path: root/plugins/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/')
1 files changed, 154 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/ b/plugins/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9e526da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+import re
+import commands
+import argparse
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+from glusternagios import utils
+def parseXml(xmldoc, searchStr):
+ root = ET.fromstring(xmldoc)
+ #statusStr = root.findall("./volInfo/volumes/volume/bricks/brick")
+ statusStr = root.findall(searchStr)
+ return statusStr
+def getVolumeStatus(vol_status_out):
+ xmlElemList = parseXml(vol_status_out, "./opRet")
+ #print xmlElemList[0].text
+ if xmlElemList[0].text == "0":
+ #print "Started"
+ vol_status = "Started"
+ else:
+ #print "Stopped"
+ vol_status = "Stopped"
+ return vol_status
+def getNagiosServerIP():
+ nagiosIP = ""
+ nscaConfig = open("/etc/nagios/nagios_server.cfg", "r+")
+ for line in nscaConfig.readlines():
+ if "nagios_server" in line:
+ #print line.rstrip()
+ line = line.rstrip()
+ nagiosIP = line.rpartition('=')[2]
+ #print nagiosIP
+ return nagiosIP
+def send_to_nsca(hostName, serviceName, exitStatus, resultString):
+ #print hostName
+ #print serviceName
+ #print exitStatus
+ #print resultString
+ f = open('out.txt', 'w')
+ print >> f, '%s\t%s\t%s\t%s' % (hostName,
+ serviceName,
+ exitStatus,
+ resultString)
+ f.close()
+ nagiosIP = getNagiosServerIP()
+ command_send_nsca = "send_nsca -H " + nagiosIP + \
+ " -c /etc/nagios/send_nsca.cfg < out.txt"
+ #print command_send_nsca
+ commands.getoutput(command_send_nsca)
+ #print nsca_stat
+def showBrickStatus(vol_status_out):
+ ipPat = re.compile("^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$")
+ xmlElemList = []
+ brickName = ""
+ #brickStatus = ""
+ exitStatus = utils.PluginStatusCode.OK
+ resultString = ""
+ brickIP = ""
+ vol_status = getVolumeStatus(vol_status_out)
+ if vol_status == "Started":
+ xmlElemList = parseXml(vol_status_out,
+ "./volStatus/volumes/volume/node")
+ for node in xmlElemList:
+ if ipPat.match(node.find('hostname').text):
+ brickIP = node.find('hostname').text
+ brickName = "Brick-"
+ brickName += brickIP
+ brickName += ":"
+ brickName += node.find('path').text
+ brickName += "-Status"
+ #print brickName
+ if node.find('status').text == "1":
+ exitStatus = utils.PluginStatusCode.OK
+ resultString = "Brick Status: OK"
+ else:
+ exitStatus = utils.PluginStatusCode.CRITICAL
+ resultString = "Brick Status: CRITICAL"
+ send_to_nsca(brickIP, brickName, exitStatus, resultString)
+def showVolumeStatus(vol_status_out, volName, clusterName):
+ xmlElemList = []
+ no_of_bricks = 0
+ brick_online = 0
+ brick_offline = 0
+ #brick_list = []
+ resultString = ""
+ exitStatus = utils.PluginStatusCode.OK
+ serviceName = "Volume-%s-Status" % volName
+ ipPat = re.compile("^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$")
+ vol_status = getVolumeStatus(vol_status_out)
+ if vol_status == "Started":
+ xmlElemList = parseXml(vol_status_out,
+ "./volStatus/volumes/volume/node")
+ for node in xmlElemList:
+ if ipPat.match(node.find('hostname').text):
+ #brick_list.insert(0,node.find('hostname').text)
+ no_of_bricks += 1
+ if node.find('status').text == "1":
+ brick_online += 1
+ else:
+ brick_offline += 1
+ #no_of_bricks = len(brick_list)
+ #print len(brick_list)
+ if vol_status != "Started":
+ resultString = "Volume Status CRITICAL: Volume Stopped Total" \
+ " Bricks: %s|Bricks Online=%s" % (no_of_bricks,
+ brick_online)
+ exitStatus = utils.PluginStatusCode.CRITICAL
+ elif brick_offline == no_of_bricks:
+ resultString = "Volume Status CRITICAL: All Bricks are Down Total" \
+ " Bricks: %s|Bricks Online=%s" % (no_of_bricks,
+ brick_online)
+ exitStatus = utils.PluginStatusCode.CRITICAL
+ elif brick_online != no_of_bricks:
+ resultString = "Volume Status WARNING: Some Bricks are Down Total" \
+ " Bricks: %s|Bricks Online=%s" % (no_of_bricks,
+ brick_online)
+ exitStatus = utils.PluginStatusCode.WARNING
+ else:
+ resultString = "Volume Status OK: Total" \
+ " Bricks: %s|Bricks Online=%s" % (no_of_bricks,
+ brick_online)
+ exitStatus = utils.PluginStatusCode.OK
+ send_to_nsca(clusterName, serviceName, exitStatus, resultString)
+def parse_input():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage='%(prog)s [-h] <volume> <cluster>')
+ parser.add_argument("volume", help="Name of the volume to get the Status")
+ parser.add_argument("cluster",
+ help="Name of the cluster, volume belongs to")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ return args
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ args = parse_input()
+ #Get the volume status
+ command_vol_status = "sudo gluster volume status " + args.volume + " --xml"
+ vol_status_out = commands.getoutput(command_vol_status)
+ showVolumeStatus(vol_status_out, args.volume, args.cluster)
+ showBrickStatus(vol_status_out)