diff options
7 files changed, 888 insertions, 92 deletions
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--- a/.gitignore
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@@ -7,3 +7,4 @@ cover
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--- a/
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@@ -1,59 +1,57 @@
-# Overview
+### Overview
-Python bindings for the [GlusterFS]( libgfapi interface
+This is the official python bindings for the
+[GlusterFS]( libgfapi C library interface.
-# Installation
+Complete API reference and documentation can be found at
-1) Clone the git repo
+### Installation
$ git clone
$ cd libgfapi-python
-2) Run the setup script
$ sudo python install
-# Usage
+### Example Usage
from gluster import gfapi
-import os
-## Create virtual mount
-volume = gfapi.Volume(....)
+# Create virtual mount
+volume = gfapi.Volume('', 'datavolume')
-## Create a new directory
-volume.mkdir('newdir', 0755)
+# Create directory
+volume.mkdir('dir1', 0755)
-## Create a new directory recursively
+# List directories
-## Delete a directory
+# Create new file and write to it
+with volume.fopen('somefile.txt', 'w+') as f:
+ f.write("Winter is coming.")
-## Create a file from a string using fopen. w+: open file for reading and writing
-with volume.fopen('somefile.txt', 'w+') as fd:
- fd.write("shadowfax")
+# Open and read file
+with volume.fopen('somefile.txt', 'r') as f:
+ print
-## Read a file. r: open file for only reading
-with volume.fopen('somefile.txt', 'r') as fd:
- print
-## Write to an existing file. a+: open a file for reading and appending
-with volume.fopen('somefile.txt','a+') as fd:
- fd.write("\n some new line in our file")
-## Delete a file
+# Delete file
-## Unmount a volume
+# Unmount the volume
-# Development
-* [Developer Guide](doc/markdown/
+### TODOs
+* Submit to pypy to enable installing using pip
+* Add support for py3
+* Implement async I/O APIs
+* Implement file locking APIs
+* Implement os.scandir() like API that leverages d\_type
+* Improve Volume.walk() by leveraging scandir.
+* Test and allow protocols other than TCP such as rdma and socket.
+Please follow the [Developer Guide](doc/markdown/ to contribute code.
diff --git a/doc/Makefile b/doc/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..858fc5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+# Makefile for Sphinx documentation
+# You can set these variables from the command line.
+SPHINXBUILD = sphinx-build
+BUILDDIR = _build
+# Internal variables.
+PAPEROPT_a4 = -D latex_paper_size=a4
+PAPEROPT_letter = -D latex_paper_size=letter
+# the i18n builder cannot share the environment and doctrees with the others
+.PHONY: help
+ @echo "Please use \`make <target>' where <target> is one of"
+ @echo " html to make standalone HTML files"
+ @echo " dirhtml to make HTML files named index.html in directories"
+ @echo " singlehtml to make a single large HTML file"
+ @echo " pickle to make pickle files"
+ @echo " json to make JSON files"
+ @echo " htmlhelp to make HTML files and a HTML help project"
+ @echo " qthelp to make HTML files and a qthelp project"
+ @echo " applehelp to make an Apple Help Book"
+ @echo " devhelp to make HTML files and a Devhelp project"
+ @echo " epub to make an epub"
+ @echo " epub3 to make an epub3"
+ @echo " latex to make LaTeX files, you can set PAPER=a4 or PAPER=letter"
+ @echo " latexpdf to make LaTeX files and run them through pdflatex"
+ @echo " latexpdfja to make LaTeX files and run them through platex/dvipdfmx"
+ @echo " text to make text files"
+ @echo " man to make manual pages"
+ @echo " texinfo to make Texinfo files"
+ @echo " info to make Texinfo files and run them through makeinfo"
+ @echo " gettext to make PO message catalogs"
+ @echo " changes to make an overview of all changed/added/deprecated items"
+ @echo " xml to make Docutils-native XML files"
+ @echo " pseudoxml to make pseudoxml-XML files for display purposes"
+ @echo " linkcheck to check all external links for integrity"
+ @echo " doctest to run all doctests embedded in the documentation (if enabled)"
+ @echo " coverage to run coverage check of the documentation (if enabled)"
+ @echo " dummy to check syntax errors of document sources"
+.PHONY: clean
+ rm -rf $(BUILDDIR)/*
+.PHONY: html
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished. The HTML pages are in $(BUILDDIR)/html."
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+ $(SPHINXBUILD) -b dirhtml $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/dirhtml
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished. The HTML pages are in $(BUILDDIR)/dirhtml."
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+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished. The HTML page is in $(BUILDDIR)/singlehtml."
+.PHONY: pickle
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished; now you can process the pickle files."
+.PHONY: json
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished; now you can process the JSON files."
+.PHONY: htmlhelp
+ $(SPHINXBUILD) -b htmlhelp $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/htmlhelp
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished; now you can run HTML Help Workshop with the" \
+ ".hhp project file in $(BUILDDIR)/htmlhelp."
+.PHONY: qthelp
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished; now you can run "qcollectiongenerator" with the" \
+ ".qhcp project file in $(BUILDDIR)/qthelp, like this:"
+ @echo "# qcollectiongenerator $(BUILDDIR)/qthelp/libgfapi-python.qhcp"
+ @echo "To view the help file:"
+ @echo "# assistant -collectionFile $(BUILDDIR)/qthelp/libgfapi-python.qhc"
+.PHONY: applehelp
+ $(SPHINXBUILD) -b applehelp $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/applehelp
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished. The help book is in $(BUILDDIR)/applehelp."
+ @echo "N.B. You won't be able to view it unless you put it in" \
+ "~/Library/Documentation/Help or install it in your application" \
+ "bundle."
+.PHONY: devhelp
+ $(SPHINXBUILD) -b devhelp $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/devhelp
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished."
+ @echo "To view the help file:"
+ @echo "# mkdir -p $$HOME/.local/share/devhelp/libgfapi-python"
+ @echo "# ln -s $(BUILDDIR)/devhelp $$HOME/.local/share/devhelp/libgfapi-python"
+ @echo "# devhelp"
+.PHONY: epub
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished. The epub file is in $(BUILDDIR)/epub."
+.PHONY: epub3
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished. The epub3 file is in $(BUILDDIR)/epub3."
+.PHONY: latex
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished; the LaTeX files are in $(BUILDDIR)/latex."
+ @echo "Run \`make' in that directory to run these through (pdf)latex" \
+ "(use \`make latexpdf' here to do that automatically)."
+.PHONY: latexpdf
+ @echo "Running LaTeX files through pdflatex..."
+ $(MAKE) -C $(BUILDDIR)/latex all-pdf
+ @echo "pdflatex finished; the PDF files are in $(BUILDDIR)/latex."
+.PHONY: latexpdfja
+ @echo "Running LaTeX files through platex and dvipdfmx..."
+ $(MAKE) -C $(BUILDDIR)/latex all-pdf-ja
+ @echo "pdflatex finished; the PDF files are in $(BUILDDIR)/latex."
+.PHONY: text
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished. The text files are in $(BUILDDIR)/text."
+.PHONY: man
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished. The manual pages are in $(BUILDDIR)/man."
+.PHONY: texinfo
+ $(SPHINXBUILD) -b texinfo $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/texinfo
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished. The Texinfo files are in $(BUILDDIR)/texinfo."
+ @echo "Run \`make' in that directory to run these through makeinfo" \
+ "(use \`make info' here to do that automatically)."
+.PHONY: info
+ $(SPHINXBUILD) -b texinfo $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/texinfo
+ @echo "Running Texinfo files through makeinfo..."
+ make -C $(BUILDDIR)/texinfo info
+ @echo "makeinfo finished; the Info files are in $(BUILDDIR)/texinfo."
+.PHONY: gettext
+ $(SPHINXBUILD) -b gettext $(I18NSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/locale
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished. The message catalogs are in $(BUILDDIR)/locale."
+.PHONY: changes
+ $(SPHINXBUILD) -b changes $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/changes
+ @echo
+ @echo "The overview file is in $(BUILDDIR)/changes."
+.PHONY: linkcheck
+ $(SPHINXBUILD) -b linkcheck $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/linkcheck
+ @echo
+ @echo "Link check complete; look for any errors in the above output " \
+ "or in $(BUILDDIR)/linkcheck/output.txt."
+.PHONY: doctest
+ $(SPHINXBUILD) -b doctest $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/doctest
+ @echo "Testing of doctests in the sources finished, look at the " \
+ "results in $(BUILDDIR)/doctest/output.txt."
+.PHONY: coverage
+ $(SPHINXBUILD) -b coverage $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/coverage
+ @echo "Testing of coverage in the sources finished, look at the " \
+ "results in $(BUILDDIR)/coverage/python.txt."
+.PHONY: xml
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished. The XML files are in $(BUILDDIR)/xml."
+.PHONY: pseudoxml
+ $(SPHINXBUILD) -b pseudoxml $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/pseudoxml
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished. The pseudo-XML files are in $(BUILDDIR)/pseudoxml."
+.PHONY: dummy
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished. Dummy builder generates no files."
diff --git a/doc/api-reference.rst b/doc/api-reference.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98b0427
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/api-reference.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+API Reference
+Volume Class
+.. autoclass:: gluster.gfapi.Volume
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
+ :noindex:
+ .. automethod:: gluster.gfapi.Volume.__init__
+File Class
+.. autoclass:: gluster.gfapi.File
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
+ :noindex:
+ .. automethod:: gluster.gfapi.File.__init__
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f3d8e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# libgfapi-python documentation build configuration file, created by
+# sphinx-quickstart on Wed Jun 8 16:29:53 2016.
+# This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its
+# containing dir.
+# Note that not all possible configuration values are present in this
+# autogenerated file.
+# All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out
+# serve to show the default.
+# If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory,
+# add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the
+# documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here.
+import os
+import sys
+import mock
+sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('..'))
+for module in ('ctypes', '', ''):
+ sys.modules[module] = mock.MagicMock()
+# -- General configuration ------------------------------------------------
+# If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here.
+# needs_sphinx = '1.0'
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+# extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom
+# ones.
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+# You can specify multiple suffix as a list of string:
+# source_suffix = ['.rst', '.md']
+source_suffix = '.rst'
+# The encoding of source files.
+# source_encoding = 'utf-8-sig'
+# The master toctree document.
+master_doc = 'index'
+# General information about the project.
+project = u'libgfapi-python'
+copyright = u'2016, Red Hat, Inc.'
+author = u'Red Hat, Inc.'
+# The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for
+# |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
+# built documents.
+# The short X.Y version.
+version = u'1.0'
+# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
+release = u'0'
+# The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation
+# for a list of supported languages.
+# This is also used if you do content translation via gettext catalogs.
+# Usually you set "language" from the command line for these cases.
+language = None
+# There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some
+# non-false value, then it is used:
+# today = ''
+# Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call.
+# today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y'
+# List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and
+# directories to ignore when looking for source files.
+# This patterns also effect to html_static_path and html_extra_path
+exclude_patterns = ['_build', 'Thumbs.db', '.DS_Store']
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+# documents.
+# default_role = None
+# If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text.
+# add_function_parentheses = True
+# If true, the current module name will be prepended to all description
+# unit titles (such as .. function::).
+# add_module_names = True
+# If true, sectionauthor and moduleauthor directives will be shown in the
+# output. They are ignored by default.
+# show_authors = False
+# The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use.
+pygments_style = 'sphinx'
+# A list of ignored prefixes for module index sorting.
+# modindex_common_prefix = []
+# If true, keep warnings as "system message" paragraphs in the built documents.
+# keep_warnings = False
+# If true, `todo` and `todoList` produce output, else they produce nothing.
+todo_include_todos = False
+# -- Options for HTML output ----------------------------------------------
+# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for
+# a list of builtin themes.
+html_theme = 'alabaster'
+# Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme
+# further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the
+# documentation.
+# html_theme_options = {}
+# Add any paths that contain custom themes here, relative to this directory.
+# html_theme_path = []
+# The name for this set of Sphinx documents.
+# "<project> v<release> documentation" by default.
+# html_title = u'libgfapi-python v0'
+# A shorter title for the navigation bar. Default is the same as html_title.
+# html_short_title = None
+# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top
+# of the sidebar.
+# html_logo = None
+# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to use as a favicon of
+# the docs. This file should be a Windows icon file (.ico) being 16x16 or 32x32
+# pixels large.
+# html_favicon = None
+# Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here,
+# relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files,
+# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css".
+html_static_path = ['_static']
+# Add any extra paths that contain custom files (such as robots.txt or
+# .htaccess) here, relative to this directory. These files are copied
+# directly to the root of the documentation.
+# html_extra_path = []
+# If not None, a 'Last updated on:' timestamp is inserted at every page
+# bottom, using the given strftime format.
+# The empty string is equivalent to '%b %d, %Y'.
+# html_last_updated_fmt = None
+# If true, SmartyPants will be used to convert quotes and dashes to
+# typographically correct entities.
+# html_use_smartypants = True
+# Custom sidebar templates, maps document names to template names.
+# html_sidebars = {}
+# Additional templates that should be rendered to pages, maps page names to
+# template names.
+# html_additional_pages = {}
+# If false, no module index is generated.
+# html_domain_indices = True
+# If false, no index is generated.
+# html_use_index = True
+# If true, the index is split into individual pages for each letter.
+# html_split_index = False
+# If true, links to the reST sources are added to the pages.
+# html_show_sourcelink = True
+# If true, "Created using Sphinx" is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True.
+# html_show_sphinx = True
+# If true, "(C) Copyright ..." is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True.
+# html_show_copyright = True
+# If true, an OpenSearch description file will be output, and all pages will
+# contain a <link> tag referring to it. The value of this option must be the
+# base URL from which the finished HTML is served.
+# html_use_opensearch = ''
+# This is the file name suffix for HTML files (e.g. ".xhtml").
+# html_file_suffix = None
+# Language to be used for generating the HTML full-text search index.
+# Sphinx supports the following languages:
+# 'da', 'de', 'en', 'es', 'fi', 'fr', 'hu', 'it', 'ja'
+# 'nl', 'no', 'pt', 'ro', 'ru', 'sv', 'tr', 'zh'
+# html_search_language = 'en'
+# A dictionary with options for the search language support, empty by default.
+# 'ja' uses this config value.
+# 'zh' user can custom change `jieba` dictionary path.
+# html_search_options = {'type': 'default'}
+# The name of a javascript file (relative to the configuration directory) that
+# implements a search results scorer. If empty, the default will be used.
+# html_search_scorer = 'scorer.js'
+# Output file base name for HTML help builder.
+htmlhelp_basename = 'libgfapi-pythondoc'
+# -- Options for LaTeX output ---------------------------------------------
+latex_elements = {
+ # The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper').
+ #
+ # 'papersize': 'letterpaper',
+ # The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt').
+ #
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+ #
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+ #
+ # 'figure_align': 'htbp',
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+# (source start file, target name, title,
+# author, documentclass [howto, manual, or own class]).
+latex_documents = [
+ (master_doc, 'libgfapi-python.tex', u'libgfapi-python Documentation',
+ u'Red Hat Inc.', 'manual'),
+# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of
+# the title page.
+# latex_logo = None
+# For "manual" documents, if this is true, then toplevel headings are parts,
+# not chapters.
+# latex_use_parts = False
+# If true, show page references after internal links.
+# latex_show_pagerefs = False
+# If true, show URL addresses after external links.
+# latex_show_urls = False
+# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals.
+# latex_appendices = []
+# If false, no module index is generated.
+# latex_domain_indices = True
+# -- Options for manual page output ---------------------------------------
+# One entry per manual page. List of tuples
+# (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section).
+man_pages = [
+ (master_doc, 'libgfapi-python', u'libgfapi-python Documentation',
+ [author], 1)
+# If true, show URL addresses after external links.
+# man_show_urls = False
+# -- Options for Texinfo output -------------------------------------------
+# Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples
+# (source start file, target name, title, author,
+# dir menu entry, description, category)
+texinfo_documents = [
+ (master_doc, 'libgfapi-python', u'libgfapi-python Documentation',
+ author, 'libgfapi-python', 'Python bindings for GlusterFS libgfapi',
+ 'Miscellaneous'),
+# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals.
+# texinfo_appendices = []
+# If false, no module index is generated.
+# texinfo_domain_indices = True
+# How to display URL addresses: 'footnote', 'no', or 'inline'.
+# texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote'
+# If true, do not generate a @detailmenu in the "Top" node's menu.
+# texinfo_no_detailmenu = False
diff --git a/doc/index.rst b/doc/index.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ff1263
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/index.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+This is the official python bindings for `GlusterFS <>`_
+libgfapi C library interface.
+Install from source:
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ git clone
+ $ cd libgfapi-python
+ $ sudo python install
+Example Usage
+.. code-block:: python
+ from gluster import gfapi
+ # Create virtual mount
+ volume = gfapi.Volume('', 'datavolume')
+ volume.mount()
+ # Create directory
+ volume.mkdir('dir1', 0755)
+ # List directories
+ volume.listdir('/')
+ # Create new file and write to it
+ with volume.fopen('somefile.txt', 'w+') as f:
+ f.write("Winter is coming.")
+ # Open and read file
+ with volume.fopen('somefile.txt', 'r') as f:
+ print
+ # Delete file
+ volume.unlink('somefile.txt')
+ # Unmount the volume
+ volume.unmount()
+API Reference
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+ api-reference
diff --git a/gluster/ b/gluster/
index c409f62..6fed798 100755
--- a/gluster/
+++ b/gluster/
@@ -43,6 +43,13 @@ _populate_mode_to_flags_dict()
class File(object):
def __init__(self, fd, path=None, mode=None):
+ """
+ Create a File object equivalent to Python's built-in File object.
+ :param fd: glfd pointer
+ :param path: Path of the file. This is optional.
+ :param mode: The I/O mode of the file.
+ """
self.fd = fd
self.originalpath = path
self._mode = mode
@@ -61,25 +68,44 @@ class File(object):
def fileno(self):
+ """
+ Return the internal file descriptor (glfd) that is used by the
+ underlying implementation to request I/O operations.
+ """
# TODO: Make self.fd private (self._fd)
return self.fd
def mode(self):
+ """
+ The I/O mode for the file. If the file was created using the
+ Volume.fopen() function, this will be the value of the mode
+ parameter. This is a read-only attribute.
+ """
return self._mode
def name(self):
+ """
+ If the file object was created using Volume.fopen(),
+ the name of the file.
+ """
return self.originalpath
def closed(self):
+ """
+ Bool indicating the current state of the file object. This is a
+ read-only attribute; the close() method changes the value.
+ """
return self._closed
def close(self):
Close the file. A closed file cannot be read or written any more.
Calling close() more than once is allowed.
+ :raises: OSError on failure
if not self._closed:
ret = api.glfs_close(self.fd)
@@ -88,13 +114,32 @@ class File(object):
raise OSError(err, os.strerror(err))
self._closed = True
- def discard(self, offset, len):
- ret = api.glfs_discard(self.fd, offset, len)
+ def discard(self, offset, length):
+ """
+ This is similar to UNMAP command that is used to return the
+ unused/freed blocks back to the storage system. In this
+ implementation, fallocate with FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE is used to
+ eventually release the blocks to the filesystem. If the brick has
+ been mounted with '-o discard' option, then the discard request
+ will eventually reach the SCSI storage if the storage device
+ supports UNMAP.
+ :param offset: Starting offset
+ :param len: Length or size in bytes to discard
+ :raises: OSError on failure
+ """
+ ret = api.glfs_discard(self.fd, offset, length)
if ret < 0:
err = ctypes.get_errno()
raise OSError(err, os.strerror(err))
def dup(self):
+ """
+ Return a duplicate of File object. This duplicate File class instance
+ encapsulates a duplicate glfd obtained by invoking glfs_dup().
+ :raises: OSError on failure
+ """
dupfd = api.glfs_dup(self.fd)
if not dupfd:
err = ctypes.get_errno()
@@ -112,6 +157,7 @@ class File(object):
:param mode: Operation to be performed on the given range
:param offset: Starting offset
:param length: Size in bytes, starting at offset
+ :raises: OSError on failure
ret = api.glfs_fallocate(self.fd, mode, offset, length)
if ret < 0:
@@ -123,6 +169,7 @@ class File(object):
Change this file's mode
:param mode: new mode
+ :raises: OSError on failure
ret = api.glfs_fchmod(self.fd, mode)
if ret < 0:
@@ -135,6 +182,7 @@ class File(object):
:param uid: new user id for file
:param gid: new group id for file
+ :raises: OSError on failure
ret = api.glfs_fchown(self.fd, uid, gid)
if ret < 0:
@@ -145,6 +193,8 @@ class File(object):
Flush buffer cache pages pertaining to data, but not the ones
pertaining to metadata.
+ :raises: OSError on failure
ret = api.glfs_fdatasync(self.fd)
if ret < 0:
@@ -170,6 +220,7 @@ class File(object):
If size is non-zero, it is assumed the caller knows
the size of xattr.
:returns: Value of extended attribute corresponding to key specified.
+ :raises: OSError on failure
if size == 0:
size = api.glfs_fgetxattr(self.fd, key, None, size)
@@ -193,6 +244,7 @@ class File(object):
If size is non-zero, it is assumed the caller knows
the size of the list.
:returns: List of extended attributes.
+ :raises: OSError on failure
if size == 0:
size = api.glfs_flistxattr(self.fd, None, 0)
@@ -229,13 +281,14 @@ class File(object):
:param key: The key of extended attribute.
:param value: The valiue of extended attribute.
- :param flags: Possible values are 0 (default), 1 and 2
- 0: xattr will be created if it does not exist, or the
- value will be replaced if the xattr exists.
- 1: Perform a pure create, which fails if the named
- attribute already exists.
- 2: Perform a pure replace operation, which fails if the
- named attribute does not already exist.
+ :param flags: Possible values are 0 (default), 1 and 2.
+ If 0 - xattr will be created if it does not exist, or
+ the value will be replaced if the xattr exists. If 1 -
+ it performs a pure create, which fails if the named
+ attribute already exists. If 2 - it performs a pure
+ replace operation, which fails if the named attribute
+ does not already exist.
+ :raises: OSError on failure
ret = api.glfs_fsetxattr(self.fd, key, value, len(value), flags)
if ret < 0:
@@ -247,6 +300,7 @@ class File(object):
Remove a extended attribute of the file.
:param key: The key of extended attribute.
+ :raises: OSError on failure
ret = api.glfs_fremovexattr(self.fd, key)
if ret < 0:
@@ -258,6 +312,7 @@ class File(object):
Returns Stat object for this file.
:return: Returns the stat information of the file.
+ :raises: OSError on failure
s = api.Stat()
rc = api.glfs_fstat(self.fd, ctypes.byref(s))
@@ -269,6 +324,8 @@ class File(object):
def fsync(self):
Flush buffer cache pages pertaining to data and metadata.
+ :raises: OSError on failure
ret = api.glfs_fsync(self.fd)
if ret < 0:
@@ -284,6 +341,7 @@ class File(object):
extended part reads as null bytes.
:param length: Length to truncate the file to in bytes.
+ :raises: OSError on failure
ret = api.glfs_ftruncate(self.fd, length)
if ret < 0:
@@ -301,6 +359,7 @@ class File(object):
to the current position and SEEK_END sets the position
relative to the end of the file.
:returns: the new offset position
+ :raises: OSError on failure
ret = api.glfs_lseek(self.fd, pos, how)
if ret < 0:
@@ -315,6 +374,7 @@ class File(object):
:param buflen: length of read buffer. If less than 0, then whole
file is read. Default is -1.
:returns: buffer of 'size' length
+ :raises: OSError on failure
if size < 0:
size = self.fgetsize()
@@ -339,7 +399,8 @@ class File(object):
it's invoked, readinto() copies data to an already allocated
buffer passed to it.
- Returns the number of bytes read (0 for EOF).
+ :returns: the number of bytes read (0 for EOF).
+ :raises: OSError on failure
if type(buf) is bytearray:
buf_ptr = (ctypes.c_ubyte * len(buf)).from_buffer(buf)
@@ -358,6 +419,7 @@ class File(object):
:param data: The data to be written to file.
:returns: The size in bytes actually written
+ :raises: OSError on failure
# creating a ctypes.c_ubyte buffer to handle converting bytearray
# to the required C data type
@@ -373,6 +435,13 @@ class File(object):
return ret
def zerofill(self, offset, length):
+ """
+ Fill 'length' number of bytes with zeroes starting from 'offset'.
+ :param offset: Start at offset location
+ :param length: Size/length in bytes
+ :raises: OSError on failure
+ """
ret = api.glfs_zerofill(self.fd, offset, length)
if ret < 0:
err = ctypes.get_errno()
@@ -422,11 +491,12 @@ class Volume(object):
:param log_level: Integer specifying the degree of verbosity.
Higher the value, more verbose the logging.
- TODO: Provide an interface where user can specify volfile directly
- instead of providing host and other details. This is helpful in cases
- where user wants to load some non default xlator on client side. For
- example, aux-gfid-mount or mount volume as read-only.
+ # TODO: Provide an interface where user can specify volfile directly
+ # instead of providing host and other details. This is helpful in cases
+ # where user wants to load some non default xlator on client side. For
+ # example, aux-gfid-mount or mount volume as read-only.
# Add a reference so the module-level variable "api" doesn't
# get yanked out from under us (see comment above File def'n).
self._api = api
@@ -451,11 +521,18 @@ class Volume(object):
def mounted(self):
+ """
+ Read-only attribute that returns True if the volume is mounted.
+ The value of the attribute is internally changed on invoking
+ mount() and umount() functions.
+ """
return self._mounted
def mount(self):
Mount a GlusterFS volume for use.
+ :raises: LibgfapiException on failure
if self.fs and self._mounted:
# Already mounted
@@ -493,6 +570,8 @@ class Volume(object):
Provides users a way to free resources instead of just waiting for
python garbage collector to call __del__() at some point later.
+ :raises: LibgfapiException on failure
if self.fs:
ret = self._api.glfs_fini(self.fs)
@@ -561,6 +640,7 @@ class Volume(object):
Change the current working directory to the given path.
:param path: Path to change current working directory to
+ :raises: OSError on failure
ret = api.glfs_chdir(self.fs, path)
if ret < 0:
@@ -572,8 +652,8 @@ class Volume(object):
Change mode of path
:param path: the item to be modified
- :mode: new mode
- :returns: 0 if success, raises OSError if it fails
+ :param mode: new mode
+ :raises: OSError on failure
ret = api.glfs_chmod(self.fs, path, mode)
if ret < 0:
@@ -584,10 +664,10 @@ class Volume(object):
Change owner and group id of path
- :param path: the item to be modified
- :param uid: new user id for item
- :param gid: new group id for item
- :returns: 0 if success, raises OSError if it fails
+ :param path: the path to be modified
+ :param uid: new user id for path
+ :param gid: new group id for path
+ :raises: OSError on failure
ret = api.glfs_chown(self.fs, path, uid, gid)
if ret < 0:
@@ -596,8 +676,10 @@ class Volume(object):
def exists(self, path):
- Test whether a path exists.
- Returns False for broken symbolic links.
+ Returns True if path refers to an existing path. Returns False for
+ broken symbolic links. This function may return False if permission is
+ not granted to execute stat() on the requested file, even if the path
+ physically exists.
@@ -607,15 +689,15 @@ class Volume(object):
def getatime(self, path):
- Returns the last access time as reported by stat
+ Returns the last access time as reported by stat()
return self.stat(path).st_atime
def getctime(self, path):
- Returns the time when changes were made to the path as reported by stat
- This time is updated when changes are made to the file or dir's inode
- or the contents of the file
+ Returns the time when changes were made to the path as reported by
+ stat(). This time is updated when changes are made to the file or
+ dir's inode or the contents of the file
return self.stat(path).st_ctime
@@ -634,15 +716,15 @@ class Volume(object):
def getmtime(self, path):
Returns the time when changes were made to the content of the path
- as reported by stat
+ as reported by stat()
return self.stat(path).st_mtime
- def getsize(self, filename):
+ def getsize(self, path):
- Return the size of a file, reported by stat()
+ Return the size of a file in bytes, reported by stat()
- return self.stat(filename).st_size
+ return self.stat(path).st_size
def getxattr(self, path, key, size=0):
@@ -656,6 +738,7 @@ class Volume(object):
If size is non-zero, it is assumed the caller knows
the size of xattr.
:returns: Value of extended attribute corresponding to key specified.
+ :raises: OSError on failure
if size == 0:
size = api.glfs_getxattr(self.fs, path, key, None, 0)
@@ -672,7 +755,8 @@ class Volume(object):
def isdir(self, path):
- Test whether a path is an existing directory
+ Returns True if path is an existing directory. Returns False on all
+ failure cases including when path does not exist.
s = self.stat(path)
@@ -682,7 +766,8 @@ class Volume(object):
def isfile(self, path):
- Test whether a path is a regular file
+ Return True if path is an existing regular file. Returns False on all
+ failure cases including when path does not exist.
s = self.stat(path)
@@ -692,7 +777,9 @@ class Volume(object):
def islink(self, path):
- Test whether a path is a symbolic link
+ Return True if path refers to a directory entry that is a symbolic
+ link. Returns False on all failure cases including when path does
+ not exist.
s = self.lstat(path)
@@ -702,8 +789,10 @@ class Volume(object):
def listdir(self, path):
- Return list of entries in a given directory 'path'.
- "." and ".." are not included, and the list is not sorted.
+ Return a list containing the names of the entries in the directory
+ given by path. The list is in arbitrary order. It does not include
+ the special entries '.' and '..' even if they are present in the
+ directory.
dir_list = []
d = self.opendir(path)
@@ -712,7 +801,7 @@ class Volume(object):
if not isinstance(ent, api.Dirent):
name = ent.d_name[:ent.d_reclen]
- if name not in [".", ".."]:
+ if name not in (".", ".."):
return dir_list
@@ -726,6 +815,7 @@ class Volume(object):
If size is non-zero, it is assumed the caller knows
the size of the list.
:returns: List of extended attribute keys.
+ :raises: OSError on failure
if size == 0:
size = api.glfs_listxattr(self.fs, path, None, 0)
@@ -761,6 +851,8 @@ class Volume(object):
Return stat information of path. If path is a symbolic link, then it
returns information about the link itself, not the file that it refers
+ :raises: OSError on failure
s = api.Stat()
rc = api.glfs_lstat(self.fs, path, ctypes.byref(s))
@@ -769,11 +861,17 @@ class Volume(object):
raise OSError(err, os.strerror(err))
return s
- def makedirs(self, name, mode=0777):
+ def makedirs(self, path, mode=0777):
- Create directories defined in 'name' recursively.
+ Recursive directory creation function. Like mkdir(), but makes all
+ intermediate-level directories needed to contain the leaf directory.
+ The default mode is 0777 (octal).
+ :raises: OSError if the leaf directory already exists or cannot be
+ created. Can also raise OSError if creation of any non-leaf
+ directories fails.
- head, tail = os.path.split(name)
+ head, tail = os.path.split(path)
if not tail:
head, tail = os.path.split(head)
if head and tail and not self.exists(head):
@@ -784,11 +882,14 @@ class Volume(object):
if tail == os.curdir:
- self.mkdir(name, mode)
+ self.mkdir(path, mode)
def mkdir(self, path, mode=0777):
- Create a directory
+ Create a directory named path with numeric mode mode.
+ The default mode is 0777 (octal).
+ :raises: OSError on failure
ret = api.glfs_mkdir(self.fs, path, mode)
if ret < 0:
@@ -803,9 +904,21 @@ class Volume(object):
and it does NOT invoke glibc's fopen and does NOT do any kind of
I/O bufferring as of today.
+ The most commonly-used values of mode are 'r' for reading, 'w' for
+ writing (truncating the file if it already exists), and 'a' for
+ appending. If mode is omitted, it defaults to 'r'.
+ Modes 'r+', 'w+' and 'a+' open the file for updating (reading and
+ writing); note that 'w+' truncates the file.
+ Append 'b' to the mode to open the file in binary mode but this has
+ no effect as of today.
:param path: Path of file to be opened
:param mode: Mode to open the file with. This is a string.
:returns: an instance of File class
+ :raises: OSError on failure to create/open file.
+ TypeError and ValueError if mode is invalid.
if not isinstance(mode, basestring):
raise TypeError("Mode must be a string")
@@ -834,8 +947,10 @@ class Volume(object):
:param flags: Integer which flags must include one of the following
access modes: os.O_RDONLY, os.O_WRONLY, or os.O_RDWR.
:param mode: specifies the permissions to use in case a new
- file is created.
- :returns: the raw glfd
+ file is created. The default mode is 0777 (octal)
+ :returns: the raw glfd (pointer to memory in C, number in python)
+ :raises: OSError on failure to create/open file.
+ TypeError if flags is not an integer.
if not isinstance(flags, int):
raise TypeError("flags must evaluate to an integer")
@@ -856,6 +971,7 @@ class Volume(object):
:param path: Path to the directory
:returns: Returns a instance of Dir class
+ :raises: OSError on failure
fd = api.glfs_opendir(self.fs, path)
if not fd:
@@ -865,10 +981,12 @@ class Volume(object):
def readlink(self, path):
- Read contents of symbolic link path.
+ Return a string representing the path to which the symbolic link
+ points. The result may be either an absolute or relative pathname.
:param path: Path of symbolic link
:returns: Contents of symlink
+ :raises: OSError on failure
PATH_MAX = 4096
buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(PATH_MAX)
@@ -880,17 +998,20 @@ class Volume(object):
def remove(self, path):
- Remove (delete) the file path. If path is a directory,
- OSError is raised.
+ Remove (delete) the file path. If path is a directory, OSError
+ is raised. This is identical to the unlink() function.
+ :raises: OSError on failure
return self.unlink(path)
def removexattr(self, path, key):
- Remove a extended attribute of the file.
+ Remove a extended attribute of the path.
:param path: Path to the file or directory.
:param key: The key of extended attribute.
+ :raises: OSError on failure
ret = api.glfs_removexattr(self.fs, path, key)
if ret < 0:
@@ -899,7 +1020,11 @@ class Volume(object):
def rename(self, src, dst):
- Rename the file or directory from src to dst.
+ Rename the file or directory from src to dst. If dst is a directory,
+ OSError will be raised. If dst exists and is a file, it will be
+ replaced silently if the user has permission.
+ :raises: OSError on failure
ret = api.glfs_rename(self.fs, src, dst)
if ret < 0:
@@ -911,6 +1036,8 @@ class Volume(object):
Remove (delete) the directory path. Only works when the directory is
empty, otherwise, OSError is raised. In order to remove whole
directory trees, rmtree() can be used.
+ :raises: OSError on failure
ret = api.glfs_rmdir(self.fs, path)
if ret < 0:
@@ -930,6 +1057,7 @@ class Volume(object):
to fail; and exc is the exception that was raised.
If ignore_errors is False and onerror is None, an
exception is raised
+ :raises: OSError on failure if onerror is None
if ignore_errors:
def onerror(*args):
@@ -963,6 +1091,8 @@ class Volume(object):
setfsuid() changes the value of the caller's filesystem user ID-the
user ID that the Linux kernel uses to check for all accesses to the
+ :raises: OSError on failure
ret = api.glfs_setfsuid(uid)
if ret < 0:
@@ -974,6 +1104,8 @@ class Volume(object):
setfsgid() changes the value of the caller's filesystem group ID-the
group ID that the Linux kernel uses to check for all accesses to the
+ :raises: OSError on failure
ret = api.glfs_setfsgid(gid)
if ret < 0:
@@ -987,13 +1119,15 @@ class Volume(object):
:param path: Path to file or directory.
:param key: The key of extended attribute.
:param value: The valiue of extended attribute.
- :param flags: Possible values are 0 (default), 1 and 2
- 0: xattr will be created if it does not exist, or the
- value will be replaced if the xattr exists.
- 1: Perform a pure create, which fails if the named
- attribute already exists.
- 2: Perform a pure replace operation, which fails if the
- named attribute does not already exist.
+ :param flags: Possible values are 0 (default), 1 and 2.
+ If 0 - xattr will be created if it does not exist, or
+ the value will be replaced if the xattr exists. If 1 -
+ it performs a pure create, which fails if the named
+ attribute already exists. If 2 - it performs a pure
+ replace operation, which fails if the named attribute
+ does not already exist.
+ :raises: OSError on failure
ret = api.glfs_setxattr(self.fs, path, key, value, len(value), flags)
if ret < 0:
@@ -1003,6 +1137,8 @@ class Volume(object):
def stat(self, path):
Returns stat information of path.
+ :raises: OSError on failure
s = api.Stat()
rc = api.glfs_stat(self.fs, path, ctypes.byref(s))
@@ -1015,6 +1151,14 @@ class Volume(object):
Returns information about a mounted glusterfs volume. path is the
pathname of any file within the mounted filesystem.
+ :returns: An object whose attributes describe the filesystem on the
+ given path, and correspond to the members of the statvfs
+ structure, namely: f_bsize, f_frsize, f_blocks, f_bfree,
+ f_bavail, f_files, f_ffree, f_favail, f_fsid, f_flag,
+ and f_namemax.
+ :raises: OSError on failure
s = api.Statvfs()
rc = api.glfs_statvfs(self.fs, path, ctypes.byref(s))
@@ -1026,6 +1170,8 @@ class Volume(object):
def symlink(self, source, link_name):
Create a symbolic link 'link_name' which points to 'source'
+ :raises: OSError on failure
ret = api.glfs_symlink(self.fs, source, link_name)
if ret < 0:
@@ -1036,8 +1182,7 @@ class Volume(object):
Delete the file 'path'
- :param path: file to be deleted
- :returns: 0 if success, raises OSError if it fails
+ :raises: OSError on failure
ret = api.glfs_unlink(self.fs, path)
if ret < 0:
@@ -1052,6 +1197,10 @@ class Volume(object):
touch on the path.) Otherwise, times must be a 2-tuple of numbers,
of the form (atime, mtime) which is used to set the access and
modified times, respectively.
+ :raises: OSError on failure to change time.
+ TypeError if invalid times is passed.
if times is None:
now = time.time()
@@ -1084,7 +1233,11 @@ class Volume(object):
dirpath is the path to the directory, dirnames is a list of the names
of the subdirectories in dirpath. filenames is a list of the names of
the non-directiry files in dirpath
+ :raises: OSError on failure if onerror is None
+ # TODO: Write a more efficient walk by leveraging d_type information
+ # returned in readdir.
names = self.listdir(top)
except OSError as err: