# Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Red Hat, Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. """ Distributed Hash Table (DHT) Tests Test cases in this module tests Custom extended attribute validation """ from glusto.core import Glusto as g from glustolibs.gluster.brick_libs import get_all_bricks from glustolibs.gluster.constants import FILETYPE_DIR, FILETYPE_LINK from glustolibs.gluster.constants import \ TEST_FILE_EXISTS_ON_HASHED_BRICKS as FILE_ON_HASHED_BRICKS from glustolibs.gluster.dht_test_utils import validate_files_in_dir from glustolibs.gluster.exceptions import ExecutionError from glustolibs.gluster.gluster_base_class import GlusterBaseClass, runs_on from glustolibs.gluster.glusterdir import mkdir from glustolibs.gluster.glusterfile import (delete_fattr, file_exists, get_fattr, get_fattr_list, set_fattr) @runs_on([['replicated', 'distributed', 'distributed-replicated', 'dispersed', 'distributed-dispersed'], ['glusterfs']]) class TestDirectoryCustomExtendedAttributes(GlusterBaseClass): """ TestDirectoryCustomExtendedAttributes contains tests which verifies Directory - custom extended attribute validation getfattr, setfattr. """ def setUp(self): self.get_super_method(self, 'setUp')() # Setup Volume ret = self.setup_volume_and_mount_volume(self.mounts) if not ret: g.log.error("Failed to Setup and Mount Volume") raise ExecutionError("Failed to Setup and Mount Volume") def test_directory_custom_extended_attr(self): """Test - set custom xattr to directory and link to directory """ # pylint: disable = too-many-statements dir_prefix = '{root}/folder_{client_index}' for mount_index, mount_point in enumerate(self.mounts): folder_name = dir_prefix.format( root=mount_point.mountpoint, client_index=mount_index ) # Create a directory from mount point g.log.info('Creating directory : %s:%s', mount_point.mountpoint, folder_name) ret = mkdir(mount_point.client_system, folder_name) self.assertTrue(ret, 'Failed to create directory %s on mount point %s' % (folder_name, mount_point.mountpoint)) ret = file_exists(mount_point.client_system, folder_name) self.assertTrue(ret, 'Created Directory %s does not exists on mount ' 'point %s' % (folder_name, mount_point.mountpoint)) g.log.info('Created directory %s:%s', mount_point.mountpoint, folder_name) # Verify that hash layout values are set on each # bricks for the dir g.log.debug("Verifying hash layout values") ret = validate_files_in_dir(mount_point.client_system, mount_point.mountpoint, test_type=FILE_ON_HASHED_BRICKS, file_type=FILETYPE_DIR) self.assertTrue(ret, "Expected - Directory is stored " "on hashed bricks") g.log.info("Hash layout values are set on each bricks") # Verify that mount point should not display # xattr : trusted.gfid and dht g.log.debug("Loading extra attributes") ret = get_fattr_list(mount_point.client_system, folder_name) self.assertTrue('trusted.gfid' not in ret, "Extended attribute trusted.gfid is presented on " "mount point %s and folder %s" % (mount_point.mountpoint, folder_name)) self.assertTrue('trusted.glusterfs.dht' not in ret, "Extended attribute trusted.glusterfs.dht is " "presented on mount point %s and folder %s" % (mount_point.mountpoint, folder_name)) g.log.info('Extended attributes trusted.gfid and ' 'trusted.glusterfs.dht does not exists on ' 'mount point %s:%s ', mount_point.mountpoint, folder_name) # Verify that mount point shows pathinfo xattr g.log.debug("Check for xattr trusted.glusterfs.pathinfo on %s:%s", mount_point, folder_name) ret = get_fattr(mount_point.client_system, mount_point.mountpoint, 'trusted.glusterfs.pathinfo', encode="text") self.assertIsNotNone(ret, "trusted.glusterfs.pathinfo is not " "presented on %s:%s" % (mount_point.mountpoint, folder_name)) g.log.info('pathinfo xattr is displayed on mount point %s and ' 'dir %s', mount_point.mountpoint, folder_name) # Create a custom xattr for dir g.log.info("Set attribute user.foo to %s", folder_name) ret = set_fattr(mount_point.client_system, folder_name, 'user.foo', 'bar2') self.assertTrue(ret, "Setup custom attribute on %s:%s failed" % (mount_point.client_system, folder_name)) g.log.info('Set custom attribute is set on %s:%s', mount_point.client_system, folder_name) # Verify that custom xattr for directory is displayed # on mount point and bricks g.log.debug('Check xarttr user.foo on %s:%s', mount_point.client_system, folder_name) ret = get_fattr(mount_point.client_system, folder_name, 'user.foo', encode="text") self.assertEqual(ret, 'bar2', "Xattr attribute user.foo is not presented on " "mount point %s and directory %s" % (mount_point.client_system, folder_name)) g.log.info('Custom xattr user.foo is presented on mount point' ' %s:%s ', mount_point.client_system, folder_name) for brick in get_all_bricks(self.mnode, self.volname): brick_server, brick_dir = brick.split(':') brick_path = dir_prefix.format(root=brick_dir, client_index=mount_index) ret = get_fattr(brick_server, brick_path, 'user.foo', encode="text") g.log.debug('Check custom xattr for directory on brick %s:%s', brick_server, brick_path) self.assertEqual('bar2', ret, "Expected: user.foo should be on brick %s\n" "Actual: Value of attribute foo.bar %s" % (brick_path, ret)) g.log.info('Custom xattr is presented on brick %s', brick_path) # Delete custom attribute ret = delete_fattr(mount_point.client_system, folder_name, 'user.foo') self.assertTrue(ret, "Failed to delete custom attribute") g.log.info('Removed custom attribute from directory %s:%s', mount_point.client_system, folder_name) # Verify that custom xattr is not displayed after delete # on mount point and on the bricks g.log.debug('Looking if custom extra attribute user.foo is ' 'presented on mount or on bricks after deletion') self.assertIsNone(get_fattr(mount_point.client_system, folder_name, 'user.foo', encode="text"), "Xattr user.foo is presented on mount point" " %s:%s after deletion" % (mount_point.mountpoint, folder_name)) g.log.info("Xattr user.foo is not presented after deletion" " on mount point %s:%s", mount_point.mountpoint, folder_name) for brick in get_all_bricks(self.mnode, self.volname): brick_server, brick_dir = brick.split(':') brick_path = dir_prefix.format(root=brick_dir, client_index=mount_index) self.assertIsNone(get_fattr(brick_server, brick_path, 'user.foo'), "Deleted xattr user.foo is presented on " "brick %s:%s" % (brick, brick_path)) g.log.info('Custom attribute is not presented after delete ' 'from directory on brick %s:%s', brick, brick_path) # Repeat all of the steps for link of created directory for mount_index, mount_point in enumerate(self.mounts): linked_folder_name = dir_prefix.format( root=mount_point.mountpoint, client_index="%s_linked" % mount_index ) folder_name = dir_prefix.format( root=mount_point.mountpoint, client_index=mount_index ) # Create link to created dir command = 'ln -s {src} {dst}'.format(dst=linked_folder_name, src=folder_name) ret, _, _ = g.run(mount_point.client_system, command) self.assertEqual(0, ret, 'Failed to create link %s to directory %s' % ( linked_folder_name, folder_name)) self.assertTrue(file_exists(mount_point.client_system, linked_folder_name), 'Link does not exists on %s:%s' % (mount_point.client_system, linked_folder_name)) g.log.info('Create link %s to directory %s', linked_folder_name, folder_name) # Verify that hash layout values are set on each # bricks for the link to dir g.log.debug("Verifying hash layout values") ret = validate_files_in_dir(mount_point.client_system, mount_point.mountpoint, test_type=FILE_ON_HASHED_BRICKS, file_type=FILETYPE_LINK) self.assertTrue(ret, "Expected - Link to directory is stored " "on hashed bricks") g.log.info("Hash layout values are set on each bricks") # Verify that mount point should not display xattr : # trusted.gfid and dht g.log.debug("Loading extra attributes") ret = get_fattr_list(mount_point.client_system, linked_folder_name) self.assertTrue('trusted.gfid' not in ret, "Extended attribute trudted.gfid is presented on " "mount point %s and folder %s" % (mount_point.mountpoint, linked_folder_name)) self.assertTrue('trusted.glusterfs.dht' not in ret, "Extended attribute trusted.glusterfs.dht is " "presented on mount point %s and folder %s" % (mount_point.mountpoint, linked_folder_name)) g.log.info('Extended attributes trusted.gfid and ' 'trusted.glusterfs.dht does not exists on ' 'mount point %s:%s ', mount_point.mountpoint, linked_folder_name) # Verify that mount point shows pathinfo xattr g.log.debug("Check if pathinfo is presented on %s:%s", mount_point.client_system, linked_folder_name) self.assertIsNotNone(get_fattr(mount_point.client_system, mount_point.mountpoint, 'trusted.glusterfs.pathinfo'), "pathinfo is not displayed on mountpoint " "%s:%s" % (mount_point.client_system, linked_folder_name)) g.log.info('pathinfo value is displayed on mount point %s:%s', mount_point.client_system, linked_folder_name) # Set custom Attribute to link g.log.debug("Set custom xattribute user.foo to %s:%s", mount_point.client_system, linked_folder_name) self.assertTrue(set_fattr(mount_point.client_system, linked_folder_name, 'user.foo', 'bar2')) g.log.info('Successful in set custom attribute to %s:%s', mount_point.client_system, linked_folder_name) # Verify that custom xattr for directory is displayed # on mount point and bricks g.log.debug('Check mountpoint and bricks for custom xattribute') self.assertEqual('bar2', get_fattr(mount_point.client_system, linked_folder_name, 'user.foo', encode="text"), 'Custom xattribute is not presented on ' 'mount point %s:%s' % (mount_point.client_system, linked_folder_name)) g.log.info("Custom xattribute is presented on mount point %s:%s", mount_point.client_system, linked_folder_name) for brick in get_all_bricks(self.mnode, self.volname): brick_server, brick_dir = brick.split(':') brick_path = dir_prefix. \ format(root=brick_dir, client_index="%s_linked" % mount_index) cmd = '[ -f %s ] && echo "yes" || echo "no"' % brick_path # Check if link exists _, ret, _ = g.run(brick_server, cmd) if 'no' in ret: g.log.info("Link %s:%s does not exists", brick_server, brick_path) continue self.assertEqual(get_fattr(brick_server, brick_path, 'user.foo', encode="text"), 'bar2', "Actual: custom attribute not " "found on brick %s:%s" % ( brick_server, brick_path)) g.log.info('Custom xattr for link found on brick %s:%s', brick, brick_path) # Delete custom attribute g.log.debug('Removing customer attribute on mount point %s:%s', mount_point.client_system, linked_folder_name) self.assertTrue(delete_fattr(mount_point.client_system, linked_folder_name, 'user.foo'), 'Fail on delete xattr user.foo') g.log.info('Deleted custom xattr from link %s:%s', mount_point.client_system, linked_folder_name) # Verify that custom xattr is not displayed after delete # on mount point and on the bricks g.log.debug("Check if custom xattr is presented on %s:%s " "after deletion", mount_point.client_system, linked_folder_name) self.assertIsNone(get_fattr(mount_point.client_system, linked_folder_name, 'user.foo', encode="text"), "Expected: xattr user.foo to be not presented on" " %s:%s" % (mount_point.client_system, linked_folder_name)) g.log.info("Custom xattr user.foo is not presented on %s:%s", mount_point.client_system, linked_folder_name) for brick in get_all_bricks(self.mnode, self.volname): brick_server, brick_dir = brick.split(':') brick_path = dir_prefix. \ format(root=brick_dir, client_index="%s_linked" % mount_index) cmd = '[ -f %s ] && echo "yes" || echo "no"' % brick_path # Check if link exists _, ret, _ = g.run(brick_server, cmd) if 'no' in ret: g.log.info("Link %s:%s does not exists", brick_server, brick_path) continue self.assertIsNone(get_fattr(brick_server, brick_path, 'user.foo', encode="text"), "Extended custom attribute is presented on " "%s:%s after deletion" % (brick_server, brick_path)) g.log.info('Custom attribute is not presented after delete ' 'from link on brick %s:%s', brick_server, brick_path) g.log.info('Directory - custom extended attribute validation getfattr,' ' setfattr is successful') def tearDown(self): # Unmount Volume and Cleanup Volume g.log.info("Starting to Unmount Volume and Cleanup Volume") ret = self.unmount_volume_and_cleanup_volume(mounts=self.mounts) if not ret: raise ExecutionError("Failed to Unmount Volume and Cleanup Volume") g.log.info("Successful in Unmount Volume and Cleanup Volume") # Calling GlusterBaseClass tearDown self.get_super_method(self, 'tearDown')()