diff options
authorApeksha D Khakharia <>2017-11-27 15:26:06 +0530
committerApeksha D Khakharia <>2018-01-29 17:22:49 +0530
commit23c5e63398c79b2baf01caf8eaeab43fb3375985 (patch)
parentbe8e17c8185c43a1a7170990e774639c9662023d (diff)
CNS: adding CNS base class
Change-Id: Ieb03c52c7e8db9f37fe8f71692e5e0617a73a4c8 Signed-off-by: Apeksha D Khakharia <>
5 files changed, 903 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/cns-libs/cnslibs/cns/ b/cns-libs/cnslibs/cns/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2d315351
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cns-libs/cnslibs/cns/
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from cnslibs.common import podcmd
+from cnslibs.common.exceptions import (
+ ConfigError,
+ ExecutionError)
+from cnslibs.common.heketi_ops import (
+ heketi_create_topology,
+ hello_heketi)
+from cnslibs.common.cns_libs import (
+ edit_iptables_cns,
+ enable_kernel_module,
+ edit_master_config_file,
+ edit_multipath_conf_file,
+ setup_router,
+ start_rpcbind_service,
+ start_gluster_blockd_service,
+ update_nameserver_resolv_conf,
+ update_router_ip_dnsmasq_conf)
+from cnslibs.common.docker_libs import (
+ docker_add_registry,
+ docker_insecure_registry)
+from cnslibs.common.openshift_ops import (
+ create_namespace,
+ get_ocp_gluster_pod_names,
+ oc_rsh)
+import datetime
+from glusto.core import Glusto as g
+import unittest
+class CnsBaseClass(unittest.TestCase):
+ '''
+ This class reads the config for variable values that will be used in
+ CNS tests.
+ '''
+ @classmethod
+ def setUpClass(cls):
+ '''
+ Initialize all the variables necessary for testing CNS
+ '''
+ super(CnsBaseClass, cls).setUpClass()
+ # Initializes OCP config variables
+ cls.ocp_servers_info = g.config['ocp_servers']
+ cls.ocp_master_node = g.config['ocp_servers']['master'].keys()
+ cls.ocp_master_node_info = g.config['ocp_servers']['master']
+ cls.ocp_client = g.config['ocp_servers']['client'].keys()
+ cls.ocp_client_info = g.config['ocp_servers']['client']
+ cls.ocp_nodes = g.config['ocp_servers']['nodes'].keys()
+ cls.ocp_nodes_info = g.config['ocp_servers']['nodes']
+ cls.ocp_all_nodes = cls.ocp_nodes + cls.ocp_master_node
+ # Initializes CNS config variables
+ cls.cns_username = g.config['cns']['setup']['cns_username']
+ cls.cns_password = g.config['cns']['setup']['cns_password']
+ cls.cns_project_name = g.config['cns']['setup']['cns_project_name']
+ cls.add_registry = g.config['cns']['setup']['add_registry']
+ cls.insecure_registry = g.config['cns']['setup']['insecure_registry']
+ cls.routingconfig_subdomain = (g.config['cns']['setup']
+ ['routing_config'])
+ cls.deployment_type = g.config['cns']['deployment_type']
+ cls.executor = g.config['cns']['executor']
+ cls.executor_user = g.config['cns']['executor_user']
+ cls.executor_port = g.config['cns']['executor_port']
+ # Initializes heketi config variables
+ cls.heketi_client_node = (g.config['cns']['heketi_config']
+ ['heketi_client_node'])
+ cls.heketi_server_url = (g.config['cns']['heketi_config']
+ ['heketi_server_url'])
+ cls.gluster_servers = g.config['gluster_servers'].keys()
+ cls.gluster_servers_info = g.config['gluster_servers']
+ cls.topo_info = g.config['cns']['trusted_storage_pool_list']
+ cls.heketi_ssh_key = g.config['cns']['heketi_config']['heketi_ssh_key']
+ cls.heketi_config_file = (g.config['cns']['heketi_config']
+ ['heketi_config_file'])
+ cls.heketi_volume = {}
+ cls.heketi_volume['size'] = g.config['cns']['heketi_volume']['size']
+ cls.heketi_volume['name'] = g.config['cns']['heketi_volume']['name']
+ cls.heketi_volume['expand_size'] = (g.config['cns']['heketi_volume']
+ ['expand_size'])
+ # Constructs topology info dictionary
+ cls.topology_info = OrderedDict()
+ for i in range(len(cls.topo_info)):
+ cluster = 'cluster' + str(i + 1)
+ cls.topology_info[cluster] = OrderedDict()
+ for index, node in enumerate(cls.topo_info[i]):
+ node_name = 'gluster_node' + str(index + 1)
+ cls.topology_info[cluster][node_name] = {
+ 'manage': cls.gluster_servers_info[node]['manage'],
+ 'storage': cls.gluster_servers_info[node]['storage'],
+ 'zone': cls.gluster_servers_info[node]['zone'],
+ 'devices': cls.gluster_servers_info[node]['devices'],
+ }
+ cls.cns_storage_class = (g.config['cns']['dynamic_provisioning']
+ ['storage_classes'])
+ cls.cns_secret = g.config['cns']['dynamic_provisioning']['secrets']
+ cls.cns_pvc_size_number_dict = (g.config['cns']
+ ['dynamic_provisioning']
+ ['pvc_size_number'])
+ cls.start_count_for_pvc = (g.config['cns']['dynamic_provisioning']
+ ['start_count_for_pvc'])
+ cls.app_pvc_count_dict = (g.config['cns']['dynamic_provisioning']
+ ['app_pvc_count_dict'])
+ if 'glustotest_run_id' not in g.config:
+ g.config['glustotest_run_id'] = (
+ cls.glustotest_run_id = g.config['glustotest_run_id']
+ msg = "Setupclass: %s : %s" % (cls.__name__, cls.glustotest_run_id)
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(CnsBaseClass, self).setUp()
+ msg = "Starting Test : %s : %s" % (, self.glustotest_run_id)
+ def tearDown(self):
+ super(CnsBaseClass, self).tearDown()
+ msg = "Ending Test: %s : %s" % (, self.glustotest_run_id)
+ @classmethod
+ def tearDownClass(cls):
+ super(CnsBaseClass, cls).tearDownClass()
+ msg = "Teardownclass: %s : %s" % (cls.__name__, cls.glustotest_run_id)
+class CnsSetupBaseClass(CnsBaseClass):
+ '''
+ This class does the basic CNS setup
+ '''
+ @classmethod
+ def setUpClass(cls):
+ '''
+ CNS setup
+ '''
+ super(CnsSetupBaseClass, cls).setUpClass()
+ for node in cls.ocp_all_nodes:
+ for mod_name in ('dm_thin_pool', 'dm_multipath',
+ 'target_core_user'):
+ if not enable_kernel_module(node, mod_name):
+ raise ExecutionError(
+ "failed to enable kernel module %s" % mod_name)
+ if not start_rpcbind_service(node):
+ raise ExecutionError("failed to start rpcbind service")
+ if not edit_iptables_cns(node):
+ raise ExecutionError("failed to edit iptables")
+ cmd = "systemctl reload iptables"
+ cmd_results = g.run_parallel(cls.ocp_all_nodes, cmd, "root")
+ for node, ret_values in cmd_results.iteritems():
+ ret, out, err = ret_values
+ if ret != 0:
+ raise ExecutionError("failed to execute cmd %s on %s out: "
+ "%s err: %s" % (
+ cmd, node, out, err))
+ cmd = "systemctl restart atomic-openshift-node.service"
+ cmd_results = g.run_parallel(cls.ocp_nodes, cmd, "root")
+ for node, ret_values in cmd_results.iteritems():
+ ret, out, err = ret_values
+ if ret != 0:
+ raise ExecutionError("failed to execute cmd %s on %s out: "
+ "%s err: %s" % (
+ cmd, node, out, err))
+ if not edit_master_config_file(cls.ocp_master_node[0],
+ cls.routingconfig_subdomain):
+ raise ExecutionError("failed to edit master.conf file")
+ cmd = ("systemctl restart atomic-openshift-master-api "
+ "atomic-openshift-master-controllers")
+ ret, out, err =[0], cmd, "root")
+ if ret != 0:
+ raise ExecutionError("failed to execute cmd %s on %s out: %s "
+ "err: %s" % (
+ cmd, cls.ocp_master_node[0], out, err))
+ cmd = ("oc login -u system:admin && oadm policy "
+ "add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin %s") % cls.cns_username
+ ret, out, err =[0], cmd, "root")
+ if ret != 0:
+ raise ExecutionError("failed to execute cmd %s on %s out: %s "
+ "err: %s" % (
+ cmd, cls.ocp_master_node[0], out, err))
+ for node in cls.ocp_all_nodes:
+ ret = docker_add_registry(node, cls.add_registry)
+ if not ret:
+ raise ExecutionError("failed to edit add_registry in docker "
+ "file on %s" % node)
+ ret = docker_insecure_registry(node, cls.insecure_registry)
+ if not ret:
+ raise ExecutionError("failed to edit insecure_registry in "
+ "docker file on %s" % node)
+ cmd = "systemctl restart docker"
+ cmd_results = g.run_parallel(cls.ocp_all_nodes, cmd, "root")
+ for node, ret_values in cmd_results.iteritems():
+ ret, out, err = ret_values
+ if ret != 0:
+ raise ExecutionError("failed to execute cmd %s on %s out: "
+ "%s err: %s" % (
+ cmd, node, out, err))
+ cmd = ("oc login %s:8443 -u %s -p %s --insecure-skip-tls-verify="
+ "true" % (
+ cls.ocp_master_node[0], cls.cns_username, cls.cns_password))
+ ret, out, err =[0], cmd, "root")
+ if ret != 0:
+ raise ExecutionError("failed to execute cmd %s on %s out: "
+ "%s err: %s" % (
+ cmd, cls.ocp_client[0], out, err))
+ cmd = 'oadm policy add-scc-to-user privileged -z default'
+ ret, out, err =[0], cmd, "root")
+ if ret != 0:
+ raise ExecutionError("failed to execute cmd %s on %s out: "
+ "%s err: %s" % (
+ cmd, cls.ocp_client[0], out, err))
+ ret = create_namespace(cls.ocp_client[0], cls.cns_project_name)
+ if not ret:
+ raise ExecutionError("failed to create namespace")
+ cmd = 'oc project %s' % cls.cns_project_name
+ ret, out, err =[0], cmd, "root")
+ if ret != 0:
+ raise ExecutionError("failed to execute cmd %s on %s out: "
+ "%s err: %s" % (
+ cmd, cls.ocp_client[0], out, err))
+ cls.router_name = "%s-router" % cls.cns_project_name
+ if not setup_router(cls.ocp_client[0], cls.router_name):
+ raise ExecutionError("failed to setup router")
+ if not update_router_ip_dnsmasq_conf(cls.ocp_client[0],
+ cls.router_name):
+ raise ExecutionError("failed to update router ip in dnsmasq.conf")
+ cmd = "systemctl restart dnsmasq.service"
+ ret, out, err =[0], cmd, "root")
+ if ret != 0:
+ raise ExecutionError("failed to execute cmd %s on %s out: "
+ "%s err: %s" % (
+ cmd, cls.ocp_client[0], out, err))
+ cmd = 'oc project %s' % cls.cns_project_name
+ ret, out, err =[0], cmd, "root")
+ if ret != 0:
+ raise ExecutionError("failed to execute cmd %s on %s out: "
+ "%s err: %s" % (
+ cmd, cls.ocp_master_node[0], out, err))
+ if not update_router_ip_dnsmasq_conf(cls.ocp_master_node[0],
+ cls.router_name):
+ raise ExecutionError("failed to update router ip in dnsmasq.conf")
+ cmd = "systemctl restart dnsmasq.service"
+ ret, out, err =[0], cmd, "root")
+ if ret != 0:
+ raise ExecutionError("failed to execute cmd %s on %s out: "
+ "%s err: %s" % (
+ cmd, cls.ocp_master_node[0], out, err))
+ if not update_nameserver_resolv_conf(cls.ocp_client[0]):
+ raise ExecutionError("failed to update namserver in resolv.conf")
+ if not update_nameserver_resolv_conf(cls.ocp_master_node[0], "EOF"):
+ raise ExecutionError("failed to update namserver in resolv.conf")
+ @classmethod
+ def cns_deploy(cls):
+ '''
+ This function runs the cns-deploy
+ '''
+ ret = heketi_create_topology(cls.heketi_client_node,
+ cls.topology_info,
+ topology_file="/tmp/topology.json")
+ if not ret:
+ raise ConfigError("Failed to create heketi topology file on %s"
+ % cls.heketi_client_node)
+ cmd = ("cns-deploy -n %s -g /tmp/topology.json -c oc -t "
+ "/usr/share/heketi/templates -l cns_deploy.log "
+ "-v -w 600 -y") % cls.cns_project_name
+ ret, out, err =[0], cmd, "root")
+ if ret != 0:
+ raise ExecutionError("failed to execute cmd %s on %s out: "
+ "%s err: %s" % (
+ cmd, cls.ocp_client[0], out, err))
+ # Checks if heketi server is alive
+ if not hello_heketi(cls.heketi_client_node, cls.heketi_server_url):
+ raise ConfigError("Heketi server %s is not alive"
+ % cls.heketi_server_url)
+class CnsGlusterBlockBaseClass(CnsBaseClass):
+ '''
+ This class is for setting up glusterblock on CNS
+ '''
+ @classmethod
+ def setUpClass(cls):
+ '''
+ Glusterblock setup on CNS
+ '''
+ super(CnsGlusterBlockBaseClass, cls).setUpClass()
+ gluster_pod_list = get_ocp_gluster_pod_names(cls.ocp_master_node[0])
+"gluster_pod_list - %s" % gluster_pod_list)
+ for pod in gluster_pod_list:
+ cmd = "systemctl start gluster-blockd"
+ ret, out, err = oc_rsh(cls.ocp_master_node[0], pod, cmd)
+ if ret != 0:
+ raise ExecutionError("failed to execute cmd %s on %s out: "
+ "%s err: %s" % (
+ cmd, cls.ocp_master_node[0],
+ out, err))
+ cmd = "mpathconf --enable"
+ cmd_results = g.run_parallel(cls.ocp_all_nodes, cmd, "root")
+ for node, ret_values in cmd_results.iteritems():
+ ret, out, err = ret_values
+ if ret != 0:
+ raise ExecutionError("failed to execute cmd %s on %s out: "
+ "%s err: %s" % (cmd, node, out, err))
+ for node in cls.ocp_all_nodes:
+ ret = edit_multipath_conf_file(node)
+ if not ret:
+ raise ExecutionError("failed to edit multipath.conf file")
+ cmd = "systemctl restart multipathd"
+ cmd_results = g.run_parallel(cls.ocp_all_nodes, cmd, "root")
+ for node, ret_values in cmd_results.iteritems():
+ ret, out, err = ret_values
+ if ret != 0:
+ raise ExecutionError("failed to execute cmd %s on %s out: "
+ "%s err: %s" % (cmd, node, out, err))
diff --git a/cns-libs/cnslibs/common/ b/cns-libs/cnslibs/common/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f32acf0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cns-libs/cnslibs/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,478 @@
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from cnslibs.common.exceptions import (
+ ConfigError,
+ ExecutionError)
+from cnslibs.common.openshift_ops import (
+ get_ocp_gluster_pod_names,
+ oc_rsh)
+from cnslibs.common.waiter import Waiter
+import fileinput
+from glusto.core import Glusto as g
+import json
+import rtyaml
+import time
+import yaml
+MASTER_CONFIG_FILEPATH = "/etc/origin/master/master-config.yaml"
+def edit_master_config_file(hostname, routingconfig_subdomain):
+ '''
+ This function edits the /etc/origin/master/master-config.yaml file
+ Args:
+ hostname (str): hostname on which want to edit
+ the master-config.yaml file
+ routingconfig_subdomain (str): routing config subdomain url
+ ex:
+ Returns:
+ bool: True if successful,
+ otherwise False
+ '''
+ try:
+ conn = g.rpyc_get_connection(hostname, user="root")
+ if conn is None:
+ g.log.error("Failed to get rpyc connection of node %s"
+ % hostname)
+ return False
+ with, 'r') as f:
+ data = yaml.load(f)
+ add_allow = 'AllowAllPasswordIdentityProvider'
+ data['oauthConfig']['identityProviders'][0]['provider'][
+ 'kind'] = add_allow
+ data['routingConfig']['subdomain'] = routingconfig_subdomain
+ with, 'w+') as f:
+ yaml.dump(data, f, default_flow_style=False)
+ except Exception as err:
+ raise ExecutionError("failed to edit master-config.yaml file "
+ "%s on %s" % (err, hostname))
+ finally:
+ g.rpyc_close_connection(hostname, user="root")
+"successfully edited master-config.yaml file %s" % hostname)
+ return True
+def setup_router(hostname, router_name, timeout=1200, wait_step=60):
+ '''
+ This function sets up router
+ Args:
+ hostname (str): hostname on which we need to
+ setup router
+ router_name (str): router name
+ timeout (int): timeout value,
+ default value is 1200 sec
+ wait_step( int): wait step,
+ default value is 60 sec
+ Returns:
+ bool: True if successful,
+ otherwise False
+ '''
+ cmd = "oc get pods | grep '%s'| awk '{print $3}'" % router_name
+ ret, out, err =, cmd, "root")
+ if ret != 0:
+ g.log.error("failed to execute cmd %s" % cmd)
+ return False
+ output = out.strip().split("\n")[0]
+ if "No resources found" in output or output == "":
+"%s not present creating it" % router_name)
+ cmd = "oadm policy add-scc-to-user privileged -z router"
+ ret, out, err =, cmd, "root")
+ if ret != 0:
+ g.log.error("failed to execute cmd %s" % cmd)
+ return False
+ cmd = "oadm policy add-scc-to-user privileged -z default"
+ ret, out, err =, cmd, "root")
+ if ret != 0:
+ g.log.error("failed to execute cmd %s" % cmd)
+ return False
+ cmd = "oadm router %s --replicas=1" % router_name
+ ret, out, err =, cmd, "root")
+ if ret != 0:
+ g.log.error("failed to execute cmd %s" % cmd)
+ return False
+ router_flag = False
+ for w in Waiter(timeout, wait_step):
+ cmd = "oc get pods | grep '%s'| awk '{print $3}'" % router_name
+ ret, out, err =, cmd, "root")
+ if ret != 0:
+ g.log.error("failed to execute cmd %s" % cmd)
+ break
+ status = out.strip().split("\n")[0].strip()
+ if status == "ContainerCreating":
+"container creating for router %s sleeping for"
+ " %s seconds" % (router_name, wait_step))
+ continue
+ elif status == "Running":
+"router %s is up and running" % router_name)
+ break
+ elif status == "Error":
+ g.log.error("error while setting up router %s" % (
+ router_name))
+ return False
+ else:
+ g.log.error("%s router pod has different status - "
+ "%s" % (router_name, status))
+ break
+ if w.expired:
+ g.log.error("failed to setup '%s' router in "
+ "%s seconds" % (router_name, timeout))
+ return False
+ else:
+"%s already present" % router_name)
+ return True
+def update_router_ip_dnsmasq_conf(hostname, router_name):
+ '''
+ This function updates the router-ip in /etc/dnsmasq.conf file
+ Args:
+ hostname (str): hostname on which we need to
+ edit dnsmaq.conf file
+ router_name (str): router name to find its ip
+ Returns:
+ bool: True if successful,
+ otherwise False
+ '''
+ cmd = ("oc get pods -o wide| grep '%s'| awk '{print $6}' "
+ "| cut -d ':' -f 1") % router_name
+ ret, out, err =, cmd, "root")
+ if ret != 0:
+ g.log.error("failed to execute cmd %s" % cmd)
+ return False
+ router_ip = out.strip().split("\n")[0].strip()
+ data_to_write = "address=/" % router_ip
+ try:
+ conn = g.rpyc_get_connection(hostname, user="root")
+ if conn is None:
+ g.log.error("Failed to get rpyc connection of node %s"
+ % hostname)
+ return False
+ update_flag = False
+ for line in conn.modules.fileinput.input(
+ '/etc/dnsmasq.conf', inplace=True):
+ if "mystorage" in line:
+ conn.modules.sys.stdout.write(line.replace(line,
+ data_to_write))
+ update_flag = True
+ else:
+ conn.modules.sys.stdout.write(line)
+ if not update_flag:
+ with'/etc/dnsmasq.conf', 'a+') as f:
+ f.write(data_to_write + '\n')
+ except Exception as err:
+ g.log.error("failed to update router-ip in dnsmasq.conf %s" % err)
+ return False
+ finally:
+ g.rpyc_close_connection(hostname, user="root")
+"sucessfully updated router-ip in dnsmasq.conf")
+ return True
+def update_nameserver_resolv_conf(hostname, position="first_line"):
+ '''
+ This function updates namserver
+ at first line in /etc/resolv.conf
+ Args:
+ hostname (str): hostname on which we need to
+ edit resolv.conf
+ position (str): where to add nameserver
+ ex: EOF, it defaults to first line
+ Returns:
+ bool: True if successful,
+ otherwise False
+ '''
+ try:
+ conn = g.rpyc_get_connection(hostname, user="root")
+ if conn is None:
+ g.log.error("Failed to get rpyc connection of node %s"
+ % hostname)
+ return False
+ if position == "EOF":
+ update_flag = False
+ with"/etc/resolv.conf", "r+") as f:
+ for line in f:
+ if "nameserver" in line and "" in line:
+ update_flag = True
+ break
+ if not update_flag:
+ f.write("nameserver\n")
+ else:
+ for linenum, line in enumerate(conn.modules.fileinput.input(
+ '/etc/resolv.conf', inplace=True)):
+ if linenum == 0 and "" not in line:
+ conn.modules.sys.stdout.write("nameserver\n")
+ conn.modules.sys.stdout.write(line)
+ except Exception as err:
+ g.log.error("failed to update nameserver in resolv.conf %s" % err)
+ return False
+ finally:
+ g.rpyc_close_connection(hostname, user="root")
+"sucessfully updated namserver in resolv.conf")
+ return True
+def edit_multipath_conf_file(hostname):
+ '''
+ This function edits the /etc/multipath.conf
+ Args:
+ hostname (str): hostname on which we want to edit
+ the /etc/multipath.conf file
+ Returns:
+ bool: True if successful,
+ otherwise False
+ '''
+ try:
+ conn = g.rpyc_get_connection(hostname, user="root")
+ if conn is None:
+ g.log.error("Failed to get rpyc connection of node %s"
+ % hostname)
+ return False
+ edit_flag = False
+ file1 ="/etc/multipath.conf", "r+")
+ for line1 in file1.readlines():
+ if "LIO iSCSI" in line1:
+"/etc/multipath.conf file already "
+ "edited on %s" % hostname)
+ edit_flag = True
+ if not edit_flag:
+ file1 ="/etc/multipath.conf", "a+")
+ with open("cnslibs/common/sample-multipath.txt") as file2:
+ for line2 in file2:
+ file1.write(line2)
+ except Exception as err:
+ g.log.error("failed to edit /etc/multipath.conf file %s on %s" %
+ (err, hostname))
+ return False
+ finally:
+ g.rpyc_close_connection(hostname, user="root")
+"successfully edited /etc/multipath.conf file %s" % hostname)
+ return True
+def edit_iptables_cns(hostname):
+ '''
+ This function edits the iptables file to open the ports
+ Args:
+ hostname (str): hostname on which we need to edit
+ the iptables
+ Returns:
+ bool: True if successful,
+ otherwise False
+ '''
+ try:
+ conn = g.rpyc_get_connection(hostname, user="root")
+ if conn is None:
+ g.log.error("Failed to get rpyc connection of node %s"
+ % hostname)
+ return False
+ edit_flag = False
+ commit_count = 0
+ with"/etc/sysconfig/iptables", "r+") as f:
+ for line in f.readlines():
+ if "--dport 3260" in line:
+ edit_flag = True
+ data = [
+ "-A OS_FIREWALL_ALLOW -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m %s" % line
+ for line in ("tcp --dport 24007 -j ACCEPT",
+ "tcp --dport 24008 -j ACCEPT",
+ "tcp --dport 2222 -j ACCEPT",
+ "multiport --dports 49152:49664 -j ACCEPT",
+ "tcp --dport 24010 -j ACCEPT",
+ "tcp --dport 3260 -j ACCEPT",
+ "tcp --dport 111 -j ACCEPT")
+ ]
+ data_to_write = "\n".join(data) + "\n"
+ filter_flag = False
+ if not edit_flag:
+ for line in conn.modules.fileinput.input('/etc/sysconfig/iptables',
+ inplace=True):
+ if "*filter" in line:
+ filter_flag = True
+ if "COMMIT" in line and filter_flag is True:
+ conn.modules.sys.stdout.write(data_to_write)
+ filter_flag = False
+ conn.modules.sys.stdout.write(line)
+ else:
+"Iptables is already edited on %s" % hostname)
+ return True
+ except Exception as err:
+ g.log.error("failed to edit iptables on %s err %s" % (hostname, err))
+ return False
+ finally:
+ g.rpyc_close_connection(hostname, user="root")
+"successfully edited iptables on %s" % hostname)
+ return True
+def enable_kernel_module(hostname, module_name):
+ '''
+ This function enables kernel modules required for CNS
+ Args:
+ hostname (str): hostname on which we want to
+ enable kernel modules
+ module_name (str): name of the module
+ ex: dm_thin_pool
+ Returns:
+ bool: True if successfull or already running,
+ False otherwise
+ '''
+ cmd = "lsmod | grep %s" % module_name
+ ret, out, err =, cmd, "root")
+ if ret == 0:
+"%s module is already enabled on %s"
+ % (module_name, hostname))
+ else:
+ cmd = "modprobe %s" % module_name
+ ret, out, err =, cmd, "root")
+ if ret == 0:
+"%s module enabled on %s"
+ % (module_name, hostname))
+ else:
+ g.log.error("failed to enable %s module on %s"
+ % (module_name, hostname))
+ return False
+ cmd = "echo %s > /etc/modules-load.d/%s.conf" % (
+ module_name, module_name)
+ ret, out, err =, cmd, "root")
+ if ret == 0:
+"created %s.conf" % module_name)
+ else:
+ g.log.error("failed to %s.conf" % module_name)
+ return True
+def start_service(hostname, service):
+ '''
+ This function starts service by its name
+ Args:
+ hostname (str): hostname on which we want
+ to start service
+ Returns:
+ bool: True if successfull or already running,
+ False otherwise
+ '''
+ cmd = "systemctl status %s" % service
+ ret, out, err =, cmd, "root")
+ if ret == 0:
+"%s service is already running on %s"
+ % (service, hostname))
+ return True
+ cmd = "systemctl start %s" % service
+ ret, out, err =, cmd, "root")
+ if ret == 0:
+"successfully started %s service on %s"
+ % (service, hostname))
+ return True
+ g.log.error("failed to start %s service on %s"
+ % (service, hostname))
+ return False
+def start_rpcbind_service(hostname):
+ '''
+ This function starts the rpcbind service
+ Args:
+ hostname (str): hostname on which we want to start
+ rpcbind service
+ Returns:
+ bool: True if successfull or already running,
+ False otherwise
+ '''
+ return start_service(hostname, 'rpcbind')
+def start_gluster_blockd_service(hostname):
+ '''
+ This function starts the gluster-blockd service
+ Args:
+ hostname (str): hostname on which we want to start
+ gluster-blocks service
+ Returns:
+ bool: True if successfull or already running,
+ False otherwise
+ '''
+ return start_service(hostname, 'gluster-blockd')
+def validate_multipath_pod(hostname, podname, hacount):
+ '''
+ This function validates multipath for given app-pod
+ Args:
+ hostname (str): ocp master node name
+ podname (str): app-pod name for which we need to validate
+ multipath. ex : nginx1
+ hacount (int): multipath count or HA count. ex: 3
+ Returns:
+ bool: True if successful,
+ otherwise False
+ '''
+ cmd = "oc get pods -o wide | grep %s | awk '{print $7}'" % podname
+ ret, out, err =, cmd, "root")
+ if ret != 0 or out == "":
+ g.log.error("failed to exectute cmd %s on %s, err %s"
+ % (cmd, hostname, out))
+ return False
+ pod_nodename = out.strip()
+ active_node_count = 1
+ enable_node_count = hacount - 1
+ cmd = "multipath -ll | grep 'status=active' | wc -l"
+ ret, out, err =, cmd, "root")
+ if ret != 0 or out == "":
+ g.log.error("failed to exectute cmd %s on %s, err %s"
+ % (cmd, pod_nodename, out))
+ return False
+ active_count = int(output.strip())
+ if active_node_count != active_count:
+ g.log.error("active node count on %s for %s is %s and not 1"
+ % (pod_nodename, podname, active_count))
+ return False
+ cmd = "multipath -ll | grep 'status=enabled' | wc -l"
+ ret, out, err =, cmd, "root")
+ if ret != 0 or out == "":
+ g.log.error("failed to exectute cmd %s on %s, err %s"
+ % (cmd, pod_nodename, out))
+ return False
+ enable_count = int(out.strip())
+ if enable_node_count != enable_count:
+ g.log.error("passive node count on %s for %s is %s "
+ "and not %s" % (
+ pod_nodename, podname, enable_count,
+ enable_node_count))
+ return False
+"validation of multipath for %s is successfull"
+ % podname)
+ return True
+def validate_gluster_blockd_service_gluster_pod(hostname):
+ '''
+ This function validates if gluster-blockd service is
+ running on all gluster-pods
+ Args:
+ hostname (str): OCP master node name
+ Returns:
+ bool: True if service is running on all gluster-pods,
+ otherwise False
+ '''
+ gluster_pod_list = get_ocp_gluster_pod_names(hostname)
+"gluster_pod_list -> %s" % gluster_pod_list)
+ for pod in gluster_pod_list:
+ cmd = "systemctl status gluster-blockd"
+ ret, out, err = oc_rsh(hostname, pod, cmd)
+ if ret != 0:
+ g.log.error("failed to execute cmd %s on %s out: "
+ "%s err: %s" % (
+ cmd, hostname, out, err))
+ return False
+"gluster-blockd service is running on all "
+ "gluster-pods %s" % gluster_pod_list)
+ return True
diff --git a/cns-libs/cnslibs/common/ b/cns-libs/cnslibs/common/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c47f8b77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cns-libs/cnslibs/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+from glusto.core import Glusto as g
+DOCKER_FILE_PATH = "/etc/sysconfig/docker"
+def _docker_update_registry(hostname, registry, registry_type):
+ '''
+ This function updates docker registry
+ Args:
+ hostname (str): hostname on which want to setup
+ the docker
+ registry (str): add regsitry url that needs to be added
+ in docker file.
+ ex: "ADD_REGISTRY='--add-registry'"
+ registry_type (str): type of registry
+ ex: add or insecure
+ '''
+ try:
+ conn = g.rpyc_get_connection(hostname, user="root")
+ if conn is None:
+ g.log.error("Failed to get rpyc connection of node %s"
+ % hostname)
+ return False
+ if not conn.modules.os.path.exists(DOCKER_FILE_PATH):
+ g.log.error("Unable to locate %s in node %s"
+ % (DOCKER_FILE_PATH, hostname))
+ return False
+ registry_flag = False
+ lookup_str = "%s_REGISTRY=" % registry_type.upper()
+ for line in conn.modules.fileinput.input(
+ DOCKER_FILE_PATH, inplace=True):
+ if lookup_str in line:
+ registry_flag = True
+ if registry not in line:
+ line = line if "#" in line else "#" + line
+ conn.modules.sys.stdout.write(line)
+ conn.modules.sys.stdout.write(registry)
+ continue
+ conn.modules.sys.stdout.write(line)
+ if not registry_flag:
+ with, 'a+') as docker_file:
+ docker_file.write(registry + '\n')
+ except Exception as err:
+ g.log.error("failed to edit docker file with %s-registry "
+ "%s on %s" % (registry_type, err, hostname))
+ return False
+ finally:
+ g.rpyc_close_connection(hostname, user="root")
+"Sucessfully edited docker file with %s-registry "
+ "on %s" % (registry_type, hostname))
+ return True
+def docker_add_registry(hostname, registry_url):
+ '''
+ This function edits /etc/sysconfig/docker file with ADD_REGISTRY
+ Args:
+ hostname (str): hostname on which want to setup
+ the docker
+ registry_url (str): add regsitry url that needs to be added
+ in docker file.
+ ex: "ADD_REGISTRY='--add-registry'"
+ Returns:
+ bool: True if successful,
+ otherwise False
+ '''
+ return _docker_update_registry(hostname, registry_url, 'add')
+def docker_insecure_registry(hostname, registry_url):
+ '''
+ This function edits /etc/sysconfig/docker file with INSECURE_REGISTRY
+ Args:
+ hostname (str): hostname on which want to setup
+ the docker
+ registry_url (str): insecure registry url that needs to be added
+ in docker file.
+ '--insecure-registry'"
+ Returns:
+ bool: True if successful,
+ otherwise False
+ '''
+ return _docker_update_registry(hostname, registry_url, 'insecure')
diff --git a/cns-libs/cnslibs/common/sample-multipath.txt b/cns-libs/cnslibs/common/sample-multipath.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..52550101
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cns-libs/cnslibs/common/sample-multipath.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+devices {
+ device {
+ vendor "LIO-ORG"
+ user_friendly_names "yes" # names like mpatha
+ path_grouping_policy "failover" # one path per group
+ path_selector "round-robin 0"
+ failback immediate
+ path_checker "tur"
+ prio "const"
+ no_path_retry 120
+ rr_weight "uniform"
+ }
diff --git a/cns-libs/ b/cns-libs/
index cdfb2f4f..25da8f86 100644
--- a/cns-libs/
+++ b/cns-libs/
@@ -21,6 +21,6 @@ setup(
'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7'
'Topic :: Software Development :: Testing'
- install_requires=['glusto', 'ddt'],
+ install_requires=['glusto', 'ddt', 'rtyaml'],