF_ASSERT (new_volinfo); while (brick_count <= new_volinfo->brick_count) { ret = glusterd_import_new_brick (vols, vol_count, brick_count, &new_brickinfo); if (ret) goto out; list_add_tail (&new_brickinfo->brick_list, &new_volinfo->bricks); brick_count++; } ret = 0; out: gf_log ("", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Returning with %d", ret); return ret; } int32_t glusterd_import_volinfo (dict_t *vols, int count, glusterd_volinfo_t **volinfo) { int ret = -1; char key[256] = {0}; char *volname = NULL; glusterd_volinfo_t *new_volinfo = NULL; char *volume_id_str = NULL; char msg[2048] = {0}; char *src_brick = NULL; char *dst_brick = NULL; char *str = NULL; int rb_status = 0; char *rebalance_id_str = NULL; char *rb_id_str = NULL; GF_ASSERT (vols); GF_ASSERT (volinfo); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "volume%d.name", count); ret = dict_get_str (vols, key, &volname); if (ret) { snprintf (msg, sizeof (msg), "%s missing in payload", key); goto out; } ret = glusterd_volinfo_new (&new_volinfo); if (ret) goto out; strncpy (new_volinfo->volname, volname, sizeof (new_volinfo->volname)); memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "volume%d.type", count); ret = dict_get_int32 (vols, key, &new_volinfo->type); if (ret) { snprintf (msg, sizeof (msg), "%s missing in payload for %s", key, volname); goto out; } memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "volume%d.brick_count", count); ret = dict_get_int32 (vols, key, &new_volinfo->brick_count); if (ret) { snprintf (msg, sizeof (msg), "%s missing in payload for %s", key, volname); goto out; } memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "volume%d.version", count); ret = dict_get_int32 (vols, key, &new_volinfo->version); if (ret) { snprintf (msg, sizeof (msg), "%s missing in payload for %s", key, volname); goto out; } memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "volume%d.status", count); ret = dict_get_int32 (vols, key, (int32_t *)&new_volinfo->status); if (ret) { snprintf (msg, sizeof (msg), "%s missing in payload for %s", key, volname); goto out; } memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "volume%d.sub_count", count); ret = dict_get_int32 (vols, key, &new_volinfo->sub_count); if (ret) { snprintf (msg, sizeof (msg), "%s missing in payload for %s", key, volname); goto out; } /* not having a 'stripe_count' key is not a error (as peer may be of old version) */ memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "volume%d.stripe_count", count); ret = dict_get_int32 (vols, key, &new_volinfo->stripe_count); if (ret) gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_INFO, "peer is possibly old version"); /* not having a 'replica_count' key is not a error (as peer may be of old version) */ memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "volume%d.replica_count", count); ret = dict_get_int32 (vols, key, &new_volinfo->replica_count); if (ret) gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_INFO, "peer is possibly old version"); /* not having a 'dist_count' key is not a error (as peer may be of old version) */ memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "volume%d.dist_count", count); ret = dict_get_int32 (vols, key, &new_volinfo->dist_leaf_count); if (ret) gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_INFO, "peer is possibly old version"); memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "volume%d.ckusm", count); ret = dict_get_uint32 (vols, key, &new_volinfo->cksum); if (ret) { snprintf (msg, sizeof (msg), "%s missing in payload for %s", key, volname); goto out; } memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "volume%d.volume_id", count); ret = dict_get_str (vols, key, &volume_id_str); if (ret) { snprintf (msg, sizeof (msg), "%s missing in payload for %s", key, volname); goto out; } uuid_parse (volume_id_str, new_volinfo->volume_id); memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "volume%d.username", count); ret = dict_get_str (vols, key, &str); if (!ret) { ret = glusterd_auth_set_username (new_volinfo, str); if (ret) goto out; } memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "volume%d.password", count); ret = dict_get_str (vols, key, &str); if (!ret) { ret = glusterd_auth_set_password (new_volinfo, str); if (ret) goto out; } memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "volume%d.transport_type", count); ret = dict_get_uint32 (vols, key, &new_volinfo->transport_type); if (ret) { snprintf (msg, sizeof (msg), "%s missing in payload for %s", key, volname); goto out; } memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "volume%d.rebalance", count); ret = dict_get_uint32 (vols, key, &new_volinfo->rebal.defrag_cmd); if (ret) { snprintf (msg, sizeof (msg), "%s missing in payload for %s", key, volname); goto out; } if (new_volinfo->rebal.defrag_cmd) { memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "volume%d.rebalance-id", count); ret = dict_get_str (vols, key, &rebalance_id_str); if (ret) { /* This is not present in older glusterfs versions, * so don't error out */ ret = 0; } else { uuid_parse (rebalance_id_str, new_volinfo->rebal.rebalance_id); } } memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "volume%d.rebalance-op", count); ret = dict_get_uint32 (vols, key,(uint32_t *) &new_volinfo->rebal.op); if (ret) { /* This is not present in older glusterfs versions, * so don't error out */ ret = 0; } memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, 256, "volume%d."GLUSTERD_STORE_KEY_RB_STATUS, count); ret = dict_get_int32 (vols, key, &rb_status); if (ret) goto out; new_volinfo->rep_brick.rb_status = rb_status; if (new_volinfo->rep_brick.rb_status > GF_RB_STATUS_NONE) { memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, 256, "volume%d."GLUSTERD_STORE_KEY_RB_SRC_BRICK, count); ret = dict_get_str (vols, key, &src_brick); if (ret) goto out; ret = glusterd_brickinfo_new_from_brick (src_brick, &new_volinfo->rep_brick.src_brick); if (ret) { gf_log ("", GF_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to create" " src brickinfo"); goto out; } memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, 256, "volume%d."GLUSTERD_STORE_KEY_RB_DST_BRICK, count); ret = dict_get_str (vols, key, &dst_brick); if (ret) goto out; ret = glusterd_brickinfo_new_from_brick (dst_brick, &new_volinfo->rep_brick.dst_brick); if (ret) { gf_log ("", GF_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to create" " dst brickinfo"); goto out; } memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "volume%d.rb_id", count); ret = dict_get_str (vols, key, &rb_id_str); if (ret) { /* This is not present in older glusterfs versions, * so don't error out */ ret = 0; } else { uuid_parse (rb_id_str, new_volinfo->rep_brick.rb_id); } } ret = glusterd_import_friend_volume_opts (vols, count, new_volinfo); if (ret) goto out; ret = glusterd_import_bricks (vols, count, new_volinfo); if (ret) goto out; *volinfo = new_volinfo; out: if (msg[0]) gf_log ("glusterd", GF_LOG_ERROR, "%s", msg); gf_log ("", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Returning with %d", ret); return ret; } int32_t glusterd_volume_disconnect_all_bricks (glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo) { int ret = 0; glusterd_brickinfo_t *brickinfo = NULL; GF_ASSERT (volinfo); list_for_each_entry (brickinfo, &volinfo->bricks, brick_list) { if (glusterd_is_brick_started (brickinfo)) { ret = glusterd_brick_disconnect (brickinfo); if (ret) { gf_log ("glusterd", GF_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to " "disconnect %s:%s", brickinfo->hostname, brickinfo->path); break; } } } return ret; } int32_t glusterd_volinfo_copy_brick_portinfo (glusterd_volinfo_t *new_volinfo, glusterd_volinfo_t *old_volinfo) { glusterd_brickinfo_t *new_brickinfo = NULL; glusterd_brickinfo_t *old_brickinfo = NULL; int ret = 0; GF_ASSERT (new_volinfo); GF_ASSERT (old_volinfo); if (_gf_false == glusterd_is_volume_started (new_volinfo)) goto out; list_for_each_entry (new_brickinfo, &new_volinfo->bricks, brick_list) { ret = glusterd_volume_brickinfo_get (new_brickinfo->uuid, new_brickinfo->hostname, new_brickinfo->path, old_volinfo, &old_brickinfo); if ((0 == ret) && glusterd_is_brick_started (old_brickinfo)) { new_brickinfo->port = old_brickinfo->port; } } out: ret = 0; return ret; } int32_t glusterd_volinfo_stop_stale_bricks (glusterd_volinfo_t *new_volinfo, glusterd_volinfo_t *old_volinfo) { glusterd_brickinfo_t *new_brickinfo = NULL; glusterd_brickinfo_t *old_brickinfo = NULL; int ret = 0; GF_ASSERT (new_volinfo); GF_ASSERT (old_volinfo); if (_gf_false == glusterd_is_volume_started (old_volinfo)) goto out; list_for_each_entry (old_brickinfo, &old_volinfo->bricks, brick_list) { ret = glusterd_volume_brickinfo_get (old_brickinfo->uuid, old_brickinfo->hostname, old_brickinfo->path, new_volinfo, &new_brickinfo); if (ret) { /*TODO: may need to switch to 'atomic' flavour of * brick_stop, once we make peer rpc program also * synctask enabled*/ ret = glusterd_brick_stop (old_volinfo, old_brickinfo, _gf_false); if (ret) gf_log ("glusterd", GF_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to " "stop brick %s:%s", old_brickinfo->hostname, old_brickinfo->path); } } ret = 0; out: gf_log ("", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Returning with %d", ret); return ret; } int32_t glusterd_delete_stale_volume (glusterd_volinfo_t *stale_volinfo, glusterd_volinfo_t *valid_volinfo) { GF_ASSERT (stale_volinfo); GF_ASSERT (valid_volinfo); /* If stale volume is in started state, copy the port numbers of the * local bricks if they exist in the valid volume information. * stop stale bricks. Stale volume information is going to be deleted. * Which deletes the valid brick information inside stale volinfo. * We dont want brick_rpc_notify to access already deleted brickinfo. * Disconnect all bricks from stale_volinfo (unconditionally), since * they are being deleted subsequently. */ if (glusterd_is_volume_started (stale_volinfo)) { if (glusterd_is_volume_started (valid_volinfo)) { (void) glusterd_volinfo_stop_stale_bricks (valid_volinfo, stale_volinfo); //Only valid bricks will be running now. (void) glusterd_volinfo_copy_brick_portinfo (valid_volinfo, stale_volinfo); } else { (void) glusterd_stop_bricks (stale_volinfo); } (void) glusterd_volume_disconnect_all_bricks (stale_volinfo); } /* Delete all the bricks and stores and vol files. They will be created * again by the valid_volinfo. Volume store delete should not be * performed because some of the bricks could still be running, * keeping pid files under run directory */ (void) glusterd_delete_all_bricks (stale_volinfo); if (stale_volinfo->shandle) { unlink (stale_volinfo->shandle->path); (void) glusterd_store_handle_destroy (stale_volinfo->shandle); stale_volinfo->shandle = NULL; } (void) glusterd_volinfo_delete (stale_volinfo); return 0; } int32_t glusterd_import_friend_volume (dict_t *vols, size_t count) { int32_t ret = -1; glusterd_conf_t *priv = NULL; xlator_t *this = NULL; glusterd_volinfo_t *old_volinfo = NULL; glusterd_volinfo_t *new_volinfo = NULL; GF_ASSERT (vols); this = THIS; GF_ASSERT (this); priv = this->private; GF_ASSERT (priv); ret = glusterd_import_volinfo (vols, count, &new_volinfo); if (ret) goto out; ret = glusterd_volinfo_find (new_volinfo->volname, &old_volinfo); if (0 == ret) { (void) glusterd_delete_stale_volume (old_volinfo, new_volinfo); } if (glusterd_is_volume_started (new_volinfo)) { (void) glusterd_start_bricks (new_volinfo); } ret = glusterd_store_volinfo (new_volinfo, GLUSTERD_VOLINFO_VER_AC_NONE); ret = glusterd_create_volfiles_and_notify_services (new_volinfo); if (ret) goto out; list_add_tail (&new_volinfo->vol_list, &priv->volumes); out: gf_log ("", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Returning with ret: %d", ret); return ret; } int32_t glusterd_import_friend_volumes (dict_t *vols) { int32_t ret = -1; int32_t count = 0; int i = 1; GF_ASSERT (vols); ret = dict_get_int32 (vols, "count", &count); if (ret) goto out; while (i <= count) { ret = glusterd_import_friend_volume (vols, i); if (ret) goto out; i++; } out: gf_log ("", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Returning with %d", ret); return ret; } int glusterd_get_global_opt_version (dict_t *opts, uint32_t *version) { int ret = -1; char *version_str = NULL; ret = dict_get_str (opts, GLUSTERD_GLOBAL_OPT_VERSION, &version_str); if (ret) goto out; ret = gf_string2uint (version_str, version); if (ret) goto out; ret = 0; out: return ret; } int glusterd_get_next_global_opt_version_str (dict_t *opts, char **version_str) { int ret = -1; char version_string[64] = {0}; uint32_t version = 0; ret = glusterd_get_global_opt_version (opts, &version); if (ret) goto out; version++; snprintf (version_string, sizeof (version_string), "%"PRIu32, version); *version_str = gf_strdup (version_string); if (*version_str) ret = 0; out: return ret; } int32_t glusterd_import_global_opts (dict_t *friend_data) { xlator_t *this = NULL; glusterd_conf_t *conf = NULL; int ret = -1; dict_t *import_options = NULL; int count = 0; uint32_t local_version = 0; uint32_t remote_version = 0; this = THIS; conf = this->private; ret = dict_get_int32 (friend_data, "global-opt-count", &count); if (ret) { //old version peer ret = 0; goto out; } import_options = dict_new (); if (!import_options) goto out; ret = import_prdict_dict (friend_data, import_options, "key", "val", count, "global"); if (ret) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to import" " global options"); goto out; } ret = glusterd_get_global_opt_version (conf->opts, &local_version); if (ret) goto out; ret = glusterd_get_global_opt_version (import_options, &remote_version); if (ret) goto out; if (remote_version > local_version) { ret = glusterd_store_options (this, import_options); if (ret) goto out; dict_unref (conf->opts); conf->opts = dict_ref (import_options); } ret = 0; out: if (import_options) dict_unref (import_options); return ret; } int32_t glusterd_compare_friend_data (dict_t *vols, int32_t *status) { int32_t ret = -1; int32_t count = 0; int i = 1; gf_boolean_t update = _gf_false; gf_boolean_t stale_nfs = _gf_false; gf_boolean_t stale_shd = _gf_false; GF_ASSERT (vols); GF_ASSERT (status); ret = dict_get_int32 (vols, "count", &count); if (ret) goto out; while (i <= count) { ret = glusterd_compare_friend_volume (vols, i, status); if (ret) goto out; if (GLUSTERD_VOL_COMP_RJT == *status) { ret = 0; goto out; } if (GLUSTERD_VOL_COMP_UPDATE_REQ == *status) update = _gf_true; i++; } if (update) { if (glusterd_is_nodesvc_running ("nfs")) stale_nfs = _gf_true; if (glusterd_is_nodesvc_running ("glustershd")) stale_shd = _gf_true; ret = glusterd_import_global_opts (vols); if (ret) goto out; ret = glusterd_import_friend_volumes (vols); if (ret) goto out; if (_gf_false == glusterd_are_all_volumes_stopped ()) { ret = glusterd_nodesvcs_handle_graph_change (NULL); } else { if (stale_nfs) glusterd_nfs_server_stop (); if (stale_shd) glusterd_shd_stop (); } } out: gf_log ("", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Returning with ret: %d, status: %d", ret, *status); return ret; } /* Valid only in if service is 'local' to glusterd. * pid can be -1, if reading pidfile failed */ gf_boolean_t glusterd_is_service_running (char *pidfile, int *pid) { FILE *file = NULL; gf_boolean_t running = _gf_false; int ret = 0; int fno = 0; file = fopen (pidfile, "r+"); if (!file) goto out; fno = fileno (file); ret = lockf (fno, F_TEST, 0); if (ret == -1) running = _gf_true; if (!pid) goto out; ret = fscanf (file, "%d", pid); if (ret <= 0) { gf_log ("", GF_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to read pidfile: %s, %s", pidfile, strerror (errno)); *pid = -1; } out: if (file) fclose (file); return running; } void glusterd_get_nodesvc_dir (char *server, char *workdir, char *path, size_t len) { GF_ASSERT (len == PATH_MAX); snprintf (path, len, "%s/%s", workdir, server); } void glusterd_get_nodesvc_rundir (char *server, char *workdir, char *path, size_t len) { char dir[PATH_MAX] = {0}; GF_ASSERT (len == PATH_MAX); glusterd_get_nodesvc_dir (server, workdir, dir, sizeof (dir)); snprintf (path, len, "%s/run", dir); } void glusterd_get_nodesvc_pidfile (char *server, char *workdir, char *path, size_t len) { char dir[PATH_MAX] = {0}; GF_ASSERT (len == PATH_MAX); glusterd_get_nodesvc_rundir (server, workdir, dir, sizeof (dir)); snprintf (path, len, "%s/%s.pid", dir, server); } void glusterd_get_nodesvc_volfile (char *server, char *workdir, char *volfile, size_t len) { char dir[PATH_MAX] = {0,}; GF_ASSERT (len == PATH_MAX); glusterd_get_nodesvc_dir (server, workdir, dir, sizeof (dir)); snprintf (volfile, len, "%s/%s-server.vol", dir, server); } void glusterd_nodesvc_set_online_status (char *server, gf_boolean_t status) { glusterd_conf_t *priv = NULL; GF_ASSERT (server); priv = THIS->private; GF_ASSERT (priv); GF_ASSERT (priv->shd); GF_ASSERT (priv->nfs); if (!strcmp("glustershd", server)) priv->shd->online = status; else if (!strcmp ("nfs", server)) priv->nfs->online = status; } gf_boolean_t glusterd_is_nodesvc_online (char *server) { glusterd_conf_t *conf = NULL; gf_boolean_t online = _gf_false; GF_ASSERT (server); conf = THIS->private; GF_ASSERT (conf); GF_ASSERT (conf->shd); GF_ASSERT (conf->nfs); if (!strcmp (server, "glustershd")) online = conf->shd->online; else if (!strcmp (server, "nfs")) online = conf->nfs->online; return online; } int32_t glusterd_nodesvc_set_socket_filepath (char *rundir, uuid_t uuid, char *socketpath, int len) { char sockfilepath[PATH_MAX] = {0,}; snprintf (sockfilepath, sizeof (sockfilepath), "%s/run-%s", rundir, uuid_utoa (uuid)); glusterd_set_socket_filepath (sockfilepath, socketpath, len); return 0; } struct rpc_clnt* glusterd_pending_node_get_rpc (glusterd_pending_node_t *pending_node) { struct rpc_clnt *rpc = NULL; glusterd_brickinfo_t *brickinfo = NULL; nodesrv_t *shd = NULL; glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo = NULL; nodesrv_t *nfs = NULL; GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO (THIS->name, pending_node, out); GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO (THIS->name, pending_node->node, out); if (pending_node->type == GD_NODE_BRICK) { brickinfo = pending_node->node; rpc = brickinfo->rpc; } else if (pending_node->type == GD_NODE_SHD) { shd = pending_node->node; rpc = shd->rpc; } else if (pending_node->type == GD_NODE_REBALANCE) { volinfo = pending_node->node; if (volinfo->rebal.defrag) rpc = volinfo->rebal.defrag->rpc; } else if (pending_node->type == GD_NODE_NFS) { nfs = pending_node->node; rpc = nfs->rpc; } else { GF_ASSERT (0); } out: return rpc; } struct rpc_clnt* glusterd_nodesvc_get_rpc (char *server) { glusterd_conf_t *priv = NULL; struct rpc_clnt *rpc = NULL; GF_ASSERT (server); priv = THIS->private; GF_ASSERT (priv); GF_ASSERT (priv->shd); GF_ASSERT (priv->nfs); if (!strcmp (server, "glustershd")) rpc = priv->shd->rpc; else if (!strcmp (server, "nfs")) rpc = priv->nfs->rpc; return rpc; } int32_t glusterd_nodesvc_set_rpc (char *server, struct rpc_clnt *rpc) { int ret = 0; xlator_t *this = NULL; glusterd_conf_t *priv = NULL; this = THIS; GF_ASSERT (this); priv = this->private; GF_ASSERT (priv); GF_ASSERT (priv->shd); GF_ASSERT (priv->nfs); if (!strcmp ("glustershd", server)) priv->shd->rpc = rpc; else if (!strcmp ("nfs", server)) priv->nfs->rpc = rpc; return ret; } int32_t glusterd_nodesvc_connect (char *server, char *socketpath) { int ret = 0; dict_t *options = NULL; struct rpc_clnt *rpc = NULL; rpc = glusterd_nodesvc_get_rpc (server); if (rpc == NULL) { /* Setting frame-timeout to 10mins (600seconds). * Unix domain sockets ensures that the connection is reliable. * The default timeout of 30mins used for unreliable network * connections is too long for unix domain socket connections. */ ret = rpc_clnt_transport_unix_options_build (&options, socketpath, 600); if (ret) goto out; ret = glusterd_rpc_create (&rpc, options, glusterd_nodesvc_rpc_notify, server); if (ret) goto out; (void) glusterd_nodesvc_set_rpc (server, rpc); } out: return ret; } int32_t glusterd_nodesvc_disconnect (char *server) { struct rpc_clnt *rpc = NULL; rpc = glusterd_nodesvc_get_rpc (server); if (rpc) { rpc_clnt_connection_cleanup (&rpc->conn); rpc_clnt_unref (rpc); (void)glusterd_nodesvc_set_rpc (server, NULL); } return 0; } int32_t glusterd_nodesvc_start (char *server) { int32_t ret = -1; xlator_t *this = NULL; glusterd_conf_t *priv = NULL; runner_t runner = {0,}; char pidfile[PATH_MAX] = {0,}; char logfile[PATH_MAX] = {0,}; char volfile[PATH_MAX] = {0,}; char rundir[PATH_MAX] = {0,}; char sockfpath[PATH_MAX] = {0,}; char volfileid[256] = {0}; char glusterd_uuid_option[1024] = {0}; #ifdef DEBUG char valgrind_logfile[PATH_MAX] = {0}; #endif this = THIS; GF_ASSERT(this); priv = this->private; glusterd_get_nodesvc_rundir (server, priv->workdir, rundir, sizeof (rundir)); ret = mkdir (rundir, 0777); if ((ret == -1) && (EEXIST != errno)) { gf_log ("", GF_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to create rundir %s", rundir); goto out; } glusterd_get_nodesvc_pidfile (server, priv->workdir, pidfile, sizeof (pidfile)); glusterd_get_nodesvc_volfile (server, priv->workdir, volfile, sizeof (volfile)); ret = access (volfile, F_OK); if (ret) { gf_log ("", GF_LOG_ERROR, "%s Volfile %s is not present", server, volfile); goto out; } snprintf (logfile, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s.log", DEFAULT_LOG_FILE_DIRECTORY, server); snprintf (volfileid, sizeof (volfileid), "gluster/%s", server); glusterd_nodesvc_set_socket_filepath (rundir, MY_UUID, sockfpath, sizeof (sockfpath)); runinit (&runner); #ifdef DEBUG if (priv->valgrind) { snprintf (valgrind_logfile, PATH_MAX, "%s/valgrind-%s.log", DEFAULT_LOG_FILE_DIRECTORY, server); runner_add_args (&runner, "valgrind", "--leak-check=full", "--trace-children=yes", NULL); runner_argprintf (&runner, "--log-file=%s", valgrind_logfile); } #endif runner_add_args (&runner, SBIN_DIR"/glusterfs", "-s", "localhost", "--volfile-id", volfileid, "-p", pidfile, "-l", logfile, "-S", sockfpath, NULL); if (!strcmp (server, "glustershd")) { snprintf (glusterd_uuid_option, sizeof (glusterd_uuid_option), "*replicate*.node-uuid=%s", uuid_utoa (MY_UUID)); runner_add_args (&runner, "--xlator-option", glusterd_uuid_option, NULL); } runner_log (&runner, "", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Starting the nfs/glustershd services"); ret = runner_run_nowait (&runner); if (ret == 0) { glusterd_nodesvc_connect (server, sockfpath); } out: return ret; } int glusterd_nfs_server_start () { return glusterd_nodesvc_start ("nfs"); } int glusterd_shd_start () { return glusterd_nodesvc_start ("glustershd"); } gf_boolean_t glusterd_is_nodesvc_running (char *server) { char pidfile[PATH_MAX] = {0,}; glusterd_conf_t *priv = THIS->private; glusterd_get_nodesvc_pidfile (server, priv->workdir, pidfile, sizeof (pidfile)); return glusterd_is_service_running (pidfile, NULL); } int32_t glusterd_nodesvc_unlink_socket_file (char *server) { int ret = 0; char sockfpath[PATH_MAX] = {0,}; char rundir[PATH_MAX] = {0,}; glusterd_conf_t *priv = THIS->private; glusterd_get_nodesvc_rundir (server, priv->workdir, rundir, sizeof (rundir)); glusterd_nodesvc_set_socket_filepath (rundir, MY_UUID, sockfpath, sizeof (sockfpath)); ret = unlink (sockfpath); if (ret && (ENOENT == errno)) { ret = 0; } else { gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to remove %s" " error: %s", sockfpath, strerror (errno)); } return ret; } int32_t glusterd_nodesvc_stop (char *server, int sig) { char pidfile[PATH_MAX] = {0,}; glusterd_conf_t *priv = THIS->private; int ret = 0; if (!glusterd_is_nodesvc_running (server)) goto out; (void)glusterd_nodesvc_disconnect (server); glusterd_get_nodesvc_pidfile (server, priv->workdir, pidfile, sizeof (pidfile)); ret = glusterd_service_stop (server, pidfile, sig, _gf_true); if (ret == 0) { glusterd_nodesvc_set_online_status (server, _gf_false); (void)glusterd_nodesvc_unlink_socket_file (server); } out: return ret; } void glusterd_nfs_pmap_deregister () { if (pmap_unset (MOUNT_PROGRAM, MOUNTV3_VERSION)) gf_log ("", GF_LOG_INFO, "De-registered MOUNTV3 successfully"); else gf_log ("", GF_LOG_ERROR, "De-register MOUNTV3 is unsuccessful"); if (pmap_unset (MOUNT_PROGRAM, MOUNTV1_VERSION)) gf_log ("", GF_LOG_INFO, "De-registered MOUNTV1 successfully"); else gf_log ("", GF_LOG_ERROR, "De-register MOUNTV1 is unsuccessful"); if (pmap_unset (NFS_PROGRAM, NFSV3_VERSION)) gf_log ("", GF_LOG_INFO, "De-registered NFSV3 successfully"); else gf_log ("", GF_LOG_ERROR, "De-register NFSV3 is unsuccessful"); if (pmap_unset (NLM_PROGRAM, NLMV4_VERSION)) gf_log ("", GF_LOG_INFO, "De-registered NLM v4 successfully"); else gf_log ("", GF_LOG_ERROR, "De-registration of NLM v4 failed"); if (pmap_unset (NLM_PROGRAM, NLMV1_VERSION)) gf_log ("", GF_LOG_INFO, "De-registered NLM v1 successfully"); else gf_log ("", GF_LOG_ERROR, "De-registration of NLM v1 failed"); } int glusterd_nfs_server_stop () { int ret = 0; gf_boolean_t deregister = _gf_false; if (glusterd_is_nodesvc_running ("nfs")) deregister = _gf_true; ret = glusterd_nodesvc_stop ("nfs", SIGKILL); if (ret) goto out; if (deregister) glusterd_nfs_pmap_deregister (); out: return ret; } int glusterd_shd_stop () { return glusterd_nodesvc_stop ("glustershd", SIGTERM); } int glusterd_add_node_to_dict (char *server, dict_t *dict, int count, dict_t *vol_opts) { int ret = -1; glusterd_conf_t *priv = THIS->private; char pidfile[PATH_MAX] = {0,}; gf_boolean_t running = _gf_false; int pid = -1; int port = 0; char key[1024] = {0,}; glusterd_get_nodesvc_pidfile (server, priv->workdir, pidfile, sizeof (pidfile)); //Consider service to be running only when glusterd sees it Online if (glusterd_is_nodesvc_online (server)) running = glusterd_is_service_running (pidfile, &pid); /* For nfs-servers/self-heal-daemon setting * brick.hostname = "NFS Server" / "Self-heal Daemon" * brick.path = uuid * brick.port = 0 * * This might be confusing, but cli displays the name of * the brick as hostname+path, so this will make more sense * when output. */ snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "brick%d.hostname", count); if (!strcmp (server, "nfs")) ret = dict_set_str (dict, key, "NFS Server"); else if (!strcmp (server, "glustershd")) ret = dict_set_str (dict, key, "Self-heal Daemon"); if (ret) goto out; memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "brick%d.path", count); ret = dict_set_dynstr (dict, key, gf_strdup (uuid_utoa (MY_UUID))); if (ret) goto out; memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "brick%d.port", count); /* Port is available only for the NFS server. * Self-heal daemon doesn't provide any port for access * by entities other than gluster. */ if (!strcmp (server, "nfs")) { if (dict_get (vol_opts, "nfs.port")) { ret = dict_get_int32 (vol_opts, "nfs.port", &port); if (ret) goto out; } else port = GF_NFS3_PORT; } ret = dict_set_int32 (dict, key, port); if (ret) goto out; memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "brick%d.pid", count); ret = dict_set_int32 (dict, key, pid); if (ret) goto out; memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "brick%d.status", count); ret = dict_set_int32 (dict, key, running); if (ret) goto out; out: gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Returning %d", ret); return ret; } int glusterd_remote_hostname_get (rpcsvc_request_t *req, char *remote_host, int len) { GF_ASSERT (req); GF_ASSERT (remote_host); GF_ASSERT (req->trans); char *name = NULL; char *hostname = NULL; char *tmp_host = NULL; int ret = 0; name = req->trans->peerinfo.identifier; tmp_host = gf_strdup (name); if (tmp_host) get_host_name (tmp_host, &hostname); GF_ASSERT (hostname); if (!hostname) { memset (remote_host, 0, len); ret = -1; goto out; } strncpy (remote_host, hostname, strlen (hostname)); out: GF_FREE (tmp_host); return ret; } int glusterd_check_generate_start_service (int (*create_volfile) (), int (*stop) (), int (*start) ()) { int ret = -1; ret = create_volfile (); if (ret) goto out; ret = stop (); if (ret) goto out; ret = start (); out: return ret; } int glusterd_reconfigure_nodesvc (int (*create_volfile) ()) { int ret = -1; ret = create_volfile (); if (ret) goto out; ret = glusterd_fetchspec_notify (THIS); out: return ret; } int glusterd_reconfigure_shd () { int (*create_volfile) () = glusterd_create_shd_volfile; return glusterd_reconfigure_nodesvc (create_volfile); } int glusterd_reconfigure_nfs () { int ret = -1; gf_boolean_t identical = _gf_false; ret = glusterd_check_nfs_volfile_identical (&identical); if (ret) goto out; if (identical) { ret = 0; goto out; } ret = glusterd_check_generate_start_nfs (); out: return ret; } int glusterd_check_generate_start_nfs () { int ret = 0; ret = glusterd_check_generate_start_service (glusterd_create_nfs_volfile, glusterd_nfs_server_stop, glusterd_nfs_server_start); return ret; } int glusterd_check_generate_start_shd () { int ret = 0; ret = glusterd_check_generate_start_service (glusterd_create_shd_volfile, glusterd_shd_stop, glusterd_shd_start); if (ret == -EINVAL) ret = 0; return ret; } int glusterd_nodesvcs_batch_op (glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo, int (*nfs_op) (), int (*shd_op) ()) { int ret = 0; ret = nfs_op (); if (ret) goto out; if (volinfo && !glusterd_is_volume_replicate (volinfo)) goto out; ret = shd_op (); if (ret) goto out; out: return ret; } int glusterd_nodesvcs_start (glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo) { return glusterd_nodesvcs_batch_op (volinfo, glusterd_nfs_server_start, glusterd_shd_start); } int glusterd_nodesvcs_stop (glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo) { return glusterd_nodesvcs_batch_op (volinfo, glusterd_nfs_server_stop, glusterd_shd_stop); } gf_boolean_t glusterd_are_all_volumes_stopped () { glusterd_conf_t *priv = NULL; xlator_t *this = NULL; glusterd_volinfo_t *voliter = NULL; this = THIS; GF_ASSERT (this); priv = this->private; GF_ASSERT (priv); list_for_each_entry (voliter, &priv->volumes, vol_list) { if (voliter->status == GLUSTERD_STATUS_STARTED) return _gf_false; } return _gf_true; } gf_boolean_t glusterd_all_replicate_volumes_stopped () { glusterd_conf_t *priv = NULL; xlator_t *this = NULL; glusterd_volinfo_t *voliter = NULL; this = THIS; GF_ASSERT (this); priv = this->private; GF_ASSERT (priv); list_for_each_entry (voliter, &priv->volumes, vol_list) { if (!glusterd_is_volume_replicate (voliter)) continue; if (voliter->status == GLUSTERD_STATUS_STARTED) return _gf_false; } return _gf_true; } int glusterd_nodesvcs_handle_graph_change (glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo) { int (*shd_op) () = NULL; int (*nfs_op) () = NULL; shd_op = glusterd_check_generate_start_shd; nfs_op = glusterd_check_generate_start_nfs; if (glusterd_are_all_volumes_stopped ()) { shd_op = glusterd_shd_stop; nfs_op = glusterd_nfs_server_stop; } else if (glusterd_all_replicate_volumes_stopped()) { shd_op = glusterd_shd_stop; } return glusterd_nodesvcs_batch_op (volinfo, nfs_op, shd_op); } int glusterd_nodesvcs_handle_reconfigure (glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo) { return glusterd_nodesvcs_batch_op (volinfo, glusterd_reconfigure_nfs, glusterd_reconfigure_shd); } int glusterd_volume_count_get (void) { glusterd_volinfo_t *tmp_volinfo = NULL; int32_t ret = 0; xlator_t *this = NULL; glusterd_conf_t *priv = NULL; this = THIS; GF_ASSERT (this); priv = this->private; list_for_each_entry (tmp_volinfo, &priv->volumes, vol_list) { ret++; } gf_log ("", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Returning %d", ret); return ret; } int glusterd_brickinfo_get (uuid_t uuid, char *hostname, char *path, glusterd_brickinfo_t **brickinfo) { glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo = NULL; glusterd_conf_t *priv = NULL; xlator_t *this = NULL; int ret = -1; GF_ASSERT (path); this = THIS; GF_ASSERT (this); priv = this->private; list_for_each_entry (volinfo, &priv->volumes, vol_list) { ret = glusterd_volume_brickinfo_get (uuid, hostname, path, volinfo, brickinfo); if (ret == 0) /*Found*/ goto out; } out: return ret; } int glusterd_brick_start (glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo, glusterd_brickinfo_t *brickinfo, gf_boolean_t wait) { int ret = -1; xlator_t *this = NULL; glusterd_conf_t *conf = NULL; if ((!brickinfo) || (!volinfo)) goto out; this = THIS; GF_ASSERT (this); conf = this->private; GF_ASSERT (conf); if (uuid_is_null (brickinfo->uuid)) { ret = glusterd_resolve_brick (brickinfo); if (ret) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, FMTSTR_RESOLVE_BRICK, brickinfo->hostname, brickinfo->path); goto out; } } if (uuid_compare (brickinfo->uuid, MY_UUID)) { ret = 0; goto out; } ret = glusterd_volume_start_glusterfs (volinfo, brickinfo, wait); if (ret) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to start brick %s:%s", brickinfo->hostname, brickinfo->path); goto out; } out: gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_DEBUG, "returning %d ", ret); return ret; } int glusterd_restart_bricks (glusterd_conf_t *conf) { glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo = NULL; glusterd_brickinfo_t *brickinfo = NULL; gf_boolean_t start_nodesvcs = _gf_false; int ret = 0; list_for_each_entry (volinfo, &conf->volumes, vol_list) { if (volinfo->status != GLUSTERD_STATUS_STARTED) continue; start_nodesvcs = _gf_true; if (glusterd_is_volume_in_server_quorum (volinfo)) { //these bricks will be restarted once the quorum is met continue; } list_for_each_entry (brickinfo, &volinfo->bricks, brick_list) { glusterd_brick_start (volinfo, brickinfo, _gf_true); } } if (start_nodesvcs) glusterd_nodesvcs_handle_graph_change (NULL); return ret; } int _local_gsyncd_start (dict_t *this, char *key, data_t *value, void *data) { char *slave = NULL; int uuid_len = 0; char uuid_str[64] = {0}; glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo = NULL; volinfo = data; GF_ASSERT (volinfo); slave = strchr(value->data, ':'); if (slave) slave ++; else return 0; uuid_len = (slave - value->data - 1); strncpy (uuid_str, (char*)value->data, uuid_len); glusterd_start_gsync (volinfo, slave, uuid_str, NULL); return 0; } int glusterd_volume_restart_gsyncds (glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo) { GF_ASSERT (volinfo); dict_foreach (volinfo->gsync_slaves, _local_gsyncd_start, volinfo); return 0; } int glusterd_restart_gsyncds (glusterd_conf_t *conf) { glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo = NULL; int ret = 0; list_for_each_entry (volinfo, &conf->volumes, vol_list) { glusterd_volume_restart_gsyncds (volinfo); } return ret; } int glusterd_get_brickinfo (xlator_t *this, const char *brickname, int port, gf_boolean_t localhost, glusterd_brickinfo_t **brickinfo) { glusterd_conf_t *priv = NULL; glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo = NULL; glusterd_brickinfo_t *tmpbrkinfo = NULL; int ret = -1; GF_ASSERT (brickname); GF_ASSERT (this); priv = this->private; list_for_each_entry (volinfo, &priv->volumes, vol_list) { list_for_each_entry (tmpbrkinfo, &volinfo->bricks, brick_list) { if (localhost && !glusterd_is_local_addr (tmpbrkinfo->hostname)) continue; if (!strcmp(tmpbrkinfo->path, brickname) && (tmpbrkinfo->port == port)) { *brickinfo = tmpbrkinfo; return 0; } } } return ret; } glusterd_brickinfo_t* glusterd_get_brickinfo_by_position (glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo, uint32_t pos) { glusterd_brickinfo_t *tmpbrkinfo = NULL; list_for_each_entry (tmpbrkinfo, &volinfo->bricks, brick_list) { if (pos == 0) return tmpbrkinfo; pos--; } return NULL; } void glusterd_set_brick_status (glusterd_brickinfo_t *brickinfo, gf_brick_status_t status) { GF_ASSERT (brickinfo); brickinfo->status = status; if (GF_BRICK_STARTED == status) { gf_log ("glusterd", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Setting brick %s:%s status " "to started", brickinfo->hostname, brickinfo->path); } else { gf_log ("glusterd", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Setting brick %s:%s status " "to stopped", brickinfo->hostname, brickinfo->path); } } gf_boolean_t glusterd_is_brick_started (glusterd_brickinfo_t *brickinfo) { GF_ASSERT (brickinfo); return (brickinfo->status == GF_BRICK_STARTED); } int glusterd_friend_brick_belongs (glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo, glusterd_brickinfo_t *brickinfo, void* uuid) { int ret = -1; GF_ASSERT (volinfo); GF_ASSERT (brickinfo); GF_ASSERT (uuid); if (uuid_is_null (brickinfo->uuid)) { ret = glusterd_resolve_brick (brickinfo); if (ret) { GF_ASSERT (0); goto out; } } if (!uuid_compare (brickinfo->uuid, *((uuid_t *)uuid))) return 0; out: return -1; } #ifdef GF_LINUX_HOST_OS static int glusterd_get_brick_root (char *path, char **mount_point) { char *ptr = NULL; struct stat brickstat = {0}; struct stat buf = {0}; if (!path) goto err; *mount_point = gf_strdup (path); if (!*mount_point) goto err; if (stat (*mount_point, &brickstat)) goto err; while ((ptr = strrchr (*mount_point, '/')) && ptr != *mount_point) { *ptr = '\0'; if (stat (*mount_point, &buf)) { gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "error in " "stat: %s", strerror (errno)); goto err; } if (brickstat.st_dev != buf.st_dev) { *ptr = '/'; break; } } if (ptr == *mount_point) { if (stat ("/", &buf)) { gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "error in " "stat: %s", strerror (errno)); goto err; } if (brickstat.st_dev == buf.st_dev) strcpy (*mount_point, "/"); } return 0; err: GF_FREE (*mount_point); return -1; } static char* glusterd_parse_inode_size (char *stream, char *pattern) { char *needle = NULL; char *trail = NULL; needle = strstr (stream, pattern); if (!needle) goto out; needle = nwstrtail (needle, pattern); trail = needle; while (trail && isdigit (*trail)) trail++; if (trail) *trail = '\0'; out: return needle; } static int glusterd_add_inode_size_to_dict (dict_t *dict, int count) { int ret = -1; char key[1024] = {0}; char buffer[4096] = {0}; char *inode_size = NULL; char *device = NULL; char *fs_name = NULL; char *cur_word = NULL; char *pattern = NULL; char *trail = NULL; runner_t runner = {0, }; memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "brick%d.device", count); ret = dict_get_str (dict, key, &device); if (ret) goto out; memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "brick%d.fs_name", count); ret = dict_get_str (dict, key, &fs_name); if (ret) goto out; runinit (&runner); runner_redir (&runner, STDOUT_FILENO, RUN_PIPE); /* get inode size for xfs or ext2/3/4 */ if (!strcmp (fs_name, "xfs")) { runner_add_args (&runner, "xfs_info", device, NULL); pattern = "isize="; } else if (IS_EXT_FS(fs_name)) { runner_add_args (&runner, "tune2fs", "-l", device, NULL); pattern = "Inode size:"; } else { ret = 0; gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_INFO, "Skipped fetching " "inode size for %s: FS type not recommended", fs_name); goto out; } ret = runner_start (&runner); if (ret) { gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "could not get inode " "size for %s : %s package missing", fs_name, ((strcmp (fs_name, "xfs")) ? "e2fsprogs" : "xfsprogs")); goto out; } for (;;) { if (fgets (buffer, sizeof (buffer), runner_chio (&runner, STDOUT_FILENO)) == NULL) break; trail = strrchr (buffer, '\n'); if (trail) *trail = '\0'; cur_word = glusterd_parse_inode_size (buffer, pattern); if (cur_word) break; } ret = runner_end (&runner); if (ret) { gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "%s exited with non-zero " "exit status", ((!strcmp (fs_name, "xfs")) ? "xfs_info" : "tune2fs")); goto out; } if (!cur_word) { ret = -1; gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to retrieve inode " "size using %s", (!strcmp (fs_name, "xfs")? "xfs_info": "tune2fs")); goto out; } inode_size = gf_strdup (cur_word); memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "brick%d.inode_size", count); ret = dict_set_dynstr (dict, key, inode_size); out: if (ret) gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "failed to get inode size"); return ret; } static int glusterd_add_brick_mount_details (glusterd_brickinfo_t *brickinfo, dict_t *dict, int count) { int ret = -1; char key[1024] = {0}; char base_key[1024] = {0}; char *mnt_pt = NULL; char *fs_name = NULL; char *mnt_options = NULL; char *device = NULL; FILE *mtab = NULL; struct mntent *entry = NULL; snprintf (base_key, sizeof (base_key), "brick%d", count); ret = glusterd_get_brick_root (brickinfo->path, &mnt_pt); if (ret) goto out; mtab = setmntent (_PATH_MOUNTED, "r"); if (!mtab) { ret = -1; goto out; } entry = getmntent (mtab); while (1) { if (!entry) { ret = -1; goto out; } if (!strcmp (entry->mnt_dir, mnt_pt) && strcmp (entry->mnt_type, "rootfs")) break; entry = getmntent (mtab); } /* get device file */ memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "%s.device", base_key); device = gf_strdup (entry->mnt_fsname); ret = dict_set_dynstr (dict, key, device); if (ret) goto out; /* fs type */ memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "%s.fs_name", base_key); fs_name = gf_strdup (entry->mnt_type); ret = dict_set_dynstr (dict, key, fs_name); if (ret) goto out; /* mount options */ memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "%s.mnt_options", base_key); mnt_options = gf_strdup (entry->mnt_opts); ret = dict_set_dynstr (dict, key, mnt_options); out: GF_FREE (mnt_pt); if (mtab) endmntent (mtab); return ret; } #endif int glusterd_add_brick_detail_to_dict (glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo, glusterd_brickinfo_t *brickinfo, dict_t *dict, int count) { int ret = -1; uint64_t memtotal = 0; uint64_t memfree = 0; uint64_t inodes_total = 0; uint64_t inodes_free = 0; uint64_t block_size = 0; char key[1024] = {0}; char base_key[1024] = {0}; struct statvfs brickstat = {0}; xlator_t *this = NULL; this = THIS; GF_ASSERT (volinfo); GF_ASSERT (brickinfo); GF_ASSERT (dict); snprintf (base_key, sizeof (base_key), "brick%d", count); ret = statvfs (brickinfo->path, &brickstat); if (ret) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "statfs error: %s ", strerror (errno)); goto out; } /* file system block size */ block_size = brickstat.f_bsize; memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "%s.block_size", base_key); ret = dict_set_uint64 (dict, key, block_size); if (ret) goto out; /* free space in brick */ memfree = brickstat.f_bfree * brickstat.f_bsize; memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "%s.free", base_key); ret = dict_set_uint64 (dict, key, memfree); if (ret) goto out; /* total space of brick */ memtotal = brickstat.f_blocks * brickstat.f_bsize; memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "%s.total", base_key); ret = dict_set_uint64 (dict, key, memtotal); if (ret) goto out; /* inodes: total and free counts only for ext2/3/4 and xfs */ inodes_total = brickstat.f_files; if (inodes_total) { memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "%s.total_inodes", base_key); ret = dict_set_uint64 (dict, key, inodes_total); if (ret) goto out; } inodes_free = brickstat.f_ffree; if (inodes_free) { memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "%s.free_inodes", base_key); ret = dict_set_uint64 (dict, key, inodes_free); if (ret) goto out; } #ifdef GF_LINUX_HOST_OS ret = glusterd_add_brick_mount_details (brickinfo, dict, count); if (ret) goto out; ret = glusterd_add_inode_size_to_dict (dict, count); #endif out: if (ret) gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Error adding brick" " detail to dict: %s", strerror (errno)); return ret; } int32_t glusterd_add_brick_to_dict (glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo, glusterd_brickinfo_t *brickinfo, dict_t *dict, int32_t count) { int ret = -1; int32_t pid = -1; int32_t brick_online = -1; char key[1024] = {0}; char base_key[1024] = {0}; char pidfile[PATH_MAX] = {0}; char path[PATH_MAX] = {0}; xlator_t *this = NULL; glusterd_conf_t *priv = NULL; GF_ASSERT (volinfo); GF_ASSERT (brickinfo); GF_ASSERT (dict); this = THIS; GF_ASSERT (this); priv = this->private; snprintf (base_key, sizeof (base_key), "brick%d", count); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "%s.hostname", base_key); ret = dict_set_str (dict, key, brickinfo->hostname); if (ret) goto out; memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "%s.path", base_key); ret = dict_set_str (dict, key, brickinfo->path); if (ret) goto out; memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "%s.port", base_key); ret = dict_set_int32 (dict, key, brickinfo->port); if (ret) goto out; GLUSTERD_GET_VOLUME_DIR (path, volinfo, priv); GLUSTERD_GET_BRICK_PIDFILE (pidfile, path, brickinfo->hostname, brickinfo->path); brick_online = glusterd_is_service_running (pidfile, &pid); memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "%s.pid", base_key); ret = dict_set_int32 (dict, key, pid); if (ret) goto out; memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "%s.status", base_key); ret = dict_set_int32 (dict, key, brick_online); out: if (ret) gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Returning %d", ret); return ret; } int32_t glusterd_get_all_volnames (dict_t *dict) { int ret = -1; int32_t vol_count = 0; char key[256] = {0}; glusterd_volinfo_t *entry = NULL; glusterd_conf_t *priv = NULL; priv = THIS->private; GF_ASSERT (priv); list_for_each_entry (entry, &priv->volumes, vol_list) { memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "vol%d", vol_count); ret = dict_set_str (dict, key, entry->volname); if (ret) goto out; vol_count++; } ret = dict_set_int32 (dict, "vol_count", vol_count); out: if (ret) gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "failed to get all " "volume names for status"); return ret; } int glusterd_all_volume_cond_check (glusterd_condition_func func, int status, void *ctx) { glusterd_conf_t *priv = NULL; glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo = NULL; glusterd_brickinfo_t *brickinfo = NULL; int ret = -1; xlator_t *this = NULL; this = THIS; priv = this->private; list_for_each_entry (volinfo, &priv->volumes, vol_list) { list_for_each_entry (brickinfo, &volinfo->bricks, brick_list) { ret = func (volinfo, brickinfo, ctx); if (ret != status) { ret = -1; goto out; } } } ret = 0; out: gf_log ("", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "returning %d", ret); return ret; } int glusterd_friend_find_by_uuid (uuid_t uuid, glusterd_peerinfo_t **peerinfo) { int ret = -1; glusterd_conf_t *priv = NULL; glusterd_peerinfo_t *entry = NULL; GF_ASSERT (peerinfo); *peerinfo = NULL; priv = THIS->private; GF_ASSERT (priv); if (uuid_is_null (uuid)) return -1; list_for_each_entry (entry, &priv->peers, uuid_list) { if (!uuid_compare (entry->uuid, uuid)) { gf_log ("glusterd", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Friend found... state: %s", glusterd_friend_sm_state_name_get (entry->state.state)); *peerinfo = entry; return 0; } } gf_log ("glusterd", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Friend with uuid: %s, not found", uuid_utoa (uuid)); return ret; } int glusterd_friend_find_by_hostname (const char *hoststr, glusterd_peerinfo_t **peerinfo) { int ret = -1; glusterd_conf_t *priv = NULL; glusterd_peerinfo_t *entry = NULL; struct addrinfo *addr = NULL; struct addrinfo *p = NULL; char *host = NULL; struct sockaddr_in6 *s6 = NULL; struct sockaddr_in *s4 = NULL; struct in_addr *in_addr = NULL; char hname[1024] = {0,}; xlator_t *this = NULL; this = THIS; GF_ASSERT (hoststr); GF_ASSERT (peerinfo); *peerinfo = NULL; priv = this->private; GF_ASSERT (priv); list_for_each_entry (entry, &priv->peers, uuid_list) { if (!strncasecmp (entry->hostname, hoststr, 1024)) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Friend %s found.. state: %d", hoststr, entry->state.state); *peerinfo = entry; return 0; } } ret = getaddrinfo (hoststr, NULL, NULL, &addr); if (ret != 0) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "error in getaddrinfo: %s\n", gai_strerror(ret)); goto out; } for (p = addr; p != NULL; p = p->ai_next) { switch (p->ai_family) { case AF_INET: s4 = (struct sockaddr_in *) p->ai_addr; in_addr = &s4->sin_addr; break; case AF_INET6: s6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *) p->ai_addr; in_addr =(struct in_addr *) &s6->sin6_addr; break; default: ret = -1; goto out; } host = inet_ntoa(*in_addr); ret = getnameinfo (p->ai_addr, p->ai_addrlen, hname, 1024, NULL, 0, 0); if (ret) goto out; list_for_each_entry (entry, &priv->peers, uuid_list) { if (!strncasecmp (entry->hostname, host, 1024) || !strncasecmp (entry->hostname,hname, 1024)) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Friend %s found.. state: %d", hoststr, entry->state.state); *peerinfo = entry; freeaddrinfo (addr); return 0; } } } out: gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Unable to find friend: %s", hoststr); if (addr) freeaddrinfo (addr); return -1; } int glusterd_hostname_to_uuid (char *hostname, uuid_t uuid) { GF_ASSERT (hostname); GF_ASSERT (uuid); glusterd_peerinfo_t *peerinfo = NULL; glusterd_conf_t *priv = NULL; int ret = -1; xlator_t *this = NULL; this = THIS; GF_ASSERT (this); priv = this->private; GF_ASSERT (priv); ret = glusterd_friend_find_by_hostname (hostname, &peerinfo); if (ret) { if (glusterd_is_local_addr (hostname)) { uuid_copy (uuid, MY_UUID); ret = 0; } else { goto out; } } else { uuid_copy (uuid, peerinfo->uuid); } out: gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_DEBUG, "returning %d", ret); return ret; } int glusterd_brick_stop (glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo, glusterd_brickinfo_t *brickinfo, gf_boolean_t del_brick) { int ret = -1; xlator_t *this = NULL; glusterd_conf_t *conf = NULL; if ((!brickinfo) || (!volinfo)) goto out; this = THIS; GF_ASSERT (this); conf = this->private; GF_ASSERT (conf); if (uuid_is_null (brickinfo->uuid)) { ret = glusterd_resolve_brick (brickinfo); if (ret) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, FMTSTR_RESOLVE_BRICK, brickinfo->hostname, brickinfo->path); goto out; } } if (uuid_compare (brickinfo->uuid, MY_UUID)) { ret = 0; if (del_brick) glusterd_delete_brick (volinfo, brickinfo); goto out; } gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_DEBUG, "About to stop glusterfs" " for brick %s:%s", brickinfo->hostname, brickinfo->path); ret = glusterd_volume_stop_glusterfs (volinfo, brickinfo, del_brick); if (ret) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_CRITICAL, "Unable to stop" " brick: %s:%s", brickinfo->hostname, brickinfo->path); goto out; } out: gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_DEBUG, "returning %d ", ret); return ret; } int glusterd_is_defrag_on (glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo) { return (volinfo->rebal.defrag != NULL); } gf_boolean_t glusterd_is_rb_ongoing (glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo) { gf_boolean_t ret = _gf_false; GF_ASSERT (volinfo); if (glusterd_is_rb_started (volinfo) || glusterd_is_rb_paused (volinfo)) ret = _gf_true; return ret; } int glusterd_new_brick_validate (char *brick, glusterd_brickinfo_t *brickinfo, char *op_errstr, size_t len) { glusterd_brickinfo_t *newbrickinfo = NULL; int ret = -1; gf_boolean_t is_allocated = _gf_false; glusterd_peerinfo_t *peerinfo = NULL; glusterd_conf_t *priv = NULL; xlator_t *this = NULL; this = THIS; GF_ASSERT (this); priv = this->private; GF_ASSERT (priv); GF_ASSERT (brick); GF_ASSERT (op_errstr); if (!brickinfo) { ret = glusterd_brickinfo_new_from_brick (brick, &newbrickinfo); if (ret) goto out; is_allocated = _gf_true; } else { newbrickinfo = brickinfo; } ret = glusterd_resolve_brick (newbrickinfo); if (ret) { snprintf(op_errstr, len, "Host %s is not in \'Peer " "in Cluster\' state", newbrickinfo->hostname); gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "%s", op_errstr); goto out; } if (!uuid_compare (MY_UUID, newbrickinfo->uuid)) { /* brick is local */ if (!glusterd_is_brickpath_available (newbrickinfo->uuid, newbrickinfo->path)) { snprintf(op_errstr, len, "Brick: %s not available." " Brick may be containing or be contained " "by an existing brick", brick); gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "%s", op_errstr); ret = -1; goto out; } } else { ret = glusterd_friend_find_by_uuid (newbrickinfo->uuid, &peerinfo); if (ret) goto out; if ((!peerinfo->connected)) { snprintf(op_errstr, len, "Host %s not connected", newbrickinfo->hostname); gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "%s", op_errstr); ret = -1; goto out; } if (peerinfo->state.state != GD_FRIEND_STATE_BEFRIENDED) { snprintf(op_errstr, len, "Host %s is not in \'Peer " "in Cluster\' state", newbrickinfo->hostname); gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "%s", op_errstr); ret = -1; goto out; } } ret = 0; out: if (is_allocated) glusterd_brickinfo_delete (newbrickinfo); gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_DEBUG, "returning %d ", ret); return ret; } int glusterd_is_rb_started(glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo) { gf_log ("", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "is_rb_started:status=%d", volinfo->rep_brick.rb_status); return (volinfo->rep_brick.rb_status == GF_RB_STATUS_STARTED); } int glusterd_is_rb_paused ( glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo) { gf_log ("", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "is_rb_paused:status=%d", volinfo->rep_brick.rb_status); return (volinfo->rep_brick.rb_status == GF_RB_STATUS_PAUSED); } inline int glusterd_set_rb_status (glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo, gf_rb_status_t status) { gf_log ("", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "setting status from %d to %d", volinfo->rep_brick.rb_status, status); volinfo->rep_brick.rb_status = status; return 0; } inline int glusterd_rb_check_bricks (glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo, glusterd_brickinfo_t *src, glusterd_brickinfo_t *dst) { glusterd_replace_brick_t *rb = NULL; GF_ASSERT (volinfo); rb = &volinfo->rep_brick; if (!rb->src_brick || !rb->dst_brick) return -1; if (strcmp (rb->src_brick->hostname, src->hostname) || strcmp (rb->src_brick->path, src->path)) { gf_log("", GF_LOG_ERROR, "Replace brick src bricks differ"); return -1; } if (strcmp (rb->dst_brick->hostname, dst->hostname) || strcmp (rb->dst_brick->path, dst->path)) { gf_log ("", GF_LOG_ERROR, "Replace brick dst bricks differ"); return -1; } return 0; } /*path needs to be absolute; works only on gfid, volume-id*/ static int glusterd_is_uuid_present (char *path, char *xattr, gf_boolean_t *present) { GF_ASSERT (path); GF_ASSERT (xattr); GF_ASSERT (present); int ret = -1; uuid_t uid = {0,}; if (!path || !xattr || !present) goto out; ret = sys_lgetxattr (path, xattr, &uid, 16); if (ret >= 0) { *present = _gf_true; ret = 0; goto out; } switch (errno) { #if defined(ENODATA) case ENODATA: /* FALLTHROUGH */ #endif #if defined(ENOATTR) && (ENOATTR != ENODATA) case ENOATTR: /* FALLTHROUGH */ #endif case ENOTSUP: *present = _gf_false; ret = 0; break; default: break; } out: return ret; } /*path needs to be absolute*/ static int glusterd_is_path_in_use (char *path, gf_boolean_t *in_use, char **op_errstr) { int i = 0; int ret = -1; gf_boolean_t used = _gf_false; char dir[PATH_MAX] = {0,}; char *curdir = NULL; char msg[2048] = {0}; char *keys[3] = {GFID_XATTR_KEY, GF_XATTR_VOL_ID_KEY, NULL}; GF_ASSERT (path); if (!path) goto out; strcpy (dir, path); curdir = dir; do { for (i = 0; !used && keys[i]; i++) { ret = glusterd_is_uuid_present (curdir, keys[i], &used); if (ret) goto out; } if (used) break; curdir = dirname (curdir); if (!strcmp (curdir, ".")) goto out; } while (strcmp (curdir, "/")); if (!strcmp (curdir, "/")) { for (i = 0; !used && keys[i]; i++) { ret = glusterd_is_uuid_present (curdir, keys[i], &used); if (ret) goto out; } } ret = 0; *in_use = used; out: if (ret) { snprintf (msg, sizeof (msg), "Failed to get extended " "attribute %s, reason: %s", keys[i], strerror (errno)); } if (*in_use) { snprintf (msg, sizeof (msg), "%s or a prefix of it is " "already part of a volume", path); } if (strlen (msg)) { gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "%s", msg); *op_errstr = gf_strdup (msg); } return ret; } int glusterd_brick_create_path (char *host, char *path, uuid_t uuid, char **op_errstr) { int ret = -1; char msg[2048] = {0,}; gf_boolean_t in_use = _gf_false; ret = mkdir_p (path, 0777, _gf_true); if (ret) goto out; /* Check for xattr support in backend fs */ ret = sys_lsetxattr (path, "trusted.glusterfs.test", "working", 8, 0); if (ret) { snprintf (msg, sizeof (msg), "Glusterfs is not" " supported on brick: %s:%s.\nSetting" " extended attributes failed, reason:" " %s.", host, path, strerror(errno)); goto out; } else { sys_lremovexattr (path, "trusted.glusterfs.test"); } ret = glusterd_is_path_in_use (path, &in_use, op_errstr); if (ret) goto out; if (in_use) { ret = -1; goto out; } ret = sys_lsetxattr (path, GF_XATTR_VOL_ID_KEY, uuid, 16, XATTR_CREATE); if (ret) { snprintf (msg, sizeof (msg), "Failed to set extended " "attributes %s, reason: %s", GF_XATTR_VOL_ID_KEY, strerror (errno)); goto out; } ret = 0; out: if (strlen (msg)) *op_errstr = gf_strdup (msg); return ret; } int glusterd_sm_tr_log_transition_add_to_dict (dict_t *dict, glusterd_sm_tr_log_t *log, int i, int count) { int ret = -1; char key[512] = {0}; char timestr[64] = {0,}; char *str = NULL; GF_ASSERT (dict); GF_ASSERT (log); memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "log%d-old-state", count); str = log->state_name_get (log->transitions[i].old_state); ret = dict_set_str (dict, key, str); if (ret) goto out; memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "log%d-event", count); str = log->event_name_get (log->transitions[i].event); ret = dict_set_str (dict, key, str); if (ret) goto out; memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "log%d-new-state", count); str = log->state_name_get (log->transitions[i].new_state); ret = dict_set_str (dict, key, str); if (ret) goto out; memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "log%d-time", count); gf_time_fmt (timestr, sizeof timestr, log->transitions[i].time, gf_timefmt_FT); str = gf_strdup (timestr); ret = dict_set_dynstr (dict, key, str); if (ret) goto out; out: gf_log ("", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "returning %d", ret); return ret; } int glusterd_sm_tr_log_add_to_dict (dict_t *dict, glusterd_sm_tr_log_t *circular_log) { int ret = -1; int i = 0; int start = 0; int end = 0; int index = 0; char key[256] = {0}; glusterd_sm_tr_log_t *log = NULL; int count = 0; GF_ASSERT (dict); GF_ASSERT (circular_log); log = circular_log; if (!log->count) return 0; if (log->count == log->size) start = log->current + 1; end = start + log->count; for (i = start; i < end; i++, count++) { index = i % log->count; ret = glusterd_sm_tr_log_transition_add_to_dict (dict, log, index, count); if (ret) goto out; } memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "count"); ret = dict_set_int32 (dict, key, log->count); out: gf_log ("", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "returning %d", ret); return ret; } int glusterd_sm_tr_log_init (glusterd_sm_tr_log_t *log, char * (*state_name_get) (int), char * (*event_name_get) (int), size_t size) { glusterd_sm_transition_t *transitions = NULL; int ret = -1; GF_ASSERT (size > 0); GF_ASSERT (log && state_name_get && event_name_get); if (!log || !state_name_get || !event_name_get || (size <= 0)) goto out; transitions = GF_CALLOC (size, sizeof (*transitions), gf_gld_mt_sm_tr_log_t); if (!transitions) goto out; log->transitions = transitions; log->size = size; log->state_name_get = state_name_get; log->event_name_get = event_name_get; ret = 0; out: gf_log ("", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "returning %d", ret); return ret; } void glusterd_sm_tr_log_delete (glusterd_sm_tr_log_t *log) { if (!log) return; GF_FREE (log->transitions); return; } int glusterd_sm_tr_log_transition_add (glusterd_sm_tr_log_t *log, int old_state, int new_state, int event) { glusterd_sm_transition_t *transitions = NULL; int ret = -1; int next = 0; xlator_t *this = NULL; this = THIS; GF_ASSERT (this); GF_ASSERT (log); if (!log) goto out; transitions = log->transitions; if (!transitions) goto out; if (log->count) next = (log->current + 1) % log->size; else next = 0; transitions[next].old_state = old_state; transitions[next].new_state = new_state; transitions[next].event = event; time (&transitions[next].time); log->current = next; if (log->count < log->size) log->count++; ret = 0; gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Transitioning from '%s' to '%s' " "due to event '%s'", log->state_name_get (old_state), log->state_name_get (new_state), log->event_name_get (event)); out: gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_DEBUG, "returning %d", ret); return ret; } int glusterd_peerinfo_new (glusterd_peerinfo_t **peerinfo, glusterd_friend_sm_state_t state, uuid_t *uuid, const char *hostname, int port) { glusterd_peerinfo_t *new_peer = NULL; int ret = -1; GF_ASSERT (peerinfo); if (!peerinfo) goto out; new_peer = GF_CALLOC (1, sizeof (*new_peer), gf_gld_mt_peerinfo_t); if (!new_peer) goto out; new_peer->state.state = state; if (hostname) new_peer->hostname = gf_strdup (hostname); INIT_LIST_HEAD (&new_peer->uuid_list); if (uuid) { uuid_copy (new_peer->uuid, *uuid); } ret = glusterd_sm_tr_log_init (&new_peer->sm_log, glusterd_friend_sm_state_name_get, glusterd_friend_sm_event_name_get, GLUSTERD_TR_LOG_SIZE); if (ret) goto out; if (new_peer->state.state == GD_FRIEND_STATE_BEFRIENDED) new_peer->quorum_contrib = QUORUM_WAITING; new_peer->port = port; *peerinfo = new_peer; out: if (ret && new_peer) glusterd_friend_cleanup (new_peer); gf_log ("", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "returning %d", ret); return ret; } int32_t glusterd_peer_destroy (glusterd_peerinfo_t *peerinfo) { int32_t ret = -1; if (!peerinfo) goto out; ret = glusterd_store_delete_peerinfo (peerinfo); if (ret) { gf_log ("", GF_LOG_ERROR, "Deleting peer info failed"); } list_del_init (&peerinfo->uuid_list); GF_FREE (peerinfo->hostname); glusterd_sm_tr_log_delete (&peerinfo->sm_log); GF_FREE (peerinfo); peerinfo = NULL; ret = 0; out: return ret; } int glusterd_remove_pending_entry (struct list_head *list, void *elem) { glusterd_pending_node_t *pending_node = NULL; glusterd_pending_node_t *tmp = NULL; int ret = 0; list_for_each_entry_safe (pending_node, tmp, list, list) { if (elem == pending_node->node) { list_del_init (&pending_node->list); GF_FREE (pending_node); ret = 0; goto out; } } out: gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_DEBUG, "returning %d", ret); return ret; } int glusterd_clear_pending_nodes (struct list_head *list) { glusterd_pending_node_t *pending_node = NULL; glusterd_pending_node_t *tmp = NULL; list_for_each_entry_safe (pending_node, tmp, list, list) { list_del_init (&pending_node->list); GF_FREE (pending_node); } return 0; } gf_boolean_t glusterd_peerinfo_is_uuid_unknown (glusterd_peerinfo_t *peerinfo) { GF_ASSERT (peerinfo); if (uuid_is_null (peerinfo->uuid)) return _gf_true; return _gf_false; } int32_t glusterd_delete_volume (glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo) { int ret = -1; GF_ASSERT (volinfo); ret = glusterd_store_delete_volume (volinfo); if (ret) goto out; ret = glusterd_volinfo_delete (volinfo); out: gf_log ("", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "returning %d", ret); return ret; } int32_t glusterd_delete_brick (glusterd_volinfo_t* volinfo, glusterd_brickinfo_t *brickinfo) { int ret = 0; GF_ASSERT (volinfo); GF_ASSERT (brickinfo); glusterd_delete_volfile (volinfo, brickinfo); glusterd_store_delete_brick (volinfo, brickinfo); glusterd_brickinfo_delete (brickinfo); volinfo->brick_count--; return ret; } int32_t glusterd_delete_all_bricks (glusterd_volinfo_t* volinfo) { int ret = 0; glusterd_brickinfo_t *brickinfo = NULL; glusterd_brickinfo_t *tmp = NULL; GF_ASSERT (volinfo); list_for_each_entry_safe (brickinfo, tmp, &volinfo->bricks, brick_list) { ret = glusterd_delete_brick (volinfo, brickinfo); } return ret; } int glusterd_start_gsync (glusterd_volinfo_t *master_vol, char *slave, char *glusterd_uuid_str, char **op_errstr) { int32_t ret = 0; int32_t status = 0; char buf[PATH_MAX] = {0,}; char uuid_str [64] = {0}; runner_t runner = {0,}; xlator_t *this = NULL; glusterd_conf_t *priv = NULL; int errcode = 0; this = THIS; GF_ASSERT (this); priv = this->private; GF_ASSERT (priv); uuid_utoa_r (MY_UUID, uuid_str); if (strcmp (uuid_str, glusterd_uuid_str)) goto out; ret = gsync_status (master_vol->volname, slave, &status); if (status == 0) goto out; snprintf (buf, PATH_MAX, "%s/"GEOREP"/%s", priv->workdir, master_vol->volname); ret = mkdir_p (buf, 0777, _gf_true); if (ret) { errcode = -1; goto out; } snprintf (buf, PATH_MAX, DEFAULT_LOG_FILE_DIRECTORY"/"GEOREP"/%s", master_vol->volname); ret = mkdir_p (buf, 0777, _gf_true); if (ret) { errcode = -1; goto out; } uuid_utoa_r (master_vol->volume_id, uuid_str); runinit (&runner); runner_add_args (&runner, GSYNCD_PREFIX"/gsyncd", "-c", NULL); runner_argprintf (&runner, "%s/"GSYNC_CONF, priv->workdir); runner_argprintf (&runner, ":%s", master_vol->volname); runner_add_args (&runner, slave, "--config-set", "session-owner", uuid_str, NULL); ret = runner_run (&runner); if (ret == -1) { errcode = -1; goto out; } runinit (&runner); runner_add_args (&runner, GSYNCD_PREFIX"/gsyncd", "--monitor", "-c", NULL); runner_argprintf (&runner, "%s/"GSYNC_CONF, priv->workdir); runner_argprintf (&runner, ":%s", master_vol->volname); runner_add_arg (&runner, slave); ret = runner_run (&runner); if (ret == -1) { gf_asprintf (op_errstr, GEOREP" start failed for %s %s", master_vol->volname, slave); goto out; } ret = 0; out: if ((ret != 0) && errcode == -1) { if (op_errstr) *op_errstr = gf_strdup ("internal error, cannot start" "the " GEOREP " session"); } gf_log ("", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Returning %d", ret); return ret; } int32_t glusterd_recreate_bricks (glusterd_conf_t *conf) { glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo = NULL; int ret = 0; GF_ASSERT (conf); list_for_each_entry (volinfo, &conf->volumes, vol_list) { ret = generate_brick_volfiles (volinfo); } return ret; } int32_t glusterd_handle_upgrade_downgrade (dict_t *options, glusterd_conf_t *conf) { int ret = 0; char *type = NULL; gf_boolean_t upgrade = _gf_false; gf_boolean_t downgrade = _gf_false; gf_boolean_t regenerate_brick_volfiles = _gf_false; gf_boolean_t terminate = _gf_false; ret = dict_get_str (options, "upgrade", &type); if (!ret) { ret = gf_string2boolean (type, &upgrade); if (ret) { gf_log ("glusterd", GF_LOG_ERROR, "upgrade option " "%s is not a valid boolean type", type); ret = -1; goto out; } if (_gf_true == upgrade) regenerate_brick_volfiles = _gf_true; } ret = dict_get_str (options, "downgrade", &type); if (!ret) { ret = gf_string2boolean (type, &downgrade); if (ret) { gf_log ("glusterd", GF_LOG_ERROR, "downgrade option " "%s is not a valid boolean type", type); ret = -1; goto out; } } if (upgrade && downgrade) { gf_log ("glusterd", GF_LOG_ERROR, "Both upgrade and downgrade" " options are set. Only one should be on"); ret = -1; goto out; } if (!upgrade && !downgrade) ret = 0; else terminate = _gf_true; if (regenerate_brick_volfiles) { ret = glusterd_recreate_bricks (conf); } out: if (terminate && (ret == 0)) kill (getpid(), SIGTERM); return ret; } gf_boolean_t glusterd_is_volume_replicate (glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo) { gf_boolean_t replicates = _gf_false; if (volinfo && ((volinfo->type == GF_CLUSTER_TYPE_REPLICATE) || (volinfo->type == GF_CLUSTER_TYPE_STRIPE_REPLICATE))) replicates = _gf_true; return replicates; } int glusterd_set_dump_options (char *dumpoptions_path, char *options, int option_cnt) { int ret = 0; char *dup_options = NULL; char *option = NULL; char *tmpptr = NULL; FILE *fp = NULL; int nfs_cnt = 0; if (0 == option_cnt || (option_cnt == 1 && (!strcmp (options, "nfs ")))) { ret = 0; goto out; } fp = fopen (dumpoptions_path, "w"); if (!fp) { ret = -1; goto out; } dup_options = gf_strdup (options); gf_log ("", GF_LOG_INFO, "Received following statedump options: %s", dup_options); option = strtok_r (dup_options, " ", &tmpptr); while (option) { if (!strcmp (option, "nfs")) { if (nfs_cnt > 0) { unlink (dumpoptions_path); ret = 0; goto out; } nfs_cnt++; option = strtok_r (NULL, " ", &tmpptr); continue; } fprintf (fp, "%s=yes\n", option); option = strtok_r (NULL, " ", &tmpptr); } out: if (fp) fclose (fp); GF_FREE (dup_options); return ret; } int glusterd_brick_statedump (glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo, glusterd_brickinfo_t *brickinfo, char *options, int option_cnt, char **op_errstr) { int ret = -1; xlator_t *this = NULL; glusterd_conf_t *conf = NULL; char pidfile_path[PATH_MAX] = {0,}; char path[PATH_MAX] = {0,}; char dumpoptions_path[PATH_MAX] = {0,}; FILE *pidfile = NULL; pid_t pid = -1; this = THIS; GF_ASSERT (this); conf = this->private; GF_ASSERT (conf); if (uuid_is_null (brickinfo->uuid)) { ret = glusterd_resolve_brick (brickinfo); if (ret) { gf_log ("glusterd", GF_LOG_ERROR, "Cannot resolve brick %s:%s", brickinfo->hostname, brickinfo->path); goto out; } } if (uuid_compare (brickinfo->uuid, MY_UUID)) { ret = 0; goto out; } GLUSTERD_GET_VOLUME_DIR (path, volinfo, conf); GLUSTERD_GET_BRICK_PIDFILE (pidfile_path, path, brickinfo->hostname, brickinfo->path); pidfile = fopen (pidfile_path, "r"); if (!pidfile) { gf_log ("", GF_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to open pidfile: %s", pidfile_path); ret = -1; goto out; } ret = fscanf (pidfile, "%d", &pid); if (ret <= 0) { gf_log ("", GF_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to get pid of brick process"); ret = -1; goto out; } snprintf (dumpoptions_path, sizeof (dumpoptions_path), DEFAULT_VAR_RUN_DIRECTORY"/glusterdump.%d.options", pid); ret = glusterd_set_dump_options (dumpoptions_path, options, option_cnt); if (ret < 0) { gf_log ("", GF_LOG_ERROR, "error while parsing the statedump " "options"); ret = -1; goto out; } gf_log ("", GF_LOG_INFO, "Performing statedump on brick with pid %d", pid); kill (pid, SIGUSR1); sleep (1); ret = 0; out: unlink (dumpoptions_path); if (pidfile) fclose (pidfile); return ret; } int glusterd_nfs_statedump (char *options, int option_cnt, char **op_errstr) { int ret = -1; xlator_t *this = NULL; glusterd_conf_t *conf = NULL; char pidfile_path[PATH_MAX] = {0,}; char path[PATH_MAX] = {0,}; FILE *pidfile = NULL; pid_t pid = -1; char dumpoptions_path[PATH_MAX] = {0,}; char *option = NULL; char *tmpptr = NULL; char *dup_options = NULL; char msg[256] = {0,}; this = THIS; GF_ASSERT (this); conf = this->private; GF_ASSERT (conf); dup_options = gf_strdup (options); option = strtok_r (dup_options, " ", &tmpptr); if (strcmp (option, "nfs")) { snprintf (msg, sizeof (msg), "for nfs statedump, options should" " be after the key nfs"); *op_errstr = gf_strdup (msg); ret = -1; goto out; } GLUSTERD_GET_NFS_DIR (path, conf); GLUSTERD_GET_NFS_PIDFILE (pidfile_path, path); pidfile = fopen (pidfile_path, "r"); if (!pidfile) { gf_log ("", GF_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to open pidfile: %s", pidfile_path); ret = -1; goto out; } ret = fscanf (pidfile, "%d", &pid); if (ret <= 0) { gf_log ("", GF_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to get pid of brick process"); ret = -1; goto out; } snprintf (dumpoptions_path, sizeof (dumpoptions_path), DEFAULT_VAR_RUN_DIRECTORY"/glusterdump.%d.options", pid); ret = glusterd_set_dump_options (dumpoptions_path, options, option_cnt); if (ret < 0) { gf_log ("", GF_LOG_ERROR, "error while parsing the statedump " "options"); ret = -1; goto out; } gf_log ("", GF_LOG_INFO, "Performing statedump on nfs server with " "pid %d", pid); kill (pid, SIGUSR1); sleep (1); ret = 0; out: if (pidfile) fclose (pidfile); unlink (dumpoptions_path); GF_FREE (dup_options); return ret; } /* Checks if the given peer contains all the bricks belonging to the * given volume. Returns true if it does else returns false */ gf_boolean_t glusterd_friend_contains_vol_bricks (glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo, uuid_t friend_uuid) { gf_boolean_t ret = _gf_true; glusterd_brickinfo_t *brickinfo = NULL; GF_ASSERT (volinfo); list_for_each_entry (brickinfo, &volinfo->bricks, brick_list) { if (uuid_compare (friend_uuid, brickinfo->uuid)) { ret = _gf_false; break; } } gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Returning %d", ret); return ret; } /* Remove all volumes which completely belong to given friend */ int glusterd_friend_remove_cleanup_vols (uuid_t uuid) { int ret = -1; glusterd_conf_t *priv = NULL; glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo = NULL; glusterd_volinfo_t *tmp_volinfo = NULL; priv = THIS->private; GF_ASSERT (priv); list_for_each_entry_safe (volinfo, tmp_volinfo, &priv->volumes, vol_list) { if (glusterd_friend_contains_vol_bricks (volinfo, uuid)) { gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_INFO, "Deleting stale volume %s", volinfo->volname); ret = glusterd_delete_volume (volinfo); if (ret) { gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "Error deleting stale volume"); goto out; } } } ret = 0; out: gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Returning %d", ret); return ret; } /* Check if the all peers are connected and befriended, except the peer * specified (the peer being detached) */ gf_boolean_t glusterd_chk_peers_connected_befriended (uuid_t skip_uuid) { gf_boolean_t ret = _gf_true; glusterd_peerinfo_t *peerinfo = NULL; glusterd_conf_t *priv = NULL; priv= THIS->private; GF_ASSERT (priv); list_for_each_entry (peerinfo, &priv->peers, uuid_list) { if (!uuid_is_null (skip_uuid) && !uuid_compare (skip_uuid, peerinfo->uuid)) continue; if ((GD_FRIEND_STATE_BEFRIENDED != peerinfo->state.state) || !(peerinfo->connected)) { ret = _gf_false; break; } } gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Returning %s", (ret?"TRUE":"FALSE")); return ret; } void glusterd_get_client_filepath (char *filepath, glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo, gf_transport_type type) { char path[PATH_MAX] = {0,}; glusterd_conf_t *priv = NULL; priv = THIS->private; GLUSTERD_GET_VOLUME_DIR (path, volinfo, priv); if ((volinfo->transport_type == GF_TRANSPORT_BOTH_TCP_RDMA) && (type == GF_TRANSPORT_RDMA)) snprintf (filepath, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s.rdma-fuse.vol", path, volinfo->volname); else snprintf (filepath, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s-fuse.vol", path, volinfo->volname); } void glusterd_get_trusted_client_filepath (char *filepath, glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo, gf_transport_type type) { char path[PATH_MAX] = {0,}; glusterd_conf_t *priv = NULL; priv = THIS->private; GLUSTERD_GET_VOLUME_DIR (path, volinfo, priv); if ((volinfo->transport_type == GF_TRANSPORT_BOTH_TCP_RDMA) && (type == GF_TRANSPORT_RDMA)) snprintf (filepath, PATH_MAX, "%s/trusted-%s.rdma-fuse.vol", path, volinfo->volname); else snprintf (filepath, PATH_MAX, "%s/trusted-%s-fuse.vol", path, volinfo->volname); } int glusterd_volume_defrag_restart (glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo, char *op_errstr, size_t len, int cmd, defrag_cbk_fn_t cbk) { glusterd_conf_t *priv = NULL; char pidfile[PATH_MAX]; int ret = -1; pid_t pid; priv = THIS->private; if (!priv) return ret; GLUSTERD_GET_DEFRAG_PID_FILE(pidfile, volinfo, priv); if (!glusterd_is_service_running (pidfile, &pid)) { glusterd_handle_defrag_start (volinfo, op_errstr, len, cmd, cbk, volinfo->rebal.op); } else { glusterd_rebalance_rpc_create (volinfo, priv, cmd); } return ret; } int glusterd_restart_rebalance (glusterd_conf_t *conf) { glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo = NULL; int ret = 0; char op_errstr[256]; list_for_each_entry (volinfo, &conf->volumes, vol_list) { if (!volinfo->rebal.defrag_cmd) continue; glusterd_volume_defrag_restart (volinfo, op_errstr, 256, volinfo->rebal.defrag_cmd, NULL); } return ret; } void glusterd_volinfo_reset_defrag_stats (glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo) { glusterd_rebalance_t *rebal = NULL; GF_ASSERT (volinfo); rebal = &volinfo->rebal; rebal->rebalance_files = 0; rebal->rebalance_data = 0; rebal->lookedup_files = 0; rebal->rebalance_failures = 0; rebal->rebalance_time = 0; } /* Return hostname for given uuid if it exists * else return NULL */ char * glusterd_uuid_to_hostname (uuid_t uuid) { char *hostname = NULL; glusterd_conf_t *priv = NULL; glusterd_peerinfo_t *entry = NULL; priv = THIS->private; GF_ASSERT (priv); if (!uuid_compare (MY_UUID, uuid)) { hostname = gf_strdup ("localhost"); } if (!list_empty (&priv->peers)) { list_for_each_entry (entry, &priv->peers, uuid_list) { if (!uuid_compare (entry->uuid, uuid)) { hostname = gf_strdup (entry->hostname); break; } } } return hostname; } gf_boolean_t glusterd_is_local_brick (xlator_t *this, glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo, glusterd_brickinfo_t *brickinfo) { gf_boolean_t local = _gf_false; int ret = 0; glusterd_conf_t *conf = NULL; if (uuid_is_null (brickinfo->uuid)) { ret = glusterd_resolve_brick (brickinfo); if (ret) goto out; } conf = this->private; local = !uuid_compare (brickinfo->uuid, MY_UUID); out: return local; } int glusterd_validate_volume_id (dict_t *op_dict, glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo) { int ret = -1; char *volid_str = NULL; uuid_t vol_uid = {0, }; xlator_t *this = NULL; this = THIS; GF_ASSERT (this); ret = dict_get_str (op_dict, "vol-id", &volid_str); if (ret) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get volume id for " "volume %s", volinfo->volname); goto out; } ret = uuid_parse (volid_str, vol_uid); if (ret) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to parse volume id " "for volume %s", volinfo->volname); goto out; } if (uuid_compare (vol_uid, volinfo->volume_id)) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "Volume ids of volume %s - %s" " and %s - are different. Possibly a split brain among " "peers.", volinfo->volname, volid_str, uuid_utoa (volinfo->volume_id)); ret = -1; goto out; } out: return ret; } int glusterd_defrag_volume_status_update (glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo, dict_t *rsp_dict) { int ret = 0; uint64_t files = 0; uint64_t size = 0; uint64_t lookup = 0; gf_defrag_status_t status = GF_DEFRAG_STATUS_NOT_STARTED; uint64_t failures = 0; xlator_t *this = NULL; double run_time = 0; this = THIS; ret = dict_get_uint64 (rsp_dict, "files", &files); if (ret) gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_TRACE, "failed to get file count"); ret = dict_get_uint64 (rsp_dict, "size", &size); if (ret) gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_TRACE, "failed to get size of xfer"); ret = dict_get_uint64 (rsp_dict, "lookups", &lookup); if (ret) gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_TRACE, "failed to get lookedup file count"); ret = dict_get_int32 (rsp_dict, "status", (int32_t *)&status); if (ret) gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_TRACE, "failed to get status"); ret = dict_get_uint64 (rsp_dict, "failures", &failures); if (ret) gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_TRACE, "failed to get failure count"); ret = dict_get_double (rsp_dict, "run-time", &run_time); if (ret) gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_TRACE, "failed to get run-time"); if (files) volinfo->rebal.rebalance_files = files; if (size) volinfo->rebal.rebalance_data = size; if (lookup) volinfo->rebal.lookedup_files = lookup; if (status) volinfo->rebal.defrag_status = status; if (failures) volinfo->rebal.rebalance_failures = failures; if (run_time) volinfo->rebal.rebalance_time = run_time; return ret; } int glusterd_check_files_identical (char *filename1, char *filename2, gf_boolean_t *identical) { int ret = -1; struct stat buf1 = {0,}; struct stat buf2 = {0,}; uint32_t cksum1 = 0; uint32_t cksum2 = 0; xlator_t *this = NULL; GF_ASSERT (filename1); GF_ASSERT (filename2); GF_ASSERT (identical); this = THIS; ret = stat (filename1, &buf1); if (ret) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "stat on file: %s failed " "(%s)", filename1, strerror (errno)); goto out; } ret = stat (filename2, &buf2); if (ret) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "stat on file: %s failed " "(%s)", filename2, strerror (errno)); goto out; } if (buf1.st_size != buf2.st_size) { *identical = _gf_false; goto out; } ret = get_checksum_for_path (filename1, &cksum1); if (ret) goto out; ret = get_checksum_for_path (filename2, &cksum2); if (ret) goto out; if (cksum1 != cksum2) *identical = _gf_false; else *identical = _gf_true; out: gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Returning with %d", ret); return ret; } int glusterd_volset_help (dict_t *dict, char **op_errstr) { int ret = -1; gf_boolean_t xml_out = _gf_false; xlator_t *this = NULL; this = THIS; if (!dict) { if (!(dict = glusterd_op_get_ctx ())) { ret = 0; goto out; } } if (dict_get (dict, "help" )) { xml_out = _gf_false; } else if (dict_get (dict, "help-xml" )) { xml_out = _gf_true; #if (HAVE_LIB_XML) ret = 0; #else gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "libxml not present in the system"); if (op_errstr) *op_errstr = gf_strdup ("Error: xml libraries not " "present to produce " "xml-output"); goto out; #endif } else { goto out; } ret = glusterd_get_volopt_content (dict, xml_out); if (ret && op_errstr) *op_errstr = gf_strdup ("Failed to get volume options help"); out: gf_log ("glusterd", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Returning %d", ret); return ret; } int glusterd_to_cli (rpcsvc_request_t *req, gf_cli_rsp *arg, struct iovec *payload, int payloadcount, struct iobref *iobref, xdrproc_t xdrproc, dict_t *dict) { int ret = -1; char *cmd = NULL; int op_ret = 0; char *op_errstr = NULL; int op_errno = 0; xlator_t *this = NULL; this = THIS; GF_ASSERT (this); op_ret = arg->op_ret; op_errstr = arg->op_errstr; op_errno = arg->op_errno; ret = dict_get_str (dict, "cmd-str", &cmd); if (ret) gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get command " "string"); if (cmd) { if (op_ret) gf_cmd_log ("", "%s : FAILED %s %s", cmd, (op_errstr)? ":" : " ", (op_errstr)? op_errstr : " "); else gf_cmd_log ("", "%s : SUCCESS", cmd); } glusterd_submit_reply (req, arg, payload, payloadcount, iobref, (xdrproc_t) xdrproc); if (dict) dict_unref (dict); return ret; } static int32_t glusterd_append_gsync_status (dict_t *dst, dict_t *src) { int ret = 0; char *stop_msg = NULL; ret = dict_get_str (src, "gsync-status", &stop_msg); if (ret) { ret = 0; goto out; } ret = dict_set_dynstr (dst, "gsync-status", gf_strdup (stop_msg)); if (ret) { gf_log ("glusterd", GF_LOG_WARNING, "Unable to set the stop" "message in the ctx dictionary"); goto out; } ret = 0; out: gf_log ("glusterd", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Returning %d", ret); return ret; } static int32_t glusterd_append_status_dicts (dict_t *dst, dict_t *src) { int dst_count = 0; int src_count = 0; int i = 0; int ret = 0; char mst[PATH_MAX] = {0,}; char slv[PATH_MAX] = {0, }; char sts[PATH_MAX] = {0, }; char nds[PATH_MAX] = {0, }; char *mst_val = NULL; char *slv_val = NULL; char *sts_val = NULL; char *nds_val = NULL; GF_ASSERT (dst); if (src == NULL) goto out; ret = dict_get_int32 (dst, "gsync-count", &dst_count); if (ret) dst_count = 0; ret = dict_get_int32 (src, "gsync-count", &src_count); if (ret || !src_count) { gf_log ("", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Source brick empty"); ret = 0; goto out; } for (i = 1; i <= src_count; i++) { snprintf (nds, sizeof(nds), "node%d", i); snprintf (mst, sizeof(mst), "master%d", i); snprintf (slv, sizeof(slv), "slave%d", i); snprintf (sts, sizeof(sts), "status%d", i); ret = dict_get_str (src, nds, &nds_val); if (ret) goto out; ret = dict_get_str (src, mst, &mst_val); if (ret) goto out; ret = dict_get_str (src, slv, &slv_val); if (ret) goto out; ret = dict_get_str (src, sts, &sts_val); if (ret) goto out; snprintf (nds, sizeof(nds), "node%d", i+dst_count); snprintf (mst, sizeof(mst), "master%d", i+dst_count); snprintf (slv, sizeof(slv), "slave%d", i+dst_count); snprintf (sts, sizeof(sts), "status%d", i+dst_count); ret = dict_set_dynstr (dst, nds, gf_strdup (nds_val)); if (ret) goto out; ret = dict_set_dynstr (dst, mst, gf_strdup (mst_val)); if (ret) goto out; ret = dict_set_dynstr (dst, slv, gf_strdup (slv_val)); if (ret) goto out; ret = dict_set_dynstr (dst, sts, gf_strdup (sts_val)); if (ret) goto out; } ret = dict_set_int32 (dst, "gsync-count", dst_count+src_count); out: gf_log ("", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Returning %d", ret); return ret; } int32_t glusterd_gsync_use_rsp_dict (dict_t *aggr, dict_t *rsp_dict, char *op_errstr) { dict_t *ctx = NULL; int ret = 0; if (aggr) { ctx = aggr; } else { ctx = glusterd_op_get_ctx (); if (!ctx) { gf_log ("", GF_LOG_ERROR, "Operation Context is not present"); GF_ASSERT (0); } } if (rsp_dict) { ret = glusterd_append_status_dicts (ctx, rsp_dict); if (ret) goto out; ret = glusterd_append_gsync_status (ctx, rsp_dict); if (ret) goto out; } if (strcmp ("", op_errstr)) { ret = dict_set_dynstr (ctx, "errstr", gf_strdup(op_errstr)); if (ret) goto out; } ret = 0; out: gf_log ("", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Returning %d ", ret); return ret; } int32_t glusterd_rb_use_rsp_dict (dict_t *aggr, dict_t *rsp_dict) { int32_t src_port = 0; int32_t dst_port = 0; int ret = 0; dict_t *ctx = NULL; if (aggr) { ctx = aggr; } else { ctx = glusterd_op_get_ctx (); if (!ctx) { gf_log ("", GF_LOG_ERROR, "Operation Context is not present"); GF_ASSERT (0); } } if (rsp_dict) { ret = dict_get_int32 (rsp_dict, "src-brick-port", &src_port); if (ret == 0) { gf_log ("", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "src-brick-port=%d found", src_port); } ret = dict_get_int32 (rsp_dict, "dst-brick-port", &dst_port); if (ret == 0) { gf_log ("", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "dst-brick-port=%d found", dst_port); } } if (src_port) { ret = dict_set_int32 (ctx, "src-brick-port", src_port); if (ret) { gf_log ("", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Could not set src-brick"); goto out; } } if (dst_port) { ret = dict_set_int32 (ctx, "dst-brick-port", dst_port); if (ret) { gf_log ("", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Could not set dst-brick"); goto out; } } out: return ret; } int32_t glusterd_sync_use_rsp_dict (dict_t *aggr, dict_t *rsp_dict) { int ret = 0; GF_ASSERT (rsp_dict); if (!rsp_dict) { goto out; } ret = glusterd_import_friend_volumes (rsp_dict); out: return ret; } static int _profile_volume_add_friend_rsp (dict_t *this, char *key, data_t *value, void *data) { char new_key[256] = {0}; glusterd_pr_brick_rsp_conv_t *rsp_ctx = NULL; data_t *new_value = NULL; int brick_count = 0; char brick_key[256]; if (strcmp (key, "count") == 0) return 0; sscanf (key, "%d%s", &brick_count, brick_key); rsp_ctx = data; new_value = data_copy (value); GF_ASSERT (new_value); snprintf (new_key, sizeof (new_key), "%d%s", rsp_ctx->count + brick_count, brick_key); dict_set (rsp_ctx->dict, new_key, new_value); return 0; } int glusterd_profile_volume_use_rsp_dict (dict_t *aggr, dict_t *rsp_dict) { int ret = 0; glusterd_pr_brick_rsp_conv_t rsp_ctx = {0}; int32_t brick_count = 0; int32_t count = 0; dict_t *ctx_dict = NULL; glusterd_op_t op = GD_OP_NONE; GF_ASSERT (rsp_dict); ret = dict_get_int32 (rsp_dict, "count", &brick_count); if (ret) { ret = 0; //no bricks in the rsp goto out; } op = glusterd_op_get_op (); GF_ASSERT (GD_OP_PROFILE_VOLUME == op); if (aggr) { ctx_dict = aggr; } else { ctx_dict = glusterd_op_get_ctx (); } ret = dict_get_int32 (ctx_dict, "count", &count); rsp_ctx.count = count; rsp_ctx.dict = ctx_dict; dict_foreach (rsp_dict, _profile_volume_add_friend_rsp, &rsp_ctx); dict_del (ctx_dict, "count"); ret = dict_set_int32 (ctx_dict, "count", count + brick_count); out: return ret; } static int glusterd_volume_status_add_peer_rsp (dict_t *this, char *key, data_t *value, void *data) { glusterd_status_rsp_conv_t *rsp_ctx = NULL; data_t *new_value = NULL; char brick_key[1024] = {0,}; char new_key[1024] = {0,}; int32_t index = 0; int32_t ret = 0; /* Skip the following keys, they are already present in the ctx_dict */ if (!strcmp (key, "count") || !strcmp (key, "cmd") || !strcmp (key, "brick-index-max") || !strcmp (key, "other-count")) return 0; rsp_ctx = data; new_value = data_copy (value); GF_ASSERT (new_value); sscanf (key, "brick%d.%s", &index, brick_key); if (index > rsp_ctx->brick_index_max) { snprintf (new_key, sizeof (new_key), "brick%d.%s", index + rsp_ctx->other_count, brick_key); } else { strncpy (new_key, key, sizeof (new_key)); new_key[sizeof (new_key) - 1] = 0; } ret = dict_set (rsp_ctx->dict, new_key, new_value); if (ret) gf_log ("", GF_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to set key: %s in dict", key); return 0; } int glusterd_volume_status_copy_to_op_ctx_dict (dict_t *aggr, dict_t *rsp_dict) { int ret = 0; glusterd_status_rsp_conv_t rsp_ctx = {0}; int32_t cmd = GF_CLI_STATUS_NONE; int32_t node_count = 0; int32_t other_count = 0; int32_t brick_index_max = -1; int32_t rsp_node_count = 0; int32_t rsp_other_count = 0; int vol_count = -1; int i = 0; dict_t *ctx_dict = NULL; char key[PATH_MAX] = {0,}; char *volname = NULL; GF_ASSERT (rsp_dict); if (aggr) { ctx_dict = aggr; } else { ctx_dict = glusterd_op_get_ctx (GD_OP_STATUS_VOLUME); } ret = dict_get_int32 (ctx_dict, "cmd", &cmd); if (ret) goto out; if (cmd & GF_CLI_STATUS_ALL && is_origin_glusterd ()) { ret = dict_get_int32 (rsp_dict, "vol_count", &vol_count); if (ret == 0) { ret = dict_set_int32 (ctx_dict, "vol_count", vol_count); if (ret) goto out; for (i = 0; i < vol_count; i++) { memset (key, 0, sizeof (key)); snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "vol%d", i); ret = dict_get_str (rsp_dict, key, &volname); if (ret) goto out; ret = dict_set_str (ctx_dict, key, volname); if (ret) goto out; } } } ret = dict_get_int32 (rsp_dict, "count", &rsp_node_count); if (ret) { ret = 0; //no bricks in the rsp goto out; } ret = dict_get_int32 (rsp_dict, "other-count", &rsp_other_count); if (ret) { gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get other count from rsp_dict"); goto out; } ret = dict_get_int32 (ctx_dict, "count", &node_count); ret = dict_get_int32 (ctx_dict, "other-count", &other_count); if (!dict_get (ctx_dict, "brick-index-max")) { ret = dict_get_int32 (rsp_dict, "brick-index-max", &brick_index_max); if (ret) goto out; ret = dict_set_int32 (ctx_dict, "brick-index-max", brick_index_max); if (ret) goto out; } else { ret = dict_get_int32 (ctx_dict, "brick-index-max", &brick_index_max); } rsp_ctx.count = node_count; rsp_ctx.brick_index_max = brick_index_max; rsp_ctx.other_count = other_count; rsp_ctx.dict = ctx_dict; dict_foreach (rsp_dict, glusterd_volume_status_add_peer_rsp, &rsp_ctx); ret = dict_set_int32 (ctx_dict, "count", node_count + rsp_node_count); if (ret) { gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to update node count"); goto out; } ret = dict_set_int32 (ctx_dict, "other-count", (other_count + rsp_other_count)); if (ret) gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to update other-count"); out: return ret; } int glusterd_volume_rebalance_use_rsp_dict (dict_t *aggr, dict_t *rsp_dict) { char key[256] = {0,}; char *node_uuid = NULL; char *node_uuid_str = NULL; char *volname = NULL; dict_t *ctx_dict = NULL; double elapsed_time = 0; glusterd_conf_t *conf = NULL; glusterd_op_t op = GD_OP_NONE; glusterd_peerinfo_t *peerinfo = NULL; glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo = NULL; int ret = 0; int32_t index = 0; int32_t count = 0; int32_t current_index = 2; int32_t value32 = 0; uint64_t value = 0; GF_ASSERT (rsp_dict); conf = THIS->private; op = glusterd_op_get_op (); GF_ASSERT ((GD_OP_REBALANCE == op) || (GD_OP_DEFRAG_BRICK_VOLUME == op)); if (aggr) { ctx_dict = aggr; } else { ctx_dict = glusterd_op_get_ctx (op); } if (!ctx_dict) goto out; ret = dict_get_str (ctx_dict, "volname", &volname); if (ret) { gf_log ("", GF_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to get volume name"); goto out; } ret = glusterd_volinfo_find (volname, &volinfo); if (ret) goto out; ret = dict_get_int32 (rsp_dict, "count", &index); if (ret) gf_log ("", GF_LOG_ERROR, "failed to get index"); memset (key, 0, 256); snprintf (key, 256, "node-uuid-%d", index); ret = dict_get_str (rsp_dict, key, &node_uuid); if (!ret) { node_uuid_str = gf_strdup (node_uuid); /* Finding the index of the node-uuid in the peer-list */ list_for_each_entry (peerinfo, &conf->peers, uuid_list) { if (!strcmp(peerinfo->uuid_str, node_uuid_str)){ break; } current_index++; } /* Setting the largest index value as the total count. */ ret = dict_get_int32 (ctx_dict, "count", &count); if (count < current_index) { ret = dict_set_int32 (ctx_dict, "count", current_index); if (ret) gf_log ("", GF_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to set count"); } /* Setting the same index for the node, as is in the peerlist.*/ memset (key, 0, 256); snprintf (key, 256, "node-uuid-%d", current_index); ret = dict_set_dynstr (ctx_dict, key, node_uuid_str); if (ret) { gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_DEBUG, "failed to set node-uuid"); } } snprintf (key, 256, "files-%d", index); ret = dict_get_uint64 (rsp_dict, key, &value); if (!ret) { memset (key, 0, 256); snprintf (key, 256, "files-%d", current_index); ret = dict_set_uint64 (ctx_dict, key, value); if (ret) { gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_DEBUG, "failed to set the file count"); } } memset (key, 0, 256); snprintf (key, 256, "size-%d", index); ret = dict_get_uint64 (rsp_dict, key, &value); if (!ret) { memset (key, 0, 256); snprintf (key, 256, "size-%d", current_index); ret = dict_set_uint64 (ctx_dict, key, value); if (ret) { gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_DEBUG, "failed to set the size of migration"); } } memset (key, 0, 256); snprintf (key, 256, "lookups-%d", index); ret = dict_get_uint64 (rsp_dict, key, &value); if (!ret) { memset (key, 0, 256); snprintf (key, 256, "lookups-%d", current_index); ret = dict_set_uint64 (ctx_dict, key, value); if (ret) { gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_DEBUG, "failed to set lookuped file count"); } } memset (key, 0, 256); snprintf (key, 256, "status-%d", index); ret = dict_get_int32 (rsp_dict, key, &value32); if (!ret) { memset (key, 0, 256); snprintf (key, 256, "status-%d", current_index); ret = dict_set_int32 (ctx_dict, key, value32); if (ret) { gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_DEBUG, "failed to set status"); } } memset (key, 0, 256); snprintf (key, 256, "failures-%d", index); ret = dict_get_uint64 (rsp_dict, key, &value); if (!ret) { memset (key, 0, 256); snprintf (key, 256, "failures-%d", current_index); ret = dict_set_uint64 (ctx_dict, key, value); if (ret) { gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_DEBUG, "failed to set failure count"); } } memset (key, 0, 256); snprintf (key, 256, "run-time-%d", index); ret = dict_get_double (rsp_dict, key, &elapsed_time); if (!ret) { memset (key, 0, 256); snprintf (key, 256, "run-time-%d", current_index); ret = dict_set_double (ctx_dict, key, elapsed_time); if (ret) { gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_DEBUG, "failed to set run-time"); } } ret = 0; out: return ret; } int glusterd_volume_heal_use_rsp_dict (dict_t *aggr, dict_t *rsp_dict) { int ret = 0; dict_t *ctx_dict = NULL; glusterd_op_t op = GD_OP_NONE; GF_ASSERT (rsp_dict); op = glusterd_op_get_op (); GF_ASSERT (GD_OP_HEAL_VOLUME == op); if (aggr) { ctx_dict = aggr; } else { ctx_dict = glusterd_op_get_ctx (op); } if (!ctx_dict) goto out; dict_copy (rsp_dict, ctx_dict); out: return ret; } int _profile_volume_add_brick_rsp (dict_t *this, char *key, data_t *value, void *data) { char new_key[256] = {0}; glusterd_pr_brick_rsp_conv_t *rsp_ctx = NULL; data_t *new_value = NULL; rsp_ctx = data; new_value = data_copy (value); GF_ASSERT (new_value); snprintf (new_key, sizeof (new_key), "%d-%s", rsp_ctx->count, key); dict_set (rsp_ctx->dict, new_key, new_value); return 0; } int glusterd_profile_volume_brick_rsp (void *pending_entry, dict_t *rsp_dict, dict_t *op_ctx, char **op_errstr, gd_node_type type) { int ret = 0; glusterd_pr_brick_rsp_conv_t rsp_ctx = {0}; int32_t count = 0; char brick[PATH_MAX+1024] = {0}; char key[256] = {0}; char *full_brick = NULL; glusterd_brickinfo_t *brickinfo = NULL; xlator_t *this = NULL; glusterd_conf_t *priv = NULL; GF_ASSERT (rsp_dict); GF_ASSERT (op_ctx); GF_ASSERT (op_errstr); GF_ASSERT (pending_entry); this = THIS; GF_ASSERT (this); priv = this->private; GF_ASSERT (priv); ret = dict_get_int32 (op_ctx, "count", &count); if (ret) { count = 1; } else { count++; } snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "%d-brick", count); if (type == GD_NODE_BRICK) { brickinfo = pending_entry; snprintf (brick, sizeof (brick), "%s:%s", brickinfo->hostname, brickinfo->path); } else if (type == GD_NODE_NFS) { snprintf (brick, sizeof (brick), "%s", uuid_utoa (MY_UUID)); } full_brick = gf_strdup (brick); GF_ASSERT (full_brick); ret = dict_set_dynstr (op_ctx, key, full_brick); rsp_ctx.count = count; rsp_ctx.dict = op_ctx; dict_foreach (rsp_dict, _profile_volume_add_brick_rsp, &rsp_ctx); dict_del (op_ctx, "count"); ret = dict_set_int32 (op_ctx, "count", count); return ret; } //input-key: :-* //output-key: -* int _heal_volume_add_shd_rsp (dict_t *this, char *key, data_t *value, void *data) { char new_key[256] = {0,}; char int_str[16] = {0}; data_t *new_value = NULL; char *rxl_end = NULL; char *rxl_child_end = NULL; glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo = NULL; int rxl_id = 0; int rxl_child_id = 0; int brick_id = 0; int int_len = 0; int ret = 0; glusterd_heal_rsp_conv_t *rsp_ctx = NULL; glusterd_brickinfo_t *brickinfo = NULL; rsp_ctx = data; rxl_end = strchr (key, '-'); if (!rxl_end) goto out; int_len = strlen (key) - strlen (rxl_end); strncpy (int_str, key, int_len); int_str[int_len] = '\0'; ret = gf_string2int (int_str, &rxl_id); if (ret) goto out; rxl_child_end = strchr (rxl_end + 1, '-'); if (!rxl_child_end) goto out; int_len = strlen (rxl_end) - strlen (rxl_child_end) - 1; strncpy (int_str, rxl_end + 1, int_len); int_str[int_len] = '\0'; ret = gf_string2int (int_str, &rxl_child_id); if (ret) goto out; volinfo = rsp_ctx->volinfo; brick_id = rxl_id * volinfo->replica_count + rxl_child_id; if (!strcmp (rxl_child_end, "-status")) { brickinfo = glusterd_get_brickinfo_by_position (volinfo, brick_id); if (!brickinfo) goto out; if (!glusterd_is_local_brick (rsp_ctx->this, volinfo, brickinfo)) goto out; } new_value = data_copy (value); snprintf (new_key, sizeof (new_key), "%d%s", brick_id, rxl_child_end); dict_set (rsp_ctx->dict, new_key, new_value); out: return 0; } int glusterd_heal_volume_brick_rsp (dict_t *req_dict, dict_t *rsp_dict, dict_t *op_ctx, char **op_errstr) { int ret = 0; glusterd_heal_rsp_conv_t rsp_ctx = {0}; char *volname = NULL; glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo = NULL; GF_ASSERT (rsp_dict); GF_ASSERT (op_ctx); GF_ASSERT (op_errstr); ret = dict_get_str (req_dict, "volname", &volname); if (ret) { gf_log ("", GF_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to get volume name"); goto out; } ret = glusterd_volinfo_find (volname, &volinfo); if (ret) goto out; rsp_ctx.dict = op_ctx; rsp_ctx.volinfo = volinfo; rsp_ctx.this = THIS; dict_foreach (rsp_dict, _heal_volume_add_shd_rsp, &rsp_ctx); out: return ret; } int _status_volume_add_brick_rsp (dict_t *this, char *key, data_t *value, void *data) { char new_key[256] = {0,}; data_t *new_value = 0; glusterd_pr_brick_rsp_conv_t *rsp_ctx = NULL; rsp_ctx = data; new_value = data_copy (value); snprintf (new_key, sizeof (new_key), "brick%d.%s", rsp_ctx->count, key); dict_set (rsp_ctx->dict, new_key, new_value); return 0; } int glusterd_status_volume_brick_rsp (dict_t *rsp_dict, dict_t *op_ctx, char **op_errstr) { int ret = 0; glusterd_pr_brick_rsp_conv_t rsp_ctx = {0}; int32_t count = 0; int index = 0; GF_ASSERT (rsp_dict); GF_ASSERT (op_ctx); GF_ASSERT (op_errstr); ret = dict_get_int32 (op_ctx, "count", &count); if (ret) { count = 0; } else { count++; } ret = dict_get_int32 (rsp_dict, "index", &index); if (ret) { gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "Couldn't get node index"); goto out; } dict_del (rsp_dict, "index"); rsp_ctx.count = index; rsp_ctx.dict = op_ctx; dict_foreach (rsp_dict, _status_volume_add_brick_rsp, &rsp_ctx); ret = dict_set_int32 (op_ctx, "count", count); out: return ret; } int glusterd_defrag_volume_node_rsp (dict_t *req_dict, dict_t *rsp_dict, dict_t *op_ctx) { int ret = 0; char *volname = NULL; glusterd_volinfo_t *volinfo = NULL; char key[256] = {0,}; int32_t i = 0; char buf[1024] = {0,}; char *node_str = NULL; glusterd_conf_t *priv = NULL; priv = THIS->private; GF_ASSERT (req_dict); ret = dict_get_str (req_dict, "volname", &volname); if (ret) { gf_log ("", GF_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to get volume name"); goto out; } ret = glusterd_volinfo_find (volname, &volinfo); if (ret) goto out; if (rsp_dict) { ret = glusterd_defrag_volume_status_update (volinfo, rsp_dict); } if (!op_ctx) { dict_copy (rsp_dict, op_ctx); goto out; } ret = dict_get_int32 (op_ctx, "count", &i); i++; ret = dict_set_int32 (op_ctx, "count", i); if (ret) gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to set count"); snprintf (buf, 1024, "%s", uuid_utoa (MY_UUID)); node_str = gf_strdup (buf); snprintf (key, 256, "node-uuid-%d",i); ret = dict_set_dynstr (op_ctx, key, node_str); if (ret) gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "failed to set node-uuid"); memset (key, 0 , 256); snprintf (key, 256, "files-%d", i); ret = dict_set_uint64 (op_ctx, key, volinfo->rebal.rebalance_files); if (ret) gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "failed to set file count"); memset (key, 0 , 256); snprintf (key, 256, "size-%d", i); ret = dict_set_uint64 (op_ctx, key, volinfo->rebal.rebalance_data); if (ret) gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "failed to set size of xfer"); memset (key, 0 , 256); snprintf (key, 256, "lookups-%d", i); ret = dict_set_uint64 (op_ctx, key, volinfo->rebal.lookedup_files); if (ret) gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "failed to set lookedup file count"); memset (key, 0 , 256); snprintf (key, 256, "status-%d", i); ret = dict_set_int32 (op_ctx, key, volinfo->rebal.defrag_status); if (ret) gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "failed to set status"); memset (key, 0 , 256); snprintf (key, 256, "failures-%d", i); ret = dict_set_uint64 (op_ctx, key, volinfo->rebal.rebalance_failures); if (ret) gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "failed to set failure count"); memset (key, 0, 256); snprintf (key, 256, "run-time-%d", i); ret = dict_set_double (op_ctx, key, volinfo->rebal.rebalance_time); if (ret) gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "failed to set run-time"); out: return ret; } int32_t glusterd_handle_node_rsp (dict_t *req_dict, void *pending_entry, glusterd_op_t op, dict_t *rsp_dict, dict_t *op_ctx, char **op_errstr, gd_node_type type) { int ret = 0; GF_ASSERT (op_errstr); switch (op) { case GD_OP_PROFILE_VOLUME: ret = glusterd_profile_volume_brick_rsp (pending_entry, rsp_dict, op_ctx, op_errstr, type); break; case GD_OP_STATUS_VOLUME: ret = glusterd_status_volume_brick_rsp (rsp_dict, op_ctx, op_errstr); break; case GD_OP_DEFRAG_BRICK_VOLUME: glusterd_defrag_volume_node_rsp (req_dict, rsp_dict, op_ctx); break; case GD_OP_HEAL_VOLUME: ret = glusterd_heal_volume_brick_rsp (req_dict, rsp_dict, op_ctx, op_errstr); break; default: break; } gf_log ("", GF_LOG_DEBUG, "Returning %d", ret); return ret; } /* Should be used only when an operation is in progress, as that is the only * time a lock_owner is set */ gf_boolean_t is_origin_glusterd () { int ret = 0; uuid_t lock_owner = {0,}; ret = glusterd_get_lock_owner (&lock_owner); if (ret) return _gf_false; return (uuid_compare (MY_UUID, lock_owner) == 0); } int glusterd_generate_and_set_task_id (dict_t *dict, char *key) { int ret = -1; uuid_t task_id = {0,}; char *uuid_str = NULL; xlator_t *this = NULL; GF_ASSERT (dict); this = THIS; GF_ASSERT (this); uuid_generate (task_id); uuid_str = gf_strdup (uuid_utoa (task_id)); if (!uuid_str) { ret = -1; goto out; } ret = dict_set_dynstr (dict, key, uuid_str); if (ret) { gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to set %s in dict", key); goto out; } gf_log (this->name, GF_LOG_INFO, "Generated task-id %s for key %s", uuid_str, key); out: if (ret) GF_FREE (uuid_str); return ret; } int glusterd_copy_uuid_to_dict (uuid_t uuid, dict_t *dict, char *key) { int ret = -1; char tmp_str[40] = {0,}; char *task_id_str = NULL; GF_ASSERT (dict); GF_ASSERT (key); uuid_unparse (uuid, tmp_str); task_id_str = gf_strdup (tmp_str); if (!task_id_str) return -1; ret = dict_set_dynstr (dict, key, task_id_str); if (ret) { GF_FREE (task_id_str); gf_log (THIS->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, "Error setting uuid in dict with key %s", key); } return 0; }