path: root/libs/parser
diff options
authorShwetha-H-Panduranga <>2011-12-07 11:56:48 +0530
committerShwetha-H-Panduranga <>2011-12-07 11:56:48 +0530
commit4399cf4d161526300244d8cf090a461c792ab82e (patch)
tree7ca5ad70b0429148c63ab77667e8e54acaf5b11e /libs/parser
parent77c7f324610224e808d8940aec7e6dbf19b790a5 (diff)
Renaming Directories
Diffstat (limited to 'libs/parser')
1 files changed, 315 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libs/parser/ b/libs/parser/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee3a2d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/parser/
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+""" Parser module contains parsers for parsing:
+*) TestrunInfo file
+*) TestEnvironment file
+*) Testcaselist file.
+import ConfigParser
+import re
+from collections import OrderedDict
+import os
+from atfglobals import GlobalObj
+def verify_necessary_options(cp, section, necessary_options):
+ """Helper function for all parsers to verify necessary options
+ in a section of the config file.
+ Parameters:
+ cp : Config Parser Object
+ section: name of the section in ConfigFile
+ necessary_options: Options necessary under Section 'section'
+ Returns:
+ Success: True (if all necessary_options are found in 'section')
+ Failure: False ( if any of the necessaty_options not found in 'section')
+ """
+ all_options_found = True
+ items = dict(cp.items(section))
+ for option in necessary_options:
+ if not (items.has_key(option) and items[option]):
+ print "' %s ' Should be defined in Section: %s" % (option, section)
+ all_options_found = False
+ return all_options_found
+def parse_testrun_info_file(filename):
+ """
+ Parse TestrunInfo File
+ """
+ GlobalObj.initTestrunInfoObj()
+ testruninfo_obj = GlobalObj.getTestrunInfoObj()
+ cp = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
+ necessary_sections = ["keywords", "testunits", "atfdir",
+ "summarylog","detaillog", "stdoutlog",
+ "glusterversion"]
+ matched_sections = []
+ unmatched_sections = []
+ if not
+ print "Error reading file ' %s '.File Not found " % filename
+ return 1
+ else:
+ available_sections = cp.sections()
+ found_all_sections = True
+ for section in necessary_sections:
+ matched_obj =, str(available_sections),
+ if not matched_obj:
+ found_all_sections = False
+ unmatched_sections.append(section)
+ else:
+ matched_sections.append(
+ if not found_all_sections:
+ for section in unmatched_sections:
+ print "Section %s Not Found" % section
+ print "Please define the above sections in TestRunInfo File"
+ return 1
+ else:
+ for section in matched_sections:
+ Map = {}
+ if re.match("keywords", section, re.IGNORECASE):
+ Map = dict(cp.items(section))
+ testruninfo_obj.addKeywords(Map['keywords'])
+ elif re.match("testunits", section, re.IGNORECASE):
+ Map = dict(cp.items(section))
+ testunits = Map.values()
+ for testunit in testunits:
+ if testunit:
+ testruninfo_obj.addTestUnits(testunit)
+ elif re.match("atfdir", section, re.IGNORECASE):
+ Map = dict(cp.items(section))
+ atfdir = Map['dir']
+ if not atfdir:
+ print "dir option not defined in ATFDir. " + \
+ "The 'dir'option should be defined"
+ return 1
+ else:
+ testruninfo_obj.addAtfDir(atfdir)
+ elif re.match("summarylog", section, re.IGNORECASE):
+ Map = dict(cp.items(section))
+ testruninfo_obj.addSummaryLogInfo(Map['filename'],
+ Map['loglevel'])
+ elif re.match("detaillog", section, re.IGNORECASE):
+ Map = dict(cp.items(section))
+ testruninfo_obj.addDetailLogInfo(Map['filename'],
+ Map['loglevel'])
+ elif re.match("stdoutlog", section, re.IGNORECASE):
+ Map = dict(cp.items(section))
+ testruninfo_obj.addStdoutLogInfo(Map['do_log'],
+ Map['loglevel'])
+ elif re.match("glusterversion", section, re.IGNORECASE):
+ Map = dict(cp.items(section))
+ glusterversion = Map['version']
+ if not glusterversion:
+ print "version option not defined in GlusterVersion. " + \
+ "The 'version' option should be defined"
+ return 1
+ else:
+ testruninfo_obj.addGlusterVersion(glusterversion)
+ return 0
+def parse_testcaseslist_file(filename):
+ """
+ Parse TestCasesList file
+ """
+ return_status = 1
+ testcaseslist = []
+ if not os.path.exists(filename):
+ print "%s file not found." % filename
+ return return_status
+ testruninfo_obj = GlobalObj.getTestrunInfoObj()
+ glusterversion = testruninfo_obj.getGlusterVersion()
+ testcaseslistfile = open(filename, "r")
+ filedata = testcaseslistfile.readlines()
+ testcaseslist = []
+ for data in filedata:
+ if (not data.strip() or re.match("^#", data)):
+ continue
+ else:
+ testcaseid, version, keyword = (value.strip() for value in
+ data.split(':'))
+ testcaseslist.append({'testcaseid':testcaseid, 'version':version,
+ 'keyword':keyword})
+ selected_testcases = []
+ if glusterversion == "master":
+ for testcase in testcaseslist:
+ selected_testcases.append(testcase['testcaseid'])
+ return selected_testcases
+ else:
+ for testcase in testcaseslist:
+ if re.match("^(<|>|=|<=|>=)", testcase['version']):
+ condition, version = (x.strip() for x in
+ testcase['version'].split())
+ if ((condition == "<=" and glusterversion <= version) or
+ (condition == ">=" and glusterversion >= version) or
+ (condition == "<" and glusterversion < version) or
+ (condition == ">" and glusterversion > version) or
+ (condition == "=" and glusterversion == version)):
+ selected_testcases.append(testcase['testcaseid'])
+ elif"-", testcaseid['version']):
+ fromversion, toversion = (x.strip() for x in
+ testcaseid['version'].split("-"))
+ if (glusterversion >= fromversion and
+ glusterversion <= toversion):
+ selected_testcases.append(testcase['testcaseid'])
+ return selected_testcases
+def parse_testenv_configfile(filename):
+ """
+ parse testenv.cfg file
+ """
+ GlobalObj.initTestenvObj()
+ env = GlobalObj.getTestenvObj()
+ cp = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser(dict_type=OrderedDict)
+ sections_to_functions_mapping = {
+ "export" : "addExportdir",
+ "server" : "addServer",
+ "brick" : "addBrick",
+ "volume" : "addVolume",
+ "client" : "addClient",
+ "mountdevice" : "addMountDevice",
+ "mount" : "addMount",
+ "defaults" : "addDefaults"}
+ section_pattern = re.compile('(export|server|brick|volume|client|mountdevice|mount)*')
+ if not
+ print "Error reading file ' %s '.File Not found " % filename
+ return 1
+ else:
+ defaults = dict(cp.defaults())
+ function = getattr(env, "addDefaults")
+ function(**defaults)
+ sections = cp.sections()
+ for section in sections:
+ items = dict(cp.items(section))
+ matched_obj = section_pattern.match((section.lower()))
+ result =
+ if result is '':
+ continue
+ else:
+ funcname = sections_to_functions_mapping[result]
+ function = getattr(env, funcname)
+ necessary_options = []
+ if re.match('export', result):
+ necessary_options = ["dir"]
+ if verify_necessary_options(cp, section, necessary_options):
+ dir_ = items.pop('dir')
+ function(section, dir_, **items)
+ else:
+ return 1
+ elif re.match('server', result):
+ necessary_options = ["hostname", "user", "password",
+ "glusterversion"]
+ if verify_necessary_options(cp, section, necessary_options):
+ hostname = items.pop('hostname')
+ user = items.pop('user')
+ password = items.pop('password')
+ glusterversion = items.pop('glusterversion')
+ function(section, hostname, user, password,
+ glusterversion, **items)
+ else:
+ return 1
+ elif re.match('client', result):
+ necessary_options = ["hostname", "user", "password",
+ "glusterversion"]
+ if verify_necessary_options(cp, section, necessary_options):
+ hostname = items.pop('hostname')
+ user = items.pop('user')
+ password = items.pop('password')
+ glusterversion = items.pop('glusterversion')
+ function(section, hostname, user, password,
+ glusterversion, **items)
+ else:
+ return 1
+ elif re.match('brick', result):
+ necessary_options = ["hostname", "path"]
+ if verify_necessary_options(cp, section, necessary_options):
+ hostname = items.pop('hostname')
+ path = items.pop('path')
+ function(section, hostname, path, **items)
+ else:
+ return 1
+ elif re.match('volume', result):
+ necessary_options = ["volumename", "volumetype",
+ "count", "transporttype",
+ "bricks"]
+ if verify_necessary_options(cp, section, necessary_options):
+ volumename = items.pop('volumename')
+ volumetype = items.pop('volumetype')
+ count = items.pop('count')
+ transporttype = items.pop('transporttype')
+ bricks = items.pop('bricks')
+ function(section, volumename, volumetype,
+ count, transporttype, bricks)
+ else:
+ return 1
+ elif re.match('mountdevice', result):
+ necessary_options = ["hostname", "volumename"]
+ if verify_necessary_options(cp, section, necessary_options):
+ hostname = items.pop('hostname')
+ volumename = items.pop('volumename')
+ function(section, hostname, volumename)
+ elif re.match('mount', result):
+ necessary_options = ["client", "dir", "device"]
+ if verify_necessary_options(cp, section, necessary_options):
+ client = items.pop('client')
+ dir_ = items.pop('dir')
+ device = items.pop('device')
+ function(section, client, dir_, device, **items)
+ else:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+__all__ = ['parse_testrun_info_file',
+ 'parse_testcaseslist_file',
+ 'parse_testenv_configfile']