path: root/tests/functional/provisioning/
diff options
authorValerii Ponomarov <>2019-03-06 16:15:25 +0530
committerValerii Ponomarov <>2019-03-06 16:28:52 +0530
commit3de9a4ea9623cd3a928ce30cbae3364beeac5edb (patch)
tree1746204da26e4648d20b656b2421ef42c78044a4 /tests/functional/provisioning/
parent3d4ab96edfa54ec7f2dd9682d1ee3e3077dfa79c (diff)
Reorder test files removing redundant dirs
Move all the files of 'tests/functional/common/' dir to the 'tests/functional/', because 'common' is the only dir there, which doesn't really makes sense. Do the same about 'tests/functional/common/heketi/heketi_tests' and 'tests/functional/common/heketi/'. Change-Id: I1fa55e2e7bf09e9b9115629b06e1fd160e291a36
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/functional/provisioning/')
1 files changed, 234 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/functional/provisioning/ b/tests/functional/provisioning/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9490ce61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/functional/provisioning/
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+import ddt
+from cnslibs.common.cns_libs import (
+ enable_pvc_resize)
+from cnslibs.common import heketi_ops
+from cnslibs.common.openshift_ops import (
+ resize_pvc,
+ get_pod_name_from_dc,
+ get_pv_name_from_pvc,
+ oc_create_app_dc_with_io,
+ oc_delete,
+ oc_rsh,
+ scale_dc_pod_amount_and_wait,
+ verify_pv_size,
+ verify_pvc_size,
+ wait_for_events,
+ wait_for_pod_be_ready,
+ wait_for_resource_absence)
+from cnslibs.common.openshift_version import get_openshift_version
+from cnslibs.common.baseclass import BaseClass
+from cnslibs.common.exceptions import ExecutionError
+from glusto.core import Glusto as g
+class TestPvResizeClass(BaseClass):
+ """Test cases for PV resize"""
+ @classmethod
+ def setUpClass(cls):
+ super(TestPvResizeClass, cls).setUpClass()
+ cls.node = cls.ocp_master_node[0]
+ if get_openshift_version() < "3.9":
+ cls.skip_me = True
+ return
+ enable_pvc_resize(cls.node)
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(TestPvResizeClass, self).setUp()
+ if getattr(self, "skip_me", False):
+ msg = ("pv resize is not available in openshift "
+ "version %s " % self.version)
+ g.log.error(msg)
+ raise self.skipTest(msg)
+, True)
+ def test_pv_resize_with_prefix_for_name(self,
+ create_vol_name_prefix=False):
+ """Validate PV resize with and without name prefix"""
+ dir_path = "/mnt/"
+ node = self.ocp_client[0]
+ # Create PVC
+ self.create_storage_class(
+ allow_volume_expansion=True,
+ create_vol_name_prefix=create_vol_name_prefix)
+ pvc_name = self.create_and_wait_for_pvc()
+ # Create DC with POD and attached PVC to it.
+ dc_name = oc_create_app_dc_with_io(node, pvc_name)
+ self.addCleanup(oc_delete, node, 'dc', dc_name)
+ self.addCleanup(scale_dc_pod_amount_and_wait,
+ node, dc_name, 0)
+ pod_name = get_pod_name_from_dc(node, dc_name)
+ wait_for_pod_be_ready(node, pod_name)
+ if create_vol_name_prefix:
+ ret = heketi_ops.verify_volume_name_prefix(
+ node,['volumenameprefix'],
+ pvc_name, self.heketi_server_url)
+ self.assertTrue(ret, "verify volnameprefix failed")
+ cmd = ("dd if=/dev/urandom of=%sfile "
+ "bs=100K count=1000") % dir_path
+ ret, out, err = oc_rsh(node, pod_name, cmd)
+ self.assertEqual(ret, 0, "failed to execute command %s on %s" % (
+ cmd, node))
+ cmd = ("dd if=/dev/urandom of=%sfile2 "
+ "bs=100K count=10000") % dir_path
+ ret, out, err = oc_rsh(node, pod_name, cmd)
+ self.assertNotEqual(ret, 0, " This IO did not fail as expected "
+ "command %s on %s" % (cmd, node))
+ pvc_size = 2
+ resize_pvc(node, pvc_name, pvc_size)
+ verify_pvc_size(node, pvc_name, pvc_size)
+ pv_name = get_pv_name_from_pvc(node, pvc_name)
+ verify_pv_size(node, pv_name, pvc_size)
+ oc_delete(node, 'pod', pod_name)
+ wait_for_resource_absence(node, 'pod', pod_name)
+ pod_name = get_pod_name_from_dc(node, dc_name)
+ wait_for_pod_be_ready(node, pod_name)
+ cmd = ("dd if=/dev/urandom of=%sfile_new "
+ "bs=50K count=10000") % dir_path
+ ret, out, err = oc_rsh(node, pod_name, cmd)
+ self.assertEqual(ret, 0, "failed to execute command %s on %s" % (
+ cmd, node))
+ def _pv_resize(self, exceed_free_space):
+ dir_path = "/mnt"
+ pvc_size_gb, min_free_space_gb = 1, 3
+ # Get available free space disabling redundant devices and nodes
+ heketi_url = self.heketi_server_url
+ node_id_list = heketi_ops.heketi_node_list(
+ self.heketi_client_node, heketi_url)
+ self.assertTrue(node_id_list)
+ nodes = {}
+ min_free_space = min_free_space_gb * 1024**2
+ for node_id in node_id_list:
+ node_info = heketi_ops.heketi_node_info(
+ self.heketi_client_node, heketi_url, node_id, json=True)
+ if (node_info['state'].lower() != 'online' or
+ not node_info['devices']):
+ continue
+ if len(nodes) > 2:
+ out = heketi_ops.heketi_node_disable(
+ self.heketi_client_node, heketi_url, node_id)
+ self.assertTrue(out)
+ self.addCleanup(
+ heketi_ops.heketi_node_enable,
+ self.heketi_client_node, heketi_url, node_id)
+ for device in node_info['devices']:
+ if device['state'].lower() != 'online':
+ continue
+ free_space = device['storage']['free']
+ if (node_id in nodes.keys() or free_space < min_free_space):
+ out = heketi_ops.heketi_device_disable(
+ self.heketi_client_node, heketi_url, device['id'])
+ self.assertTrue(out)
+ self.addCleanup(
+ heketi_ops.heketi_device_enable,
+ self.heketi_client_node, heketi_url, device['id'])
+ continue
+ nodes[node_id] = free_space
+ if len(nodes) < 3:
+ raise self.skipTest(
+ "Could not find 3 online nodes with, "
+ "at least, 1 online device having free space "
+ "bigger than %dGb." % min_free_space_gb)
+ # Calculate maximum available size for PVC
+ available_size_gb = int(min(nodes.values()) / (1024**2))
+ # Create PVC
+ self.create_storage_class(allow_volume_expansion=True)
+ pvc_name = self.create_and_wait_for_pvc(pvc_size=pvc_size_gb)
+ # Create DC with POD and attached PVC to it
+ dc_name = oc_create_app_dc_with_io(self.node, pvc_name)
+ self.addCleanup(oc_delete, self.node, 'dc', dc_name)
+ self.addCleanup(scale_dc_pod_amount_and_wait, self.node, dc_name, 0)
+ pod_name = get_pod_name_from_dc(self.node, dc_name)
+ wait_for_pod_be_ready(self.node, pod_name)
+ if exceed_free_space:
+ # Try to expand existing PVC exceeding free space
+ resize_pvc(self.node, pvc_name, available_size_gb)
+ wait_for_events(self.node, obj_name=pvc_name,
+ event_reason='VolumeResizeFailed')
+ # Check that app POD is up and runnig then try to write data
+ wait_for_pod_be_ready(self.node, pod_name)
+ cmd = (
+ "dd if=/dev/urandom of=%s/autotest bs=100K count=1" % dir_path)
+ ret, out, err = oc_rsh(self.node, pod_name, cmd)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ ret, 0,
+ "Failed to write data after failed attempt to expand PVC.")
+ else:
+ # Expand existing PVC using all the available free space
+ expand_size_gb = available_size_gb - pvc_size_gb
+ resize_pvc(self.node, pvc_name, expand_size_gb)
+ verify_pvc_size(self.node, pvc_name, expand_size_gb)
+ pv_name = get_pv_name_from_pvc(self.node, pvc_name)
+ verify_pv_size(self.node, pv_name, expand_size_gb)
+ wait_for_events(
+ self.node, obj_name=pvc_name,
+ event_reason='VolumeResizeSuccessful')
+ # Recreate app POD
+ oc_delete(self.node, 'pod', pod_name)
+ wait_for_resource_absence(self.node, 'pod', pod_name)
+ pod_name = get_pod_name_from_dc(self.node, dc_name)
+ wait_for_pod_be_ready(self.node, pod_name)
+ # Write data on the expanded PVC
+ cmd = ("dd if=/dev/urandom of=%s/autotest "
+ "bs=1M count=1025" % dir_path)
+ ret, out, err = oc_rsh(self.node, pod_name, cmd)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ ret, 0, "Failed to write data on the expanded PVC")
+ def test_pv_resize_no_free_space(self):
+ """Validate PVC resize fails if there is no free space available"""
+ self._pv_resize(exceed_free_space=True)
+ def test_pv_resize_by_exact_free_space(self):
+ """Validate PVC resize when resized by exact available free space"""
+ self._pv_resize(exceed_free_space=False)
+ def test_pv_resize_try_shrink_pv_size(self):
+ """Validate whether reducing the PV size is allowed"""
+ dir_path = "/mnt/"
+ node = self.ocp_master_node[0]
+ # Create PVC
+ pv_size = 5
+ self.create_storage_class(allow_volume_expansion=True)
+ pvc_name = self.create_and_wait_for_pvc(pvc_size=pv_size)
+ # Create DC with POD and attached PVC to it.
+ dc_name = oc_create_app_dc_with_io(node, pvc_name)
+ self.addCleanup(oc_delete, node, 'dc', dc_name)
+ self.addCleanup(scale_dc_pod_amount_and_wait,
+ node, dc_name, 0)
+ pod_name = get_pod_name_from_dc(node, dc_name)
+ wait_for_pod_be_ready(node, pod_name)
+ cmd = ("dd if=/dev/urandom of=%sfile "
+ "bs=100K count=3000") % dir_path
+ ret, out, err = oc_rsh(node, pod_name, cmd)
+ self.assertEqual(ret, 0, "failed to execute command %s on %s" % (
+ cmd, node))
+ pvc_resize = 2
+ with self.assertRaises(ExecutionError):
+ resize_pvc(node, pvc_name, pvc_resize)
+ verify_pvc_size(node, pvc_name, pv_size)
+ pv_name = get_pv_name_from_pvc(node, pvc_name)
+ verify_pv_size(node, pv_name, pv_size)
+ cmd = ("dd if=/dev/urandom of=%sfile_new "
+ "bs=100K count=2000") % dir_path
+ ret, out, err = oc_rsh(node, pod_name, cmd)
+ self.assertEqual(ret, 0, "failed to execute command %s on %s" % (
+ cmd, node))