#!/usr/bin/perl -w ## use strict; use warnings; use File::Basename (); use Getopt::Long qw( GetOptions ); use Switch; use File::Path; ## Global variables use vars qw( %options %config ); use vars qw( $_ME $_VERSION $_PACKAGE $_COPYRIGHT_YEARS $_BUG_ADDRESS); $_ME = File::Basename::basename ($0); $_VERSION = "0.0"; $_PACKAGE = "Misc"; $_COPYRIGHT_YEARS = "2009"; $_BUG_ADDRESS = "glusterfs-qa\@zresearch.com"; $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { my_warn (@_) }; use constant { TRUE => 1, FALSE => 0 }; ## Default option (templates) my %defaults = ( 'specdir' => 'sprintf "/share/tickets/$bugid/regr/spec_files"', 'logdir' => 'sprintf "/share/tickets/$bugid/regr/logs/$version"', 'mountdir' => 'sprintf "/mnt/regr/$bugid/$version"', 'glusterfsdir' => 'sprintf "/opt/glusterfs/$version/sbin"', 'exportdir' => 'sprintf "/jbod/regr/$bugid"', ); %options = ( 'dry-run' => FALSE, 'exports' => TRUE, 'mountpoints' => TRUE, 'servers' => TRUE, 'clients' => TRUE, ); sub help () { print <<"__HELP__"; Usage: $_ME [OPTION]... [FILE]... Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too. --dry-run do not do anything --no-servers do not do start servers --no-clients do not do start clients --no-exports do not do create export directories --no-mountpoints do not do create mount points -E, --exportdir=DIR export directory for servers -G, --glusterfsdir=DIR glusterfs sbin directory -L, --logdir=DIR log file directory -M, --mountdir=DIR mount point base -S, --specdir=DIR spec file directory -q, --quiet supress all output --help display this help and exit --version output version information and exit Report bugs to <$_BUG_ADDRESS>. __HELP__ quit (0); } Getopt::Long::Configure qw( gnu_getopt no_ignore_case ); sub help (); sub usage (); sub version (); sub error (@); sub my_warn (@); sub quit ($); sub init (); sub main (); my $hostname = $ENV{HOSTNAME} || `hostname` or error "Unable to obtain hostname"; chomp ($hostname); init () and quit (main ()); ## ----------------------------- Subroutines begin ----------------------------- sub parse_args () { GetOptions (\%options, "specdir|spec-dir|S=s", "logdir|log-dir|L=s", "mountdir|mount-dir|M=s", "glusterfsdir|glusterfs-dir|G=s", "exportdir|export-dir|E=s", "servers!", "clients!", "exports!", "mountpoints!", "quiet|q", "help|h|?", "version|V", "dry-run!", ) or usage (); help () and return 0 if $options{help}; version () and return 0 if $options{version}; if (scalar @ARGV != 2) { my_warn "Arguments expected"; usage (); } return 1; } sub quit ($) { exit shift; } sub my_warn (@) { print STDERR "$_ME: @_\n"; } sub error (@) { print STDERR "$_ME: @_\n"; quit (1); } sub version () { print <<__VERSION__; $_ME ($_PACKAGE) $_VERSION Written by Gururaj K. Copyright (C) $_COPYRIGHT_YEARS Gururaj K. __VERSION__ quit (0); } sub usage () { print STDERR <<"__USAGE__"; Usage: $_ME [options] Try `$_ME --help' for more information. __USAGE__ quit (1); } sub init () { parse_args () or return; } sub make_logdir ($$) { my ($version, $bugid) = @_; $options{'logdir'} ||= eval $defaults{'logdir'}; if ($options{'dry-run'} == TRUE) { printf "%-60s%s\n", "mkdir $options{logdir}", "# Create log directory"; } else { File::Path::mkpath ("$options{logdir}") or my_warn "$options{logdir}: Error creating logdir" and return if not -d $options{logdir}; } return TRUE; } sub make_mount_base ($$) { my ($version, $bugid) = @_; $options{'mountdir'} ||= eval $defaults{'mountdir'}; if ($options{'dry-run'} == TRUE) { printf "%-60s%s\n", "mkdir $options{mountdir}", "# Create mount base"; } else { File::Path::mkpath ("$options{mountdir}") or my_warn "$options{mountdir}: Error creating mountpoint base" and return if not -d $options{mountdir}; } return TRUE; } sub is_number ($$) { my ($num, $type) = @_; switch ($type) { case /natural/i { return if not $num =~ m/^\d+$/ or $num == 0 } case /whole/i { return if not m/^\d+$/ } case /integer/i { return if not m/^\-?\d+$/ } } return TRUE; } sub process_clients ($$) { my ($version, $bugid) = @_; $options{exportdir} ||= eval $defaults{exportdir}; $options{specdir} ||= eval $defaults{specdir}; my_warn "$options{specdir}: Invalid bug-id" and return if not -d $options{specdir}; foreach my $specfile (<$options{specdir}/client*.vol>) { ## Force use of filename convention next if $specfile !~ m#.*client(\d+)\.vol#; my $index = $1; my $mountpoint = "$options{mountdir}/client$index"; if ($options{mountpoints}) { if ($options{'dry-run'} == TRUE) { printf "%-60s%s\n", "mkdir $mountpoint", "# Create mount point for client$index"; } else { if (not -d $mountpoint) { File::Path::mkpath ($mountpoint) #or # my_warn "$mountpoint: Error creating mount point" and return; } } } if ($options{clients}) { my $command = "$options{glusterfsdir}/glusterfs" . " --run-id regr-$bugid-$version-c$index" . " -f $specfile" . " -l $options{logdir}/$hostname-client$index.log" . " $mountpoint"; if ($options{'dry-run'} == TRUE) { print "# Starting client$index\n"; printf "$command\n"; } else { system "$command"; } } } } sub process_servers ($$) { my ($version, $bugid) = @_; $options{exportdir} ||= eval $defaults{exportdir}; $options{specdir} ||= eval $defaults{specdir}; foreach my $specfile (<$options{specdir}/server*.vol>) { ## Force use of filename convention next if $specfile !~ m#.*server(\d+)\.vol#; my $index = $1; open S, "<", $specfile or error "$specfile: Error opening server spec file\n"; my @exports = map { chomp; s/.*directory\s+//; $_ } grep { /^\s*option\s+directory\s+/ } ; close S; foreach (@exports) { error "$specfile: $_: Non standard export directory (Should be in $options{exportdir})" unless m/^$options{exportdir}/; if ($options{exports}) { if ($options{'dry-run'} == TRUE) { printf "%-60s%s\n", "mkdir $_", "# Create export directory for Server $index"; } elsif (not -d $_) { File::Path::mkpath ($_) or error "$options{exportdir}: Error creating mountpoint base" and return; } } } if ($options{servers}) { my $command = "$options{glusterfsdir}/glusterfsd --run-id regr-$bugid-$version-s$index -f $specfile -l $options{logdir}/$hostname-server$index.log"; #print "Server command: $command\n"; if ($options{'dry-run'} == TRUE) { print "# Starting server$index\n"; printf "$command\n"; } else { system "$command"; } } } # Foreach server spec file } sub check_for_running ($$$) { my ($type, $version, $bugid) = @_; if ($type eq "server") { } elsif ($type eq "client") { } return TRUE; } sub main () { my $version = $ARGV[0]; my $bugid = $ARGV[1]; $options{specdir} ||= eval $defaults{specdir}; die "$options{specdir}: Spec File directory not found\n" if not -d $options{specdir}; #$options{glusterfsdir} ||= eval $defaults{glusterfsdir}; #error "$options{glusterfsdir}: No binary found\n" if not -x "$options{glusterfsdir}/glusterfsd"; is_number ($bugid, "natural") or error "$bugid: Invalid input. Expecting a natural number\n"; make_logdir ($version, $bugid); make_mount_base ($version, $bugid); check_for_running ("servers", $version, $bugid) or error "Servers already running\n"; process_servers ($version, $bugid); check_for_running ("clients", $version, $bugid) or error "Clients already running\n"; process_clients ($version, $bugid); return 1; }