#define GF_REQUEST_MAXGROUPS 16 struct gf_statfs { unsigned hyper bsize; unsigned hyper frsize; unsigned hyper blocks; unsigned hyper bfree; unsigned hyper bavail; unsigned hyper files; unsigned hyper ffree; unsigned hyper favail; unsigned hyper fsid; unsigned hyper flag; unsigned hyper namemax; }; struct gf_flock { unsigned int type; unsigned int whence; unsigned hyper start; unsigned hyper len; unsigned int pid; } ; struct gf_iatt { unsigned hyper ia_ino; /* inode number */ unsigned hyper ia_gen; /* generation number */ unsigned hyper ia_dev; /* backing device ID */ unsigned int mode; /* mode (type + protection )*/ unsigned int ia_nlink; /* Link count */ unsigned int ia_uid; /* user ID of owner */ unsigned int ia_gid; /* group ID of owner */ unsigned hyper ia_rdev; /* device ID (if special file) */ unsigned hyper ia_size; /* file size in bytes */ unsigned int ia_blksize; /* blocksize for filesystem I/O */ unsigned hyper ia_blocks; /* number of 512B blocks allocated */ unsigned int ia_atime; /* last access time */ unsigned int ia_atime_nsec; unsigned int ia_mtime; /* last modification time */ unsigned int ia_mtime_nsec; unsigned int ia_ctime; /* last status change time */ unsigned int ia_ctime_nsec; }; struct gfs3_stat_req { unsigned hyper gfs_id; unsigned hyper ino; unsigned hyper gen; string path<>; /* NULL terminated */ }; struct gfs3_stat_rsp { unsigned hyper gfs_id; int op_ret; int op_errno; struct gf_iatt stat; } ; struct gfs3_readlink_req { unsigned hyper gfs_id; unsigned hyper ino; unsigned hyper gen; unsigned int size; string path<>; /* NULL terminated */ } ; struct gfs3_readlink_rsp { unsigned hyper gfs_id; int op_ret; int op_errno; struct gf_iatt buf; string path<>; /* NULL terminated */ } ; struct gfs3_mknod_req { unsigned hyper gfs_id; unsigned hyper par; unsigned hyper gen; unsigned hyper dev; unsigned int mode; string path<>; /* NULL terminated */ string bname<>; /* NULL terminated */ } ; struct gfs3_mknod_rsp { unsigned hyper gfs_id; int op_ret; int op_errno; struct gf_iatt stat; struct gf_iatt preparent; struct gf_iatt postparent; }; struct gfs3_mkdir_req { unsigned hyper gfs_id; unsigned hyper par; unsigned hyper gen; unsigned int mode; string path<>; /* NULL terminated */ string bname<>; /* NULL terminated */ } ; struct gfs3_mkdir_rsp { unsigned hyper gfs_id; int op_ret; int op_errno; struct gf_iatt stat; struct gf_iatt preparent; struct gf_iatt postparent; } ; struct gfs3_unlink_req { unsigned hyper gfs_id; unsigned hyper par; unsigned hyper gen; string path<>; /* NULL terminated */ string bname<>; /* NULL terminated */ }; struct gfs3_unlink_rsp { unsigned hyper gfs_id; int op_ret; int op_errno; struct gf_iatt preparent; struct gf_iatt postparent; }; struct gfs3_rmdir_req { unsigned hyper gfs_id; unsigned hyper par; unsigned hyper gen; string path<>; string bname<>; /* NULL terminated */ }; struct gfs3_rmdir_rsp { unsigned hyper gfs_id; int op_ret; int op_errno; struct gf_iatt preparent; struct gf_iatt postparent; }; struct gfs3_symlink_req { unsigned hyper gfs_id; unsigned hyper par; unsigned hyper gen; string path<>; string bname<>; string linkname<>; }; struct gfs3_symlink_rsp { unsigned hyper gfs_id; int op_ret; int op_errno; struct gf_iatt stat; struct gf_iatt preparent; struct gf_iatt postparent; }; struct gfs3_rename_req { unsigned hyper gfs_id; unsigned hyper oldpar; unsigned hyper oldgen; unsigned hyper newpar; unsigned hyper newgen; string oldpath<>; string oldbname<>; /* NULL terminated */ string newpath<>; string newbname<>; /* NULL terminated */ }; struct gfs3_rename_rsp { unsigned hyper gfs_id; int op_ret; int op_errno; struct gf_iatt stat; struct gf_iatt preoldparent; struct gf_iatt postoldparent; struct gf_iatt prenewparent; struct gf_iatt postnewparent; }; struct gfs3_link_req { unsigned hyper gfs_id; unsigned hyper oldino; unsigned hyper oldgen; unsigned hyper newpar; unsigned hyper newgen; string oldpath<>; string newpath<>; string newbname<>; }; struct gfs3_link_rsp { unsigned hyper gfs_id; int op_ret; int op_errno; struct gf_iatt stat; struct gf_iatt preparent; struct gf_iatt postparent; }; struct gfs3_truncate_req { unsigned hyper gfs_id; unsigned hyper ino; unsigned hyper gen; unsigned hyper offset; string path<>; }; struct gfs3_truncate_rsp { unsigned hyper gfs_id; int op_ret; int op_errno; struct gf_iatt prestat; struct gf_iatt poststat; }; struct gfs3_open_req { unsigned hyper gfs_id; unsigned hyper ino; unsigned hyper gen; unsigned int flags; unsigned int wbflags; string path<>; }; struct gfs3_open_rsp { unsigned hyper gfs_id; int op_ret; int op_errno; hyper fd; }; struct gfs3_read_req { unsigned hyper gfs_id; unsigned hyper ino; unsigned hyper gen; hyper fd; unsigned hyper offset; unsigned int size; }; struct gfs3_read_rsp { unsigned hyper gfs_id; int op_ret; int op_errno; struct gf_iatt stat; string buf<>; } ; struct gfs3_lookup_req { unsigned hyper gfs_id; unsigned hyper ino; /* NOTE: used only in case of 'root' lookup */ unsigned hyper par; unsigned hyper gen; unsigned int flags; string path<>; string bname<>; opaque dict<>; }; struct gfs3_lookup_rsp { unsigned hyper gfs_id; int op_ret; int op_errno; struct gf_iatt stat; struct gf_iatt postparent; opaque dict<>; } ; struct gfs3_write_req { unsigned hyper gfs_id; unsigned hyper ino; unsigned hyper gen; hyper fd; unsigned hyper offset; unsigned int size; }; struct gfs3_write_rsp { unsigned hyper gfs_id; int op_ret; int op_errno; struct gf_iatt prestat; struct gf_iatt poststat; } ; struct gfs3_statfs_req { unsigned hyper gfs_id; unsigned hyper ino; unsigned hyper gen; string path<>; } ; struct gfs3_statfs_rsp { unsigned hyper gfs_id; int op_ret; int op_errno; struct gf_statfs statfs; } ; struct gfs3_lk_req { unsigned hyper gfs_id; unsigned hyper ino; unsigned hyper gen; hyper fd; unsigned int cmd; unsigned int type; struct gf_flock flock; } ; struct gfs3_lk_rsp { unsigned hyper gfs_id; int op_ret; int op_errno; struct gf_flock flock; } ; struct gfs3_inodelk_req { unsigned hyper gfs_id; unsigned hyper ino; unsigned hyper gen; unsigned int cmd; unsigned int type; struct gf_flock flock; string path<>; string volume<>; } ; struct gfs3_finodelk_req { unsigned hyper gfs_id; unsigned hyper ino; unsigned hyper gen; hyper fd; unsigned int cmd; unsigned int type; struct gf_flock flock; string volume<>; } ; struct gfs3_flush_req { unsigned hyper gfs_id; unsigned hyper ino; unsigned hyper gen; hyper fd; } ; struct gfs3_fsync_req { unsigned hyper gfs_id; unsigned hyper ino; unsigned hyper gen; hyper fd; unsigned int data; } ; struct gfs3_fsync_rsp { unsigned hyper gfs_id; int op_ret; int op_errno; struct gf_iatt prestat; struct gf_iatt poststat; } ; struct gfs3_setxattr_req { unsigned hyper gfs_id; unsigned hyper ino; unsigned hyper gen; unsigned int flags; opaque dict<>; string path<>; } ; struct gfs3_fsetxattr_req { unsigned hyper gfs_id; unsigned hyper ino; unsigned hyper gen; hyper fd; unsigned int flags; opaque dict<>; } ; struct gfs3_xattrop_req { unsigned hyper gfs_id; unsigned hyper ino; unsigned hyper gen; unsigned int flags; opaque dict<>; string path<>; } ; struct gfs3_xattrop_rsp { unsigned hyper gfs_id; int op_ret; int op_errno; opaque dict<>; } ; struct gfs3_fxattrop_req { unsigned hyper gfs_id; unsigned hyper ino; unsigned hyper gen; hyper fd; unsigned int flags; opaque dict<>; } ; struct gfs3_fxattrop_rsp { unsigned hyper gfs_id; int op_ret; int op_errno; opaque dict<>; } ; struct gfs3_getxattr_req { unsigned hyper gfs_id; unsigned hyper ino; unsigned hyper gen; unsigned int namelen; string path<>; string name<>; } ; struct gfs3_getxattr_rsp { unsigned hyper gfs_id; int op_ret; int op_errno; opaque dict<>; } ; struct gfs3_fgetxattr_req { unsigned hyper gfs_id; unsigned hyper ino; unsigned hyper gen; hyper fd; unsigned int namelen; string name<>; } ; struct gfs3_fgetxattr_rsp { unsigned hyper gfs_id; int op_ret; int op_errno; opaque dict<>; } ; struct gfs3_removexattr_req { unsigned hyper gfs_id; unsigned hyper ino; unsigned hyper gen; string path<>; string name<>; } ; struct gfs3_opendir_req { unsigned hyper gfs_id; unsigned hyper ino; unsigned hyper gen; string path<>; } ; struct gfs3_opendir_rsp { unsigned hyper gfs_id; int op_ret; int op_errno; hyper fd; } ; struct gfs3_fsyncdir_req { unsigned hyper gfs_id; unsigned hyper ino; unsigned hyper gen; hyper fd; int data; } ; struct gfs3_readdir_req { unsigned hyper gfs_id; unsigned hyper ino; unsigned hyper gen; hyper fd; unsigned hyper offset; unsigned int size; }; struct gfs3_dirlist { unsigned hyper d_ino; unsigned hyper d_off; unsigned int d_len; unsigned int d_type; char *name; struct gfs3_dirlist *nextentry; }; struct gfs3_readdir_rsp { unsigned hyper gfs_id; int op_ret; int op_errno; struct gfs3_dirlist reply; }; struct gfs3_dirplist { unsigned hyper d_ino; unsigned hyper d_off; unsigned int d_len; unsigned int d_type; char *name; struct gf_iatt name_attributes; struct gfs3_dirplist *nextentry; }; struct gfs3_readdirp_rsp { unsigned hyper gfs_id; int op_ret; int op_errno; struct gfs3_dirlistp reply; }; struct gfs3_readdirp_req { unsigned hyper gfs_id; unsigned hyper ino; unsigned hyper gen; hyper fd; unsigned hyper offset; unsigned int size; } ; struct gf_setvolume_req { unsigned hyper gfs_id; opaque dict<>; } ; struct gf_setvolume_rsp { unsigned hyper gfs_id; int op_ret; int op_errno; opaque dict<>; } ; struct gfs3_access_req { unsigned hyper gfs_id; unsigned hyper ino; unsigned hyper gen; unsigned int mask; string path<>; } ; struct gfs3_create_req { unsigned hyper gfs_id; unsigned hyper par; unsigned hyper gen; unsigned int flags; unsigned int mode; string path<>; string bname<>; } ; struct gfs3_create_rsp { unsigned hyper gfs_id; int op_ret; int op_errno; struct gf_iatt stat; unsigned hyper fd; struct gf_iatt preparent; struct gf_iatt postparent; } ; struct gfs3_ftruncate_req { unsigned hyper gfs_id; unsigned hyper ino; unsigned hyper gen; hyper fd; unsigned hyper offset; } ; struct gfs3_ftruncate_rsp { unsigned hyper gfs_id; int op_ret; int op_errno; struct gf_iatt prestat; struct gf_iatt poststat; } ; struct gfs3_fstat_req { unsigned hyper gfs_id; unsigned hyper ino; unsigned hyper gen; hyper fd; } ; struct gfs3_fstat_rsp { unsigned hyper gfs_id; int op_ret; int op_errno; struct gf_iatt stat; } ; struct gfs3_entrylk_req { unsigned hyper gfs_id; unsigned hyper ino; unsigned hyper gen; unsigned int cmd; unsigned int type; unsigned hyper namelen; string path<>; string name<>; string volume<>; }; struct gfs3_fentrylk_req { unsigned hyper gfs_id; unsigned hyper ino; unsigned hyper gen; hyper fd; unsigned int cmd; unsigned int type; unsigned hyper namelen; string name<>; string volume<>; }; struct gfs3_checksum_req { unsigned hyper gfs_id; unsigned hyper ino; unsigned hyper gen; unsigned int flag; string path<>; }; struct gfs3_checksum_rsp { unsigned hyper gfs_id; int op_ret; int op_errno; opaque fchecksum<>; opaque dchecksum<>; } ; struct gfs3_setattr_req { unsigned hyper gfs_id; unsigned hyper ino; unsigned hyper gen; struct gf_iatt stbuf; int valid; string path<>; } ; struct gfs3_setattr_rsp { unsigned hyper gfs_id; int op_ret; int op_errno; struct gf_iatt statpre; struct gf_iatt statpost; } ; struct gfs3_fsetattr_req { unsigned hyper gfs_id; hyper fd; struct gf_iatt stbuf; int valid; } ; struct gfs3_fsetattr_rsp { unsigned hyper gfs_id; int op_ret; int op_errno; struct gf_iatt statpre; struct gf_iatt statpost; } ; struct gfs3_rchecksum_req { unsigned hyper gfs_id; hyper fd; unsigned hyper offset; unsigned int len; } ; struct gfs3_rchecksum_rsp { unsigned hyper gfs_id; int op_ret; int op_errno; unsigned int weak_checksum; opaque strong_checksum<>; } ; struct gfs3_releasedir_req { unsigned hyper gfs_id; unsigned hyper ino; unsigned hyper gen; hyper fd; } ; struct gfs3_release_req { unsigned hyper gfs_id; unsigned hyper ino; unsigned hyper gen; hyper fd; } ; struct gf_getspec_req { unsigned hyper gfs_id; unsigned int flags; string key<>; } ; struct gf_getspec_rsp { unsigned hyper gfs_id; int op_ret; int op_errno; string spec<>; } ; struct gf_log_req { unsigned hyper gfs_id; opaque msg<>; }; struct gf_notify_req { unsigned hyper gfs_id; unsigned int flags; string buf<>; } ; struct gf_notify_rsp { unsigned hyper gfs_id; int op_ret; int op_errno; unsigned int flags; string buf<>; } ; struct gf_common_rsp { unsigned hyper gfs_id; int op_ret; int op_errno; } ; struct gf_dump_version_req { unsigned hyper gfs_id; unsigned int flags; string key<>; }; struct gf_dump_version_rsp { unsigned hyper gfs_id; int op_ret; int op_errno; unsigned int flags; opaque msg<>; }; struct auth_glusterfs_parms { unsigned int pid; unsigned int uid; unsigned int gid; /* Number of groups being sent through the array above. */ unsigned int ngrps; /* Array of groups to which the uid belongs apart from the primary group * in gid. */ unsigned int groups[GF_REQUEST_MAXGROUPS]; unsigned hyper lk_owner; };