/* Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Red Hat, Inc. This file is part of GlusterFS. This file is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3 or later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2), in all cases as published by the Free Software Foundation. */ #include "server.h" #include "server-helpers.h" #include "gidcache.h" #include "server-messages.h" #include "syscall.h" #include "defaults.h" #include "default-args.h" #include "server-common.h" #include #include #include "compound-fop-utils.h" /* based on nfs_fix_aux_groups() */ int gid_resolve (server_conf_t *conf, call_stack_t *root) { int ret = 0; struct passwd mypw; char mystrs[1024]; struct passwd *result; gid_t *mygroups = NULL; gid_list_t gl; int ngroups; const gid_list_t *agl; agl = gid_cache_lookup (&conf->gid_cache, root->uid, 0, 0); if (agl) { root->ngrps = agl->gl_count; if (root->ngrps > 0) { ret = call_stack_alloc_groups (root, agl->gl_count); if (ret == 0) { memcpy (root->groups, agl->gl_list, sizeof (gid_t) * agl->gl_count); } } gid_cache_release (&conf->gid_cache, agl); return ret; } ret = getpwuid_r (root->uid, &mypw, mystrs, sizeof(mystrs), &result); if (ret != 0) { gf_msg ("gid-cache", GF_LOG_ERROR, errno, PS_MSG_GET_UID_FAILED, "getpwuid_r(%u) failed", root->uid); return -1; } if (!result) { gf_msg ("gid-cache", GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, PS_MSG_UID_NOT_FOUND, "getpwuid_r(%u) found nothing", root->uid); return -1; } gf_msg_trace ("gid-cache", 0, "mapped %u => %s", root->uid, result->pw_name); ngroups = gf_getgrouplist (result->pw_name, root->gid, &mygroups); if (ngroups == -1) { gf_msg ("gid-cache", GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, PS_MSG_MAPPING_ERROR, "could not map %s to group list (%d gids)", result->pw_name, root->ngrps); return -1; } root->ngrps = (uint16_t) ngroups; /* setup a full gid_list_t to add it to the gid_cache */ gl.gl_id = root->uid; gl.gl_uid = root->uid; gl.gl_gid = root->gid; gl.gl_count = root->ngrps; gl.gl_list = GF_MALLOC (root->ngrps * sizeof(gid_t), gf_common_mt_groups_t); if (gl.gl_list) memcpy (gl.gl_list, mygroups, sizeof(gid_t) * root->ngrps); else { GF_FREE (mygroups); return -1; } if (root->ngrps > 0) { call_stack_set_groups (root, root->ngrps, &mygroups); } if (gid_cache_add (&conf->gid_cache, &gl) != 1) GF_FREE (gl.gl_list); return ret; } int server_resolve_groups (call_frame_t *frame, rpcsvc_request_t *req) { xlator_t *this = NULL; server_conf_t *conf = NULL; GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO ("server", frame, out); GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO ("server", req, out); this = req->trans->xl; conf = this->private; return gid_resolve (conf, frame->root); out: return -1; } int server_decode_groups (call_frame_t *frame, rpcsvc_request_t *req) { int i = 0; GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO ("server", frame, out); GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO ("server", req, out); if (call_stack_alloc_groups (frame->root, req->auxgidcount) != 0) return -1; frame->root->ngrps = req->auxgidcount; if (frame->root->ngrps == 0) return 0; /* ngrps cannot be bigger than USHRT_MAX(65535) */ if (frame->root->ngrps > GF_MAX_AUX_GROUPS) return -1; for (; i < frame->root->ngrps; ++i) frame->root->groups[i] = req->auxgids[i]; out: return 0; } void server_loc_wipe (loc_t *loc) { if (loc->parent) { inode_unref (loc->parent); loc->parent = NULL; } if (loc->inode) { inode_unref (loc->inode); loc->inode = NULL; } GF_FREE ((void *)loc->path); } void server_resolve_wipe (server_resolve_t *resolve) { GF_FREE ((void *)resolve->path); GF_FREE ((void *)resolve->bname); loc_wipe (&resolve->resolve_loc); } void free_state (server_state_t *state) { if (state->fd) { fd_unref (state->fd); state->fd = NULL; } if (state->params) { dict_unref (state->params); state->params = NULL; } if (state->iobref) { iobref_unref (state->iobref); state->iobref = NULL; } if (state->iobuf) { iobuf_unref (state->iobuf); state->iobuf = NULL; } if (state->dict) { dict_unref (state->dict); state->dict = NULL; } if (state->xdata) { dict_unref (state->xdata); state->xdata = NULL; } GF_FREE ((void *)state->volume); GF_FREE ((void *)state->name); server_loc_wipe (&state->loc); server_loc_wipe (&state->loc2); server_resolve_wipe (&state->resolve); server_resolve_wipe (&state->resolve2); compound_args_cleanup (state->args); /* Call rpc_trnasport_unref to avoid crashes at last after free all resources because of server_rpc_notify (for transport destroy) call's xlator_mem_cleanup if all xprt are destroyed that internally call's inode_table_destroy. */ if (state->xprt) { rpc_transport_unref (state->xprt); state->xprt = NULL; } GF_FREE (state); } static int server_connection_cleanup_flush_cbk (call_frame_t *frame, void *cookie, xlator_t *this, int32_t op_ret, int32_t op_errno, dict_t *xdata) { int32_t ret = -1; fd_t *fd = NULL; client_t *client = NULL; GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO ("server", this, out); GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO ("server", frame, out); fd = frame->local; client = frame->root->client; fd_unref (fd); frame->local = NULL; gf_client_unref (client); STACK_DESTROY (frame->root); ret = 0; out: return ret; } static int do_fd_cleanup (xlator_t *this, client_t* client, fdentry_t *fdentries, int fd_count) { fd_t *fd = NULL; int i = 0, ret = -1; call_frame_t *tmp_frame = NULL; xlator_t *bound_xl = NULL; char *path = NULL; GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO ("server", this, out); GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO ("server", fdentries, out); bound_xl = client->bound_xl; for (i = 0;i < fd_count; i++) { fd = fdentries[i].fd; if (fd != NULL) { tmp_frame = create_frame (this, this->ctx->pool); if (tmp_frame == NULL) { goto out; } GF_ASSERT (fd->inode); ret = inode_path (fd->inode, NULL, &path); if (ret > 0) { gf_msg (this->name, GF_LOG_INFO, 0, PS_MSG_FD_CLEANUP, "fd cleanup on %s", path); GF_FREE (path); } else { gf_msg (this->name, GF_LOG_INFO, 0, PS_MSG_FD_CLEANUP, "fd cleanup on inode with gfid %s", uuid_utoa (fd->inode->gfid)); } tmp_frame->local = fd; tmp_frame->root->pid = 0; gf_client_ref (client); tmp_frame->root->client = client; memset (&tmp_frame->root->lk_owner, 0, sizeof (gf_lkowner_t)); STACK_WIND (tmp_frame, server_connection_cleanup_flush_cbk, bound_xl, bound_xl->fops->flush, fd, NULL); } } GF_FREE (fdentries); ret = 0; out: return ret; } int server_connection_cleanup (xlator_t *this, client_t *client, int32_t flags) { server_ctx_t *serv_ctx = NULL; fdentry_t *fdentries = NULL; uint32_t fd_count = 0; int cd_ret = 0; int ret = 0; GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO ("server", this, out); GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO (this->name, client, out); GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO (this->name, flags, out); serv_ctx = server_ctx_get (client, client->this); if (serv_ctx == NULL) { gf_msg (this->name, GF_LOG_INFO, 0, PS_MSG_SERVER_CTX_GET_FAILED, "server_ctx_get() " "failed"); goto out; } LOCK (&serv_ctx->fdtable_lock); { if (serv_ctx->fdtable && (flags & POSIX_LOCKS)) fdentries = gf_fd_fdtable_get_all_fds (serv_ctx->fdtable, &fd_count); } UNLOCK (&serv_ctx->fdtable_lock); if (client->bound_xl == NULL) goto out; if (flags & INTERNAL_LOCKS) { cd_ret = gf_client_disconnect (client); } if (fdentries != NULL) { gf_msg_debug (this->name, 0, "Performing cleanup on %d " "fdentries", fd_count); ret = do_fd_cleanup (this, client, fdentries, fd_count); } else gf_msg (this->name, GF_LOG_INFO, 0, PS_MSG_FDENTRY_NULL, "no fdentries to clean"); if (cd_ret || ret) ret = -1; out: return ret; } static call_frame_t * server_alloc_frame (rpcsvc_request_t *req) { call_frame_t *frame = NULL; server_state_t *state = NULL; client_t *client = NULL; GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO ("server", req, out); GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO ("server", req->trans, out); GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO ("server", req->svc, out); GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO ("server", req->svc->ctx, out); client = req->trans->xl_private; GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO ("server", client, out); frame = create_frame (client->this, req->svc->ctx->pool); if (!frame) goto out; state = GF_CALLOC (1, sizeof (*state), gf_server_mt_state_t); if (!state) goto out; if (client->bound_xl) state->itable = client->bound_xl->itable; state->xprt = rpc_transport_ref (req->trans); state->resolve.fd_no = -1; state->resolve2.fd_no = -1; frame->root->client = client; frame->root->state = state; /* which socket */ frame->root->unique = 0; /* which call */ frame->this = client->this; out: return frame; } call_frame_t * get_frame_from_request (rpcsvc_request_t *req) { call_frame_t *frame = NULL; client_t *client = NULL; client_t *tmp_client = NULL; xlator_t *this = NULL; server_conf_t *priv = NULL; clienttable_t *clienttable = NULL; unsigned int i = 0; rpc_transport_t *trans = NULL; server_state_t *state = NULL; GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO ("server", req, out); client = req->trans->xl_private; frame = server_alloc_frame (req); if (!frame) goto out; frame->root->op = req->procnum; frame->root->unique = req->xid; client = req->trans->xl_private; this = req->trans->xl; priv = this->private; clienttable = this->ctx->clienttable; for (i = 0; i < clienttable->max_clients; i++) { tmp_client = clienttable->cliententries[i].client; if (client == tmp_client) { /* for non trusted clients username and password would not have been set. So for non trusted clients (i.e clients not from the same machine as the brick, and clients from outside the storage pool) do the root-squashing. TODO: If any client within the storage pool (i.e mounting within a machine from the pool but using other machine's ip/hostname from the same pool) is present treat it as a trusted client */ if (!client->auth.username && req->pid != NFS_PID) RPC_AUTH_ROOT_SQUASH (req); /* Problem: If we just check whether the client is trusted client and do not do root squashing for them, then for smb clients and UFO clients root squashing will never happen as they use the fuse mounts done within the trusted pool (i.e they are trusted clients). Solution: To fix it, do root squashing for trusted clients also. If one wants to have a client within the storage pool for which root-squashing does not happen, then the client has to be mounted with --no-root-squash option. But for defrag client and gsyncd client do not do root-squashing. */ if (client->auth.username && req->pid != GF_CLIENT_PID_NO_ROOT_SQUASH && req->pid != GF_CLIENT_PID_GSYNCD && req->pid != GF_CLIENT_PID_DEFRAG && req->pid != GF_CLIENT_PID_SELF_HEALD && req->pid != GF_CLIENT_PID_QUOTA_MOUNT) RPC_AUTH_ROOT_SQUASH (req); /* For nfs clients the server processes will be running within the trusted storage pool machines. So if we do not do root-squashing for nfs servers, thinking that its a trusted client, then root-squashing won't work for nfs clients. */ if (req->pid == NFS_PID) RPC_AUTH_ROOT_SQUASH (req); } } /* Add a ref for this fop */ if (client) gf_client_ref (client); frame->root->uid = req->uid; frame->root->gid = req->gid; frame->root->pid = req->pid; frame->root->client = client; frame->root->lk_owner = req->lk_owner; if (priv->server_manage_gids) server_resolve_groups (frame, req); else server_decode_groups (frame, req); trans = req->trans; if (trans) { memcpy (&frame->root->identifier, trans->peerinfo.identifier, sizeof (trans->peerinfo.identifier)); } /* more fields, for the clients which are 3.x series this will be 0 */ frame->root->flags = req->flags; frame->root->ctime = req->ctime; frame->local = req; state = CALL_STATE (frame); state->client = client; out: return frame; } int server_build_config (xlator_t *this, server_conf_t *conf) { data_t *data = NULL; int ret = -1; struct stat buf = {0,}; GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO ("server", this, out); GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO ("server", conf, out); ret = dict_get_int32 (this->options, "inode-lru-limit", &conf->inode_lru_limit); if (ret < 0) { conf->inode_lru_limit = 16384; } conf->verify_volfile = 1; data = dict_get (this->options, "verify-volfile-checksum"); if (data) { ret = gf_string2boolean(data->data, &conf->verify_volfile); if (ret != 0) { gf_msg (this->name, GF_LOG_WARNING, EINVAL, PS_MSG_INVALID_ENTRY, "wrong value for '" "verify-volfile-checksum', Neglecting option"); } } data = dict_get (this->options, "trace"); if (data) { ret = gf_string2boolean (data->data, &conf->trace); if (ret != 0) { gf_msg (this->name, GF_LOG_WARNING, EINVAL, PS_MSG_INVALID_ENTRY, "'trace' takes on only " "boolean values. Neglecting option"); } } /* TODO: build_rpc_config (); */ ret = dict_get_int32 (this->options, "limits.transaction-size", &conf->rpc_conf.max_block_size); if (ret < 0) { gf_msg_trace (this->name, 0, "defaulting limits.transaction-" "size to %d", DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE); conf->rpc_conf.max_block_size = DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE; } data = dict_get (this->options, "config-directory"); if (data) { /* Check whether the specified directory exists, or directory specified is non standard */ ret = sys_stat (data->data, &buf); if ((ret != 0) || !S_ISDIR (buf.st_mode)) { gf_msg (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, PS_MSG_DIR_NOT_FOUND, "Directory '%s' doesn't " "exist, exiting.", data->data); ret = -1; goto out; } /* Make sure that conf-dir doesn't contain ".." in path */ if ((gf_strstr (data->data, "/", "..")) == -1) { ret = -1; gf_msg (this->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, PS_MSG_CONF_DIR_INVALID, "%s: invalid conf_dir", data->data); goto out; } conf->conf_dir = gf_strdup (data->data); } ret = 0; out: return ret; } void print_caller (char *str, int size, call_frame_t *frame) { server_state_t *state = NULL; GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO ("server", str, out); GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO ("server", frame, out); state = CALL_STATE (frame); snprintf (str, size, " Callid=%"PRId64", Client=%s", frame->root->unique, state->xprt->peerinfo.identifier); out: return; } void server_print_resolve (char *str, int size, server_resolve_t *resolve) { int filled = 0; GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO ("server", str, out); if (!resolve) { snprintf (str, size, ""); return; } filled += snprintf (str + filled, size - filled, " Resolve={"); if (resolve->fd_no != -1) filled += snprintf (str + filled, size - filled, "fd=%"PRId64",", (uint64_t) resolve->fd_no); if (resolve->bname) filled += snprintf (str + filled, size - filled, "bname=%s,", resolve->bname); if (resolve->path) filled += snprintf (str + filled, size - filled, "path=%s", resolve->path); snprintf (str + filled, size - filled, "}"); out: return; } void server_print_loc (char *str, int size, loc_t *loc) { int filled = 0; GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO ("server", str, out); if (!loc) { snprintf (str, size, ""); return; } filled += snprintf (str + filled, size - filled, " Loc={"); if (loc->path) filled += snprintf (str + filled, size - filled, "path=%s,", loc->path); if (loc->inode) filled += snprintf (str + filled, size - filled, "inode=%p,", loc->inode); if (loc->parent) filled += snprintf (str + filled, size - filled, "parent=%p", loc->parent); snprintf (str + filled, size - filled, "}"); out: return; } void server_print_params (char *str, int size, server_state_t *state) { int filled = 0; GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO ("server", str, out); filled += snprintf (str + filled, size - filled, " Params={"); if (state->fd) filled += snprintf (str + filled, size - filled, "fd=%p,", state->fd); if (state->valid) filled += snprintf (str + filled, size - filled, "valid=%d,", state->valid); if (state->flags) filled += snprintf (str + filled, size - filled, "flags=%d,", state->flags); if (state->wbflags) filled += snprintf (str + filled, size - filled, "wbflags=%d,", state->wbflags); if (state->size) filled += snprintf (str + filled, size - filled, "size=%zu,", state->size); if (state->offset) filled += snprintf (str + filled, size - filled, "offset=%"PRId64",", state->offset); if (state->cmd) filled += snprintf (str + filled, size - filled, "cmd=%d,", state->cmd); if (state->type) filled += snprintf (str + filled, size - filled, "type=%d,", state->type); if (state->name) filled += snprintf (str + filled, size - filled, "name=%s,", state->name); if (state->mask) filled += snprintf (str + filled, size - filled, "mask=%d,", state->mask); if (state->volume) filled += snprintf (str + filled, size - filled, "volume=%s,", state->volume); /* FIXME snprintf (str + filled, size - filled, "bound_xl=%s}", state->client->bound_xl->name); */ out: return; } int server_resolve_is_empty (server_resolve_t *resolve) { if (resolve->fd_no != -1) return 0; if (resolve->path != 0) return 0; if (resolve->bname != 0) return 0; return 1; } void server_print_reply (call_frame_t *frame, int op_ret, int op_errno) { server_conf_t *conf = NULL; server_state_t *state = NULL; xlator_t *this = NULL; char caller[512]; char fdstr[32]; char *op = "UNKNOWN"; GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO ("server", frame, out); this = frame->this; conf = this->private; GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO ("server", conf, out); GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO ("server", conf->trace, out); state = CALL_STATE (frame); print_caller (caller, 256, frame); switch (frame->root->type) { case GF_OP_TYPE_FOP: op = (char *)gf_fop_list[frame->root->op]; break; default: op = ""; } fdstr[0] = '\0'; if (state->fd) snprintf (fdstr, 32, " fd=%p", state->fd); gf_msg (this->name, GF_LOG_INFO, op_errno, PS_MSG_SERVER_MSG, "%s%s => (%d, %d)%s", op, caller, op_ret, op_errno, fdstr); out: return; } void server_print_request (call_frame_t *frame) { server_conf_t *conf = NULL; xlator_t *this = NULL; server_state_t *state = NULL; char *op = "UNKNOWN"; char resolve_vars[256]; char resolve2_vars[256]; char loc_vars[256]; char loc2_vars[256]; char other_vars[512]; char caller[512]; GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO ("server", frame, out); this = frame->this; conf = this->private; GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO ("server", conf, out); if (!conf->trace) goto out; state = CALL_STATE (frame); memset (resolve_vars, '\0', 256); memset (resolve2_vars, '\0', 256); memset (loc_vars, '\0', 256); memset (loc2_vars, '\0', 256); memset (other_vars, '\0', 256); print_caller (caller, 256, frame); if (!server_resolve_is_empty (&state->resolve)) { server_print_resolve (resolve_vars, 256, &state->resolve); server_print_loc (loc_vars, 256, &state->loc); } if (!server_resolve_is_empty (&state->resolve2)) { server_print_resolve (resolve2_vars, 256, &state->resolve2); server_print_loc (loc2_vars, 256, &state->loc2); } server_print_params (other_vars, 512, state); switch (frame->root->type) { case GF_OP_TYPE_FOP: op = (char *)gf_fop_list[frame->root->op]; break; default: op = ""; break; } gf_msg (this->name, GF_LOG_INFO, 0, PS_MSG_SERVER_MSG, "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", op, caller, resolve_vars, loc_vars, resolve2_vars, loc2_vars, other_vars); out: return; } int serialize_rsp_direntp (gf_dirent_t *entries, gfs3_readdirp_rsp *rsp) { gf_dirent_t *entry = NULL; gfs3_dirplist *trav = NULL; gfs3_dirplist *prev = NULL; int ret = -1; int temp = 0; GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO ("server", entries, out); GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO ("server", rsp, out); list_for_each_entry (entry, &entries->list, list) { trav = GF_CALLOC (1, sizeof (*trav), gf_server_mt_dirent_rsp_t); if (!trav) goto out; trav->d_ino = entry->d_ino; trav->d_off = entry->d_off; trav->d_len = entry->d_len; trav->d_type = entry->d_type; trav->name = entry->d_name; gf_stat_from_iatt (&trav->stat, &entry->d_stat); /* if 'dict' is present, pack it */ if (entry->dict) { temp = dict_serialized_length (entry->dict); if (temp < 0) { gf_msg (THIS->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, EINVAL, PS_MSG_INVALID_ENTRY, "failed to get " "serialized length of reply dict"); errno = EINVAL; trav->dict.dict_len = 0; goto out; } trav->dict.dict_len = temp; trav->dict.dict_val = GF_CALLOC (1, trav->dict.dict_len, gf_server_mt_rsp_buf_t); if (!trav->dict.dict_val) { errno = ENOMEM; trav->dict.dict_len = 0; goto out; } ret = dict_serialize (entry->dict, trav->dict.dict_val); if (ret < 0) { gf_msg (THIS->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, PS_MSG_DICT_SERIALIZE_FAIL, "failed to serialize reply dict"); errno = -ret; trav->dict.dict_len = 0; goto out; } } if (prev) prev->nextentry = trav; else rsp->reply = trav; prev = trav; trav = NULL; } ret = 0; out: GF_FREE (trav); return ret; } int serialize_rsp_direntp_v2 (gf_dirent_t *entries, gfx_readdirp_rsp *rsp) { gf_dirent_t *entry = NULL; gfx_dirplist *trav = NULL; gfx_dirplist *prev = NULL; int ret = -1; GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO ("server", entries, out); GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO ("server", rsp, out); list_for_each_entry (entry, &entries->list, list) { trav = GF_CALLOC (1, sizeof (*trav), gf_server_mt_dirent_rsp_t); if (!trav) goto out; trav->d_ino = entry->d_ino; trav->d_off = entry->d_off; trav->d_len = entry->d_len; trav->d_type = entry->d_type; trav->name = entry->d_name; gfx_stat_from_iattx (&trav->stat, &entry->d_stat); dict_to_xdr (entry->dict, &trav->dict); if (prev) prev->nextentry = trav; else rsp->reply = trav; prev = trav; trav = NULL; } ret = 0; out: GF_FREE (trav); return ret; } int serialize_rsp_dirent (gf_dirent_t *entries, gfs3_readdir_rsp *rsp) { gf_dirent_t *entry = NULL; gfs3_dirlist *trav = NULL; gfs3_dirlist *prev = NULL; int ret = -1; GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO ("server", rsp, out); GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO ("server", entries, out); list_for_each_entry (entry, &entries->list, list) { trav = GF_CALLOC (1, sizeof (*trav), gf_server_mt_dirent_rsp_t); if (!trav) goto out; trav->d_ino = entry->d_ino; trav->d_off = entry->d_off; trav->d_len = entry->d_len; trav->d_type = entry->d_type; trav->name = entry->d_name; if (prev) prev->nextentry = trav; else rsp->reply = trav; prev = trav; } ret = 0; out: return ret; } int serialize_rsp_dirent_v2 (gf_dirent_t *entries, gfx_readdir_rsp *rsp) { gf_dirent_t *entry = NULL; gfx_dirlist *trav = NULL; gfx_dirlist *prev = NULL; int ret = -1; GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO ("server", rsp, out); GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO ("server", entries, out); list_for_each_entry (entry, &entries->list, list) { trav = GF_CALLOC (1, sizeof (*trav), gf_server_mt_dirent_rsp_t); if (!trav) goto out; trav->d_ino = entry->d_ino; trav->d_off = entry->d_off; trav->d_len = entry->d_len; trav->d_type = entry->d_type; trav->name = entry->d_name; if (prev) prev->nextentry = trav; else rsp->reply = trav; prev = trav; } ret = 0; out: return ret; } int readdir_rsp_cleanup (gfs3_readdir_rsp *rsp) { gfs3_dirlist *prev = NULL; gfs3_dirlist *trav = NULL; trav = rsp->reply; prev = trav; while (trav) { trav = trav->nextentry; GF_FREE (prev); prev = trav; } return 0; } int readdirp_rsp_cleanup (gfs3_readdirp_rsp *rsp) { gfs3_dirplist *prev = NULL; gfs3_dirplist *trav = NULL; trav = rsp->reply; prev = trav; while (trav) { trav = trav->nextentry; GF_FREE (prev->dict.dict_val); GF_FREE (prev); prev = trav; } return 0; } int readdir_rsp_cleanup_v2 (gfx_readdir_rsp *rsp) { gfx_dirlist *prev = NULL; gfx_dirlist *trav = NULL; trav = rsp->reply; prev = trav; while (trav) { trav = trav->nextentry; GF_FREE (prev); prev = trav; } return 0; } int readdirp_rsp_cleanup_v2 (gfx_readdirp_rsp *rsp) { gfx_dirplist *prev = NULL; gfx_dirplist *trav = NULL; trav = rsp->reply; prev = trav; while (trav) { trav = trav->nextentry; GF_FREE (prev->dict.pairs.pairs_val); GF_FREE (prev); prev = trav; } return 0; } static int common_rsp_locklist (lock_migration_info_t *locklist, gfs3_locklist **reply) { lock_migration_info_t *tmp = NULL; gfs3_locklist *trav = NULL; gfs3_locklist *prev = NULL; int ret = -1; GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO ("server", locklist, out); list_for_each_entry (tmp, &locklist->list, list) { trav = GF_CALLOC (1, sizeof (*trav), gf_server_mt_lock_mig_t); if (!trav) goto out; switch (tmp->flock.l_type) { case F_RDLCK: tmp->flock.l_type = GF_LK_F_RDLCK; break; case F_WRLCK: tmp->flock.l_type = GF_LK_F_WRLCK; break; case F_UNLCK: tmp->flock.l_type = GF_LK_F_UNLCK; break; default: gf_msg (THIS->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, PS_MSG_LOCK_ERROR, "Unknown lock type: %"PRId32"!", tmp->flock.l_type); break; } gf_proto_flock_from_flock (&trav->flock, &tmp->flock); trav->lk_flags = tmp->lk_flags; trav->client_uid = tmp->client_uid; if (prev) prev->nextentry = trav; else *reply = trav; prev = trav; trav = NULL; } ret = 0; out: GF_FREE (trav); return ret; } int serialize_rsp_locklist (lock_migration_info_t *locklist, gfs3_getactivelk_rsp *rsp) { int ret = 0; GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO ("server", rsp, out); ret = common_rsp_locklist (locklist, &rsp->reply); out: return ret; } int serialize_rsp_locklist_v2 (lock_migration_info_t *locklist, gfx_getactivelk_rsp *rsp) { int ret = 0; GF_VALIDATE_OR_GOTO ("server", rsp, out); ret = common_rsp_locklist (locklist, &rsp->reply); out: return ret; } int getactivelkinfo_rsp_cleanup (gfs3_getactivelk_rsp *rsp) { gfs3_locklist *prev = NULL; gfs3_locklist *trav = NULL; trav = rsp->reply; prev = trav; while (trav) { trav = trav->nextentry; GF_FREE (prev); prev = trav; } return 0; } int getactivelkinfo_rsp_cleanup_v2 (gfx_getactivelk_rsp *rsp) { gfs3_locklist *prev = NULL; gfs3_locklist *trav = NULL; trav = rsp->reply; prev = trav; while (trav) { trav = trav->nextentry; GF_FREE (prev); prev = trav; } return 0; } int gf_server_check_getxattr_cmd (call_frame_t *frame, const char *key) { server_conf_t *conf = NULL; rpc_transport_t *xprt = NULL; conf = frame->this->private; if (!conf) return 0; if (fnmatch ("*list*mount*point*", key, 0) == 0) { /* list all the client protocol connecting to this process */ pthread_mutex_lock (&conf->mutex); { list_for_each_entry (xprt, &conf->xprt_list, list) { gf_msg ("mount-point-list", GF_LOG_INFO, 0, PS_MSG_MOUNT_PT_FAIL, "%s", xprt->peerinfo.identifier); } } pthread_mutex_unlock (&conf->mutex); } /* Add more options/keys here */ return 0; } int gf_server_check_setxattr_cmd (call_frame_t *frame, dict_t *dict) { server_conf_t *conf = NULL; rpc_transport_t *xprt = NULL; uint64_t total_read = 0; uint64_t total_write = 0; conf = frame->this->private; if (!conf || !dict) return 0; if (dict_foreach_fnmatch (dict, "*io*stat*dump", dict_null_foreach_fn, NULL ) > 0) { list_for_each_entry (xprt, &conf->xprt_list, list) { total_read += xprt->total_bytes_read; total_write += xprt->total_bytes_write; } gf_msg ("stats", GF_LOG_INFO, 0, PS_MSG_RW_STAT, "total-read %"PRIu64", total-write %"PRIu64, total_read, total_write); } return 0; } server_ctx_t* server_ctx_get (client_t *client, xlator_t *xlator) { void *tmp = NULL; server_ctx_t *ctx = NULL; server_ctx_t *setted_ctx = NULL; client_ctx_get (client, xlator, &tmp); ctx = tmp; if (ctx != NULL) goto out; ctx = GF_CALLOC (1, sizeof (server_ctx_t), gf_server_mt_server_conf_t); if (ctx == NULL) goto out; ctx->fdtable = gf_fd_fdtable_alloc (); if (ctx->fdtable == NULL) { GF_FREE (ctx); ctx = NULL; goto out; } LOCK_INIT (&ctx->fdtable_lock); setted_ctx = client_ctx_set (client, xlator, ctx); if (ctx != setted_ctx) { LOCK_DESTROY (&ctx->fdtable_lock); GF_FREE (ctx->fdtable); GF_FREE (ctx); ctx = setted_ctx; } out: return ctx; } int auth_set_username_passwd (dict_t *input_params, dict_t *config_params, client_t *client) { int ret = 0; data_t *allow_user = NULL; data_t *passwd_data = NULL; char *username = NULL; char *password = NULL; char *brick_name = NULL; char *searchstr = NULL; char *username_str = NULL; char *tmp = NULL; char *username_cpy = NULL; ret = dict_get_str (input_params, "username", &username); if (ret) { gf_msg_debug ("auth/login", 0, "username not found, returning " "DONT-CARE"); /* For non trusted clients username and password will not be there. So don't reject the client. */ ret = 0; goto out; } ret = dict_get_str (input_params, "password", &password); if (ret) { gf_msg ("auth/login", GF_LOG_WARNING, 0, PS_MSG_DICT_GET_FAILED, "password not found, returning DONT-CARE"); goto out; } ret = dict_get_str (input_params, "remote-subvolume", &brick_name); if (ret) { gf_msg ("auth/login", GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, PS_MSG_DICT_GET_FAILED, "remote-subvolume not specified"); ret = -1; goto out; } ret = gf_asprintf (&searchstr, "auth.login.%s.allow", brick_name); if (-1 == ret) { ret = 0; goto out; } allow_user = dict_get (config_params, searchstr); GF_FREE (searchstr); if (allow_user) { username_cpy = gf_strdup (allow_user->data); if (!username_cpy) goto out; username_str = strtok_r (username_cpy, " ,", &tmp); while (username_str) { if (!fnmatch (username_str, username, 0)) { ret = gf_asprintf (&searchstr, "auth.login.%s.password", username); if (-1 == ret) goto out; passwd_data = dict_get (config_params, searchstr); GF_FREE (searchstr); if (!passwd_data) { gf_msg ("auth/login", GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, PS_MSG_LOGIN_ERROR, "wrong " "username/password " "combination"); ret = -1; goto out; } ret = strcmp (data_to_str (passwd_data), password); if (!ret) { client->auth.username = gf_strdup (username); client->auth.passwd = gf_strdup (password); } else { gf_msg ("auth/login", GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, PS_MSG_LOGIN_ERROR, "wrong " "password for user %s", username); } break; } username_str = strtok_r (NULL, " ,", &tmp); } } out: GF_FREE (username_cpy); return ret; } inode_t * server_inode_new (inode_table_t *itable, uuid_t gfid) { if (__is_root_gfid (gfid)) return itable->root; else return inode_new (itable); } int unserialize_req_locklist (gfs3_setactivelk_req *req, lock_migration_info_t *lmi) { struct gfs3_locklist *trav = NULL; lock_migration_info_t *temp = NULL; int ret = -1; trav = req->request; INIT_LIST_HEAD (&lmi->list); while (trav) { temp = GF_CALLOC (1, sizeof (*lmi), gf_common_mt_lock_mig); if (temp == NULL) { gf_msg (THIS->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, 0, "No memory"); goto out; } INIT_LIST_HEAD (&temp->list); gf_proto_flock_to_flock (&trav->flock, &temp->flock); temp->lk_flags = trav->lk_flags; temp->client_uid = gf_strdup (trav->client_uid); list_add_tail (&temp->list, &lmi->list); trav = trav->nextentry; } ret = 0; out: return ret; } int unserialize_req_locklist_v2 (gfx_setactivelk_req *req, lock_migration_info_t *lmi) { struct gfs3_locklist *trav = NULL; lock_migration_info_t *temp = NULL; int ret = -1; trav = req->request; INIT_LIST_HEAD (&lmi->list); while (trav) { temp = GF_CALLOC (1, sizeof (*lmi), gf_common_mt_lock_mig); if (temp == NULL) { gf_msg (THIS->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, 0, "No memory"); goto out; } INIT_LIST_HEAD (&temp->list); gf_proto_flock_to_flock (&trav->flock, &temp->flock); temp->lk_flags = trav->lk_flags; temp->client_uid = gf_strdup (trav->client_uid); list_add_tail (&temp->list, &lmi->list); trav = trav->nextentry; } ret = 0; out: return ret; } int server_populate_compound_request (gfs3_compound_req *req, call_frame_t *frame, default_args_t *this_args, int index) { int op_errno = 0; int ret = -1; dict_t *xdata = NULL; dict_t *xattr = NULL; struct iovec req_iovec[MAX_IOVEC] = { {0,} }; compound_req *this_req = NULL; server_state_t *state = CALL_STATE (frame); this_req = &req->compound_req_array.compound_req_array_val[index]; switch (this_req->fop_enum) { case GF_FOP_STAT: { gfs3_stat_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_u.compound_stat_req; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_UNSERIALIZE (frame->root->client->bound_xl, xdata, args->xdata.xdata_val, args->xdata.xdata_len, ret, op_errno, out); args_stat_store (this_args, &state->loc, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_READLINK: { gfs3_readlink_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_u.compound_readlink_req; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_UNSERIALIZE (frame->root->client->bound_xl, xdata, args->xdata.xdata_val, args->xdata.xdata_len, ret, op_errno, out); args_readlink_store (this_args, &state->loc, args->size, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_MKNOD: { gfs3_mknod_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_u.compound_mknod_req; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_UNSERIALIZE (frame->root->client->bound_xl, xdata, args->xdata.xdata_val, args->xdata.xdata_len, ret, op_errno, out); args_mknod_store (this_args, &state->loc, args->mode, args->dev, args->umask, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_MKDIR: { gfs3_mkdir_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_u.compound_mkdir_req; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_UNSERIALIZE (frame->root->client->bound_xl, xdata, args->xdata.xdata_val, args->xdata.xdata_len, ret, op_errno, out); args_mkdir_store (this_args, &state->loc, args->mode, args->umask, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_UNLINK: { gfs3_unlink_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_u.compound_unlink_req; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_UNSERIALIZE (frame->root->client->bound_xl, xdata, args->xdata.xdata_val, args->xdata.xdata_len, ret, op_errno, out); args_unlink_store (this_args, &state->loc, args->xflags, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_RMDIR: { gfs3_rmdir_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_u.compound_rmdir_req; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_UNSERIALIZE (frame->root->client->bound_xl, xdata, args->xdata.xdata_val, args->xdata.xdata_len, ret, op_errno, out); args_rmdir_store (this_args, &state->loc, args->xflags, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_SYMLINK: { gfs3_symlink_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_u.compound_symlink_req; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_UNSERIALIZE (frame->root->client->bound_xl, xdata, args->xdata.xdata_val, args->xdata.xdata_len, ret, op_errno, out); args_symlink_store (this_args, args->linkname, &state->loc, args->umask, xdata); this_args->loc.inode = inode_new (state->itable); break; } case GF_FOP_RENAME: { gfs3_rename_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_u.compound_rename_req; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_UNSERIALIZE (frame->root->client->bound_xl, xdata, args->xdata.xdata_val, args->xdata.xdata_len, ret, op_errno, out); args_rename_store (this_args, &state->loc, &state->loc2, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_LINK: { gfs3_link_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_u.compound_link_req; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_UNSERIALIZE (frame->root->client->bound_xl, xdata, args->xdata.xdata_val, args->xdata.xdata_len, ret, op_errno, out); args_link_store (this_args, &state->loc, &state->loc2, xdata); this_args->loc2.inode = inode_ref (this_args->loc.inode); break; } case GF_FOP_TRUNCATE: { gfs3_truncate_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_u.compound_truncate_req; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_UNSERIALIZE (frame->root->client->bound_xl, xdata, args->xdata.xdata_val, args->xdata.xdata_len, ret, op_errno, out); args_truncate_store (this_args, &state->loc, args->offset, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_OPEN: { gfs3_open_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_u.compound_open_req; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_UNSERIALIZE (frame->root->client->bound_xl, xdata, args->xdata.xdata_val, args->xdata.xdata_len, ret, op_errno, out); args_open_store (this_args, &state->loc, args->flags, state->fd, xdata); this_args->fd = fd_create (this_args->loc.inode, frame->root->pid); this_args->fd->flags = this_args->flags; break; } case GF_FOP_READ: { gfs3_read_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_u.compound_read_req; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_UNSERIALIZE (frame->root->client->bound_xl, xdata, args->xdata.xdata_val, args->xdata.xdata_len, ret, op_errno, out); args_readv_store (this_args, state->fd, args->size, args->offset, args->flag, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_WRITE: { gfs3_write_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_u.compound_write_req; /*TODO : What happens when payload count is more than one? */ req_iovec[0].iov_base = state->payload_vector[0].iov_base + state->write_length; req_iovec[0].iov_len = args->size; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_UNSERIALIZE (frame->root->client->bound_xl, xdata, args->xdata.xdata_val, args->xdata.xdata_len, ret, op_errno, out); /* The way writev fop works : * xdr args of write along with other args contains * write length not count. But when the call is wound to posix, * this length is not used. It is taken from the request * write vector that is passed down. Posix needs the vector * count to determine the amount of write to be done. * This count for writes that come as part of compound fops * will be 1. The vectors are merged into one under * GF_FOP_WRITE section of client_handle_fop_requirements() * in protocol client. */ args_writev_store (this_args, state->fd, req_iovec, 1, args->offset, args->flag, state->iobref, xdata); state->write_length += req_iovec[0].iov_len; break; } case GF_FOP_STATFS: { gfs3_statfs_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_u.compound_statfs_req; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_UNSERIALIZE (frame->root->client->bound_xl, xdata, args->xdata.xdata_val, args->xdata.xdata_len, ret, op_errno, out); args_statfs_store (this_args, &state->loc, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_FLUSH: { gfs3_flush_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_u.compound_flush_req; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_UNSERIALIZE (frame->root->client->bound_xl, xdata, args->xdata.xdata_val, args->xdata.xdata_len, ret, op_errno, out); args_flush_store (this_args, state->fd, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_FSYNC: { gfs3_fsync_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_u.compound_fsync_req; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_UNSERIALIZE (frame->root->client->bound_xl, xdata, args->xdata.xdata_val, args->xdata.xdata_len, ret, op_errno, out); args_fsync_store (this_args, state->fd, args->data, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_SETXATTR: { gfs3_setxattr_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_u.compound_setxattr_req; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_UNSERIALIZE (frame->root->client->bound_xl, xdata, args->xdata.xdata_val, args->xdata.xdata_len, ret, op_errno, out); GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_UNSERIALIZE (frame->root->client->bound_xl, xattr, args->dict.dict_val, args->dict.dict_len, ret, op_errno, out); args_setxattr_store (this_args, &state->loc, xattr, args->flags, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_GETXATTR: { gfs3_getxattr_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_u.compound_getxattr_req; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_UNSERIALIZE (frame->root->client->bound_xl, xdata, args->xdata.xdata_val, args->xdata.xdata_len, ret, op_errno, out); gf_server_check_getxattr_cmd (frame, args->name); args_getxattr_store (this_args, &state->loc, args->name, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_REMOVEXATTR: { gfs3_removexattr_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_u.compound_removexattr_req; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_UNSERIALIZE (frame->root->client->bound_xl, xdata, args->xdata.xdata_val, args->xdata.xdata_len, ret, op_errno, out); args_removexattr_store (this_args, &state->loc, args->name, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_OPENDIR: { gfs3_opendir_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_u.compound_opendir_req; this_args->fd = fd_create (this_args->loc.inode, frame->root->pid); if (!this_args->fd) { gf_msg ("server", GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, PS_MSG_FD_CREATE_FAILED, "could not create the fd"); goto out; } GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_UNSERIALIZE (frame->root->client->bound_xl, xdata, args->xdata.xdata_val, args->xdata.xdata_len, ret, op_errno, out); args_opendir_store (this_args, &state->loc, state->fd, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_FSYNCDIR: { gfs3_fsyncdir_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_u.compound_fsyncdir_req; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_UNSERIALIZE (frame->root->client->bound_xl, xdata, args->xdata.xdata_val, args->xdata.xdata_len, ret, op_errno, out); args_fsyncdir_store (this_args, state->fd, args->data, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_ACCESS: { gfs3_access_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_u.compound_access_req; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_UNSERIALIZE (frame->root->client->bound_xl, xdata, args->xdata.xdata_val, args->xdata.xdata_len, ret, op_errno, out); args_access_store (this_args, &state->loc, args->mask, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_CREATE: { gfs3_create_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_u.compound_create_req; state->loc.inode = inode_new (state->itable); state->fd = fd_create (state->loc.inode, frame->root->pid); if (!state->fd) { gf_msg ("server", GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, PS_MSG_FD_CREATE_FAILED, "fd creation for the inode %s failed", state->loc.inode ? uuid_utoa (state->loc.inode->gfid):NULL); goto out; } state->fd->flags = state->flags; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_UNSERIALIZE (frame->root->client->bound_xl, xdata, args->xdata.xdata_val, args->xdata.xdata_len, ret, op_errno, out); args_create_store (this_args, &state->loc, args->flags, args->mode, args->umask, state->fd, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_FTRUNCATE: { gfs3_ftruncate_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_u.compound_ftruncate_req; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_UNSERIALIZE (frame->root->client->bound_xl, xdata, args->xdata.xdata_val, args->xdata.xdata_len, ret, op_errno, out); args_ftruncate_store (this_args, state->fd, args->offset, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_FSTAT: { gfs3_fstat_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_u.compound_fstat_req; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_UNSERIALIZE (frame->root->client->bound_xl, xdata, args->xdata.xdata_val, args->xdata.xdata_len, ret, op_errno, out); args_fstat_store (this_args, state->fd, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_LK: { gfs3_lk_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_u.compound_lk_req; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_UNSERIALIZE (frame->root->client->bound_xl, xdata, args->xdata.xdata_val, args->xdata.xdata_len, ret, op_errno, out); switch (args->cmd) { case GF_LK_GETLK: this_args->cmd = F_GETLK; break; case GF_LK_SETLK: this_args->cmd = F_SETLK; break; case GF_LK_SETLKW: this_args->cmd = F_SETLKW; break; case GF_LK_RESLK_LCK: this_args->cmd = F_RESLK_LCK; break; case GF_LK_RESLK_LCKW: this_args->cmd = F_RESLK_LCKW; break; case GF_LK_RESLK_UNLCK: this_args->cmd = F_RESLK_UNLCK; break; case GF_LK_GETLK_FD: this_args->cmd = F_GETLK_FD; break; } gf_proto_flock_to_flock (&args->flock, &this_args->lock); switch (args->type) { case GF_LK_F_RDLCK: this_args->lock.l_type = F_RDLCK; break; case GF_LK_F_WRLCK: this_args->lock.l_type = F_WRLCK; break; case GF_LK_F_UNLCK: this_args->lock.l_type = F_UNLCK; break; default: gf_msg (frame->root->client->bound_xl->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, PS_MSG_LOCK_ERROR, "fd - %"PRId64" (%s):" " Unknown " "lock type: %"PRId32"!", state->resolve.fd_no, uuid_utoa (state->fd->inode->gfid), args->type); break; } args_lk_store (this_args, state->fd, this_args->cmd, &this_args->lock, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_LOOKUP: { gfs3_lookup_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_u.compound_lookup_req; if (this_args->loc.inode) this_args->loc.inode = server_inode_new (state->itable, state->loc.gfid); else state->is_revalidate = 1; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_UNSERIALIZE (frame->root->client->bound_xl, xdata, args->xdata.xdata_val, args->xdata.xdata_len, ret, op_errno, out); args_lookup_store (this_args, &state->loc, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_READDIR: { gfs3_readdir_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_u.compound_readdir_req; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_UNSERIALIZE (frame->root->client->bound_xl, xdata, args->xdata.xdata_val, args->xdata.xdata_len, ret, op_errno, out); args_readdir_store (this_args, state->fd, args->size, args->offset, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_INODELK: { gfs3_inodelk_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_u.compound_inodelk_req; switch (args->cmd) { case GF_LK_GETLK: this_args->cmd = F_GETLK; break; case GF_LK_SETLK: this_args->cmd = F_SETLK; break; case GF_LK_SETLKW: this_args->cmd = F_SETLKW; break; } gf_proto_flock_to_flock (&args->flock, &this_args->lock); switch (args->type) { case GF_LK_F_RDLCK: this_args->lock.l_type = F_RDLCK; break; case GF_LK_F_WRLCK: this_args->lock.l_type = F_WRLCK; break; case GF_LK_F_UNLCK: this_args->lock.l_type = F_UNLCK; break; } GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_UNSERIALIZE (frame->root->client->bound_xl, xdata, args->xdata.xdata_val, args->xdata.xdata_len, ret, op_errno, out); args_inodelk_store (this_args, args->volume, &state->loc, this_args->cmd, &this_args->lock, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_FINODELK: { gfs3_finodelk_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_u.compound_finodelk_req; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_UNSERIALIZE (frame->root->client->bound_xl, xdata, args->xdata.xdata_val, args->xdata.xdata_len, ret, op_errno, out); switch (args->cmd) { case GF_LK_GETLK: this_args->cmd = F_GETLK; break; case GF_LK_SETLK: this_args->cmd = F_SETLK; break; case GF_LK_SETLKW: this_args->cmd = F_SETLKW; break; } gf_proto_flock_to_flock (&args->flock, &this_args->lock); switch (args->type) { case GF_LK_F_RDLCK: this_args->lock.l_type = F_RDLCK; break; case GF_LK_F_WRLCK: this_args->lock.l_type = F_WRLCK; break; case GF_LK_F_UNLCK: this_args->lock.l_type = F_UNLCK; break; } args_finodelk_store (this_args, args->volume, state->fd, this_args->cmd, &this_args->lock, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_ENTRYLK: { gfs3_entrylk_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_u.compound_entrylk_req; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_UNSERIALIZE (frame->root->client->bound_xl, xdata, args->xdata.xdata_val, args->xdata.xdata_len, ret, op_errno, out); args_entrylk_store (this_args, args->volume, &state->loc, args->name, args->cmd, args->type, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_FENTRYLK: { gfs3_fentrylk_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_u.compound_fentrylk_req; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_UNSERIALIZE (frame->root->client->bound_xl, xdata, args->xdata.xdata_val, args->xdata.xdata_len, ret, op_errno, out); args_fentrylk_store (this_args, args->volume, state->fd, args->name, args->cmd, args->type, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_XATTROP: { gfs3_xattrop_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_u.compound_xattrop_req; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_UNSERIALIZE (frame->root->client->bound_xl, xdata, args->xdata.xdata_val, args->xdata.xdata_len, ret, op_errno, out); GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_UNSERIALIZE (frame->root->client->bound_xl, xattr, (args->dict.dict_val), (args->dict.dict_len), ret, op_errno, out); args_xattrop_store (this_args, &state->loc, args->flags, xattr, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_FXATTROP: { gfs3_fxattrop_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_u.compound_fxattrop_req; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_UNSERIALIZE (frame->root->client->bound_xl, xattr, (args->dict.dict_val), (args->dict.dict_len), ret, op_errno, out); GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_UNSERIALIZE (frame->root->client->bound_xl, xdata, args->xdata.xdata_val, args->xdata.xdata_len, ret, op_errno, out); args_fxattrop_store (this_args, state->fd, args->flags, xattr, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_FGETXATTR: { gfs3_fgetxattr_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_u.compound_fgetxattr_req; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_UNSERIALIZE (frame->root->client->bound_xl, xdata, args->xdata.xdata_val, args->xdata.xdata_len, ret, op_errno, out); args_fgetxattr_store (this_args, state->fd, args->name, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_FSETXATTR: { gfs3_fsetxattr_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_u.compound_fsetxattr_req; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_UNSERIALIZE (frame->root->client->bound_xl, xattr, (args->dict.dict_val), (args->dict.dict_len), ret, op_errno, out); GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_UNSERIALIZE (frame->root->client->bound_xl, xdata, args->xdata.xdata_val, args->xdata.xdata_len, ret, op_errno, out); args_fsetxattr_store (this_args, state->fd, xattr, args->flags, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_RCHECKSUM: { gfs3_rchecksum_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_u.compound_rchecksum_req; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_UNSERIALIZE (frame->root->client->bound_xl, xdata, args->xdata.xdata_val, args->xdata.xdata_len, ret, op_errno, out); args_rchecksum_store (this_args, state->fd, args->offset, args->len, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_SETATTR: { gfs3_setattr_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_u.compound_setattr_req; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_UNSERIALIZE (frame->root->client->bound_xl, xdata, args->xdata.xdata_val, args->xdata.xdata_len, ret, op_errno, out); gf_stat_to_iatt (&args->stbuf, &this_args->stat); args_setattr_store (this_args, &state->loc, &this_args->stat, args->valid, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_FSETATTR: { gfs3_fsetattr_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_u.compound_fsetattr_req; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_UNSERIALIZE (frame->root->client->bound_xl, xdata, args->xdata.xdata_val, args->xdata.xdata_len, ret, op_errno, out); gf_stat_to_iatt (&args->stbuf, &this_args->stat); args_fsetattr_store (this_args, state->fd, &this_args->stat, args->valid, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_READDIRP: { gfs3_readdirp_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_u.compound_readdirp_req; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_UNSERIALIZE (frame->root->client->bound_xl, xattr, (args->dict.dict_val), (args->dict.dict_len), ret, op_errno, out); args_readdirp_store (this_args, state->fd, args->size, args->offset, xattr); break; } case GF_FOP_FREMOVEXATTR: { gfs3_fremovexattr_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_u.compound_fremovexattr_req; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_UNSERIALIZE (frame->root->client->bound_xl, xdata, args->xdata.xdata_val, args->xdata.xdata_len, ret, op_errno, out); args_fremovexattr_store (this_args, state->fd, args->name, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_FALLOCATE: { gfs3_fallocate_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_u.compound_fallocate_req; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_UNSERIALIZE (frame->root->client->bound_xl, xdata, args->xdata.xdata_val, args->xdata.xdata_len, ret, op_errno, out); args_fallocate_store (this_args, state->fd, args->flags, args->offset, args->size, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_DISCARD: { gfs3_discard_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_u.compound_discard_req; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_UNSERIALIZE (frame->root->client->bound_xl, xdata, args->xdata.xdata_val, args->xdata.xdata_len, ret, op_errno, out); args_discard_store (this_args, state->fd, args->offset, args->size, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_ZEROFILL: { gfs3_zerofill_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_u.compound_zerofill_req; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_UNSERIALIZE (frame->root->client->bound_xl, xdata, args->xdata.xdata_val, args->xdata.xdata_len, ret, op_errno, out); args_zerofill_store (this_args, state->fd, args->offset, args->size, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_SEEK: { gfs3_seek_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_u.compound_seek_req; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_UNSERIALIZE (frame->root->client->bound_xl, xdata, args->xdata.xdata_val, args->xdata.xdata_len, ret, op_errno, out); args_seek_store (this_args, state->fd, args->offset, args->what, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_LEASE: { gfs3_lease_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_u.compound_lease_req; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_UNSERIALIZE (frame->root->client->bound_xl, xdata, args->xdata.xdata_val, args->xdata.xdata_len, ret, op_errno, out); gf_proto_lease_to_lease (&args->lease, &state->lease); args_lease_store (this_args, &state->loc, &state->lease, xdata); break; } default: return ENOTSUP; } out: if (xattr) dict_unref (xattr); if (xdata) dict_unref (xdata); return op_errno; } int server_populate_compound_response (xlator_t *this, gfs3_compound_rsp *rsp, call_frame_t *frame, compound_args_cbk_t *args_cbk, int index) { int op_errno = EINVAL; default_args_cbk_t *this_args_cbk = NULL; compound_rsp *this_rsp = NULL; server_state_t *state = NULL; int ret = 0; state = CALL_STATE (frame); this_rsp = &rsp->compound_rsp_array.compound_rsp_array_val[index]; this_args_cbk = &args_cbk->rsp_list[index]; this_rsp->fop_enum = args_cbk->enum_list[index]; switch (this_rsp->fop_enum) { case GF_FOP_STAT: { gfs3_stat_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_u.compound_stat_rsp; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_SERIALIZE (this, this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata.xdata_val, rsp_args->xdata.xdata_len, rsp_args->op_errno, out); if (!this_args_cbk->op_ret) { server_post_stat (state, rsp_args, &this_args_cbk->stat); } rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_READLINK: { gfs3_readlink_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_u.compound_readlink_rsp; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_SERIALIZE (this, this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata.xdata_val, rsp_args->xdata.xdata_len, rsp_args->op_errno, out); if (this_args_cbk->op_ret >= 0) { server_post_readlink (rsp_args, &this_args_cbk->stat, this_args_cbk->buf); } rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); if (!rsp_args->path) rsp_args->path = ""; break; } case GF_FOP_MKNOD: { gfs3_mknod_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_u.compound_mknod_rsp; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_SERIALIZE (this, this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata.xdata_val, rsp_args->xdata.xdata_len, rsp_args->op_errno, out); if (!this_args_cbk->op_ret) { server_post_mknod (state, rsp_args, &this_args_cbk->stat, &this_args_cbk->preparent, &this_args_cbk->postparent, this_args_cbk->inode); } rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_MKDIR: { gfs3_mkdir_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_u.compound_mkdir_rsp; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_SERIALIZE (this, this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata.xdata_val, rsp_args->xdata.xdata_len, rsp_args->op_errno, out); if (!this_args_cbk->op_ret) { server_post_mkdir (state, rsp_args, this_args_cbk->inode, &this_args_cbk->stat, &this_args_cbk->preparent, &this_args_cbk->postparent, this_args_cbk->xdata); } rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_UNLINK: { gfs3_unlink_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_u.compound_unlink_rsp; if (gf_replace_old_iatt_in_dict (this_args_cbk->xdata)) { rsp_args->op_errno = errno; rsp_args->op_ret = -1; goto out; } GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_SERIALIZE (this, this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata.xdata_val, rsp_args->xdata.xdata_len, rsp_args->op_errno, out); if (!this_args_cbk->op_ret) { server_post_unlink (state, rsp_args, &this_args_cbk->preparent, &this_args_cbk->postparent); } rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_RMDIR: { gfs3_rmdir_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_u.compound_rmdir_rsp; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_SERIALIZE (this, this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata.xdata_val, rsp_args->xdata.xdata_len, rsp_args->op_errno, out); if (!this_args_cbk->op_ret) { server_post_rmdir (state, rsp_args, &this_args_cbk->preparent, &this_args_cbk->postparent); } rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_SYMLINK: { gfs3_symlink_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_u.compound_symlink_rsp; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_SERIALIZE (this, this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata.xdata_val, rsp_args->xdata.xdata_len, rsp_args->op_errno, out); if (!this_args_cbk->op_ret) { server_post_symlink (state, rsp_args, this_args_cbk->inode, &this_args_cbk->stat, &this_args_cbk->preparent, &this_args_cbk->postparent, this_args_cbk->xdata); } rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_RENAME: { gfs3_rename_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_u.compound_rename_rsp; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_SERIALIZE (this, this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata.xdata_val, rsp_args->xdata.xdata_len, rsp_args->op_errno, out); if (!this_args_cbk->op_ret) { server_post_rename (frame, state, rsp_args, &this_args_cbk->stat, &this_args_cbk->preparent, &this_args_cbk->postparent, &this_args_cbk->preparent2, &this_args_cbk->postparent2); } rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_LINK: { gfs3_link_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_u.compound_link_rsp; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_SERIALIZE (this, this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata.xdata_val, rsp_args->xdata.xdata_len, rsp_args->op_errno, out); if (!this_args_cbk->op_ret) { server_post_link (state, rsp_args, this_args_cbk->inode, &this_args_cbk->stat, &this_args_cbk->preparent, &this_args_cbk->postparent, this_args_cbk->xdata); } rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_TRUNCATE: { gfs3_truncate_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_u.compound_truncate_rsp; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_SERIALIZE (this, this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata.xdata_val, rsp_args->xdata.xdata_len, rsp_args->op_errno, out); if (!this_args_cbk->op_ret) { server_post_truncate (rsp_args, &this_args_cbk->prestat, &this_args_cbk->poststat); } rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_OPEN: { gfs3_open_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_u.compound_open_rsp; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_SERIALIZE (this, this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata.xdata_val, rsp_args->xdata.xdata_len, rsp_args->op_errno, out); if (!this_args_cbk->op_ret) { server_post_open (frame, this, rsp_args, this_args_cbk->fd); } rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_READ: { gfs3_read_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_u.compound_read_rsp; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_SERIALIZE (this, this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata.xdata_val, rsp_args->xdata.xdata_len, rsp_args->op_errno, out); if (this_args_cbk->op_ret >= 0) { server_post_readv (rsp_args, &this_args_cbk->stat, this_args_cbk->op_ret); if (!state->rsp_iobref) { state->rsp_iobref = this_args_cbk->iobref; state->rsp_count = 0; } iobref_merge (state->rsp_iobref, this_args_cbk->iobref); memcpy (&state->rsp_vector[state->rsp_count], this_args_cbk->vector, (this_args_cbk->count * sizeof(state->rsp_vector[0]))); state->rsp_count += this_args_cbk->count; } rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_WRITE: { gfs3_write_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_u.compound_write_rsp; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_SERIALIZE (this, this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata.xdata_val, rsp_args->xdata.xdata_len, rsp_args->op_errno, out); if (this_args_cbk->op_ret >= 0) { server_post_writev (rsp_args, &this_args_cbk->prestat, &this_args_cbk->poststat); } rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_STATFS: { gfs3_statfs_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_u.compound_statfs_rsp; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_SERIALIZE (this, this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata.xdata_val, rsp_args->xdata.xdata_len, rsp_args->op_errno, out); if (!this_args_cbk->op_ret) { server_post_statfs (rsp_args, &this_args_cbk->statvfs); } rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_FLUSH: { gf_common_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_u.compound_flush_rsp; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_SERIALIZE (this, this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata.xdata_val, rsp_args->xdata.xdata_len, rsp_args->op_errno, out); rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_FSYNC: { gfs3_fsync_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_u.compound_fsync_rsp; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_SERIALIZE (this, this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata.xdata_val, rsp_args->xdata.xdata_len, rsp_args->op_errno, out); if (!this_args_cbk->op_ret) { server_post_fsync (rsp_args, &this_args_cbk->prestat, &this_args_cbk->poststat); } rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_SETXATTR: { gf_common_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_u.compound_setxattr_rsp; if (gf_replace_old_iatt_in_dict (this_args_cbk->xdata)) { rsp_args->op_errno = errno; rsp_args->op_ret = -1; goto out; } GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_SERIALIZE (this, this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata.xdata_val, rsp_args->xdata.xdata_len, rsp_args->op_errno, out); rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_GETXATTR: { gfs3_getxattr_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_u.compound_getxattr_rsp; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_SERIALIZE (this, this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata.xdata_val, rsp_args->xdata.xdata_len, rsp_args->op_errno, out); if (-1 != this_args_cbk->op_ret) { GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_SERIALIZE (this, this_args_cbk->xattr, &rsp_args->dict.dict_val, rsp_args->dict.dict_len, rsp_args->op_errno, out); } rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_REMOVEXATTR: { gf_common_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_u.compound_removexattr_rsp; if (gf_replace_old_iatt_in_dict (this_args_cbk->xdata)) { rsp_args->op_errno = errno; rsp_args->op_ret = -1; goto out; } GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_SERIALIZE (this, this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata.xdata_val, rsp_args->xdata.xdata_len, rsp_args->op_errno, out); rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_OPENDIR: { gfs3_opendir_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_u.compound_opendir_rsp; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_SERIALIZE (this, this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata.xdata_val, rsp_args->xdata.xdata_len, rsp_args->op_errno, out); if (!this_args_cbk->op_ret) { server_post_opendir (frame, this, rsp_args, this_args_cbk->fd); } rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_FSYNCDIR: { gf_common_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_u.compound_fsyncdir_rsp; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_SERIALIZE (this, this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata.xdata_val, rsp_args->xdata.xdata_len, rsp_args->op_errno, out); rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_ACCESS: { gf_common_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_u.compound_access_rsp; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_SERIALIZE (this, this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata.xdata_val, rsp_args->xdata.xdata_len, rsp_args->op_errno, out); rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_CREATE: { gfs3_create_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_u.compound_create_rsp; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_SERIALIZE (this, this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata.xdata_val, rsp_args->xdata.xdata_len, rsp_args->op_errno, out); rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); if (!this_args_cbk->op_ret) { rsp_args->op_ret = server_post_create (frame, rsp_args, state, this, this_args_cbk->fd, this_args_cbk->inode, &this_args_cbk->stat, &this_args_cbk->preparent, &this_args_cbk->postparent); if (rsp_args->op_ret) { rsp_args->op_errno = -rsp_args->op_ret; rsp_args->op_ret = -1; } } break; } case GF_FOP_FTRUNCATE: { gfs3_ftruncate_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_u.compound_ftruncate_rsp; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_SERIALIZE (this, this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata.xdata_val, rsp_args->xdata.xdata_len, rsp_args->op_errno, out); if (!this_args_cbk->op_ret) { server_post_ftruncate (rsp_args, &this_args_cbk->prestat, &this_args_cbk->poststat); } rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_FSTAT: { gfs3_fstat_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_u.compound_fstat_rsp; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_SERIALIZE (this, this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata.xdata_val, rsp_args->xdata.xdata_len, rsp_args->op_errno, out); if (!this_args_cbk->op_ret) { server_post_fstat (state, rsp_args, &this_args_cbk->stat); } rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_LK: { gfs3_lk_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_u.compound_lk_rsp; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_SERIALIZE (this, this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata.xdata_val, rsp_args->xdata.xdata_len, rsp_args->op_errno, out); if (!this_args_cbk->op_ret) { server_post_lk (this, rsp_args, &this_args_cbk->lock); } rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_LOOKUP: { gfs3_lookup_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_u.compound_lookup_rsp; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_SERIALIZE (this, this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata.xdata_val, rsp_args->xdata.xdata_len, rsp_args->op_errno, out); if (!this_args_cbk->op_ret) { server_post_lookup (rsp_args, frame, state, this_args_cbk->inode, &this_args_cbk->stat, &this_args_cbk->postparent); } rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_READDIR: { gfs3_readdir_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_u.compound_readdir_rsp; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_SERIALIZE (this, this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata.xdata_val, rsp_args->xdata.xdata_len, rsp_args->op_errno, out); rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); if (this_args_cbk->op_ret > 0) { ret = server_post_readdir (rsp_args, &this_args_cbk->entries); if (ret < 0) { rsp_args->op_ret = ret; rsp_args->op_errno = ENOMEM; } } break; } case GF_FOP_INODELK: { gf_common_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_u.compound_inodelk_rsp; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_SERIALIZE (this, this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata.xdata_val, rsp_args->xdata.xdata_len, rsp_args->op_errno, out); rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_FINODELK: { gf_common_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_u.compound_finodelk_rsp; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_SERIALIZE (this, this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata.xdata_val, rsp_args->xdata.xdata_len, rsp_args->op_errno, out); rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_ENTRYLK: { gf_common_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_u.compound_entrylk_rsp; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_SERIALIZE (this, this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata.xdata_val, rsp_args->xdata.xdata_len, rsp_args->op_errno, out); rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_FENTRYLK: { gf_common_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_u.compound_fentrylk_rsp; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_SERIALIZE (this, this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata.xdata_val, rsp_args->xdata.xdata_len, rsp_args->op_errno, out); rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_XATTROP: { gfs3_xattrop_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_u.compound_xattrop_rsp; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_SERIALIZE (this, this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata.xdata_val, rsp_args->xdata.xdata_len, rsp_args->op_errno, out); if (!this_args_cbk->op_ret) { GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_SERIALIZE (this, this_args_cbk->xattr, &rsp_args->dict.dict_val, rsp_args->dict.dict_len, rsp_args->op_errno, out); } rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_FXATTROP: { gfs3_fxattrop_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_u.compound_fxattrop_rsp; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_SERIALIZE (this, this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata.xdata_val, rsp_args->xdata.xdata_len, rsp_args->op_errno, out); if (!this_args_cbk->op_ret) { GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_SERIALIZE (this, this_args_cbk->xattr, &rsp_args->dict.dict_val, rsp_args->dict.dict_len, rsp_args->op_errno, out); } rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_FGETXATTR: { gfs3_fgetxattr_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_u.compound_fgetxattr_rsp; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_SERIALIZE (this, this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata.xdata_val, rsp_args->xdata.xdata_len, rsp_args->op_errno, out); if (-1 != this_args_cbk->op_ret) { GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_SERIALIZE (this, this_args_cbk->xattr, &rsp_args->dict.dict_val, rsp_args->dict.dict_len, rsp_args->op_errno, out); } rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_FSETXATTR: { gf_common_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_u.compound_setxattr_rsp; if (gf_replace_old_iatt_in_dict (this_args_cbk->xdata)) { rsp_args->op_errno = errno; rsp_args->op_ret = -1; goto out; } GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_SERIALIZE (this, this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata.xdata_val, rsp_args->xdata.xdata_len, rsp_args->op_errno, out); rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_RCHECKSUM: { gfs3_rchecksum_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_u.compound_rchecksum_rsp; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_SERIALIZE (this, this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata.xdata_val, rsp_args->xdata.xdata_len, rsp_args->op_errno, out); if (!this_args_cbk->op_ret) { server_post_rchecksum (rsp_args, this_args_cbk->weak_checksum, this_args_cbk->strong_checksum); } rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_SETATTR: { gfs3_setattr_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_u.compound_setattr_rsp; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_SERIALIZE (this, this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata.xdata_val, rsp_args->xdata.xdata_len, rsp_args->op_errno, out); if (!this_args_cbk->op_ret) { server_post_setattr (rsp_args, &this_args_cbk->prestat, &this_args_cbk->poststat); } rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_FSETATTR: { gfs3_fsetattr_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_u.compound_fsetattr_rsp; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_SERIALIZE (this, this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata.xdata_val, rsp_args->xdata.xdata_len, rsp_args->op_errno, out); if (!this_args_cbk->op_ret) { server_post_fsetattr (rsp_args, &this_args_cbk->prestat, &this_args_cbk->poststat); } rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_READDIRP: { gfs3_readdirp_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_u.compound_readdirp_rsp; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_SERIALIZE (this, this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata.xdata_val, rsp_args->xdata.xdata_len, rsp_args->op_errno, out); if (this_args_cbk->op_ret > 0) { ret = server_post_readdirp (rsp_args, &this_args_cbk->entries); if (ret < 0) { rsp_args->op_ret = ret; rsp_args->op_errno = ENOMEM; goto out; } gf_link_inodes_from_dirent (this, state->fd->inode, &this_args_cbk->entries); } rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_FREMOVEXATTR: { gf_common_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_u.compound_fremovexattr_rsp; if (gf_replace_old_iatt_in_dict (this_args_cbk->xdata)) { rsp_args->op_errno = errno; rsp_args->op_ret = -1; goto out; } GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_SERIALIZE (this, this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata.xdata_val, rsp_args->xdata.xdata_len, rsp_args->op_errno, out); rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_FALLOCATE: { gfs3_fallocate_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_u.compound_fallocate_rsp; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_SERIALIZE (this, this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata.xdata_val, rsp_args->xdata.xdata_len, rsp_args->op_errno, out); if (!this_args_cbk->op_ret) { server_post_fallocate (rsp_args, &this_args_cbk->prestat, &this_args_cbk->poststat); } rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_DISCARD: { gfs3_discard_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_u.compound_discard_rsp; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_SERIALIZE (this, this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata.xdata_val, rsp_args->xdata.xdata_len, rsp_args->op_errno, out); if (!this_args_cbk->op_ret) { server_post_discard (rsp_args, &this_args_cbk->prestat, &this_args_cbk->poststat); } rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_ZEROFILL: { gfs3_zerofill_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_u.compound_zerofill_rsp; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_SERIALIZE (this, this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata.xdata_val, rsp_args->xdata.xdata_len, rsp_args->op_errno, out); if (!this_args_cbk->op_ret) { server_post_zerofill (rsp_args, &this_args_cbk->prestat, &this_args_cbk->poststat); } rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_SEEK: { gfs3_seek_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_u.compound_seek_rsp; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_SERIALIZE (this, this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata.xdata_val, rsp_args->xdata.xdata_len, rsp_args->op_errno, out); rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_LEASE: { gfs3_lease_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_u.compound_lease_rsp; GF_PROTOCOL_DICT_SERIALIZE (this, this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata.xdata_val, rsp_args->xdata.xdata_len, rsp_args->op_errno, out); if (!this_args_cbk->op_ret) { server_post_lease (rsp_args, &this_args_cbk->lease); } rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } default: return ENOTSUP; } op_errno = 0; out: return op_errno; } /* This works only when the compound fop acts on one loc/inode/gfid. * If compound fops on more than one inode is required, multiple * resolve and resumes will have to be done. This will have to change. * Right now, multiple unlinks, rmdirs etc is are not supported. * This can be added for future enhancements. */ int server_get_compound_resolve (server_state_t *state, gfs3_compound_req *req) { int i = 0; compound_req *array = &req->compound_req_array.compound_req_array_val[i]; switch (array->fop_enum) { case GF_FOP_STAT: { gfs3_stat_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_u.compound_stat_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); break; } case GF_FOP_READLINK: { gfs3_readlink_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_u.compound_readlink_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); break; } case GF_FOP_MKNOD: { gfs3_mknod_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_u.compound_mknod_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_NOT; memcpy (state->resolve.pargfid, this_req.pargfid, 16); state->resolve.bname = gf_strdup (this_req.bname); break; } case GF_FOP_MKDIR: { gfs3_mkdir_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_u.compound_mkdir_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_NOT; memcpy (state->resolve.pargfid, this_req.pargfid, 16); state->resolve.bname = gf_strdup (this_req.bname); break; } case GF_FOP_UNLINK: { gfs3_unlink_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_u.compound_unlink_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.pargfid, this_req.pargfid, 16); state->resolve.bname = gf_strdup (this_req.bname); break; } case GF_FOP_RMDIR: { gfs3_rmdir_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_u.compound_rmdir_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.pargfid, this_req.pargfid, 16); state->resolve.bname = gf_strdup (this_req.bname); break; } case GF_FOP_SYMLINK: { gfs3_symlink_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_u.compound_symlink_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_NOT; memcpy (state->resolve.pargfid, this_req.pargfid, 16); state->resolve.bname = gf_strdup (this_req.bname); break; } case GF_FOP_RENAME: { gfs3_rename_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_u.compound_rename_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; state->resolve.bname = gf_strdup (this_req.oldbname); memcpy (state->resolve.pargfid, this_req.oldgfid, 16); state->resolve2.type = RESOLVE_MAY; state->resolve2.bname = gf_strdup (this_req.newbname); memcpy (state->resolve2.pargfid, this_req.newgfid, 16); break; } case GF_FOP_LINK: { gfs3_link_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_u.compound_link_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.oldgfid, 16); state->resolve2.type = RESOLVE_NOT; state->resolve2.bname = gf_strdup (this_req.newbname); memcpy (state->resolve2.pargfid, this_req.newgfid, 16); break; } case GF_FOP_TRUNCATE: { gfs3_truncate_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_u.compound_truncate_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); break; } case GF_FOP_OPEN: { gfs3_open_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_u.compound_open_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); break; } case GF_FOP_READ: { gfs3_read_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_u.compound_read_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); break; } case GF_FOP_WRITE: { gfs3_write_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_u.compound_write_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); break; } case GF_FOP_STATFS: { gfs3_statfs_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_u.compound_statfs_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); break; } case GF_FOP_FLUSH: { gfs3_flush_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_u.compound_flush_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); state->resolve.fd_no = this_req.fd; break; } case GF_FOP_FSYNC: { gfs3_fsync_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_u.compound_fsync_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); state->resolve.fd_no = this_req.fd; break; } case GF_FOP_SETXATTR: { gfs3_setxattr_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_u.compound_setxattr_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); break; } case GF_FOP_GETXATTR: { gfs3_getxattr_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_u.compound_getxattr_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); break; } case GF_FOP_REMOVEXATTR: { gfs3_removexattr_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_u.compound_removexattr_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); break; } case GF_FOP_OPENDIR: { gfs3_opendir_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_u.compound_opendir_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); break; } case GF_FOP_FSYNCDIR: { gfs3_fsyncdir_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_u.compound_fsyncdir_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); state->resolve.fd_no = this_req.fd; break; } case GF_FOP_ACCESS: { gfs3_access_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_u.compound_access_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); break; } case GF_FOP_CREATE: { gfs3_create_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_u.compound_create_req; state->flags = gf_flags_to_flags (this_req.flags); if (state->flags & O_EXCL) { state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_NOT; } else { state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_DONTCARE; } memcpy (state->resolve.pargfid, this_req.pargfid, 16); state->resolve.bname = gf_strdup (this_req.bname); break; } case GF_FOP_FTRUNCATE: { gfs3_ftruncate_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_u.compound_ftruncate_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); state->resolve.fd_no = this_req.fd; break; } case GF_FOP_FSTAT: { gfs3_fstat_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_u.compound_fstat_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); state->resolve.fd_no = this_req.fd; break; } case GF_FOP_LK: { gfs3_lk_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_u.compound_lk_req; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); state->resolve.fd_no = this_req.fd; break; } case GF_FOP_LOOKUP: { gfs3_lookup_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_u.compound_lookup_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_DONTCARE; if (this_req.bname && strcmp (this_req.bname, "")) { memcpy (state->resolve.pargfid, this_req.pargfid, 16); state->resolve.bname = gf_strdup (this_req.bname); } else { memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); } break; } case GF_FOP_READDIR: { gfs3_readdir_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_u.compound_readdir_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); state->resolve.fd_no = this_req.fd; break; } case GF_FOP_INODELK: { gfs3_inodelk_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_u.compound_inodelk_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_EXACT; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); break; } case GF_FOP_FINODELK: { gfs3_finodelk_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_u.compound_finodelk_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_EXACT; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); state->resolve.fd_no = this_req.fd; break; } case GF_FOP_ENTRYLK: { gfs3_entrylk_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_u.compound_entrylk_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_EXACT; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); break; } case GF_FOP_FENTRYLK: { gfs3_fentrylk_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_u.compound_fentrylk_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_EXACT; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); state->resolve.fd_no = this_req.fd; break; } case GF_FOP_XATTROP: { gfs3_xattrop_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_u.compound_xattrop_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); break; } case GF_FOP_FXATTROP: { gfs3_fxattrop_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_u.compound_fxattrop_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); state->resolve.fd_no = this_req.fd; break; } case GF_FOP_FGETXATTR: { gfs3_fgetxattr_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_u.compound_fgetxattr_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); state->resolve.fd_no = this_req.fd; break; } case GF_FOP_FSETXATTR: { gfs3_fsetxattr_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_u.compound_fsetxattr_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); state->resolve.fd_no = this_req.fd; break; } case GF_FOP_RCHECKSUM: { gfs3_rchecksum_req this_req = {0,}; this_req = array[i].compound_req_u.compound_rchecksum_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MAY; state->resolve.fd_no = this_req.fd; break; } case GF_FOP_SETATTR: { gfs3_setattr_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_u.compound_setattr_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); break; } case GF_FOP_FSETATTR: { gfs3_fsetattr_req this_req = {0,}; this_req = array[i].compound_req_u.compound_fsetattr_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; state->resolve.fd_no = this_req.fd; break; } case GF_FOP_READDIRP: { gfs3_readdirp_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_u.compound_readdirp_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); state->resolve.fd_no = this_req.fd; break; } case GF_FOP_FREMOVEXATTR: { gfs3_fremovexattr_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_u.compound_fremovexattr_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); state->resolve.fd_no = this_req.fd; break; } case GF_FOP_FALLOCATE: { gfs3_fallocate_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_u.compound_fallocate_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); state->resolve.fd_no = this_req.fd; break; } case GF_FOP_DISCARD: { gfs3_discard_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_u.compound_discard_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); state->resolve.fd_no = this_req.fd; break; } case GF_FOP_ZEROFILL: { gfs3_zerofill_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_u.compound_zerofill_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); state->resolve.fd_no = this_req.fd; break; } case GF_FOP_SEEK: { gfs3_seek_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_u.compound_seek_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); state->resolve.fd_no = this_req.fd; break; } case GF_FOP_LEASE: { gfs3_lease_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_u.compound_lease_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); break; } default: return ENOTSUP; } return 0; } void server_compound_rsp_cleanup (gfs3_compound_rsp *rsp, compound_args_cbk_t *args) { int i, len = 0; compound_rsp *this_rsp = NULL; if (!rsp->compound_rsp_array.compound_rsp_array_val) return; len = rsp->compound_rsp_array.compound_rsp_array_len; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { this_rsp = &rsp->compound_rsp_array.compound_rsp_array_val[i]; switch (args->enum_list[i]) { case GF_FOP_STAT: SERVER_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, stat, i); break; case GF_FOP_MKNOD: SERVER_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, mknod, i); break; case GF_FOP_MKDIR: SERVER_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, mkdir, i); break; case GF_FOP_UNLINK: SERVER_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, unlink, i); break; case GF_FOP_RMDIR: SERVER_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, rmdir, i); break; case GF_FOP_SYMLINK: SERVER_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, symlink, i); break; case GF_FOP_RENAME: SERVER_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, rename, i); break; case GF_FOP_LINK: SERVER_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, link, i); break; case GF_FOP_TRUNCATE: SERVER_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, truncate, i); break; case GF_FOP_OPEN: SERVER_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, open, i); break; case GF_FOP_READ: SERVER_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, read, i); break; case GF_FOP_WRITE: SERVER_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, write, i); break; case GF_FOP_STATFS: SERVER_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, statfs, i); break; case GF_FOP_FSYNC: SERVER_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, fsync, i); break; case GF_FOP_OPENDIR: SERVER_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, opendir, i); break; case GF_FOP_CREATE: SERVER_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, create, i); break; case GF_FOP_FTRUNCATE: SERVER_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, ftruncate, i); break; case GF_FOP_FSTAT: SERVER_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, fstat, i); break; case GF_FOP_LK: SERVER_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, lk, i); break; case GF_FOP_LOOKUP: SERVER_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, lookup, i); break; case GF_FOP_SETATTR: SERVER_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, setattr, i); break; case GF_FOP_FSETATTR: SERVER_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, fsetattr, i); break; case GF_FOP_FALLOCATE: SERVER_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, fallocate, i); break; case GF_FOP_DISCARD: SERVER_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, discard, i); break; case GF_FOP_ZEROFILL: SERVER_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, zerofill, i); break; case GF_FOP_IPC: SERVER_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, ipc, i); break; case GF_FOP_SEEK: SERVER_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, seek, i); break; case GF_FOP_LEASE: SERVER_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, lease, i); break; /* fops that use gf_common_rsp */ case GF_FOP_FLUSH: SERVER_COMMON_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, flush, i); break; case GF_FOP_SETXATTR: SERVER_COMMON_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, setxattr, i); break; case GF_FOP_REMOVEXATTR: SERVER_COMMON_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, removexattr, i); break; case GF_FOP_FSETXATTR: SERVER_COMMON_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, fsetxattr, i); break; case GF_FOP_FREMOVEXATTR: SERVER_COMMON_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, fremovexattr, i); break; case GF_FOP_FSYNCDIR: SERVER_COMMON_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, fsyncdir, i); break; case GF_FOP_ACCESS: SERVER_COMMON_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, access, i); break; case GF_FOP_INODELK: SERVER_COMMON_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, inodelk, i); break; case GF_FOP_FINODELK: SERVER_COMMON_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, finodelk, i); break; case GF_FOP_ENTRYLK: SERVER_COMMON_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, entrylk, i); break; case GF_FOP_FENTRYLK: SERVER_COMMON_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, fentrylk, i); break; case GF_FOP_READLINK: SERVER_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, readlink, i); break; case GF_FOP_RCHECKSUM: SERVER_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, rchecksum, i); break; /* fops that need extra cleanup */ case GF_FOP_XATTROP: { gfs3_xattrop_rsp *tmp_rsp = &CPD_RSP_FIELD(this_rsp, xattrop); SERVER_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, xattrop, i); GF_FREE (tmp_rsp->dict.dict_val); break; } case GF_FOP_FXATTROP: { gfs3_fxattrop_rsp *tmp_rsp = &CPD_RSP_FIELD(this_rsp, fxattrop); SERVER_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, fxattrop, i); GF_FREE (tmp_rsp->dict.dict_val); break; } case GF_FOP_READDIR: { gfs3_readdir_rsp *tmp_rsp = &CPD_RSP_FIELD(this_rsp, readdir); SERVER_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, readdir, i); readdir_rsp_cleanup (tmp_rsp); break; } case GF_FOP_READDIRP: { gfs3_readdirp_rsp *tmp_rsp = &CPD_RSP_FIELD(this_rsp, readdirp); SERVER_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, readdir, i); readdirp_rsp_cleanup (tmp_rsp); break; } case GF_FOP_GETXATTR: { gfs3_getxattr_rsp *tmp_rsp = &CPD_RSP_FIELD(this_rsp, getxattr); SERVER_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, getxattr, i); GF_FREE (tmp_rsp->dict.dict_val); break; } case GF_FOP_FGETXATTR: { gfs3_fgetxattr_rsp *tmp_rsp = &CPD_RSP_FIELD(this_rsp, fgetxattr); SERVER_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, fgetxattr, i); GF_FREE (tmp_rsp->dict.dict_val); break; } default: break; } } GF_FREE (rsp->compound_rsp_array.compound_rsp_array_val); return; } void server_compound_req_cleanup (gfs3_compound_req *req, int len) { int i = 0; compound_req *curr_req = NULL; if (!req->compound_req_array.compound_req_array_val) return; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { curr_req = &req->compound_req_array.compound_req_array_val[i]; switch (curr_req->fop_enum) { case GF_FOP_STAT: SERVER_COMPOUND_FOP_CLEANUP (curr_req, stat); break; case GF_FOP_READLINK: SERVER_COMPOUND_FOP_CLEANUP (curr_req, readlink); break; case GF_FOP_MKNOD: SERVER_COMPOUND_FOP_CLEANUP (curr_req, mknod); break; case GF_FOP_MKDIR: { gfs3_mkdir_req *args = &CPD_REQ_FIELD (curr_req, mkdir); SERVER_COMPOUND_FOP_CLEANUP (curr_req, mkdir); free (args->bname); break; } case GF_FOP_UNLINK: { gfs3_unlink_req *args = &CPD_REQ_FIELD (curr_req, unlink); SERVER_COMPOUND_FOP_CLEANUP (curr_req, unlink); free (args->bname); break; } case GF_FOP_RMDIR: { gfs3_rmdir_req *args = &CPD_REQ_FIELD (curr_req, rmdir); SERVER_COMPOUND_FOP_CLEANUP (curr_req, rmdir); free (args->bname); break; } case GF_FOP_SYMLINK: { gfs3_symlink_req *args = &CPD_REQ_FIELD (curr_req, symlink); SERVER_COMPOUND_FOP_CLEANUP (curr_req, symlink); free (args->bname); free (args->linkname); break; } case GF_FOP_RENAME: { gfs3_rename_req *args = &CPD_REQ_FIELD (curr_req, rename); SERVER_COMPOUND_FOP_CLEANUP (curr_req, rename); free (args->oldbname); free (args->newbname); break; } case GF_FOP_LINK: { gfs3_link_req *args = &CPD_REQ_FIELD (curr_req, link); SERVER_COMPOUND_FOP_CLEANUP (curr_req, link); free (args->newbname); break; } case GF_FOP_TRUNCATE: SERVER_COMPOUND_FOP_CLEANUP (curr_req, truncate); break; case GF_FOP_OPEN: SERVER_COMPOUND_FOP_CLEANUP (curr_req, open); break; case GF_FOP_READ: SERVER_COMPOUND_FOP_CLEANUP (curr_req, read); break; case GF_FOP_WRITE: SERVER_COMPOUND_FOP_CLEANUP (curr_req, write); break; case GF_FOP_STATFS: SERVER_COMPOUND_FOP_CLEANUP (curr_req, statfs); break; case GF_FOP_FLUSH: SERVER_COMPOUND_FOP_CLEANUP (curr_req, flush); break; case GF_FOP_FSYNC: SERVER_COMPOUND_FOP_CLEANUP (curr_req, fsync); break; case GF_FOP_SETXATTR: { gfs3_setxattr_req *args = &CPD_REQ_FIELD (curr_req, setxattr); free (args->dict.dict_val); SERVER_COMPOUND_FOP_CLEANUP (curr_req, setxattr); break; } case GF_FOP_GETXATTR: { gfs3_getxattr_req *args = &CPD_REQ_FIELD (curr_req, getxattr); SERVER_COMPOUND_FOP_CLEANUP (curr_req, getxattr); free (args->name); break; } case GF_FOP_REMOVEXATTR: { gfs3_removexattr_req *args = &CPD_REQ_FIELD (curr_req, removexattr); SERVER_COMPOUND_FOP_CLEANUP (curr_req, removexattr); free (args->name); break; } case GF_FOP_OPENDIR: SERVER_COMPOUND_FOP_CLEANUP (curr_req, opendir); break; case GF_FOP_FSYNCDIR: SERVER_COMPOUND_FOP_CLEANUP (curr_req, fsyncdir); break; case GF_FOP_ACCESS: SERVER_COMPOUND_FOP_CLEANUP (curr_req, access); break; case GF_FOP_CREATE: { gfs3_create_req *args = &CPD_REQ_FIELD (curr_req, create); SERVER_COMPOUND_FOP_CLEANUP (curr_req, create); free (args->bname); break; } case GF_FOP_FTRUNCATE: SERVER_COMPOUND_FOP_CLEANUP (curr_req, ftruncate); break; case GF_FOP_FSTAT: SERVER_COMPOUND_FOP_CLEANUP (curr_req, fstat); break; case GF_FOP_LK: { gfs3_lk_req *args = &CPD_REQ_FIELD (curr_req, lk); SERVER_COMPOUND_FOP_CLEANUP (curr_req, lk); free (args->flock.lk_owner.lk_owner_val); break; } case GF_FOP_LOOKUP: { gfs3_lookup_req *args = &CPD_REQ_FIELD (curr_req, lookup); SERVER_COMPOUND_FOP_CLEANUP (curr_req, lookup); free (args->bname); break; } case GF_FOP_READDIR: SERVER_COMPOUND_FOP_CLEANUP (curr_req, readdir); break; case GF_FOP_INODELK: { gfs3_inodelk_req *args = &CPD_REQ_FIELD (curr_req, inodelk); SERVER_COMPOUND_FOP_CLEANUP (curr_req, inodelk); free (args->volume); free (args->flock.lk_owner.lk_owner_val); break; } case GF_FOP_FINODELK: { gfs3_finodelk_req *args = &CPD_REQ_FIELD (curr_req, finodelk); SERVER_COMPOUND_FOP_CLEANUP (curr_req, finodelk); free (args->volume); free (args->flock.lk_owner.lk_owner_val); break; } case GF_FOP_ENTRYLK: { gfs3_entrylk_req *args = &CPD_REQ_FIELD (curr_req, entrylk); SERVER_COMPOUND_FOP_CLEANUP (curr_req, entrylk); free (args->volume); free (args->name); break; } case GF_FOP_FENTRYLK: { gfs3_fentrylk_req *args = &CPD_REQ_FIELD (curr_req, fentrylk); SERVER_COMPOUND_FOP_CLEANUP (curr_req, fentrylk); free (args->volume); free (args->name); break; } case GF_FOP_XATTROP: { gfs3_xattrop_req *args = &CPD_REQ_FIELD (curr_req, xattrop); free (args->dict.dict_val); SERVER_COMPOUND_FOP_CLEANUP (curr_req, xattrop); break; } case GF_FOP_FXATTROP: { gfs3_fxattrop_req *args = &CPD_REQ_FIELD (curr_req, fxattrop); free (args->dict.dict_val); SERVER_COMPOUND_FOP_CLEANUP (curr_req, fxattrop); break; } case GF_FOP_FGETXATTR: { gfs3_fgetxattr_req *args = &CPD_REQ_FIELD (curr_req, fgetxattr); SERVER_COMPOUND_FOP_CLEANUP (curr_req, fgetxattr); free (args->name); break; } case GF_FOP_FSETXATTR: { gfs3_fsetxattr_req *args = &CPD_REQ_FIELD(curr_req, fsetxattr); free (args->dict.dict_val); SERVER_COMPOUND_FOP_CLEANUP (curr_req, fsetxattr); break; } case GF_FOP_RCHECKSUM: SERVER_COMPOUND_FOP_CLEANUP (curr_req, rchecksum); break; case GF_FOP_SETATTR: SERVER_COMPOUND_FOP_CLEANUP (curr_req, setattr); break; case GF_FOP_FSETATTR: SERVER_COMPOUND_FOP_CLEANUP (curr_req, fsetattr); break; case GF_FOP_READDIRP: { gfs3_readdirp_req *args = &CPD_REQ_FIELD (curr_req, readdirp); SERVER_COMPOUND_FOP_CLEANUP (curr_req, fremovexattr); free (args->dict.dict_val); break; } case GF_FOP_FREMOVEXATTR: { gfs3_fremovexattr_req *args = &CPD_REQ_FIELD(curr_req, fremovexattr); SERVER_COMPOUND_FOP_CLEANUP (curr_req, fremovexattr); free (args->name); break; } case GF_FOP_FALLOCATE: SERVER_COMPOUND_FOP_CLEANUP (curr_req, fallocate); break; case GF_FOP_DISCARD: SERVER_COMPOUND_FOP_CLEANUP (curr_req, discard); break; case GF_FOP_ZEROFILL: SERVER_COMPOUND_FOP_CLEANUP (curr_req, zerofill); break; case GF_FOP_IPC: SERVER_COMPOUND_FOP_CLEANUP (curr_req, ipc); break; case GF_FOP_SEEK: SERVER_COMPOUND_FOP_CLEANUP (curr_req, seek); break; default: break; } } return; } /* compound v2 */ int server_populate_compound_request_v2 (gfx_compound_req *req, call_frame_t *frame, default_args_t *this_args, int index) { int op_errno = 0; dict_t *xdata = NULL; dict_t *xattr = NULL; struct iovec req_iovec[MAX_IOVEC] = { {0,} }; compound_req_v2 *this_req = NULL; server_state_t *state = CALL_STATE (frame); this_req = &req->compound_req_array.compound_req_array_val[index]; switch (this_req->fop_enum) { case GF_FOP_STAT: { gfx_stat_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_v2_u.compound_stat_req; xdr_to_dict (&args->xdata, &xdata); args_stat_store (this_args, &state->loc, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_READLINK: { gfx_readlink_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_v2_u.compound_readlink_req; xdr_to_dict (&args->xdata, &xdata); args_readlink_store (this_args, &state->loc, args->size, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_MKNOD: { gfx_mknod_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_v2_u.compound_mknod_req; xdr_to_dict (&args->xdata, &xdata); args_mknod_store (this_args, &state->loc, args->mode, args->dev, args->umask, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_MKDIR: { gfx_mkdir_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_v2_u.compound_mkdir_req; xdr_to_dict (&args->xdata, &xdata); args_mkdir_store (this_args, &state->loc, args->mode, args->umask, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_UNLINK: { gfx_unlink_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_v2_u.compound_unlink_req; xdr_to_dict (&args->xdata, &xdata); args_unlink_store (this_args, &state->loc, args->xflags, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_RMDIR: { gfx_rmdir_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_v2_u.compound_rmdir_req; xdr_to_dict (&args->xdata, &xdata); args_rmdir_store (this_args, &state->loc, args->xflags, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_SYMLINK: { gfx_symlink_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_v2_u.compound_symlink_req; xdr_to_dict (&args->xdata, &xdata); args_symlink_store (this_args, args->linkname, &state->loc, args->umask, xdata); this_args->loc.inode = inode_new (state->itable); break; } case GF_FOP_RENAME: { gfx_rename_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_v2_u.compound_rename_req; xdr_to_dict (&args->xdata, &xdata); args_rename_store (this_args, &state->loc, &state->loc2, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_LINK: { gfx_link_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_v2_u.compound_link_req; xdr_to_dict (&args->xdata, &xdata); args_link_store (this_args, &state->loc, &state->loc2, xdata); this_args->loc2.inode = inode_ref (this_args->loc.inode); break; } case GF_FOP_TRUNCATE: { gfx_truncate_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_v2_u.compound_truncate_req; xdr_to_dict (&args->xdata, &xdata); args_truncate_store (this_args, &state->loc, args->offset, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_OPEN: { gfx_open_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_v2_u.compound_open_req; xdr_to_dict (&args->xdata, &xdata); args_open_store (this_args, &state->loc, args->flags, state->fd, xdata); this_args->fd = fd_create (this_args->loc.inode, frame->root->pid); this_args->fd->flags = this_args->flags; break; } case GF_FOP_READ: { gfx_read_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_v2_u.compound_read_req; xdr_to_dict (&args->xdata, &xdata); args_readv_store (this_args, state->fd, args->size, args->offset, args->flag, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_WRITE: { gfx_write_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_v2_u.compound_write_req; /*TODO : What happens when payload count is more than one? */ req_iovec[0].iov_base = state->payload_vector[0].iov_base + state->write_length; req_iovec[0].iov_len = args->size; xdr_to_dict (&args->xdata, &xdata); /* The way writev fop works : * xdr args of write along with other args contains * write length not count. But when the call is wound to posix, * this length is not used. It is taken from the request * write vector that is passed down. Posix needs the vector * count to determine the amount of write to be done. * This count for writes that come as part of compound fops * will be 1. The vectors are merged into one under * GF_FOP_WRITE section of client_handle_fop_requirements() * in protocol client. */ args_writev_store (this_args, state->fd, req_iovec, 1, args->offset, args->flag, state->iobref, xdata); state->write_length += req_iovec[0].iov_len; break; } case GF_FOP_STATFS: { gfx_statfs_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_v2_u.compound_statfs_req; xdr_to_dict (&args->xdata, &xdata); args_statfs_store (this_args, &state->loc, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_FLUSH: { gfx_flush_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_v2_u.compound_flush_req; xdr_to_dict (&args->xdata, &xdata); args_flush_store (this_args, state->fd, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_FSYNC: { gfx_fsync_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_v2_u.compound_fsync_req; xdr_to_dict (&args->xdata, &xdata); args_fsync_store (this_args, state->fd, args->data, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_SETXATTR: { gfx_setxattr_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_v2_u.compound_setxattr_req; xdr_to_dict (&args->dict, &xattr); xdr_to_dict (&args->xdata, &xdata); args_setxattr_store (this_args, &state->loc, xattr, args->flags, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_GETXATTR: { gfx_getxattr_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_v2_u.compound_getxattr_req; xdr_to_dict (&args->xdata, &xdata); gf_server_check_getxattr_cmd (frame, args->name); args_getxattr_store (this_args, &state->loc, args->name, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_REMOVEXATTR: { gfx_removexattr_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_v2_u.compound_removexattr_req; xdr_to_dict (&args->xdata, &xdata); args_removexattr_store (this_args, &state->loc, args->name, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_OPENDIR: { gfx_opendir_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_v2_u.compound_opendir_req; this_args->fd = fd_create (this_args->loc.inode, frame->root->pid); if (!this_args->fd) { gf_msg ("server", GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, PS_MSG_FD_CREATE_FAILED, "could not create the fd"); goto out; } xdr_to_dict (&args->xdata, &xdata); args_opendir_store (this_args, &state->loc, state->fd, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_FSYNCDIR: { gfx_fsyncdir_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_v2_u.compound_fsyncdir_req; xdr_to_dict (&args->xdata, &xdata); args_fsyncdir_store (this_args, state->fd, args->data, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_ACCESS: { gfx_access_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_v2_u.compound_access_req; xdr_to_dict (&args->xdata, &xdata); args_access_store (this_args, &state->loc, args->mask, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_CREATE: { gfx_create_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_v2_u.compound_create_req; state->loc.inode = inode_new (state->itable); state->fd = fd_create (state->loc.inode, frame->root->pid); if (!state->fd) { gf_msg ("server", GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, PS_MSG_FD_CREATE_FAILED, "fd creation for the inode %s failed", state->loc.inode ? uuid_utoa (state->loc.inode->gfid):NULL); goto out; } state->fd->flags = state->flags; xdr_to_dict (&args->xdata, &xdata); args_create_store (this_args, &state->loc, args->flags, args->mode, args->umask, state->fd, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_FTRUNCATE: { gfx_ftruncate_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_v2_u.compound_ftruncate_req; xdr_to_dict (&args->xdata, &xdata); args_ftruncate_store (this_args, state->fd, args->offset, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_FSTAT: { gfx_fstat_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_v2_u.compound_fstat_req; xdr_to_dict (&args->xdata, &xdata); args_fstat_store (this_args, state->fd, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_LK: { gfx_lk_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_v2_u.compound_lk_req; xdr_to_dict (&args->xdata, &xdata); switch (args->cmd) { case GF_LK_GETLK: this_args->cmd = F_GETLK; break; case GF_LK_SETLK: this_args->cmd = F_SETLK; break; case GF_LK_SETLKW: this_args->cmd = F_SETLKW; break; case GF_LK_RESLK_LCK: this_args->cmd = F_RESLK_LCK; break; case GF_LK_RESLK_LCKW: this_args->cmd = F_RESLK_LCKW; break; case GF_LK_RESLK_UNLCK: this_args->cmd = F_RESLK_UNLCK; break; case GF_LK_GETLK_FD: this_args->cmd = F_GETLK_FD; break; } gf_proto_flock_to_flock (&args->flock, &this_args->lock); switch (args->type) { case GF_LK_F_RDLCK: this_args->lock.l_type = F_RDLCK; break; case GF_LK_F_WRLCK: this_args->lock.l_type = F_WRLCK; break; case GF_LK_F_UNLCK: this_args->lock.l_type = F_UNLCK; break; default: gf_msg (frame->root->client->bound_xl->name, GF_LOG_ERROR, 0, PS_MSG_LOCK_ERROR, "fd - %"PRId64" (%s):" " Unknown " "lock type: %"PRId32"!", state->resolve.fd_no, uuid_utoa (state->fd->inode->gfid), args->type); break; } args_lk_store (this_args, state->fd, this_args->cmd, &this_args->lock, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_LOOKUP: { gfx_lookup_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_v2_u.compound_lookup_req; if (this_args->loc.inode) this_args->loc.inode = server_inode_new (state->itable, state->loc.gfid); else state->is_revalidate = 1; xdr_to_dict (&args->xdata, &xdata); args_lookup_store (this_args, &state->loc, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_READDIR: { gfx_readdir_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_v2_u.compound_readdir_req; xdr_to_dict (&args->xdata, &xdata); args_readdir_store (this_args, state->fd, args->size, args->offset, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_INODELK: { gfx_inodelk_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_v2_u.compound_inodelk_req; switch (args->cmd) { case GF_LK_GETLK: this_args->cmd = F_GETLK; break; case GF_LK_SETLK: this_args->cmd = F_SETLK; break; case GF_LK_SETLKW: this_args->cmd = F_SETLKW; break; } gf_proto_flock_to_flock (&args->flock, &this_args->lock); switch (args->type) { case GF_LK_F_RDLCK: this_args->lock.l_type = F_RDLCK; break; case GF_LK_F_WRLCK: this_args->lock.l_type = F_WRLCK; break; case GF_LK_F_UNLCK: this_args->lock.l_type = F_UNLCK; break; } xdr_to_dict (&args->xdata, &xdata); args_inodelk_store (this_args, args->volume, &state->loc, this_args->cmd, &this_args->lock, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_FINODELK: { gfx_finodelk_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_v2_u.compound_finodelk_req; xdr_to_dict (&args->xdata, &xdata); switch (args->cmd) { case GF_LK_GETLK: this_args->cmd = F_GETLK; break; case GF_LK_SETLK: this_args->cmd = F_SETLK; break; case GF_LK_SETLKW: this_args->cmd = F_SETLKW; break; } gf_proto_flock_to_flock (&args->flock, &this_args->lock); switch (args->type) { case GF_LK_F_RDLCK: this_args->lock.l_type = F_RDLCK; break; case GF_LK_F_WRLCK: this_args->lock.l_type = F_WRLCK; break; case GF_LK_F_UNLCK: this_args->lock.l_type = F_UNLCK; break; } args_finodelk_store (this_args, args->volume, state->fd, this_args->cmd, &this_args->lock, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_ENTRYLK: { gfx_entrylk_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_v2_u.compound_entrylk_req; xdr_to_dict (&args->xdata, &xdata); args_entrylk_store (this_args, args->volume, &state->loc, args->name, args->cmd, args->type, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_FENTRYLK: { gfx_fentrylk_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_v2_u.compound_fentrylk_req; xdr_to_dict (&args->xdata, &xdata); args_fentrylk_store (this_args, args->volume, state->fd, args->name, args->cmd, args->type, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_XATTROP: { gfx_xattrop_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_v2_u.compound_xattrop_req; xdr_to_dict (&args->dict, &xattr); xdr_to_dict (&args->xdata, &xdata); args_xattrop_store (this_args, &state->loc, args->flags, xattr, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_FXATTROP: { gfx_fxattrop_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_v2_u.compound_fxattrop_req; xdr_to_dict (&args->dict, &xattr); xdr_to_dict (&args->xdata, &xdata); args_fxattrop_store (this_args, state->fd, args->flags, xattr, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_FGETXATTR: { gfx_fgetxattr_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_v2_u.compound_fgetxattr_req; xdr_to_dict (&args->xdata, &xdata); args_fgetxattr_store (this_args, state->fd, args->name, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_FSETXATTR: { gfx_fsetxattr_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_v2_u.compound_fsetxattr_req; xdr_to_dict (&args->dict, &xattr); xdr_to_dict (&args->xdata, &xdata); args_fsetxattr_store (this_args, state->fd, xattr, args->flags, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_RCHECKSUM: { gfx_rchecksum_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_v2_u.compound_rchecksum_req; xdr_to_dict (&args->xdata, &xdata); args_rchecksum_store (this_args, state->fd, args->offset, args->len, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_SETATTR: { gfx_setattr_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_v2_u.compound_setattr_req; xdr_to_dict (&args->xdata, &xdata); gfx_stat_to_iattx (&args->stbuf, &this_args->stat); args_setattr_store (this_args, &state->loc, &this_args->stat, args->valid, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_FSETATTR: { gfx_fsetattr_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_v2_u.compound_fsetattr_req; xdr_to_dict (&args->xdata, &xdata); gfx_stat_to_iattx (&args->stbuf, &this_args->stat); args_fsetattr_store (this_args, state->fd, &this_args->stat, args->valid, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_READDIRP: { gfx_readdirp_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_v2_u.compound_readdirp_req; xdr_to_dict (&args->xdata, &xdata); args_readdirp_store (this_args, state->fd, args->size, args->offset, xattr); break; } case GF_FOP_FREMOVEXATTR: { gfx_fremovexattr_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_v2_u.compound_fremovexattr_req; xdr_to_dict (&args->xdata, &xdata); args_fremovexattr_store (this_args, state->fd, args->name, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_FALLOCATE: { gfx_fallocate_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_v2_u.compound_fallocate_req; xdr_to_dict (&args->xdata, &xdata); args_fallocate_store (this_args, state->fd, args->flags, args->offset, args->size, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_DISCARD: { gfx_discard_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_v2_u.compound_discard_req; xdr_to_dict (&args->xdata, &xdata); args_discard_store (this_args, state->fd, args->offset, args->size, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_ZEROFILL: { gfx_zerofill_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_v2_u.compound_zerofill_req; xdr_to_dict (&args->xdata, &xdata); args_zerofill_store (this_args, state->fd, args->offset, args->size, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_SEEK: { gfx_seek_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_v2_u.compound_seek_req; xdr_to_dict (&args->xdata, &xdata); args_seek_store (this_args, state->fd, args->offset, args->what, xdata); break; } case GF_FOP_LEASE: { gfx_lease_req *args = NULL; args = &this_req->compound_req_v2_u.compound_lease_req; xdr_to_dict (&args->xdata, &xdata); gf_proto_lease_to_lease (&args->lease, &state->lease); args_lease_store (this_args, &state->loc, &state->lease, xdata); break; } default: return ENOTSUP; } out: if (xattr) dict_unref (xattr); if (xdata) dict_unref (xdata); return op_errno; } int server_populate_compound_response_v2 (xlator_t *this, gfx_compound_rsp *rsp, call_frame_t *frame, compound_args_cbk_t *args_cbk, int index) { int op_errno = EINVAL; default_args_cbk_t *this_args_cbk = NULL; compound_rsp_v2 *this_rsp = NULL; server_state_t *state = NULL; int ret = 0; state = CALL_STATE (frame); this_rsp = &rsp->compound_rsp_array.compound_rsp_array_val[index]; this_args_cbk = &args_cbk->rsp_list[index]; this_rsp->fop_enum = args_cbk->enum_list[index]; switch (this_rsp->fop_enum) { case GF_FOP_FSTAT: case GF_FOP_STAT: { gfx_common_iatt_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_v2_u.compound_stat_rsp; dict_to_xdr (this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata); if (!this_args_cbk->op_ret) { server4_post_common_iatt (state, rsp_args, &this_args_cbk->stat); } rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_READLINK: { gfx_readlink_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_v2_u.compound_readlink_rsp; dict_to_xdr (this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata); if (this_args_cbk->op_ret >= 0) { server4_post_readlink (rsp_args, &this_args_cbk->stat, this_args_cbk->buf); } rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); if (!rsp_args->path) rsp_args->path = ""; break; } case GF_FOP_MKNOD: case GF_FOP_MKDIR: case GF_FOP_SYMLINK: case GF_FOP_LINK: { gfx_common_3iatt_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_v2_u.compound_mknod_rsp; dict_to_xdr (this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata); if (!this_args_cbk->op_ret) { server4_post_common_3iatt (state, rsp_args, this_args_cbk->inode, &this_args_cbk->stat, &this_args_cbk->preparent, &this_args_cbk->postparent); } rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_UNLINK: case GF_FOP_RMDIR: { gfx_common_2iatt_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_v2_u.compound_unlink_rsp; dict_to_xdr (this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata); if (!this_args_cbk->op_ret) { server4_post_entry_remove (state, rsp_args, &this_args_cbk->preparent, &this_args_cbk->postparent); } rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_RENAME: { gfx_rename_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_v2_u.compound_rename_rsp; dict_to_xdr (this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata); if (!this_args_cbk->op_ret) { server4_post_rename (frame, state, rsp_args, &this_args_cbk->stat, &this_args_cbk->preparent, &this_args_cbk->postparent, &this_args_cbk->preparent2, &this_args_cbk->postparent2); } rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_FALLOCATE: case GF_FOP_ZEROFILL: case GF_FOP_DISCARD: case GF_FOP_SETATTR: case GF_FOP_FSETATTR: case GF_FOP_FTRUNCATE: case GF_FOP_TRUNCATE: case GF_FOP_WRITE: case GF_FOP_FSYNC: { gfx_common_2iatt_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_v2_u.compound_truncate_rsp; dict_to_xdr (this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata); if (!this_args_cbk->op_ret) { server4_post_common_2iatt (rsp_args, &this_args_cbk->prestat, &this_args_cbk->poststat); } rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_OPEN: case GF_FOP_OPENDIR: { gfx_open_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_v2_u.compound_open_rsp; dict_to_xdr (this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata); if (!this_args_cbk->op_ret) { server4_post_open (frame, this, rsp_args, this_args_cbk->fd); } rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_READ: { gfx_read_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_v2_u.compound_read_rsp; dict_to_xdr (this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata); if (this_args_cbk->op_ret >= 0) { server4_post_readv (rsp_args, &this_args_cbk->stat, this_args_cbk->op_ret); if (!state->rsp_iobref) { state->rsp_iobref = this_args_cbk->iobref; state->rsp_count = 0; } iobref_merge (state->rsp_iobref, this_args_cbk->iobref); memcpy (&state->rsp_vector[state->rsp_count], this_args_cbk->vector, (this_args_cbk->count * sizeof(state->rsp_vector[0]))); state->rsp_count += this_args_cbk->count; } rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_STATFS: { gfx_statfs_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_v2_u.compound_statfs_rsp; dict_to_xdr (this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata); if (!this_args_cbk->op_ret) { server4_post_statfs (rsp_args, &this_args_cbk->statvfs); } rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_FLUSH: case GF_FOP_SETXATTR: case GF_FOP_FSETXATTR: case GF_FOP_REMOVEXATTR: case GF_FOP_FREMOVEXATTR: case GF_FOP_FSYNCDIR: case GF_FOP_ACCESS: case GF_FOP_INODELK: case GF_FOP_FINODELK: case GF_FOP_ENTRYLK: case GF_FOP_FENTRYLK: { gfx_common_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_v2_u.compound_flush_rsp; dict_to_xdr (this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata); rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_FGETXATTR: case GF_FOP_GETXATTR: case GF_FOP_XATTROP: case GF_FOP_FXATTROP: { gfx_common_dict_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_v2_u.compound_getxattr_rsp; dict_to_xdr (this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata); if (-1 != this_args_cbk->op_ret) { dict_to_xdr (this_args_cbk->xattr, &rsp_args->dict); } rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_CREATE: { gfx_create_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_v2_u.compound_create_rsp; dict_to_xdr (this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata); rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); if (!this_args_cbk->op_ret) { rsp_args->op_ret = server4_post_create (frame, rsp_args, state, this, this_args_cbk->fd, this_args_cbk->inode, &this_args_cbk->stat, &this_args_cbk->preparent, &this_args_cbk->postparent); if (rsp_args->op_ret) { rsp_args->op_errno = -rsp_args->op_ret; rsp_args->op_ret = -1; } } break; } case GF_FOP_LK: { gfx_lk_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_v2_u.compound_lk_rsp; dict_to_xdr (this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata); if (!this_args_cbk->op_ret) { server4_post_lk (this, rsp_args, &this_args_cbk->lock); } rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_LOOKUP: { gfx_common_2iatt_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_v2_u.compound_lookup_rsp; dict_to_xdr (this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata); gfx_stat_from_iattx (&rsp_args->poststat, &this_args_cbk->postparent); if (!this_args_cbk->op_ret) { server4_post_lookup (rsp_args, frame, state, this_args_cbk->inode, &this_args_cbk->stat); } rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_READDIR: { gfx_readdir_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_v2_u.compound_readdir_rsp; dict_to_xdr (this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata); rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); if (this_args_cbk->op_ret > 0) { ret = server4_post_readdir (rsp_args, &this_args_cbk->entries); if (ret < 0) { rsp_args->op_ret = ret; rsp_args->op_errno = ENOMEM; } } break; } case GF_FOP_RCHECKSUM: { gfx_rchecksum_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_v2_u.compound_rchecksum_rsp; dict_to_xdr (this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata); if (!this_args_cbk->op_ret) { server4_post_rchecksum (rsp_args, this_args_cbk->weak_checksum, this_args_cbk->strong_checksum); } rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_READDIRP: { gfx_readdirp_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_v2_u.compound_readdirp_rsp; dict_to_xdr (this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata); if (this_args_cbk->op_ret > 0) { ret = server4_post_readdirp (rsp_args, &this_args_cbk->entries); if (ret < 0) { rsp_args->op_ret = ret; rsp_args->op_errno = ENOMEM; goto out; } gf_link_inodes_from_dirent (this, state->fd->inode, &this_args_cbk->entries); } rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_SEEK: { gfx_seek_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_v2_u.compound_seek_rsp; dict_to_xdr (this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata); rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } case GF_FOP_LEASE: { gfx_lease_rsp *rsp_args = NULL; rsp_args = &this_rsp->compound_rsp_v2_u.compound_lease_rsp; dict_to_xdr (this_args_cbk->xdata, &rsp_args->xdata); if (!this_args_cbk->op_ret) { server4_post_lease (rsp_args, &this_args_cbk->lease); } rsp_args->op_ret = this_args_cbk->op_ret; rsp_args->op_errno = gf_errno_to_error (this_args_cbk->op_errno); break; } default: return ENOTSUP; } op_errno = 0; out: return op_errno; } /* This works only when the compound fop acts on one loc/inode/gfid. * If compound fops on more than one inode is required, multiple * resolve and resumes will have to be done. This will have to change. * Right now, multiple unlinks, rmdirs etc is are not supported. * This can be added for future enhancements. */ int server_get_compound_resolve_v2 (server_state_t *state, gfx_compound_req *req) { int i = 0; compound_req_v2 *array = NULL; array = &req->compound_req_array.compound_req_array_val[i]; switch (array->fop_enum) { case GF_FOP_STAT: { gfx_stat_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_v2_u.compound_stat_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); break; } case GF_FOP_READLINK: { gfx_readlink_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_v2_u.compound_readlink_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); break; } case GF_FOP_MKNOD: { gfx_mknod_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_v2_u.compound_mknod_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_NOT; memcpy (state->resolve.pargfid, this_req.pargfid, 16); state->resolve.bname = gf_strdup (this_req.bname); break; } case GF_FOP_MKDIR: { gfx_mkdir_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_v2_u.compound_mkdir_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_NOT; memcpy (state->resolve.pargfid, this_req.pargfid, 16); state->resolve.bname = gf_strdup (this_req.bname); break; } case GF_FOP_UNLINK: { gfx_unlink_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_v2_u.compound_unlink_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.pargfid, this_req.pargfid, 16); state->resolve.bname = gf_strdup (this_req.bname); break; } case GF_FOP_RMDIR: { gfx_rmdir_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_v2_u.compound_rmdir_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.pargfid, this_req.pargfid, 16); state->resolve.bname = gf_strdup (this_req.bname); break; } case GF_FOP_SYMLINK: { gfx_symlink_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_v2_u.compound_symlink_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_NOT; memcpy (state->resolve.pargfid, this_req.pargfid, 16); state->resolve.bname = gf_strdup (this_req.bname); break; } case GF_FOP_RENAME: { gfx_rename_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_v2_u.compound_rename_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; state->resolve.bname = gf_strdup (this_req.oldbname); memcpy (state->resolve.pargfid, this_req.oldgfid, 16); state->resolve2.type = RESOLVE_MAY; state->resolve2.bname = gf_strdup (this_req.newbname); memcpy (state->resolve2.pargfid, this_req.newgfid, 16); break; } case GF_FOP_LINK: { gfx_link_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_v2_u.compound_link_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.oldgfid, 16); state->resolve2.type = RESOLVE_NOT; state->resolve2.bname = gf_strdup (this_req.newbname); memcpy (state->resolve2.pargfid, this_req.newgfid, 16); break; } case GF_FOP_TRUNCATE: { gfx_truncate_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_v2_u.compound_truncate_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); break; } case GF_FOP_OPEN: { gfx_open_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_v2_u.compound_open_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); break; } case GF_FOP_READ: { gfx_read_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_v2_u.compound_read_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); break; } case GF_FOP_WRITE: { gfx_write_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_v2_u.compound_write_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); break; } case GF_FOP_STATFS: { gfx_statfs_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_v2_u.compound_statfs_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); break; } case GF_FOP_FLUSH: { gfx_flush_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_v2_u.compound_flush_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); state->resolve.fd_no = this_req.fd; break; } case GF_FOP_FSYNC: { gfx_fsync_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_v2_u.compound_fsync_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); state->resolve.fd_no = this_req.fd; break; } case GF_FOP_SETXATTR: { gfx_setxattr_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_v2_u.compound_setxattr_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); break; } case GF_FOP_GETXATTR: { gfx_getxattr_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_v2_u.compound_getxattr_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); break; } case GF_FOP_REMOVEXATTR: { gfx_removexattr_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_v2_u.compound_removexattr_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); break; } case GF_FOP_OPENDIR: { gfx_opendir_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_v2_u.compound_opendir_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); break; } case GF_FOP_FSYNCDIR: { gfx_fsyncdir_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_v2_u.compound_fsyncdir_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); state->resolve.fd_no = this_req.fd; break; } case GF_FOP_ACCESS: { gfx_access_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_v2_u.compound_access_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); break; } case GF_FOP_CREATE: { gfx_create_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_v2_u.compound_create_req; state->flags = gf_flags_to_flags (this_req.flags); if (state->flags & O_EXCL) { state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_NOT; } else { state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_DONTCARE; } memcpy (state->resolve.pargfid, this_req.pargfid, 16); state->resolve.bname = gf_strdup (this_req.bname); break; } case GF_FOP_FTRUNCATE: { gfx_ftruncate_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_v2_u.compound_ftruncate_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); state->resolve.fd_no = this_req.fd; break; } case GF_FOP_FSTAT: { gfx_fstat_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_v2_u.compound_fstat_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); state->resolve.fd_no = this_req.fd; break; } case GF_FOP_LK: { gfx_lk_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_v2_u.compound_lk_req; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); state->resolve.fd_no = this_req.fd; break; } case GF_FOP_LOOKUP: { gfx_lookup_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_v2_u.compound_lookup_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_DONTCARE; if (this_req.bname && strcmp (this_req.bname, "")) { memcpy (state->resolve.pargfid, this_req.pargfid, 16); state->resolve.bname = gf_strdup (this_req.bname); } else { memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); } break; } case GF_FOP_READDIR: { gfx_readdir_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_v2_u.compound_readdir_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); state->resolve.fd_no = this_req.fd; break; } case GF_FOP_INODELK: { gfx_inodelk_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_v2_u.compound_inodelk_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_EXACT; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); break; } case GF_FOP_FINODELK: { gfx_finodelk_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_v2_u.compound_finodelk_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_EXACT; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); state->resolve.fd_no = this_req.fd; break; } case GF_FOP_ENTRYLK: { gfx_entrylk_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_v2_u.compound_entrylk_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_EXACT; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); break; } case GF_FOP_FENTRYLK: { gfx_fentrylk_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_v2_u.compound_fentrylk_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_EXACT; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); state->resolve.fd_no = this_req.fd; break; } case GF_FOP_XATTROP: { gfx_xattrop_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_v2_u.compound_xattrop_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); break; } case GF_FOP_FXATTROP: { gfx_fxattrop_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_v2_u.compound_fxattrop_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); state->resolve.fd_no = this_req.fd; break; } case GF_FOP_FGETXATTR: { gfx_fgetxattr_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_v2_u.compound_fgetxattr_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); state->resolve.fd_no = this_req.fd; break; } case GF_FOP_FSETXATTR: { gfx_fsetxattr_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_v2_u.compound_fsetxattr_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); state->resolve.fd_no = this_req.fd; break; } case GF_FOP_RCHECKSUM: { gfx_rchecksum_req this_req = { {0,},}; this_req = array[i].compound_req_v2_u.compound_rchecksum_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MAY; state->resolve.fd_no = this_req.fd; break; } case GF_FOP_SETATTR: { gfx_setattr_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_v2_u.compound_setattr_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); break; } case GF_FOP_FSETATTR: { gfx_fsetattr_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_v2_u.compound_fsetattr_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; state->resolve.fd_no = this_req.fd; break; } case GF_FOP_READDIRP: { gfx_readdirp_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_v2_u.compound_readdirp_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); state->resolve.fd_no = this_req.fd; break; } case GF_FOP_FREMOVEXATTR: { gfx_fremovexattr_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_v2_u.compound_fremovexattr_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); state->resolve.fd_no = this_req.fd; break; } case GF_FOP_FALLOCATE: { gfx_fallocate_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_v2_u.compound_fallocate_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); state->resolve.fd_no = this_req.fd; break; } case GF_FOP_DISCARD: { gfx_discard_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_v2_u.compound_discard_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); state->resolve.fd_no = this_req.fd; break; } case GF_FOP_ZEROFILL: { gfx_zerofill_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_v2_u.compound_zerofill_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); state->resolve.fd_no = this_req.fd; break; } case GF_FOP_SEEK: { gfx_seek_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_v2_u.compound_seek_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); state->resolve.fd_no = this_req.fd; break; } case GF_FOP_LEASE: { gfx_lease_req this_req = { {0,} }; this_req = array[i].compound_req_v2_u.compound_lease_req; state->resolve.type = RESOLVE_MUST; memcpy (state->resolve.gfid, this_req.gfid, 16); break; } default: return ENOTSUP; } return 0; } void server_compound_rsp_cleanup_v2 (gfx_compound_rsp *rsp, compound_args_cbk_t *args) { int i, len = 0; compound_rsp_v2 *this_rsp = NULL; if (!rsp->compound_rsp_array.compound_rsp_array_val) return; len = rsp->compound_rsp_array.compound_rsp_array_len; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { this_rsp = &rsp->compound_rsp_array.compound_rsp_array_val[i]; switch (args->enum_list[i]) { case GF_FOP_STAT: SERVER4_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, stat, i, common_iatt); break; case GF_FOP_MKNOD: SERVER4_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, mknod, i, common_3iatt); break; case GF_FOP_MKDIR: SERVER4_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, mkdir, i, common_3iatt); break; case GF_FOP_UNLINK: SERVER4_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, unlink, i, common_2iatt); break; case GF_FOP_RMDIR: SERVER4_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, rmdir, i, common_2iatt); break; case GF_FOP_SYMLINK: SERVER4_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, symlink, i, common_3iatt); break; case GF_FOP_RENAME: SERVER4_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, rename, i, rename); break; case GF_FOP_LINK: SERVER4_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, link, i, common_3iatt); break; case GF_FOP_TRUNCATE: SERVER4_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, truncate, i, common_2iatt); break; case GF_FOP_OPEN: SERVER4_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, open, i, open); break; case GF_FOP_READ: SERVER4_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, read, i, read); break; case GF_FOP_WRITE: SERVER4_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, write, i, common_2iatt); break; case GF_FOP_STATFS: SERVER4_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, statfs, i, statfs); break; case GF_FOP_FSYNC: SERVER4_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, fsync, i, common_2iatt); break; case GF_FOP_OPENDIR: SERVER4_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, opendir, i, open); break; case GF_FOP_CREATE: SERVER4_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, create, i, create); break; case GF_FOP_FTRUNCATE: SERVER4_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, ftruncate, i, common_2iatt); break; case GF_FOP_FSTAT: SERVER4_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, fstat, i, common_iatt); break; case GF_FOP_LK: SERVER4_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, lk, i, lk); break; case GF_FOP_LOOKUP: SERVER4_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, lookup, i, common_2iatt); break; case GF_FOP_SETATTR: SERVER4_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, setattr, i, common_2iatt); break; case GF_FOP_FSETATTR: SERVER4_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, fsetattr, i, common_2iatt); break; case GF_FOP_FALLOCATE: SERVER4_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, fallocate, i, common_2iatt); break; case GF_FOP_DISCARD: SERVER4_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, discard, i, common_2iatt); break; case GF_FOP_ZEROFILL: SERVER4_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, zerofill, i, common_2iatt); break; case GF_FOP_SEEK: SERVER4_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, seek, i, seek); break; case GF_FOP_LEASE: SERVER4_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, lease, i, lease); break; case GF_FOP_READLINK: SERVER4_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, readlink, i, readlink); break; case GF_FOP_RCHECKSUM: SERVER4_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, rchecksum, i, rchecksum); break; /* fops that use gfx_common_rsp */ case GF_FOP_IPC: SERVER4_COMMON_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, ipc, i); break; case GF_FOP_FLUSH: SERVER4_COMMON_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, flush, i); break; case GF_FOP_SETXATTR: SERVER4_COMMON_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, setxattr, i); break; case GF_FOP_REMOVEXATTR: SERVER4_COMMON_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, removexattr, i); break; case GF_FOP_FSETXATTR: SERVER4_COMMON_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, fsetxattr, i); break; case GF_FOP_FREMOVEXATTR: SERVER4_COMMON_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, fremovexattr, i); break; case GF_FOP_FSYNCDIR: SERVER4_COMMON_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, fsyncdir, i); break; case GF_FOP_ACCESS: SERVER4_COMMON_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, access, i); break; case GF_FOP_INODELK: SERVER4_COMMON_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, inodelk, i); break; case GF_FOP_FINODELK: SERVER4_COMMON_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, finodelk, i); break; case GF_FOP_ENTRYLK: SERVER4_COMMON_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, entrylk, i); break; case GF_FOP_FENTRYLK: SERVER4_COMMON_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, fentrylk, i); break; /* fops that need extra cleanup */ case GF_FOP_XATTROP: { gfx_common_dict_rsp *tmp_rsp = &CPD4_RSP_FIELD(this_rsp, xattrop); SERVER4_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, xattrop, i, common_dict); GF_FREE (tmp_rsp->dict.pairs.pairs_val); break; } case GF_FOP_FXATTROP: { gfx_common_dict_rsp *tmp_rsp = &CPD4_RSP_FIELD(this_rsp, fxattrop); SERVER4_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, fxattrop, i, common_dict); GF_FREE (tmp_rsp->dict.pairs.pairs_val); break; } case GF_FOP_READDIR: { gfx_readdir_rsp *tmp_rsp = &CPD4_RSP_FIELD(this_rsp, readdir); SERVER4_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, readdir, i, readdir); readdir_rsp_cleanup_v2 (tmp_rsp); break; } case GF_FOP_READDIRP: { gfx_readdirp_rsp *tmp_rsp = &CPD4_RSP_FIELD(this_rsp, readdirp); SERVER4_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, readdirp, i, readdirp); readdirp_rsp_cleanup_v2 (tmp_rsp); break; } case GF_FOP_GETXATTR: { gfx_common_dict_rsp *tmp_rsp = &CPD4_RSP_FIELD(this_rsp, getxattr); SERVER4_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, getxattr, i, common_dict); GF_FREE (tmp_rsp->dict.pairs.pairs_val); break; } case GF_FOP_FGETXATTR: { gfx_common_dict_rsp *tmp_rsp = &CPD4_RSP_FIELD(this_rsp, fgetxattr); SERVER4_FOP_RSP_CLEANUP (rsp, fgetxattr, i, common_dict); GF_FREE (tmp_rsp->dict.pairs.pairs_val); break; } default: break; } } GF_FREE (rsp->compound_rsp_array.compound_rsp_array_val); return; } void server_compound_req_cleanup_v2 (gfx_compound_req *req, int len) { int i = 0; compound_req_v2 *curr_req = NULL; if (!req->compound_req_array.compound_req_array_val) return; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { curr_req = &req->compound_req_array.compound_req_array_val[i]; switch (curr_req->fop_enum) { case GF_FOP_MKDIR: { gfx_mkdir_req *args = &CPD4_REQ_FIELD (curr_req, mkdir); free (args->bname); break; } case GF_FOP_UNLINK: { gfx_unlink_req *args = &CPD4_REQ_FIELD (curr_req, unlink); free (args->bname); break; } case GF_FOP_RMDIR: { gfx_rmdir_req *args = &CPD4_REQ_FIELD (curr_req, rmdir); free (args->bname); break; } case GF_FOP_SYMLINK: { gfx_symlink_req *args = &CPD4_REQ_FIELD (curr_req, symlink); free (args->bname); free (args->linkname); break; } case GF_FOP_RENAME: { gfx_rename_req *args = &CPD4_REQ_FIELD (curr_req, rename); free (args->oldbname); free (args->newbname); break; } case GF_FOP_LINK: { gfx_link_req *args = &CPD4_REQ_FIELD (curr_req, link); free (args->newbname); break; } case GF_FOP_GETXATTR: { gfx_getxattr_req *args = &CPD4_REQ_FIELD (curr_req, getxattr); free (args->name); break; } case GF_FOP_REMOVEXATTR: { gfx_removexattr_req *args = &CPD4_REQ_FIELD (curr_req, removexattr); free (args->name); break; } case GF_FOP_CREATE: { gfx_create_req *args = &CPD4_REQ_FIELD (curr_req, create); free (args->bname); break; } case GF_FOP_LK: { gfx_lk_req *args = &CPD4_REQ_FIELD (curr_req, lk); free (args->flock.lk_owner.lk_owner_val); break; } case GF_FOP_LOOKUP: { gfx_lookup_req *args = &CPD4_REQ_FIELD (curr_req, lookup); free (args->bname); break; } case GF_FOP_INODELK: { gfx_inodelk_req *args = &CPD4_REQ_FIELD (curr_req, inodelk); free (args->volume); free (args->flock.lk_owner.lk_owner_val); break; } case GF_FOP_FINODELK: { gfx_finodelk_req *args = &CPD4_REQ_FIELD (curr_req, finodelk); free (args->volume); free (args->flock.lk_owner.lk_owner_val); break; } case GF_FOP_ENTRYLK: { gfx_entrylk_req *args = &CPD4_REQ_FIELD (curr_req, entrylk); free (args->volume); free (args->name); break; } case GF_FOP_FENTRYLK: { gfx_fentrylk_req *args = &CPD4_REQ_FIELD (curr_req, fentrylk); free (args->volume); free (args->name); break; } case GF_FOP_FGETXATTR: { gfx_fgetxattr_req *args = &CPD4_REQ_FIELD (curr_req, fgetxattr); free (args->name); break; } case GF_FOP_FREMOVEXATTR: { gfx_fremovexattr_req *args = &CPD4_REQ_FIELD(curr_req, fremovexattr); free (args->name); break; } default: break; } } return; }