path: root/plugins
diff options
authorndarshan <>2015-01-06 10:47:25 +0530
committerSahina Bose <>2015-02-19 02:21:54 -0800
commita8017b5878561cb40e82f2e7715e0638d87f2600 (patch)
treefcb86c733839276b43f3e81aa563e7fe578d3e19 /plugins
parent75ec853fc15780c5e00f2211cb0b095e3be7e48f (diff)
nagios-plugins: Disk utilization plugin revamp.
This patch is aimed at revamping the existing check_disk_and_inode plugin in such a way that the plugin behaviour is same for both disk utilization service and brick utilization service. It has just two options include and exclude to include or exclude the mountpoints to be monitoried. This plugin monitors the data, inode, thinpool, thinpool-metadata utilization irrespective of service using this plugin. Change-Id: I98b18d6f3b22915978f8c6381adc99729a4e1161 Bug-Url: Signed-off-by: ndarshan <> Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Bala FA <> Reviewed-by: Sahina Bose <>
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins')
3 files changed, 266 insertions, 444 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/ b/plugins/
index 47ff64d..ffc121f 100644
--- a/plugins/
+++ b/plugins/
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ crond_DATA = \
dist_glusternagiosplugins_PYTHON = \
- \ \
+ \ \ \ \
diff --git a/plugins/ b/plugins/
deleted file mode 100755
index d1fc3f5..0000000
--- a/plugins/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,443 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2014 Red Hat Inc
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
-import os
-import re
-import sys
-import commands
-from optparse import OptionParser
-from glusternagios import utils
-def getVal(val):
- dmatch = re.compile('[0-9]+').match(val)
- if (dmatch):
- return float(eval(
- else:
- return 0
-def getLVdetails(filename, lvs):
- dev_name = os.path.realpath(filename)
- pool = ""
- disk = {}
- for a in lvs:
- dev = os.path.realpath(a['LVM2_LV_PATH'])
- if dev_name == dev:
- if a['LVM2_LV_ATTR'][0] == 'V':
- pool = a['LVM2_POOL_LV']
- disk['thinLv'] = True
- break
- else:
- disk['thinLv'] = False
- return disk
- else:
- return None
- for b in lvs:
- if b['LVM2_LV_NAME'] == pool:
- disk['actualUsedPercent'] = float(b['LVM2_DATA_PERCENT'])
- disk['actualTotalSize'] = float(b['LVM2_LV_SIZE'])
- disk['actualUsed'] = disk['actualTotalSize'] * disk[
- 'actualUsedPercent'] / 100
- return disk
- else:
- return None
-def getUsageAndFree(command, path, crit, warn, lvm):
- disk = {'path': None, 'usePcent': 0, 'avail': 0,
- 'used': 0, 'size': 0, 'fs': None,
- 'status': None, 'msg': None, 'availPcent': 0,
- 'statusCode': utils.PluginStatusCode.UNKNOWN}
- # Check if device exists and permissions are ok
- if not os.access(path, os.F_OK):
- disk['status'] = "Device not found!"
- disk['msg'] = 'no device'
- disk['fs'] = path
- disk['statusCode'] = utils.PluginStatusCode.CRITICAL
- return disk
- if not os.access(path, os.R_OK):
- disk['status'] = "Unable to access the device"
- disk['msg'] = 'no access'
- disk['fs'] = path
- disk['statusCode'] = utils.PluginStatusCode.CRITICAL
- return disk
- status = commands.getstatusoutput(command)
- # Sample output
- # (0, 'Filesystem 1G-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on\n/dev/sda1
- # 290G 196G 79G 72% /')
- if status[0] != 0:
- disk['msg'] = 'error:%s' % status[0]
- if status[0] == 256:
- disk['status'] = "Brick/Device path not found!"
- else:
- disk['status'] = status[1]
- disk['statusCode'] = utils.PluginStatusCode.CRITICAL
- return disk
- status = status[1].split()
- disk['path'] = status[-1]
- disk['avail'] = getVal(status[-3])
- disk['used'] = getVal(status[-4])
- disk['size'] = getVal(status[-5])
- disk['fs'] = status[-6]
- disk['usePcent'] = getVal(status[-2])
- if disk['usePcent'] >= crit:
- disk['statusCode'] = utils.PluginStatusCode.CRITICAL
- elif disk['usePcent'] >= warn:
- disk['statusCode'] = utils.PluginStatusCode.WARNING
- elif disk['usePcent'] < warn:
- disk['statusCode'] = utils.PluginStatusCode.OK
- disk['availPcent'] = 100 - disk['usePcent']
- return disk
-def getDisk(path, crit, warn, usage=None, lvm=False):
- if usage:
- return getUsageAndFree("df -B%s %s" % (usage, path),
- path, crit, warn, lvm)
- else:
- return getUsageAndFree("df -BG %s" % path,
- path, crit, warn, lvm)
-def getInode(path, crit, warn, lvm=False):
- return getUsageAndFree("df -i %s" % path,
- path, crit, warn, lvm)
-def getMounts(searchQuery, excludeList=[]):
- mountPaths = []
- f = open("/etc/mtab")
- for i in f.readlines():
- if i.startswith(searchQuery):
- if not excludeList:
- mountPaths.append(i.split()[0])
- else:
- device = i.split()
- if not device[0] in options.exclude and\
- not device[1] in options.exclude:
- mountPaths.append(device[0])
- f.close()
- return mountPaths
-def parse_input():
- parser = OptionParser()
- parser.add_option('-w', '--warning', action='store', type='int',
- dest='warn',
- help='Warning count in %', default=WARNING_LEVEL)
- parser.add_option('-c', '--critical', action='store', type='int',
- dest='crit',
- help='Critical count in %', default=CRITICAL_LEVEL)
- parser.add_option('-u', '--usage', action="store", dest='usage',
- help='Usage in %/GB/MB/KB', default=None)
- parser.add_option('-l', '--lvm', action="store_true",
- dest='lvm',
- help='List lvm mounts', default=False)
- parser.add_option('-d', '--inode', action="store_true", dest='inode',
- help='List inode usage along with disk/brick usage',
- default=False)
- parser.add_option('-a', '--all', action="store_true",
- dest='all',
- help='List all mounts', default=False)
- parser.add_option('-n', '--ignore', action="store_true",
- dest='ignore',
- help='Ignore errors', default=False)
- parser.add_option('-i', '--include', action='append', type='string',
- dest='mountPath',
- help='Mount path', default=[])
- parser.add_option('-x', '--exclude', action="append", type='string',
- dest='exclude',
- help='Exclude disk/brick')
- parser.add_option('-s', action="store_true", default=False,
- dest='showErrorDisk',
- help='Show critical or warning disks in the status')
- parser.add_option('-t', '--thinPool', action="store_true",
- dest='thinPool',
- help='Lists detail of underlying thin pool',
- default=False)
- return parser.parse_args()
-def _getMsg(okList, warnList, critList):
- msg = ", ".join(critList)
- errorDiskMsg = msg
- if critList and (warnList or okList):
- msg = "CRITICAL: " + msg
- if warnList:
- if msg:
- msg += "; WARNING: "
- msg += ", ".join(warnList)
- if errorDiskMsg:
- errorDiskMsg += "; WARNING: " + ", ".join(warnList)
- else:
- errorDiskMsg = msg
- if okList:
- if msg:
- msg += "; OK: "
- msg += ", ".join(okList)
- return msg, errorDiskMsg
-def _getUnitAndType(val):
- unit = utils.convertSize(val, "GB", "TB")
- if unit >= 1:
- return unit, "TB"
- else:
- return val, "GB"
-def showDiskUsage(warn, crit, mountPaths, toListInode, usage=False,
- isLvm=False, ignoreError=False, showErrorDisk=True,
- thinPool=False):
- diskPerf = []
- warnList = []
- critList = []
- okList = []
- mounts = []
- totalUsed = 0
- totalSize = 0
- noOfMounts = len(mountPaths)
- maxPercentUsed = 0
- if thinPool:
- rc, out, err = utils.execCmd(["lvm"] +
- ("vgs --unquoted --noheading " +
- "--nameprefixes --separator : " +
- "--nosuffix --units g -o " +
- "lv_path,data_percent,pool_lv,lv_attr,"
- "lv_size,lv_name").split())
- if rc == 0:
- res = []
- for i in out:
- tem = i.split(":")
- dct = {}
- for j in tem:
- tp = j.split("=")
- dct[tp[0].replace(" ", "")] = tp[1]
- res.append(dct)
- else:
- thinPool = False
- for path in mountPaths:
- disk = getDisk(path, crit, warn, usage, isLvm)
- inode = getInode(path, crit, warn, isLvm)
- if thinPool:
- thinLv = getLVdetails(disk['fs'], res)
- if thinLv and thinLv['thinLv']:
- if disk['usePcent'] >= crit or thinLv[
- 'actualUsedPercent'] >= crit:
- disk['statusCode'] = utils.PluginStatusCode.CRITICAL
- elif disk['usePcent'] >= warn or thinLv[
- 'actualUsedPercent'] >= warn:
- disk['statusCode'] = utils.PluginStatusCode.WARNING
- elif disk['usePcent'] < warn or thinLv[
- 'actualUsedPercent'] < warn:
- disk['statusCode'] = utils.PluginStatusCode.OK
- else:
- thinPool = False
- if disk['path'] in mounts:
- continue
- if not disk['used'] or not inode['used']:
- if not ignoreError:
- sys.exit(utils.PluginStatusCode.UNKNOWN)
- if disk['path']:
- mounts.append(disk['path'])
- data = ""
- if usage and disk['path']:
- data = "%s=%.1f%s;%.1f;%.1f;0;%.1f" % (
- disk['path'],
- disk['used'],
- usage,
- warn * disk['size'] / 100,
- crit * disk['size'] / 100,
- disk['size'])
- if toListInode:
- data += " %s=%.1f;%.1f;%.1f;0;%.1f" % (
- inode['path'],
- inode['used'],
- warn * inode['used'] / 100,
- crit * inode['used'] / 100,
- inode['size'])
- elif disk['path']:
- if thinPool and thinLv['thinLv']:
- data = "%s=%.2f%%;%s;%s;0;%s" % (
- disk['path'],
- disk['usePcent'],
- warn,
- crit,
- disk['size'])
- data += " Thin-pool=%.2f%%;%s;%s;0;%.1f" % (
- thinLv['actualUsedPercent'],
- warn,
- crit,
- thinLv['actualTotalSize'])
- else:
- data = "%s=%.2f%%;%s;%s;0;%s" % (
- disk['path'],
- disk['usePcent'],
- warn,
- crit,
- disk['size'])
- if toListInode:
- data += " %s=%.2f%%;%s;%s;0;%s" % (
- inode['path'],
- inode['usePcent'],
- warn,
- crit,
- inode['size'])
- diskPerf.append(data)
- totalUsed += disk['used']
- totalSize += disk['size']
- if disk['usePcent'] > maxPercentUsed:
- maxPercentUsed = disk['usePcent']
- # adding into status message if there is any
- # specfic status found (short msg for list of disks)
- msg = ""
- if disk['status'] and disk['msg']:
- if noOfMounts == 1:
- msg = "%s=%s(%s)" % (disk['fs'], disk['path'],
- disk['status'])
- else:
- msg = "%s(%s)" % (disk['fs'], disk['msg'])
- else:
- if noOfMounts == 1:
- msg = "%s=%s" % (disk['fs'], disk['path'])
- else:
- msg = "%s" % (disk['path'])
- if disk['statusCode'] == utils.PluginStatusCode.CRITICAL or \
- inode['statusCode'] == utils.PluginStatusCode.CRITICAL:
- statusCode = utils.PluginStatusCode.CRITICAL
- critList.append(msg)
- elif (disk['statusCode'] == utils.PluginStatusCode.WARNING or
- inode['statusCode'] == utils.PluginStatusCode.WARNING):
- # if any previous disk statusCode is not critical
- # we should not change the statusCode into warning
- if statusCode != utils.PluginStatusCode.CRITICAL:
- statusCode = utils.PluginStatusCode.WARNING
- # just adding warning values into the list
- warnList.append(msg)
- elif disk['statusCode'] == utils.PluginStatusCode.OK:
- if statusCode == INVALID_STATUS_CODE or \
- statusCode == utils.PluginStatusCode.OK:
- statusCode = utils.PluginStatusCode.OK
- okList.append(msg)
- else:
- # added \ to fix E125 pep8 error
- if statusCode != utils.PluginStatusCode.CRITICAL or \
- statusCode != utils.PluginStatusCode.WARNING:
- statusCode = utils.PluginStatusCode.UNKNOWN
- okList.append(msg)
- msg, errorDiskMsg = _getMsg(okList, warnList, critList)
- if totalUsed == 0 and totalSize == 0:
- # avoid zero div error
- return statusCode, "mount: %s" % msg, diskPerf
- if totalUsed == 0:
- # avoid zero div error
- totUsagePercent = 0
- elif len(mounts) > 1:
- totUsagePercent = totalUsed / totalSize * 100
- else:
- totUsagePercent = maxPercentUsed
- usageMsg = ""
- if not usage:
- totUsedSz, totUsedSzUnit = _getUnitAndType(totalUsed)
- totSpaceSz, totSpaceSzUnit = _getUnitAndType(totalSize)
- usageMsg = "%.1f%% used (%s%s out of %s%s)" % (totUsagePercent,
- totUsedSz,
- totUsedSzUnit,
- totSpaceSz,
- totSpaceSzUnit)
- if thinPool and thinLv['thinLv']:
- usageMsg += " [Thin-pool: %.1f%% (%.1fG out of %.1fG)]" % (
- thinLv['actualUsedPercent'],
- thinLv['actualUsed'],
- thinLv['actualTotalSize'])
- else:
- usageMsg = "%.1f%% used (%s%s out of %s%s)" % (totUsagePercent,
- totalUsed,
- usage,
- totalSize,
- usage)
- if showErrorDisk:
- msg = "%s\n:mount(s): (%s)" % (errorDiskMsg, msg)
- else:
- msg = "%s\n:mount(s): (%s)" % (usageMsg, msg)
- return statusCode, msg, diskPerf
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- (options, args) = parse_input()
- if options.lvm:
- searchQuery = "/dev/mapper"
- else:
- searchQuery = "/"
- if not options.mountPath or options.lvm or options.all:
- options.mountPath += getMounts(searchQuery, options.exclude)
- statusCode, msg, diskPerf = showDiskUsage(options.warn,
- options.crit,
- options.mountPath,
- options.inode,
- options.usage,
- options.lvm,
- options.ignore,
- options.showErrorDisk,
- options.thinPool)
- if utils.PluginStatusCode.CRITICAL == statusCode:
- sys.stdout.write("%s : %s | %s\n" % (
- utils.PluginStatus.CRITICAL,
- msg,
- " ".join(diskPerf)))
- sys.exit(utils.PluginStatusCode.CRITICAL)
- elif utils.PluginStatusCode.WARNING == statusCode:
- sys.stdout.write("%s : %s | %s\n" % (
- utils.PluginStatus.WARNING,
- msg,
- " ".join(diskPerf)))
- sys.exit(utils.PluginStatusCode.WARNING)
- else:
- if options.showErrorDisk:
- sys.stdout.write("%s %s | %s\n" % (
- utils.PluginStatus.OK, msg, " ".join(diskPerf)))
- else:
- sys.stdout.write("%s : %s | %s\n" % (
- utils.PluginStatus.OK, msg, " ".join(diskPerf)))
diff --git a/plugins/ b/plugins/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..342c20a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Red Hat Inc
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
+import os
+import sys
+import argparse
+import logging
+from glusternagios import utils
+from glusternagios.utils import PluginStatusCode, PluginStatus
+ONE_GB_BYTES = 1073741824.0
+def _getMountPoint(path):
+ mount = os.path.realpath(path)
+ while not os.path.ismount(mount):
+ mount = os.path.dirname(mount)
+ return mount
+def _parseProcMounts(filter=True):
+ mountPoints = {}
+ with open('/proc/mounts', 'r') as f:
+ for line in f:
+ if line.startswith("/") or not filter:
+ mount = {}
+ tokens = line.split()
+ mount['device'] = tokens[0]
+ mount['fsType'] = tokens[2]
+ mount['mountOptions'] = tokens[3]
+ mountPoints[tokens[1]] = mount
+ return mountPoints
+def _getStats(mountPoint):
+ data = os.statvfs(mountPoint)
+ total = (data.f_blocks * data.f_bsize) / ONE_GB_BYTES
+ free = (data.f_bfree * data.f_bsize) / ONE_GB_BYTES
+ used_percent = 100 - (100.0 * free / total)
+ total_inode = data.f_files
+ free_inode = data.f_ffree
+ used_percent_inode = 100 - (100.0 * free_inode / total_inode)
+ used = total - free
+ used_inode = total_inode - free_inode
+ return {'total': total,
+ 'free': free,
+ 'used_percent': used_percent,
+ 'total_inode': total_inode,
+ 'free_inode': free_inode,
+ 'used_inode': used_inode,
+ 'used': used,
+ 'used_percent_inode': used_percent_inode}
+def _getOutputText(detail):
+ template = "{mount_point} - {{space - free: {free:0.3f} GiB, " \
+ "used: {used_percent:0.3f}%}}, {{inode - free: {free_inode}" \
+ " , used: {used_percent_inode:0.3f}%}}"
+ if detail['thinpool_size']:
+ template += ", {{thinpool-data - free: {thinpool_free:.3f} GiB," \
+ " used: {thinpool_used_percent:.3f}%}}, " \
+ "{{thinpool-metadata - free: {metadata_free:.3f} GiB," \
+ " used: {metadata_used_percent:.3f}%}}"
+ return template.format(**detail)
+def _getPerfdata(detail, warn, crit):
+ template = "{mount_point}={used_percent:.3f}%;{warn};{crit};0;{total:.3f}"\
+ " {mount_point}.inode={used_percent_inode:.3f}%;{warn};{crit}" \
+ ";0;{total_inode}"
+ if detail['thinpool_size']:
+ template += " {mount_point}.thinpool={thinpool_used_percent:.3f}%;" \
+ "{warn};{crit};0;{thinpool_size:.3f} {mount_point}." \
+ "thinpool-metadata={metadata_used_percent:.3f}%;{warn};{crit};0;" \
+ "{metadata_size:.3f}"
+ return template.format(warn=warn, crit=crit, **detail)
+def _getStatusInfo(detail, warn, crit):
+ rc = PluginStatus.OK
+ msg = []
+ parameter = {'metadata_used_percent': ['thinpool-metadata',
+ 'metadata_used',
+ 'metadata_size', ' GiB'],
+ 'thinpool_used_percent': ['thinpool-data', 'thinpool_used',
+ 'thinpool_size', ' GiB'],
+ 'used_percent': ['space', 'used',
+ 'total', ' GiB'],
+ 'used_percent_inode': ['inode', 'used_inode',
+ 'total_inode', '']}
+ for k, v in parameter.iteritems():
+ if not detail[k]:
+ continue
+ if k == 'used_percent_inode':
+ m = "%s used %d / %d%s" % (v[0], detail[v[1]],
+ detail[v[2]], v[3])
+ else:
+ m = "%s used %0.3f / %0.3f%s" % (v[0], detail[v[1]],
+ detail[v[2]], v[3])
+ if detail[k] >= crit:
+ rc = PluginStatus.CRITICAL
+ msg.append(m)
+ elif detail[k] >= warn:
+ if rc != PluginStatus.CRITICAL:
+ rc = PluginStatus.WARNING
+ msg.append(m)
+ if rc == PluginStatus.OK:
+ out = ''
+ else:
+ out = "mount point {mount_point} {{{msg}}}".format(msg=", ".join(msg),
+ **detail)
+ return rc, out
+def parse_input():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument("-w", "--warning", action="store",
+ required=True, type=int,
+ help="Warning threshold in percentage")
+ parser.add_argument("-c", "--critical", action="store",
+ required=True, type=int,
+ help="Critical threshold in percentage")
+ group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+ group.add_argument("-e", "--exclude", action="append", default=[],
+ help="exclude given interface")
+ group.add_argument("-i", "--include", action="append", default=[],
+ help="add given interface for monitoring")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ return args
+def getLvs():
+ lvmCommand = ["lvm", "vgs", "--unquoted", "--noheading",
+ "--nameprefixes", "--separator", "$",
+ "--nosuffix", "--units", "m", "-o",
+ "lv_uuid,lv_name,data_percent,pool_lv,lv_attr,"
+ "lv_size,lv_path,lv_metadata_size,"
+ "metadata_percent,vg_name"]
+ rc, out, err = utils.execCmd(lvmCommand)
+ if rc != 0:
+ logging.error(
+ "lvm command failed.\nCommand=%s\nrc=%s\nout=%s\nerr=%s"
+ % (lvmCommand, rc, out, err)
+ )
+ return None
+ l = map(lambda x: dict(x),
+ map(lambda x: [e.split('=') for e in x],
+ map(lambda x: x.strip().split('$'), out)))
+ d = {}
+ for i in l:
+ if i['LVM2_LV_ATTR'][0] == 't':
+ k = "%s/%s" % (i['LVM2_VG_NAME'], i['LVM2_LV_NAME'])
+ else:
+ k = os.path.realpath(i['LVM2_LV_PATH'])
+ d.update({k: i})
+ return d
+def getMountStats(exclude, include):
+ def _getMounts(exclude=[], include=[]):
+ excludeList = map(_getMountPoint, exclude)
+ includeList = map(_getMountPoint, include)
+ mountPoints = _parseProcMounts()
+ if excludeList:
+ outList = set(mountPoints) - set(excludeList)
+ elif includeList:
+ outList = set(mountPoints).intersection(set(includeList))
+ else:
+ return mountPoints
+ # list comprehension to build dictionary does not work in python 2.6.6
+ mounts = {}
+ for k in outList:
+ mounts[k] = mountPoints[k]
+ return mounts
+ def _getThinPoolStat(device):
+ out = {'thinpool_size': None,
+ 'thinpool_used_percent': None,
+ 'metadata_size': None,
+ 'metadata_used_percent': None,
+ 'thinpool_free': None,
+ 'metadata_free': None,
+ 'thinpool_used': None,
+ 'metadata_used': None}
+ if lvs and device in lvs and \
+ lvs[device]['LVM2_LV_ATTR'][0] == 'V':
+ thinpool = "%s/%s" % (lvs[device]['LVM2_VG_NAME'],
+ lvs[device]['LVM2_POOL_LV'])
+ out['thinpool_size'] = float(
+ lvs[thinpool]['LVM2_LV_SIZE']) / 1024
+ out['thinpool_used_percent'] = float(
+ lvs[thinpool]['LVM2_DATA_PERCENT'])
+ out['metadata_size'] = float(
+ lvs[thinpool]['LVM2_LV_METADATA_SIZE']) / 1024
+ out['metadata_used_percent'] = float(
+ lvs[thinpool]['LVM2_METADATA_PERCENT'])
+ out['thinpool_free'] = out['thinpool_size'] * (
+ 1 - out['thinpool_used_percent']/100.0)
+ out['thinpool_used'] = out['thinpool_size'] - out['thinpool_free']
+ out['metadata_free'] = out['metadata_size'] * (
+ 1 - out['metadata_used_percent']/100.0)
+ out['metadata_used'] = out['metadata_size'] - out['metadata_free']
+ return out
+ mountPoints = _getMounts(exclude, include)
+ lvs = getLvs()
+ mountDetail = {}
+ for mount, info in mountPoints.iteritems():
+ mountDetail[mount] = _getStats(mount)
+ mountDetail[mount].update(
+ _getThinPoolStat(os.path.realpath(info['device']))
+ )
+ mountDetail[mount].update({'mount_point': mount})
+ return mountDetail
+def getPrintableStatus(mountDetail, warning, critical):
+ finalRc = utils.PluginStatus.OK
+ finalMsg = []
+ finalOut = []
+ finalPerfdata = []
+ for mount, detail in mountDetail.iteritems():
+ finalOut.append(_getOutputText(detail))
+ finalPerfdata.append(_getPerfdata(detail, warning, critical))
+ rc, msg = _getStatusInfo(detail, warning, critical)
+ if msg:
+ finalMsg.append(msg)
+ if getattr(PluginStatusCode, rc) > getattr(PluginStatusCode, finalRc):
+ finalRc = rc
+ return finalRc, finalMsg, finalOut, finalPerfdata
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ args = parse_input()
+ mountDetail = getMountStats(args.exclude, args.include)
+ rc, msg, msgDet, perfdata = getPrintableStatus(mountDetail,
+ args.warning,
+ args.critical)
+ print "%s: %s" % (rc, ", ".join(msg))
+ print "%s | %s" % ("\n".join(msgDet), "\n".join(perfdata))
+ sys.exit(getattr(PluginStatusCode, rc))