#!/bin/bash CONFIG_FILE=gf_perf_config source $CONFIG_FILE RUNLIST="glusterfs-3git.tar.gz" function do_run() { FIRST=`cat .runfile` ./start_perf_measure # sed -i 's/^\.\/create_gluster_vol/#&/' start_perf_measure # sleep 10 # if [ $MINOR -gt 1 ]; then # LAST=$(($FIRST+3)) # ./quota_gsync_run $run # sed -i 's/^#\.\/create_gluster_vol/\.\/create_gluster_vol/' start_perf_measure # fi } function extract_release() { MAJOR=`echo $runlabel | cut -f1 -d'.' | grep -o "^[0-9]"` MINOR=`echo $runlabel | cut -f2 -d'.' | grep -o "^[0-9]"` } for run in $RUNLIST do cp tarballs/$run . ./setrun $run ./deploy_gluster ./check_install.new if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo "Installation of run $run failed. Continuing with next run" continue fi echo "Sleeping for 10 seconds.." runlabel=`echo $run|sed -e 's/^glusterfs-//' -e 's/\.tar\.gz//'` echo "run`cat .runfile` - $MOUNT_TYPE - $runlabel - $GF_CONFIG - (quota off, gsync off)" >> $RUNLOG sleep 10 extract_release do_run rm $run sed -i 's/ENABLE_ACL=no/ENABLE_ACL=yes/' gf_perf_config if [ $MINOR -gt 1 ]; then ./send_mail `seq $FIRST $LAST` else ./send_mail $FIRST fi done