#!/usr/bin/python # discovery.py Nagios plugin to discover Gluster entities using NRPE # Copyright (C) 2014 Red Hat Inc # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA # import argparse import datetime import os import shutil import sys from glusternagios import utils from glusternagios.glustercli import HostStatus from config_generator import GlusterNagiosConfManager import server_utils import submit_external_command from constants import DEFAULT_AUTO_CONFIG_DIR from config_generator import CHANGE_MODE_ADD from config_generator import CHANGE_MODE_REMOVE from config_generator import CHANGE_MODE_UPDATE #Discovers volumes info one by one. #First it fetches the volumes list and then it fetches the bricks #details of volume one by one. Its an work around for size limitation issue #in NRPE. def discoverVolumes(hostip, timeout): resultDict = {'volumes': []} volumeList = server_utils.execNRPECommand(hostip, "discover_volume_list", timeout=timeout) for volumeName in volumeList.keys(): volumeDetail = server_utils.execNRPECommand(hostip, "discover_volume_info", arguments=[volumeName], timeout=timeout) resultDict['volumes'].append(volumeDetail.get(volumeName)) return resultDict def discoverCluster(hostip, cluster, timeout): """ This method helps to discover the nodes, volumes and bricks in the given gluster. It uses NRPE commands to contact the gluster nodes. Assumptions: First node returned by the "discoverpeers" NRPE command should be the same node where "discoverpeers" is executed. Parameters ---------- hostip: Address of a node in the gluster cluster. cluster: Cluster Name Returns --------- Returns cluster details in the following dictionary format { 'name': cluster-name, 'volumes': [list-volumes], 'host': [list-hosts] } each host in the list will a have list of bricks from the host. """ clusterdata = {} #Discover the logical components componentlist = discoverVolumes(hostip, timeout) #Discover the peers hostlist = server_utils.execNRPECommand(hostip, "discoverpeers", timeout=timeout) #Add the ip address of the root node given by the user to the peer list hostlist[0]['hostip'] = hostip for host in hostlist: #Get host names for all the connected hosts if host['status'] == HostStatus.CONNECTED: hostDetails = server_utils.execNRPECommand( host['hostip'], "discoverhostparams", timeout=timeout) host.update(hostDetails) #Get the list of bricks for this host and add to dictionary host['bricks'] = [] for volume in componentlist['volumes']: for brick in volume['bricks']: if brick['hostUuid'] == host['uuid']: brick['volumeName'] = volume['name'] host['bricks'].append(brick) clusterdata['hosts'] = hostlist clusterdata['volumes'] = componentlist['volumes'] clusterdata['name'] = cluster #Host names returned by "discoverhostparams" supposed to be unique. So host #name can be used to configure the host_name in nagios host. #But if host names are not unique then we have to use IP address to #configure host_name in nagios. if not isHostsNamesUnique(clusterdata): setHostNameWithIP(clusterdata) return clusterdata # Set host address as the hostname def setHostNameWithIP(clusterdata): for host in clusterdata['hosts']: host['hostname'] = host['hostip'] # Check host names are unique def isHostsNamesUnique(clusterdata): hostnames = {} for host in clusterdata['hosts']: if host.get('status') == HostStatus.CONNECTED: if hostnames.get(host.get('hostname')) is None: hostnames[host.get('hostname')] = host['hostip'] else: return False return True def getConfigManager(args): configDir = DEFAULT_AUTO_CONFIG_DIR if args.configDir is not None: configDir = args.configDir clusterConfigDir = configDir + "/" + args.cluster configManager = GlusterNagiosConfManager(clusterConfigDir) return configManager #Find the given service in service list. def findServiceInList(serviceList, serviceDescription): for service in serviceList: if service['service_description'] == serviceDescription: return service return None #Find the given host in host list def findHostInList(hostList, hostName): for host in hostList: if host['host_name'] == hostName: return host return None #Find all deleted services in the host. def findDeletedServices(host): deletedService = [] serviceConfigs = server_utils.getServiceConfigByHost(host['host_name']) for serviceConfig in serviceConfigs: service = findServiceInList(host.get('host_services', []), serviceConfig['service_description']) if service is None: deletedService.append( {'service_description': serviceConfig['service_description'], 'changeMode': CHANGE_MODE_REMOVE}) return deletedService #Check if auto config is changed. IP address in the check command will change #when user runs the auto config using different host. def findChangeInAutoConfig(newService, oldService): newHostIp = newService['check_command'].split('!')[1] oldHostIp = oldService['check_command'].split('!')[1] if newHostIp != oldHostIp: changes = {} checkCommand = oldService['check_command'].split("!") checkCommand[1] = newHostIp changes['check_command'] = "!".join(checkCommand) changes['service_description'] = newService['service_description'] changes['host_name'] = newService['host_name'] changes['changeMode'] = CHANGE_MODE_UPDATE return changes return None #Find all Added/Deleted services in the given host. #Note: 'Cluster Auto Config' is a special service. When user runs the #auto-config using different host instead what is used previously then we #have to update the host ip in existing auto-config service. def findServiceDelta(host): serviceDelta = [] for service in host.get('host_services', []): serviceConfig = server_utils.getServiceConfig( service['service_description'], service['host_name']) if serviceConfig is None: service['changeMode'] = CHANGE_MODE_ADD serviceDelta.append(service) elif serviceConfig['service_description'] == "Cluster Auto Config": changes = findChangeInAutoConfig(service, serviceConfig) if changes: serviceDelta.append(changes) serviceDelta.extend(findDeletedServices(host)) return serviceDelta #Find newly added hosts and newly added services to the existing hosts def findAddUpdateHosts(hosts): delta = [] for host in hosts: hostConfing = server_utils.getHostConfigByName(host['host_name']) if hostConfing is None: host['changeMode'] = CHANGE_MODE_ADD delta.append(host) else: serviceDelta = findServiceDelta(host) if serviceDelta: host['changeMode'] = CHANGE_MODE_UPDATE host['host_services'] = serviceDelta delta.append(host) return delta #Find deleted hosts in the given cluster. def findDeletedHosts(hostgroup, hosts, ignoredHosts): deletedHosts = [] hostConfigs = server_utils.getHostConfigsForCluster(hostgroup) for hostConfig in hostConfigs: if hostConfig.get('_HOST_UUID') not in ignoredHosts: host = findHostInList(hosts, hostConfig['host_name']) if host is None: deletedHosts.append({'host_name': hostConfig['host_name'], 'changeMode': CHANGE_MODE_REMOVE}) return deletedHosts #Find Added/Deleted/Updated hosts in cluster def findHostDelta(clusterConfig, ignoredHosts): hostDelta = [] updated = findAddUpdateHosts(clusterConfig['_hosts']) hostDelta.extend(updated) hostDelta.extend(findDeletedHosts(clusterConfig['hostgroup_name'], clusterConfig['_hosts'], ignoredHosts)) return hostDelta #Find changes to the cluster def findDelta(clusterConfig, ignoredHosts): delta = {} delta['hostgroup_name'] = clusterConfig['hostgroup_name'] delta['alias'] = clusterConfig['alias'] hostgroup = server_utils.getHostGroup(clusterConfig['hostgroup_name']) if hostgroup is None: delta['changeMode'] = CHANGE_MODE_ADD delta['_hosts'] = clusterConfig['_hosts'] return delta hostDelta = findHostDelta(clusterConfig, ignoredHosts) delta['_hosts'] = hostDelta if hostDelta: delta['changeMode'] = CHANGE_MODE_UPDATE return delta def parse_input(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Gluster Auto Discover Tool") parser.add_argument('-c', '--cluster', action='store', dest='cluster', type=str, required=True, help='Cluster name') parser.add_argument('-H', '--hostip', action='store', dest='hostip', type=str, required=True, help='Host IP') parser.add_argument('-n', '--nagios', action='store', dest='nagiosServerIP', type=str, required=False, help='Nagios Server Address') parser.add_argument('-m', '--mode', action='store', dest='mode', choices=['auto', 'manual'], required=False, default='manual', help='Mode') parser.add_argument('-d', '--configdir', action='store', dest='configDir', type=str, required=False, default=DEFAULT_AUTO_CONFIG_DIR, help='Configuration directory where' ' output files will be written') parser.add_argument('-f', '--force', action='store_true', dest='force', help="Force sync the Cluster configuration") parser.add_argument('-t', '--timeout', action='store', dest='timeout', type=str, help="No of secs NRPE should timeout getting details") args = parser.parse_args() return args #Clean the config directory def cleanConfigDir(dir): if os.path.exists(dir): # Deleting the config dir to write new configs shutil.rmtree(dir) os.mkdir(dir) #Create a summary for mail notification. "\n" should be preserved in the #string to get the proper format in mail. def getSummary(clusterDelta): summary = "\nChanges :" clusterChangeMode = clusterDelta['changeMode'] summary += "\nHostgroup %s - %s" % (clusterDelta['hostgroup_name'], clusterChangeMode) for host in clusterDelta['_hosts']: if host.get('changeMode'): changeMode = host.get('changeMode') else: changeMode = clusterChangeMode summary += "\nHost %s - %s" % (host['host_name'], changeMode) for service in host.get('host_services', []): if service.get('changeMode'): changeMode = service.get('changeMode') summary += "\n\t Service - %s -%s " % \ (service['service_description'], changeMode) return summary def formatTextForMail(text): output = "" for line in text.splitlines(): output += "\\n%s" % line return output #Configure the gluster node to send passive check results through NSCA def configureNodes(clusterDelta, nagiosServerAddress, mode, timeout): for host in clusterDelta['_hosts']: #Only when a new node is added or whole cluster is added freshly. if (clusterDelta.get('changeMode') == CHANGE_MODE_ADD or host.get('changeMode') == CHANGE_MODE_ADD) \ and (host['use'] == 'gluster-host'): if not nagiosServerAddress: #Nagios server address should be specified as arg in auto mode if mode == "manual": nagiosServerAddress = getNagiosAddress( clusterDelta['hostgroup_name']) else: print "Nagios server address is not specified in " \ "'auto' mode" sys.exit(utils.PluginStatusCode.CRITICAL) #Configure the nodes. clusterName, Nagios server address and #host_name is passed as an argument to nrpe command #'configure_gluster_node' server_utils.execNRPECommand( host['address'], 'configure_gluster_node', arguments=[clusterDelta['hostgroup_name'], nagiosServerAddress, host['host_name']], timeout=timeout, json_output=False) return nagiosServerAddress #We have to update the cluster auto config service with the nagios #server address. This is needed for the auto config to configure nodes in #'auto' mode. def updateNagiosAddressInAutoConfig(clusterHostConfig, nagiosServerAddress): autoConfigService = findServiceInList(clusterHostConfig['host_services'], "Cluster Auto Config") if autoConfigService and nagiosServerAddress: checkCommandParams = autoConfigService['check_command'].split("!") if len(checkCommandParams) == 2: #Nagios server address will the 3rd param checkCommandParams.append(nagiosServerAddress) autoConfigService['check_command'] = "!".join(checkCommandParams) #Write the cluster configurations. If force mode is used then it will clean #the config directory before writing the changes. def writeDelta(clusterDelta, configManager, force, nagiosServerAddress, mode, timeout): nagiosServerAddress = configureNodes(clusterDelta, nagiosServerAddress, mode, timeout) #Find the cluster host using host group name clusterHostConfig = findHostInList(clusterDelta['_hosts'], clusterDelta['hostgroup_name']) if clusterHostConfig: updateNagiosAddressInAutoConfig(clusterHostConfig, nagiosServerAddress) if force: cleanConfigDir(configManager.configDir) configManager.generateConfigFiles(clusterDelta) def getNagiosAddress(clusterName): #If there is an auto config service exist for the cluster, then we have #to use the previously entered nagios server address autoConfigService = server_utils.getServiceConfig("Cluster Auto Config", clusterName) if autoConfigService: nagiosAddress = autoConfigService['check_command'].split("!")[2] return nagiosAddress (returncode, outputStr, err) = utils.execCmd([utils.hostnameCmdPath.cmd, '--fqdn']) if returncode == 0: default = outputStr[0] else: (returncode, outputStr, err) = utils.execCmd( [utils.hostnameCmdPath.cmd, '-I']) if returncode == 0: default = outputStr[0] if default: msg = "Enter Nagios server address [%s]: " % (default.strip()) else: msg = "Enter Nagios server address : " ans = raw_input(msg) if not ans: ans = default return ans def getConfirmation(message, default): while True: ans = raw_input("%s (Yes, No) [%s]: " % (message, default)) if not ans: ans = default ans = ans.upper() if ans not in ['YES', 'NO']: print 'please enter Yes or No' if ans == 'YES': return True if ans == 'NO': return False #Send a custom notification about the config changes to admin def sendCustomNotification(cluster, summary): now = datetime.datetime.now() cmdStr = "[%s] SEND_CUSTOM_SVC_NOTIFICATION;%s;Cluster Auto Config;0;" \ "Nagios Admin;%s\n" % (now, cluster, summary) submit_external_command.submitExternalCommand(cmdStr) def getAllNonConnectedHosts(hostList): nonConnectedHosts = [] for host in hostList: if host.get('status') != HostStatus.CONNECTED: nonConnectedHosts.append(host.get('uuid')) return nonConnectedHosts if __name__ == '__main__': args = parse_input() clusterdata = discoverCluster(args.hostip, args.cluster, args.timeout) configManager = getConfigManager(args) clusterDelta = configManager.generateNagiosConfig(clusterdata) if args.force: clusterDelta['changeMode'] = CHANGE_MODE_ADD else: nonConnectedHosts = getAllNonConnectedHosts(clusterdata['hosts']) clusterDelta = findDelta(clusterDelta, nonConnectedHosts) if clusterDelta.get('changeMode') is None: print "Cluster configurations are in sync" sys.exit(utils.PluginStatusCode.OK) #When auto config is run in manual mode, we will ask confirmation #before writing the config file and before restarting the Nagios if args.mode == "manual": print "Cluster configurations changed" print getSummary(clusterDelta) confirmation = getConfirmation( "Are you sure, you want to commit the changes?", "Yes") if confirmation: writeDelta(clusterDelta, configManager, args.force, args.nagiosServerIP, args.mode, args.timeout) print "Cluster configurations synced successfully from host %s" % \ (args.hostip) #If Nagios is running then try to restart. Otherwise don't do #anything. if server_utils.isNagiosRunning(): confirmation = getConfirmation( "Do you want to restart Nagios to start monitoring newly " "discovered entities?", "Yes") if confirmation: server_utils.restartNagios() print "Nagios re-started successfully" else: print "Start the Nagios service to monitor" #auto mode means write the configurations without asking confirmation elif args.mode == "auto": writeDelta(clusterDelta, configManager, args.force, args.nagiosServerIP, args.mode, args.timeout) msg = "Cluster configurations synced successfully from host %s" % \ (args.hostip) print msg msg += formatTextForMail(getSummary(clusterDelta)) sendCustomNotification(args.cluster, msg) if server_utils.isNagiosRunning(): server_utils.restartNagios() sys.exit(utils.PluginStatusCode.OK)