path: root/test/unit/proxy/controllers/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/unit/proxy/controllers/')
1 files changed, 334 insertions, 129 deletions
diff --git a/test/unit/proxy/controllers/ b/test/unit/proxy/controllers/
index 0c94f90..037e28b 100644
--- a/test/unit/proxy/controllers/
+++ b/test/unit/proxy/controllers/
@@ -13,87 +13,159 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
+import itertools
+from collections import defaultdict
import unittest
from mock import patch
from swift.proxy.controllers.base import headers_to_container_info, \
headers_to_account_info, headers_to_object_info, get_container_info, \
get_container_memcache_key, get_account_info, get_account_memcache_key, \
- get_object_env_key, _get_cache_key, get_info, get_object_info, \
- Controller, GetOrHeadHandler
-from swift.common.swob import Request, HTTPException, HeaderKeyDict
+ get_object_env_key, get_info, get_object_info, \
+ Controller, GetOrHeadHandler, _set_info_cache, _set_object_info_cache, \
+ bytes_to_skip
+from swift.common.swob import Request, HTTPException, HeaderKeyDict, \
+from swift.common import exceptions
from swift.common.utils import split_path
+from swift.common.http import is_success
+from swift.common.storage_policy import StoragePolicy
from test.unit import fake_http_connect, FakeRing, FakeMemcache
from swift.proxy import server as proxy_server
from swift.common.request_helpers import get_sys_meta_prefix
-FakeResponse_status_int = 201
+from test.unit import patch_policies
class FakeResponse(object):
- def __init__(self, headers, env, account, container, obj):
- self.headers = headers
- self.status_int = FakeResponse_status_int
- self.environ = env
- if obj:
- env_key = get_object_env_key(account, container, obj)
- else:
- cache_key, env_key = _get_cache_key(account, container)
- if account and container and obj:
- info = headers_to_object_info(headers, FakeResponse_status_int)
- elif account and container:
- info = headers_to_container_info(headers, FakeResponse_status_int)
- else:
- info = headers_to_account_info(headers, FakeResponse_status_int)
- env[env_key] = info
+ base_headers = {}
+ def __init__(self, status_int=200, headers=None, body=''):
+ self.status_int = status_int
+ self._headers = headers or {}
+ self.body = body
+ @property
+ def headers(self):
+ if is_success(self.status_int):
+ self._headers.update(self.base_headers)
+ return self._headers
-class FakeRequest(object):
- def __init__(self, env, path, swift_source=None):
- self.environ = env
- (version, account, container, obj) = split_path(path, 2, 4, True)
- self.account = account
- self.container = container
- self.obj = obj
- if obj:
- stype = 'object'
- self.headers = {'content-length': 5555,
- 'content-type': 'text/plain'}
- else:
- stype = container and 'container' or 'account'
- self.headers = {'x-%s-object-count' % (stype): 1000,
- 'x-%s-bytes-used' % (stype): 6666}
- if swift_source:
- meta = 'x-%s-meta-fakerequest-swift-source' % stype
- self.headers[meta] = swift_source
- def get_response(self, app):
- return FakeResponse(self.headers, self.environ, self.account,
- self.container, self.obj)
+class AccountResponse(FakeResponse):
+ base_headers = {
+ 'x-account-container-count': 333,
+ 'x-account-object-count': 1000,
+ 'x-account-bytes-used': 6666,
+ }
-class FakeCache(object):
- def __init__(self, val):
- self.val = val
- def get(self, *args):
- return self.val
+class ContainerResponse(FakeResponse):
+ base_headers = {
+ 'x-container-object-count': 1000,
+ 'x-container-bytes-used': 6666,
+ }
+class ObjectResponse(FakeResponse):
+ base_headers = {
+ 'content-length': 5555,
+ 'content-type': 'text/plain'
+ }
+class DynamicResponseFactory(object):
+ def __init__(self, *statuses):
+ if statuses:
+ self.statuses = iter(statuses)
+ else:
+ self.statuses = itertools.repeat(200)
+ self.stats = defaultdict(int)
+ response_type = {
+ 'obj': ObjectResponse,
+ 'container': ContainerResponse,
+ 'account': AccountResponse,
+ }
+ def _get_response(self, type_):
+ self.stats[type_] += 1
+ class_ = self.response_type[type_]
+ return class_(
+ def get_response(self, environ):
+ (version, account, container, obj) = split_path(
+ environ['PATH_INFO'], 2, 4, True)
+ if obj:
+ resp = self._get_response('obj')
+ elif container:
+ resp = self._get_response('container')
+ else:
+ resp = self._get_response('account')
+ resp.account = account
+ resp.container = container
+ resp.obj = obj
+ return resp
+class FakeApp(object):
+ recheck_container_existence = 30
+ recheck_account_existence = 30
+ def __init__(self, response_factory=None, statuses=None):
+ self.responses = response_factory or \
+ DynamicResponseFactory(*statuses or [])
+ self.sources = []
+ def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
+ self.sources.append(environ.get('swift.source'))
+ response = self.responses.get_response(environ)
+ reason = RESPONSE_REASONS[response.status_int][0]
+ start_response('%d %s' % (response.status_int, reason),
+ [(k, v) for k, v in response.headers.items()])
+ # It's a bit strnage, but the get_info cache stuff relies on the
+ # app setting some keys in the environment as it makes requests
+ # (in particular GETorHEAD_base) - so our fake does the same
+ _set_info_cache(self, environ, response.account,
+ response.container, response)
+ if response.obj:
+ _set_object_info_cache(self, environ, response.account,
+ response.container, response.obj,
+ response)
+ return iter(response.body)
+class FakeCache(FakeMemcache):
+ def __init__(self, stub=None, **pre_cached):
+ super(FakeCache, self).__init__()
+ if pre_cached:
+ self.stub = stub
+ def get(self, key):
+ return self.stub or
+@patch_policies([StoragePolicy(0, 'zero', True, object_ring=FakeRing())])
class TestFuncs(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self): = proxy_server.Application(None, FakeMemcache(),
- container_ring=FakeRing(),
- object_ring=FakeRing)
+ container_ring=FakeRing())
def test_GETorHEAD_base(self):
base = Controller(
req = Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o/with/slashes')
+ ring = FakeRing()
+ nodes = list(ring.get_part_nodes(0)) + list(ring.get_more_nodes(0))
with patch('swift.proxy.controllers.base.'
'http_connect', fake_http_connect(200)):
- resp = base.GETorHEAD_base(req, 'object', FakeRing(), 'part',
+ resp = base.GETorHEAD_base(req, 'object', iter(nodes), 'part',
self.assertTrue('swift.object/a/c/o/with/slashes' in resp.environ)
@@ -101,14 +173,14 @@ class TestFuncs(unittest.TestCase):
req = Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o')
with patch('swift.proxy.controllers.base.'
'http_connect', fake_http_connect(200)):
- resp = base.GETorHEAD_base(req, 'object', FakeRing(), 'part',
+ resp = base.GETorHEAD_base(req, 'object', iter(nodes), 'part',
self.assertTrue('swift.object/a/c/o' in resp.environ)
self.assertEqual(resp.environ['swift.object/a/c/o']['status'], 200)
req = Request.blank('/v1/a/c')
with patch('swift.proxy.controllers.base.'
'http_connect', fake_http_connect(200)):
- resp = base.GETorHEAD_base(req, 'container', FakeRing(), 'part',
+ resp = base.GETorHEAD_base(req, 'container', iter(nodes), 'part',
self.assertTrue('swift.container/a/c' in resp.environ)
self.assertEqual(resp.environ['swift.container/a/c']['status'], 200)
@@ -116,150 +188,166 @@ class TestFuncs(unittest.TestCase):
req = Request.blank('/v1/a')
with patch('swift.proxy.controllers.base.'
'http_connect', fake_http_connect(200)):
- resp = base.GETorHEAD_base(req, 'account', FakeRing(), 'part',
+ resp = base.GETorHEAD_base(req, 'account', iter(nodes), 'part',
self.assertTrue('swift.account/a' in resp.environ)
self.assertEqual(resp.environ['swift.account/a']['status'], 200)
def test_get_info(self):
- global FakeResponse_status_int
+ app = FakeApp()
# Do a non cached call to account
env = {}
- with patch('swift.proxy.controllers.base.'
- '_prepare_pre_auth_info_request', FakeRequest):
- info_a = get_info(None, env, 'a')
+ info_a = get_info(app, env, 'a')
# Check that you got proper info
- self.assertEquals(info_a['status'], 201)
+ self.assertEquals(info_a['status'], 200)
self.assertEquals(info_a['bytes'], 6666)
self.assertEquals(info_a['total_object_count'], 1000)
# Make sure the env cache is set
self.assertEquals(env.get('swift.account/a'), info_a)
+ # Make sure the app was called
+ self.assertEqual(app.responses.stats['account'], 1)
# Do an env cached call to account
- info_a = get_info(None, env, 'a')
+ info_a = get_info(app, env, 'a')
# Check that you got proper info
- self.assertEquals(info_a['status'], 201)
+ self.assertEquals(info_a['status'], 200)
self.assertEquals(info_a['bytes'], 6666)
self.assertEquals(info_a['total_object_count'], 1000)
# Make sure the env cache is set
self.assertEquals(env.get('swift.account/a'), info_a)
+ # Make sure the app was NOT called AGAIN
+ self.assertEqual(app.responses.stats['account'], 1)
# This time do env cached call to account and non cached to container
- with patch('swift.proxy.controllers.base.'
- '_prepare_pre_auth_info_request', FakeRequest):
- info_c = get_info(None, env, 'a', 'c')
+ info_c = get_info(app, env, 'a', 'c')
# Check that you got proper info
- self.assertEquals(info_a['status'], 201)
+ self.assertEquals(info_c['status'], 200)
self.assertEquals(info_c['bytes'], 6666)
self.assertEquals(info_c['object_count'], 1000)
# Make sure the env cache is set
self.assertEquals(env.get('swift.account/a'), info_a)
self.assertEquals(env.get('swift.container/a/c'), info_c)
+ # Make sure the app was called for container
+ self.assertEqual(app.responses.stats['container'], 1)
# This time do a non cached call to account than non cached to
# container
+ app = FakeApp()
env = {} # abandon previous call to env
- with patch('swift.proxy.controllers.base.'
- '_prepare_pre_auth_info_request', FakeRequest):
- info_c = get_info(None, env, 'a', 'c')
+ info_c = get_info(app, env, 'a', 'c')
# Check that you got proper info
- self.assertEquals(info_a['status'], 201)
+ self.assertEquals(info_c['status'], 200)
self.assertEquals(info_c['bytes'], 6666)
self.assertEquals(info_c['object_count'], 1000)
# Make sure the env cache is set
self.assertEquals(env.get('swift.account/a'), info_a)
self.assertEquals(env.get('swift.container/a/c'), info_c)
+ # check app calls both account and container
+ self.assertEqual(app.responses.stats['account'], 1)
+ self.assertEqual(app.responses.stats['container'], 1)
# This time do an env cached call to container while account is not
# cached
- info_c = get_info(None, env, 'a', 'c')
+ info_c = get_info(app, env, 'a', 'c')
# Check that you got proper info
- self.assertEquals(info_a['status'], 201)
+ self.assertEquals(info_a['status'], 200)
self.assertEquals(info_c['bytes'], 6666)
self.assertEquals(info_c['object_count'], 1000)
# Make sure the env cache is set and account still not cached
self.assertEquals(env.get('swift.container/a/c'), info_c)
+ # no additional calls were made
+ self.assertEqual(app.responses.stats['account'], 1)
+ self.assertEqual(app.responses.stats['container'], 1)
# Do a non cached call to account not found with ret_not_found
+ app = FakeApp(statuses=(404,))
env = {}
- with patch('swift.proxy.controllers.base.'
- '_prepare_pre_auth_info_request', FakeRequest):
- try:
- FakeResponse_status_int = 404
- info_a = get_info(None, env, 'a', ret_not_found=True)
- finally:
- FakeResponse_status_int = 201
+ info_a = get_info(app, env, 'a', ret_not_found=True)
# Check that you got proper info
self.assertEquals(info_a['status'], 404)
- self.assertEquals(info_a['bytes'], 6666)
- self.assertEquals(info_a['total_object_count'], 1000)
+ self.assertEquals(info_a['bytes'], None)
+ self.assertEquals(info_a['total_object_count'], None)
# Make sure the env cache is set
self.assertEquals(env.get('swift.account/a'), info_a)
+ # and account was called
+ self.assertEqual(app.responses.stats['account'], 1)
# Do a cached call to account not found with ret_not_found
- info_a = get_info(None, env, 'a', ret_not_found=True)
+ info_a = get_info(app, env, 'a', ret_not_found=True)
# Check that you got proper info
self.assertEquals(info_a['status'], 404)
- self.assertEquals(info_a['bytes'], 6666)
- self.assertEquals(info_a['total_object_count'], 1000)
+ self.assertEquals(info_a['bytes'], None)
+ self.assertEquals(info_a['total_object_count'], None)
# Make sure the env cache is set
self.assertEquals(env.get('swift.account/a'), info_a)
+ # add account was NOT called AGAIN
+ self.assertEqual(app.responses.stats['account'], 1)
# Do a non cached call to account not found without ret_not_found
+ app = FakeApp(statuses=(404,))
env = {}
- with patch('swift.proxy.controllers.base.'
- '_prepare_pre_auth_info_request', FakeRequest):
- try:
- FakeResponse_status_int = 404
- info_a = get_info(None, env, 'a')
- finally:
- FakeResponse_status_int = 201
+ info_a = get_info(app, env, 'a')
# Check that you got proper info
self.assertEquals(info_a, None)
self.assertEquals(env['swift.account/a']['status'], 404)
+ # and account was called
+ self.assertEqual(app.responses.stats['account'], 1)
# Do a cached call to account not found without ret_not_found
info_a = get_info(None, env, 'a')
# Check that you got proper info
self.assertEquals(info_a, None)
self.assertEquals(env['swift.account/a']['status'], 404)
+ # add account was NOT called AGAIN
+ self.assertEqual(app.responses.stats['account'], 1)
def test_get_container_info_swift_source(self):
- req = Request.blank("/v1/a/c", environ={'swift.cache': FakeCache({})})
- with patch('swift.proxy.controllers.base.'
- '_prepare_pre_auth_info_request', FakeRequest):
- resp = get_container_info(req.environ, 'app', swift_source='MC')
- self.assertEquals(resp['meta']['fakerequest-swift-source'], 'MC')
+ app = FakeApp()
+ req = Request.blank("/v1/a/c", environ={'swift.cache': FakeCache()})
+ get_container_info(req.environ, app, swift_source='MC')
+ self.assertEqual(app.sources, ['GET_INFO', 'MC'])
def test_get_object_info_swift_source(self):
+ app = FakeApp()
req = Request.blank("/v1/a/c/o",
- environ={'swift.cache': FakeCache({})})
- with patch('swift.proxy.controllers.base.'
- '_prepare_pre_auth_info_request', FakeRequest):
- resp = get_object_info(req.environ, 'app', swift_source='LU')
- self.assertEquals(resp['meta']['fakerequest-swift-source'], 'LU')
+ environ={'swift.cache': FakeCache()})
+ get_object_info(req.environ, app, swift_source='LU')
+ self.assertEqual(app.sources, ['LU'])
def test_get_container_info_no_cache(self):
req = Request.blank("/v1/AUTH_account/cont",
environ={'swift.cache': FakeCache({})})
- with patch('swift.proxy.controllers.base.'
- '_prepare_pre_auth_info_request', FakeRequest):
- resp = get_container_info(req.environ, 'xxx')
+ resp = get_container_info(req.environ, FakeApp())
+ self.assertEquals(resp['storage_policy'], '0')
self.assertEquals(resp['bytes'], 6666)
self.assertEquals(resp['object_count'], 1000)
+ def test_get_container_info_no_account(self):
+ responses = DynamicResponseFactory(404, 200)
+ app = FakeApp(responses)
+ req = Request.blank("/v1/AUTH_does_not_exist/cont")
+ info = get_container_info(req.environ, app)
+ self.assertEqual(info['status'], 0)
+ def test_get_container_info_no_auto_account(self):
+ responses = DynamicResponseFactory(404, 200)
+ app = FakeApp(responses)
+ req = Request.blank("/v1/.system_account/cont")
+ info = get_container_info(req.environ, app)
+ self.assertEqual(info['status'], 200)
+ self.assertEquals(info['bytes'], 6666)
+ self.assertEquals(info['object_count'], 1000)
def test_get_container_info_cache(self):
- cached = {'status': 404,
- 'bytes': 3333,
- 'object_count': 10,
- # simplejson sometimes hands back strings, sometimes unicodes
- 'versions': u"\u1F4A9"}
+ cache_stub = {
+ 'status': 404, 'bytes': 3333, 'object_count': 10,
+ # simplejson sometimes hands back strings, sometimes unicodes
+ 'versions': u"\u1F4A9"}
req = Request.blank("/v1/account/cont",
- environ={'swift.cache': FakeCache(cached)})
- with patch('swift.proxy.controllers.base.'
- '_prepare_pre_auth_info_request', FakeRequest):
- resp = get_container_info(req.environ, 'xxx')
+ environ={'swift.cache': FakeCache(cache_stub)})
+ resp = get_container_info(req.environ, FakeApp())
+ self.assertEquals(resp['storage_policy'], '0')
self.assertEquals(resp['bytes'], 3333)
self.assertEquals(resp['object_count'], 10)
self.assertEquals(resp['status'], 404)
@@ -275,18 +363,16 @@ class TestFuncs(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEquals(resp['bytes'], 3867)
def test_get_account_info_swift_source(self):
- req = Request.blank("/v1/a", environ={'swift.cache': FakeCache({})})
- with patch('swift.proxy.controllers.base.'
- '_prepare_pre_auth_info_request', FakeRequest):
- resp = get_account_info(req.environ, 'a', swift_source='MC')
- self.assertEquals(resp['meta']['fakerequest-swift-source'], 'MC')
+ app = FakeApp()
+ req = Request.blank("/v1/a", environ={'swift.cache': FakeCache()})
+ get_account_info(req.environ, app, swift_source='MC')
+ self.assertEqual(app.sources, ['MC'])
def test_get_account_info_no_cache(self):
+ app = FakeApp()
req = Request.blank("/v1/AUTH_account",
environ={'swift.cache': FakeCache({})})
- with patch('swift.proxy.controllers.base.'
- '_prepare_pre_auth_info_request', FakeRequest):
- resp = get_account_info(req.environ, 'xxx')
+ resp = get_account_info(req.environ, app)
self.assertEquals(resp['bytes'], 6666)
self.assertEquals(resp['total_object_count'], 1000)
@@ -297,9 +383,7 @@ class TestFuncs(unittest.TestCase):
'total_object_count': 10}
req = Request.blank("/v1/account/cont",
environ={'swift.cache': FakeCache(cached)})
- with patch('swift.proxy.controllers.base.'
- '_prepare_pre_auth_info_request', FakeRequest):
- resp = get_account_info(req.environ, 'xxx')
+ resp = get_account_info(req.environ, FakeApp())
self.assertEquals(resp['bytes'], 3333)
self.assertEquals(resp['total_object_count'], 10)
self.assertEquals(resp['status'], 404)
@@ -312,9 +396,7 @@ class TestFuncs(unittest.TestCase):
'meta': {}}
req = Request.blank("/v1/account/cont",
environ={'swift.cache': FakeCache(cached)})
- with patch('swift.proxy.controllers.base.'
- '_prepare_pre_auth_info_request', FakeRequest):
- resp = get_account_info(req.environ, 'xxx')
+ resp = get_account_info(req.environ, FakeApp())
self.assertEquals(resp['status'], 404)
self.assertEquals(resp['bytes'], '3333')
self.assertEquals(resp['container_count'], 234)
@@ -344,11 +426,13 @@ class TestFuncs(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEquals(resp['type'], 'application/json')
def test_get_object_info_no_env(self):
+ app = FakeApp()
req = Request.blank("/v1/account/cont/obj",
environ={'swift.cache': FakeCache({})})
- with patch('swift.proxy.controllers.base.'
- '_prepare_pre_auth_info_request', FakeRequest):
- resp = get_object_info(req.environ, 'xxx')
+ resp = get_object_info(req.environ, app)
+ self.assertEqual(app.responses.stats['account'], 0)
+ self.assertEqual(app.responses.stats['container'], 0)
+ self.assertEqual(app.responses.stats['obj'], 1)
self.assertEquals(resp['length'], 5555)
self.assertEquals(resp['type'], 'text/plain')
@@ -443,6 +527,15 @@ class TestFuncs(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEquals(resp['meta']['whatevs'], 14)
self.assertEquals(resp['meta']['somethingelse'], 0)
+ def test_headers_to_object_info_sys_meta(self):
+ prefix = get_sys_meta_prefix('object')
+ headers = {'%sWhatevs' % prefix: 14,
+ '%ssomethingelse' % prefix: 0}
+ resp = headers_to_object_info(headers.items(), 200)
+ self.assertEquals(len(resp['sysmeta']), 2)
+ self.assertEquals(resp['sysmeta']['whatevs'], 14)
+ self.assertEquals(resp['sysmeta']['somethingelse'], 0)
def test_headers_to_object_info_values(self):
headers = {
'content-length': '1024',
@@ -457,7 +550,7 @@ class TestFuncs(unittest.TestCase):
headers_to_object_info(headers.items(), 200))
- def test_have_quorum(self):
+ def test_base_have_quorum(self):
base = Controller(
# just throw a bunch of test cases at it
self.assertEqual(base.have_quorum([201, 404], 3), False)
@@ -470,6 +563,32 @@ class TestFuncs(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(base.have_quorum([404, 404], 2), True)
self.assertEqual(base.have_quorum([201, 404, 201, 201], 4), True)
+ def test_best_response_overrides(self):
+ base = Controller(
+ responses = [
+ (302, 'Found', '', 'The resource has moved temporarily.'),
+ (100, 'Continue', '', ''),
+ (404, 'Not Found', '', 'Custom body'),
+ ]
+ server_type = "Base DELETE"
+ req = Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='DELETE')
+ statuses, reasons, headers, bodies = zip(*responses)
+ # First test that you can't make a quorum with only overridden
+ # responses
+ overrides = {302: 204, 100: 204}
+ resp = base.best_response(req, statuses, reasons, bodies, server_type,
+ headers=headers, overrides=overrides)
+ self.assertEqual(resp.status, '503 Internal Server Error')
+ # next make a 404 quorum and make sure the last delete (real) 404
+ # status is the one returned.
+ overrides = {100: 404}
+ resp = base.best_response(req, statuses, reasons, bodies, server_type,
+ headers=headers, overrides=overrides)
+ self.assertEqual(resp.status, '404 Not Found')
+ self.assertEqual(resp.body, 'Custom body')
def test_range_fast_forward(self):
req = Request.blank('/')
handler = GetOrHeadHandler(None, req, None, None, None, None, {})
@@ -512,7 +631,8 @@ class TestFuncs(unittest.TestCase):
req = Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', headers=src_headers)
dst_headers = base.generate_request_headers(req, transfer=True)
expected_headers = {'x-base-meta-owner': '',
- 'x-base-meta-size': '151M'}
+ 'x-base-meta-size': '151M',
+ 'connection': 'close'}
for k, v in expected_headers.iteritems():
self.assertTrue(k in dst_headers)
self.assertEqual(v, dst_headers[k])
@@ -532,3 +652,88 @@ class TestFuncs(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(v, dst_headers[k.lower()])
for k, v in bad_hdrs.iteritems():
self.assertFalse(k.lower() in dst_headers)
+ def test_client_chunk_size(self):
+ class TestSource(object):
+ def __init__(self, chunks):
+ self.chunks = list(chunks)
+ def read(self, _read_size):
+ if self.chunks:
+ return self.chunks.pop(0)
+ else:
+ return ''
+ source = TestSource((
+ 'abcd', '1234', 'abc', 'd1', '234abcd1234abcd1', '2'))
+ req = Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o')
+ node = {}
+ handler = GetOrHeadHandler(, req, None, None, None, None, {},
+ client_chunk_size=8)
+ app_iter = handler._make_app_iter(req, node, source)
+ client_chunks = list(app_iter)
+ self.assertEqual(client_chunks, [
+ 'abcd1234', 'abcd1234', 'abcd1234', 'abcd12'])
+ def test_client_chunk_size_resuming(self):
+ class TestSource(object):
+ def __init__(self, chunks):
+ self.chunks = list(chunks)
+ def read(self, _read_size):
+ if self.chunks:
+ chunk = self.chunks.pop(0)
+ if chunk is None:
+ raise exceptions.ChunkReadTimeout()
+ else:
+ return chunk
+ else:
+ return ''
+ node = {'ip': '', 'port': 6000, 'device': 'sda'}
+ source1 = TestSource(['abcd', '1234', 'abc', None])
+ source2 = TestSource(['efgh5678'])
+ req = Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o')
+ handler = GetOrHeadHandler(
+, req, 'Object', None, None, None, {},
+ client_chunk_size=8)
+ app_iter = handler._make_app_iter(req, node, source1)
+ with patch.object(handler, '_get_source_and_node',
+ lambda: (source2, node)):
+ client_chunks = list(app_iter)
+ self.assertEqual(client_chunks, ['abcd1234', 'efgh5678'])
+ self.assertEqual(handler.backend_headers['Range'], 'bytes=8-')
+ def test_bytes_to_skip(self):
+ # if you start at the beginning, skip nothing
+ self.assertEqual(bytes_to_skip(1024, 0), 0)
+ # missed the first 10 bytes, so we've got 1014 bytes of partial
+ # record
+ self.assertEqual(bytes_to_skip(1024, 10), 1014)
+ # skipped some whole records first
+ self.assertEqual(bytes_to_skip(1024, 4106), 1014)
+ # landed on a record boundary
+ self.assertEqual(bytes_to_skip(1024, 1024), 0)
+ self.assertEqual(bytes_to_skip(1024, 2048), 0)
+ # big numbers
+ self.assertEqual(bytes_to_skip(2 ** 20, 2 ** 32), 0)
+ self.assertEqual(bytes_to_skip(2 ** 20, 2 ** 32 + 1), 2 ** 20 - 1)
+ self.assertEqual(bytes_to_skip(2 ** 20, 2 ** 32 + 2 ** 19), 2 ** 19)
+ # odd numbers
+ self.assertEqual(bytes_to_skip(123, 0), 0)
+ self.assertEqual(bytes_to_skip(123, 23), 100)
+ self.assertEqual(bytes_to_skip(123, 247), 122)
+ # prime numbers
+ self.assertEqual(bytes_to_skip(11, 7), 4)
+ self.assertEqual(bytes_to_skip(97, 7873823), 55)