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3 files changed, 296 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/cns-libs/cnslibs/common/ b/cns-libs/cnslibs/common/
index 16c050ca..03966475 100644
--- a/cns-libs/cnslibs/common/
+++ b/cns-libs/cnslibs/common/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
from glusto.core import Glusto as g
import yaml
+from cnslibs.common.command import cmd_run
from cnslibs.common.exceptions import (
@@ -10,7 +11,7 @@ from cnslibs.common.openshift_version import get_openshift_version
MASTER_CONFIG_FILEPATH = "/etc/origin/master/master-config.yaml"
-def validate_multipath_pod(hostname, podname, hacount):
+def validate_multipath_pod(hostname, podname, hacount, mpath=""):
This function validates multipath for given app-pod
@@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ def validate_multipath_pod(hostname, podname, hacount):
pod_nodename = out.strip()
active_node_count = 1
enable_node_count = hacount - 1
- cmd = "multipath -ll | grep 'status=active' | wc -l"
+ cmd = "multipath -ll %s | grep 'status=active' | wc -l" % mpath
ret, out, err =, cmd, "root")
if ret != 0 or out == "":
g.log.error("failed to exectute cmd %s on %s, err %s"
@@ -42,7 +43,7 @@ def validate_multipath_pod(hostname, podname, hacount):
g.log.error("active node count on %s for %s is %s and not 1"
% (pod_nodename, podname, active_count))
return False
- cmd = "multipath -ll | grep 'status=enabled' | wc -l"
+ cmd = "multipath -ll %s | grep 'status=enabled' | wc -l" % mpath
ret, out, err =, cmd, "root")
if ret != 0 or out == "":
g.log.error("failed to exectute cmd %s on %s, err %s"
@@ -132,3 +133,95 @@ def enable_pvc_resize(master_node):
raise ExecutionError(err_msg)
return True
+def get_iscsi_session(node, iqn=None, raise_on_error=True):
+ """Get the list of ip's of iscsi sessions.
+ Args:
+ node (str): where we want to run the command.
+ iqn (str): name of iqn.
+ Returns:
+ list: list of session ip's.
+ raises:
+ ExecutionError: In case of any failure if raise_on_error=True.
+ """
+ cmd = "set -o pipefail && ((iscsiadm -m session"
+ if iqn:
+ cmd += " | grep %s" % iqn
+ cmd += ") | awk '{print $3}' | cut -d ':' -f 1)"
+ out = cmd_run(cmd, node, raise_on_error=raise_on_error)
+ return out.split("\n") if out else out
+def get_iscsi_block_devices_by_path(node, iqn=None, raise_on_error=True):
+ """Get list of iscsiadm block devices from path.
+ Args:
+ node (str): where we want to run the command.
+ iqn (str): name of iqn.
+ returns:
+ dictionary: block devices and there ips.
+ raises:
+ ExecutionError: In case of any failure if raise_on_error=True.
+ """
+ cmd = "set -o pipefail && ((ls --format=context /dev/disk/by-path/ip*"
+ if iqn:
+ cmd += " | grep %s" % iqn
+ cmd += ") | awk -F '/|:|-' '{print $10,$25}')"
+ out = cmd_run(cmd, node, raise_on_error=raise_on_error)
+ if not out:
+ return out
+ out_dic = {}
+ for i in out.split("\n"):
+ ip, device = i.strip().split(" ")
+ out_dic[device] = ip
+ return out_dic
+def get_mpath_name_from_device_name(node, device, raise_on_error=True):
+ """Get name of mpath device form block device
+ Args:
+ node (str): where we want to run the command.
+ device (str): for which we have to find mpath.
+ Returns:
+ str: name of device
+ Raises:
+ ExecutionError: In case of any failure if raise_on_error=True.
+ """
+ cmd = ("set -o pipefail && ((lsblk -n --list --output=NAME /dev/%s)"
+ " | tail -1)" % device)
+ return cmd_run(cmd, node, raise_on_error=raise_on_error)
+def get_active_and_enabled_devices_from_mpath(node, mpath):
+ """Get active and enabled devices from mpath name.
+ Args:
+ node (str): where we want to run the command.
+ mpath (str): name of mpath for which we have to find devices.
+ Returns:
+ dictionary: devices info
+ Raises:
+ ExecutionError: In case of any failure
+ """
+ cmd = ("set -o pipefail && ((multipath -ll %s | grep -A 1 status=%s)"
+ " | cut -d ':' -f 4 | awk '{print $2}')")
+ active = cmd_run(cmd % (mpath, 'active'), node).split('\n')[1::2]
+ enabled = cmd_run(cmd % (mpath, 'enabled'), node).split('\n')[1::2]
+ out_dic = {
+ 'active': active,
+ 'enabled': enabled}
+ return out_dic
diff --git a/cns-libs/cnslibs/common/ b/cns-libs/cnslibs/common/
index 2899d531..b7390152 100644
--- a/cns-libs/cnslibs/common/
+++ b/cns-libs/cnslibs/common/
@@ -1451,3 +1451,56 @@ def restart_service_on_gluster_pod_or_node(ocp_client, service, gluster_node):
ocp_client, SERVICE_RESTART % service, gluster_node)
+def oc_adm_manage_node(
+ ocp_client, operation, nodes=None, node_selector=None):
+ """Manage common operations on nodes for administrators.
+ Args:
+ ocp_client (str): host on which we want to run 'oc' commands.
+ operations (str):
+ eg. --schedulable=true.
+ nodes (list): list of nodes to manage.
+ node_selector (str): selector to select the nodes.
+ Note: 'nodes' and 'node_selector' are are mutually exclusive.
+ Only either of them should be passed as parameter not both.
+ Returns:
+ str: In case of success.
+ Raises:
+ AssertionError: In case of any failures.
+ """
+ if (not nodes) == (not node_selector):
+ raise AssertionError(
+ "'nodes' and 'node_selector' are mutually exclusive. "
+ "Only either of them should be passed as parameter not both.")
+ cmd = "oc adm manage-node %s" % operation
+ if node_selector:
+ cmd += " --selector %s" % node_selector
+ else:
+ node = ' '.join(nodes)
+ cmd += " " + node
+ return command.cmd_run(cmd, ocp_client)
+def oc_get_schedulable_nodes(ocp_client):
+ """Get the list of schedulable nodes.
+ Args:
+ ocp_client (str): host on which we want to run 'oc' commands.
+ Returns:
+ list: list of nodes if present.
+ Raises:
+ AssertionError: In case of any failures.
+ """
+ cmd = ("oc get nodes --field-selector=spec.unschedulable!=true "
+ ",:.spec.taints[*].effect "
+ "--no-headers | awk '!/NoSchedule/{print $1}'")
+ out = command.cmd_run(cmd, ocp_client)
+ return out.split('\n') if out else out
diff --git a/tests/functional/common/provisioning/ b/tests/functional/common/provisioning/
index 3661e9fb..3adbcd43 100644
--- a/tests/functional/common/provisioning/
+++ b/tests/functional/common/provisioning/
@@ -1,17 +1,26 @@
from unittest import skip
from cnslibs.common.baseclass import GlusterBlockBaseClass
+from cnslibs.common.cns_libs import (
+ get_iscsi_block_devices_by_path,
+ get_iscsi_session,
+ get_mpath_name_from_device_name,
+ validate_multipath_pod,
+ )
+from cnslibs.common.command import cmd_run
from cnslibs.common.exceptions import ExecutionError
from cnslibs.common.openshift_ops import (
+ oc_adm_manage_node,
- oc_get_pods,
+ oc_get_pods,
+ oc_get_schedulable_nodes,
@@ -20,6 +29,7 @@ from cnslibs.common.openshift_ops import (
from cnslibs.common.heketi_ops import (
+ heketi_blockvolume_info,
from cnslibs.common.waiter import Waiter
@@ -346,3 +356,139 @@ class TestDynamicProvisioningBlockP0(GlusterBlockBaseClass):
self.assertNotIn(vol_id, blocklist)
oc_delete(self.node, 'pv', pv_name)
wait_for_resource_absence(self.node, 'pv', pv_name)
+ def initiator_side_failures(self):
+ # get storage ips of glusterfs pods
+ keys = self.gluster_servers
+ gluster_ips = []
+ for key in keys:
+ gluster_ips.append(self.gluster_servers_info[key]['storage'])
+ gluster_ips.sort()
+ self.create_storage_class()
+ self.create_and_wait_for_pvc()
+ # find iqn and hacount from volume info
+ pv_name = get_pv_name_from_pvc(self.node, self.pvc_name)
+ custom = [r':.metadata.annotations."gluster\.org\/volume\-id"']
+ vol_id = oc_get_custom_resource(self.node, 'pv', custom, pv_name)[0]
+ vol_info = heketi_blockvolume_info(
+ self.heketi_client_node, self.heketi_server_url, vol_id, json=True)
+ iqn = vol_info['blockvolume']['iqn']
+ hacount = int(['hacount'])
+ # create app pod
+ dc_name, pod_name = self.create_dc_with_pvc(self.pvc_name)
+ # When we have to verify iscsi login devices & mpaths, we run it twice
+ for i in range(2):
+ # get node hostname from pod info
+ pod_info = oc_get_pods(
+ self.node, selector='deploymentconfig=%s' % dc_name)
+ node = pod_info[pod_name]['node']
+ # get the iscsi sessions info from the node
+ iscsi = get_iscsi_session(node, iqn)
+ self.assertEqual(hacount, len(iscsi))
+ iscsi.sort()
+ self.assertEqual(set(iscsi), (set(gluster_ips) & set(iscsi)))
+ # get the paths info from the node
+ devices = get_iscsi_block_devices_by_path(node, iqn).keys()
+ self.assertEqual(hacount, len(devices))
+ # get mpath names and verify that only one mpath is there
+ mpaths = set()
+ for device in devices:
+ mpaths.add(get_mpath_name_from_device_name(node, device))
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(mpaths))
+ validate_multipath_pod(
+ self.node, pod_name, hacount, mpath=list(mpaths)[0])
+ # When we have to verify iscsi session logout, we run only once
+ if i == 1:
+ break
+ # make node unschedulabe where pod is running
+ oc_adm_manage_node(
+ self.node, '--schedulable=false', nodes=[node])
+ # make node schedulabe where pod is running
+ self.addCleanup(
+ oc_adm_manage_node, self.node, '--schedulable=true',
+ nodes=[node])
+ # delete pod so it get respun on any other node
+ oc_delete(self.node, 'pod', pod_name)
+ wait_for_resource_absence(self.node, 'pod', pod_name)
+ # wait for pod to come up
+ pod_name = get_pod_name_from_dc(self.node, dc_name)
+ wait_for_pod_be_ready(self.node, pod_name)
+ # get the iscsi session from the previous node to verify logout
+ iscsi = get_iscsi_session(node, iqn, raise_on_error=False)
+ self.assertFalse(iscsi)
+ def test_initiator_side_failures_initiator_and_target_on_different_node(
+ self):
+ nodes = oc_get_schedulable_nodes(self.node)
+ # get list of all gluster nodes
+ cmd = ("oc get pods --no-headers -l glusterfs-node=pod "
+ "-o=custom-columns=:.spec.nodeName")
+ g_nodes = cmd_run(cmd, self.node)
+ g_nodes = g_nodes.split('\n') if g_nodes else g_nodes
+ # skip test case if required schedulable node count not met
+ if len(set(nodes) - set(g_nodes)) < 2:
+ self.skipTest("skipping test case because it needs at least two"
+ " nodes schedulable")
+ # make containerized Gluster nodes unschedulable
+ if g_nodes:
+ # make gluster nodes unschedulable
+ oc_adm_manage_node(
+ self.node, '--schedulable=false',
+ nodes=g_nodes)
+ # make gluster nodes schedulable
+ self.addCleanup(
+ oc_adm_manage_node, self.node, '--schedulable=true',
+ nodes=g_nodes)
+ self.initiator_side_failures()
+ def test_initiator_side_failures_initiator_and_target_on_same_node(self):
+ # Note: This test case is supported for containerized gluster only.
+ nodes = oc_get_schedulable_nodes(self.node)
+ # get list of all gluster nodes
+ cmd = ("oc get pods --no-headers -l glusterfs-node=pod "
+ "-o=custom-columns=:.spec.nodeName")
+ g_nodes = cmd_run(cmd, self.node)
+ g_nodes = g_nodes.split('\n') if g_nodes else g_nodes
+ # get the list of nodes other than gluster
+ o_nodes = list((set(nodes) - set(g_nodes)))
+ # skip the test case if it is crs setup
+ if not g_nodes:
+ self.skipTest("skipping test case because it is not a "
+ "containerized gluster setup. "
+ "This test case is for containerized gluster only.")
+ # make other nodes unschedulable
+ oc_adm_manage_node(
+ self.node, '--schedulable=false', nodes=o_nodes)
+ # make other nodes schedulable
+ self.addCleanup(
+ oc_adm_manage_node, self.node, '--schedulable=true', nodes=o_nodes)
+ self.initiator_side_failures()