path: root/deployment/playbooks/roles/create-vm-prod-ose/tasks/main.yaml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deployment/playbooks/roles/create-vm-prod-ose/tasks/main.yaml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 157 deletions
diff --git a/deployment/playbooks/roles/create-vm-prod-ose/tasks/main.yaml b/deployment/playbooks/roles/create-vm-prod-ose/tasks/main.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index a0124348..00000000
--- a/deployment/playbooks/roles/create-vm-prod-ose/tasks/main.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-- name: Get to know whether we need to add following nodes to "new_nodes" group or not
- set_fact:
- is_add_nodes: "{{ is_add_nodes | default(false) }}"
-- name: Define memory and disk parameters per node type
- set_fact:
- host_data:
- master:
- memory: 16384
- disk:
- - {'size_gb': 60, 'type': 'thin', 'datastore': "{{ vcenter_datastore }}"}
- - {'size_gb': 40, 'type': 'thin', 'datastore': "{{ vcenter_datastore }}"}
- - {'size_gb': 40, 'type': 'thin', 'datastore': "{{ vcenter_datastore }}"}
- - {'size_gb': 40, 'type': 'thin', 'datastore': "{{ vcenter_datastore }}"}
- compute:
- memory: "{{ ('cns' in container_storage) | ternary(32768, 8192) }}"
- disk:
- - {'size_gb': 60, 'type': 'thin', 'datastore': "{{ vcenter_datastore }}"}
- - {'size_gb': 40, 'type': 'thin', 'datastore': "{{ vcenter_datastore }}"}
- - {'size_gb': 40, 'type': 'thin', 'datastore': "{{ vcenter_datastore }}"}
-- name: Create production VMs on vCenter
- vmware_guest:
- hostname: "{{ vcenter_host }}"
- username: "{{ vcenter_username }}"
- password: "{{ vcenter_password }}"
- validate_certs: False
- name: "{{ item.value.guestname }}"
- cluster: "{{ vcenter_cluster}}"
- datacenter: "{{ vcenter_datacenter }}"
- resource_pool: "{{ vcenter_resource_pool }}"
- template: "{{vcenter_template_name}}"
- state: poweredon
- wait_for_ip_address: true
- folder: "/{{ vcenter_folder }}"
- annotation: "{{ item.value.tag }}"
- disk: "{{ host_data[item.value.guesttype].disk }}"
- hardware:
- memory_mb: "{{ host_data[item.value.guesttype].memory }}"
- networks: "[{'name': '{{ vm_network }}', 'type': 'dhcp' }]"
- customization:
- domain: "{{dns_zone}}"
- dns_suffix: "{{ dns_zone }}"
- hostname: "{{ item.value.guestname }}"
- with_dict: "{{ host_inventory }}"
- when: "item.value.guesttype in ['compute', 'master']"
- async: "{{ 6 * 600 }}"
- poll: 0
- register: async_vms_creation
-- name: Check async status of VMs creation
- async_status:
- jid: "{{ async_result_item.ansible_job_id }}"
- with_items: "{{ async_vms_creation.results }}"
- loop_control:
- loop_var: "async_result_item"
- register: async_poll_results
- until: async_poll_results.finished
- retries: "{{ 6 * 100 }}"
-- name: Read info of newly created VMs
- vmware_guest_tools_wait:
- hostname: "{{ vcenter_host }}"
- username: "{{ vcenter_username }}"
- password: "{{ vcenter_password }}"
- folder: "/{{ vcenter_folder }}"
- validate_certs: False
- uuid: "{{ item.instance.hw_product_uuid }}"
- with_items: "{{ async_poll_results.results }}"
- register: facts
-- name: Map node names and their IP addresses
- set_fact:
- ip4addrs: "{{ ip4addrs | default({}) | combine(
- {item.instance.hw_name: (
- item.instance.hw_eth0.ipaddresses | ipv4 | first)},
- recursive=True) }}"
- hostnames_for_reboot: "{{
- (hostnames_for_reboot | default([])) +
- [(item.instance.hw_eth0.ipaddresses | ipv4 | first)] }}"
- with_items: "{{ facts.results }}"
-- name: Add production VMs to inventory
- add_host:
- hostname: "{{ item.value.guestname }}"
- ansible_fqdn: "{{ item.value.guestname }}.{{ dns_zone }}"
- ansible_ssh_host: "{{ ip4addrs[item.value.guestname] }}"
- groups: "{{ item.value.tag }}, production_group{{ is_add_nodes | ternary(', new_nodes', '')}}"
- openshift_node_group_name: "{{
- (item.value.guesttype == 'master') | ternary('node-config-master',
- 'node-config-compute') }}"
- with_dict: "{{ host_inventory }}"
- when: "item.value.guesttype in ['compute', 'master']"
-# Following updates config file
-# which is required for automated tests from 'glusterfs-containers-tests' repo
-- name: Gather data about existing master nodes for tests config file
- set_fact:
- ocp_master_and_client_nodes: "{{
- ocp_master_and_client_nodes | default({}) | combine({
- (
- ((
- (hostvars[item].guest | default({'net': [{
- 'network': vm_network,
- 'ipaddress': [
- ip4addrs[hostvars[item].inventory_hostname_short]
- ]
- }]})).net | selectattr('network', 'equalto', vm_network)
- ) | list)[0].ipaddress | ipv4 | first
- ): {
- 'hostname': hostvars[item].inventory_hostname_short,
- }
- })
- }}"
- with_items: "{{ groups[cluster_id + '-master'] }}"
- when: cns_automation_config_file_path | length > 0
-- name: Gather data about existing compute nodes for tests config file
- set_fact:
- ocp_compute_nodes: "{{
- ocp_compute_nodes | default({}) | combine({
- (
- ((
- (hostvars[item].guest | default({'net': [{
- 'network': vm_network,
- 'ipaddress': [
- ip4addrs[hostvars[item].inventory_hostname_short]
- ]
- }]})).net | selectattr('network', 'equalto', vm_network)
- ) | list)[0].ipaddress | ipv4 | first
- ): {
- 'hostname': hostvars[item].inventory_hostname_short,
- }
- })
- }}"
- with_items: "{{ groups[cluster_id + '-compute'] | default([]) }} "
- when: cns_automation_config_file_path | length > 0
-- name: Update 'glusterfs-containers-tests' config file
- yedit:
- src: "{{ cns_automation_config_file_path }}"
- state: present
- edits:
- - key: ocp_servers
- value:
- master: "{{ ocp_master_and_client_nodes }}"
- client: "{{ ocp_master_and_client_nodes }}"
- nodes: "{{ ocp_compute_nodes }}"
- - key: openshift.heketi_config.heketi_client_node
- value: "{{ ocp_master_and_client_nodes.keys()[0] }}"
- - key: openshift.heketi_config.heketi_server_url
- value: "http://{{ ocp_master_and_client_nodes.keys()[0] }}:8080"
- when:
- - ocp_master_and_client_nodes is defined
- - ocp_compute_nodes is defined