###@GENERATED@### # AUTO-GENERATED FILE. DO NOT MODIFY. # # This confinguration file was automatically generated by the # Gluster Auto Discovery tool. It should not be modified by hand. # {% if host['use'] == 'gluster-cluster' -%} define hostgroup{ hostgroup_name {{host['host_name']}} alias {{host['alias']}} } {%- endif %} define host{ use {{host['use']}} host_name {{host['host_name']}} alias {{host['alias']}} address {{host['address']}} {% if host['check_command'] is defined -%} check_command {{host['check_command']}} {% endif -%} {% if host['hostgroups'] is defined -%} hostgroups {{host['hostgroups']}} {% endif -%} } {% for service in host['host_services'] %} define service{ {%- for key, value in service.iteritems() %} {{ key.ljust(20) }} {{ value }} {%- endfor %} } {% endfor %}