#!/bin/bash #This scripts takes openssl tar file,untars it and builds it. function main() { echo "untarring the openssl tarball" echo "start:`date +%T`" time tar -xvf $OPENSSL_TAR_FILE 2>>$LOG_FILE 1>>$LOG_FILE cd $OPENSSL_DIR if [ -z "$PREFIX" -a -z "$OPENSSLDIR" ]; then echo "executing ./config:`date +%T`" time ./config 2>>$LOG_FILE 1>>$LOG_FILE if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "./config failed:`date +%T`" return 11; fi else echo "executing ./config with prefix:`date +%T`" time ./config --prefix=$PREFIX --openssldir=$OPENSSLDIR 2>>$LOG_FILE 1>>$LOG_FILE if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "config prefix failed:`date +%T`" return 11; fi fi echo "executing make:`date +%T`" time make 2>>$LOG_FILE 1>>$LOG_FILE if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "make failed:`date +%T`" return 11 fi echo "executing make test:`date +%T`" time make test 2>>$LOG_FILE 1>>$LOG_FILE if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "make test failed:`date +%T`" return 11; else return 0; fi } main "$@";