path: root/perf-framework/gen_perf_data
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'perf-framework/gen_perf_data')
1 files changed, 191 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/perf-framework/gen_perf_data b/perf-framework/gen_perf_data
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..31110f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perf-framework/gen_perf_data
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+#!/bin/bash -u
+source gnuplotrc
+function gen_cpu_data()
+ time=0
+ sum=0
+ if [ -f times ]
+ then
+ rm times
+ fi
+ for op in `cat ops`
+ do
+ time=0;
+ for i in `grep -w ^$op $PERFLOG | awk '{print $2}'| cut -f1 -d'.'`
+ do
+ time=$((time+$i))
+ done;
+ time=$((time/3)) # Average over three runs
+ sum=$((sum + $time))
+ echo $sum >> times
+ done
+ sed -i 's/$/ 200/g' times
+ num_procs=`grep -w ^processor $SYSINFO | wc -l`
+ echo `grep idle $MPSTAT_LOG | head -1 | awk '{print $NF}'` | grep -o idle
+ col_tweak=$?
+ for i in "all" 0 `seq $((num_procs-1))`
+ do
+ egrep -v 'Linux|^$|idle' $MPSTAT_LOG | awk -v v1=$col_tweak '{print $3 " " $(NF-v1)}' | grep -w ^$i | cut -f 2 -d' '| sed 's/^/100-/g' | bc -l > cpu-$i;
+ cat -n cpu-$i > cpu-$
+ done
+function plot_cpu_usage()
+ xrange=$((`tail -1 times | awk '{print $1}'`+50))
+ plot_info=pinfo.$$
+ num_procs=`grep -w ^processor $SYSINFO | wc -l`
+ ltype=1
+ for i in "all" 0 `seq $((num_procs-1))`
+ do
+ echo -ne "\"cpu-$\" using (\$1*$MPSTAT_INTERVAL):2 title 'cpu-$i' with lines lt $ltype lw 2,\\c" >> $plot_info
+ ltype=$((ltype+1))
+ done
+ echo "\"times\" using 1:2 title '' with impulse lt 2 lw 1 lc rgb \"#FF0000\"" >> $plot_info
+ gnuplot <<EOF
+ set autoscale
+ set grid
+ set title "CPU utilization : All CPUs"
+ set xlabel "Time"
+ set ylabel "% CPU utilization"
+ set xr [0:$xrange]
+ set yr [0:100]
+ set terminal png nocrop size 1024,768
+ set output "$CPU_PLOT_OUTPUT"
+ plot `cat $plot_info`
+ rm $plot_info
+function gen_vm_data()
+ egrep -v 'memory|free' $VMSTAT_LOG | awk '{print $4}' > vm_datafile
+ totalmem=`grep -w ^MemTotal $SYSINFO | awk '{print $2}'`
+ cat vm_datafile | sed "s/^/$totalmem-/g" | bc > memfile
+function plot_vm_usage()
+ vmstat_interval=5
+ total_mem=`grep -w ^MemTotal $SYSINFO | awk '{print $2}'`
+ xrange=$((`tail -1 times | awk '{print $1}'`+50))
+ gnuplot <<EOF
+ set autoscale
+ set grid
+ set title "Memory utilization"
+ set xlabel "Time"
+ set ylabel "Memory utilization in bytes"
+ set xr [0:$xrange]
+ set yr [0:$total_mem]
+ set terminal png nocrop size 1024,768
+ set output "$VM_PLOT_OUTPUT"
+ plot "vm_datafile" using 1 title 'free-memory' with lines lt 1 lw 2, \
+ "memfile" using 1 title 'memory-usage' with lines lt 2 lw 2,\
+ "times" using 1:(\$2*$total_mem/100) title '' with impulse lt 2 lw 1 lc rgb "#FF0000"
+function gen_cmp_data()
+ perflog_baseline=$1
+ perflog_current=$2
+ time=0
+ for op in `cat ops`
+ do
+ time=0;
+ for i in `grep -w ^$op $perflog_baseline | awk '{print $2}'| cut -f1 -d'.'`
+ do
+ time=$((time+$i))
+ done;
+ time=$((time/3)) # Average over three runs
+ echo $time >> btimes.$$
+ done
+ for op in `cat ops`
+ do
+ time=0;
+ for i in `grep -w ^$op $perflog_current | awk '{print $2}'| cut -f1 -d'.'`
+ do
+ time=$((time+$i))
+ done;
+ time=$((time/3)) # Average over three runs
+ echo $time >> ctimes.$$
+ done
+ paste -d " " ops btimes.$$ ctimes.$$ > $CMP_DATAFILE
+ rm btimes.$$ ctimes.$$
+function plot_comparison()
+ a=`cat $CMP_DATAFILE | awk '{print $2"\n"$3}' | sort -n | tail -1`
+ yrange=`echo $a + $a/5 | bc`
+ b=`wc -l $CMP_DATAFILE | awk '{print $1}'`
+ xrange=`echo $b - 0.5 | bc`
+ gnuplot <<EOF
+ reset
+ set key at graph 0.15, 0.85 horizontal samplen 0.1
+ set style data histogram
+ set style histogram cluster gap 1
+ set style fill solid border -1
+ set boxwidth 0.8
+ set xtic rotate by 90 scale 0
+ unset ytics
+ set y2tics rotate by 90
+ set terminal png nocrop size 1024,768
+ set xlabel ' '
+ set size 0.6, 1
+ set yrange [0:$yrange]; set xrange [-0.5:$xrange]
+ set y2label '$XLABEL' offset -2
+ set label 1 '$YLABEL' at graph 0.5, -0.4 centre rotate by 180
+ set label 2 '$LEGEND_A' at graph 0.05, 0.85 left rotate by 90
+ set label 3 '$LEGEND_B' at graph 0.12, 0.85 left rotate by 90
+ set label 4 '$PLOT_TITLE' at graph -0.01, 0.5 center rotate by 90
+ set output "tmp.$$.png"
+ p '$CMP_DATAFILE' u 2 title ' ', '' u 3 title ' ', '' u 0:(0):xticlabel(1) w l title ''
+ convert tmp.$$.png -rotate 90 $CMP_PLOT_OUTPUT
+ rm tmp.$$.png
+# Generate CPU data
+# plot CPU data
+# Generate VM data
+# plot VM data
+# Generate comparison data - baseline vs current run
+gen_cmp_data perf-fuse-ami.log perf-fuse-aws.log
+# plot perf comparison - baseline vs current run
+# cleanup tmp files
+rm vm_datafile memfile
+rm cpu-* times
+display cpu.png &
+display vm.png &
+display cmp.png &